Abdomen Exam
Examination of the abdomen. Physical Assessment....
published: 31 May 2012
author: luzwiz
Abdomen Exam
Examination of the abdomen. Physical Assessment.
published: 31 May 2012
views: 47975
Ejercicicos abdomen bajo
published: 24 Jun 2009
author: VinceDelmonteMusculo
Ejercicicos abdomen bajo
abdomen training
this is a great vedio for training your abdominal muscla . it'll cost you only 8 min a day...
published: 25 Jun 2007
author: ammymsi
abdomen training
this is a great vedio for training your abdominal muscla . it'll cost you only 8 min a day but the result is marvellous contact me through email to show u the result of me vandamme_52001@yahoo.ocm
published: 25 Jun 2007
author: ammymsi
views: 253385
Abdomen - BD Chaurasia Anatomy Video
See full description for download link- Parts in this video: Boundaries of Abdominal Cavit...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: DrProdigious
Abdomen - BD Chaurasia Anatomy Video
See full description for download link- Parts in this video: Boundaries of Abdominal Cavity 00:15 Muscles of Abdominal Wall 01:37 Peritoneal Cavity 04:42 Stomach: 09:40 Duodenum 12:45 Jejunum and Ileum 13:55 Large Intestine 15:22 Liver 17:08 Gall Bladder 19:38 Pancreas 20:22 Spleen 21:51 Kidneys 23:30 Ureters 26:43 Inguinal Canal 27:52 Male Reproductive System 31:00 Female Reproductive System 35:08 These videos are from the CD provided with the IInd volume of BD Chaurasia Anatomy Textbook. Sorry for the pathetic quality of videos, but that's how they are in the original CD. I've tried to improve it a little bit using video enhancement and it is a little better that the original. Download this video- www.saveyoutube.com For more, visit- thelifesyndrome2.blogspot.com
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: DrProdigious
views: 5245
Abdominales en 8 minutos, entrenamiento para hacer abdominales perfectos
Abdominales en 8 minutos es el entrenamiento ideal para quemar grasa, y hacer abdominales ...
published: 04 Apr 2010
author: P4Pespanol
Abdominales en 8 minutos, entrenamiento para hacer abdominales perfectos
Abdominales en 8 minutos es el entrenamiento ideal para quemar grasa, y hacer abdominales perfectos. Esta tabla de ejercicios ha sido diseñada para trabajar específicamente la zona abdominal. Cualquier persona que desarrolle alguna actividad física con asiduidad puede realizarla, tanto hombres como mujeres.No hay ningún requisito particular para la realización de esta tabla, salvo saber con precisión cómo se ejecutan los diversos ejercicios que la componen.
published: 04 Apr 2010
author: P4Pespanol
views: 16133713
Cross sectional and imaging anatomy of the abdomen
Objectives: This video deals with the anatomy of abdominal viscera and walls as they appea...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: akramjfr
Cross sectional and imaging anatomy of the abdomen
Objectives: This video deals with the anatomy of abdominal viscera and walls as they appear in transverse anatomical sections and axial CT sections. The video begins with a transverse anatomical section at the level of T8 vertebra and continues down to the level of L5 vertebra. There is a special emphasis on sections at the level of T10, T12, L1, L3, & L4. The anatomical sections are arranged to match CT & MRI sections to provide better understanding of the imaging anatomy of the abdomen. The arrangement of abdominal structures is followed in (22) serial transverse sections of the abdomen and compared to 5 representative axial CT sections at different levels. The anatomical sections are selected from the Visible Human Project. For more information about this project refer to: www.nlm.nih.gov Five short video clips are inserted where necessary to explain 3-D relations necessary to understand the 2-D sections. Presented and edited by Dr. Akram Jaffar (PhD). Plastic model clips filmed by Parwiz Akbari (medical student). Filmed at College of Medicine/ University of Sharjah, UAE. 2012. This video and its channel are supported by "Human Anatomy Education" page on Facebook www.facebook.com After completion of this video session it is expected that you will be able to identify the approximate vertebral levels of transverse sections from T8-L5 vertebrae. The following structures are identified in transverse anatomical sections or CT axial sections: Vessels: Inferior vena cava (IVC ...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: akramjfr
views: 12504
Dr. Osama Kloub Medical Videos - Abdomen Examination - Medical Examination
# Abstract (Description) : # Complete examination of the abdomen including all the items: ...
published: 10 Jul 2010
author: KloubOsama
Dr. Osama Kloub Medical Videos - Abdomen Examination - Medical Examination
# Abstract (Description) : # Complete examination of the abdomen including all the items: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation # Tags: # abdomen exam # # Views: (15751) Duration: (00:08:10) Category: Medical Examination Uploaded: 10-05-08
published: 10 Jul 2010
author: KloubOsama
views: 183545
Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen: Laparoscopic Exploration and Repair of Small Bowel Injury
Authors: Harmik J. Soukiasian; Sergey Lyass; Theodore M. Khalili...
published: 26 Jun 2011
author: SAGESVideo
Gunshot Wound to the Abdomen: Laparoscopic Exploration and Repair of Small Bowel Injury
Authors: Harmik J. Soukiasian; Sergey Lyass; Theodore M. Khalili
published: 26 Jun 2011
author: SAGESVideo
views: 20571
Exercitii pentru Abdomen
Emilia Mezei instructoare aerobic-fitness/personal trainer. Comenzi DVD - 0749 94 80 68 - ...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: Emilia Mezei
Exercitii pentru Abdomen
Emilia Mezei instructoare aerobic-fitness/personal trainer. Comenzi DVD - 0749 94 80 68 - 0723 42 76 66 Pentru a stopa si a evita pe viitor fraudarea corespondentei electronice,va rog sa comandati telefonic. Va multumesc.
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: Emilia Mezei
views: 20543
Medical Show Complete examination of the abdomen
[Medical Show Examination] Complete examination of the abdomen including all the items: in...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: medicshow
Medical Show Complete examination of the abdomen
[Medical Show Examination] Complete examination of the abdomen including all the items: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. Subscribe www.youtube.com Blog medicalshow.blogspot.com Facebook www.facebook.com
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: medicshow
views: 729
Vimeo results:
Twitch, Ace Art Inc. (Winnipeg, Canada, 2003) - Frog: Experiments in Galvanism
Experiments in Galvanism is the culmination of studio and...
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: Garnet Hertz
Twitch, Ace Art Inc. (Winnipeg, Canada, 2003) - Frog: Experiments in Galvanism
Experiments in Galvanism is the culmination of studio and gallery experiments in which a miniature computer is implanted into the dead body of a frog specimen. Akin to Damien Hirst's bodies in formaldehyde, the frog is suspended in clear liquid contained in a glass cube, with a blue ethernet cable leading into its splayed abdomen. The computer stores a website that enables users to trigger physical movement in the corpse: the resulting movement can be seen in gallery, and through a live streaming webcamera.
(Video and description by Risa Horowitz)
URL: http://cons...
published: 07 Aug 2009
author: Javier Ernesto Flores Buisson
URL: http://consultoriomedicofloresmancora.es.tl/ ...
Si desea ver el parto completo, entrar a:
If you want to watch the complete birth enter to:
El Periodo de alumbramiento: se inicia al terminar la salida del feto y finaliza con la salida de la placenta y membranas ovulares. Las fuerzas que actúan en este periodo son las contracciones uterinas y la prensa abdominal de la mujer. La duración máxima es de 30 minutos. Tiene dos periodos:
-Desprendimiento: de la placenta y membranas. Con el nacimiento del niño el útero se vacía y sufre retracción para adaptarse a su menor contenido. Se produce una brusca disminución de su tamaño y un aumento de su grosor. Como consecuencia del acortamiento del cuerpo uterino, hay una importante reducción de la zona de inserción de la placentaria. Como la placenta carece de elasticidad, tiene que doblarse, con lo que se produce la separación y se forma un hematoma entre la placenta y la decidua del útero. El desprendimiento se produce a nivel de la decidua, quedando una parte de ella en el útero, a partir de la cual se regenerará el endometrio. Cuando la placenta está casi totalmente desprendida, se inicia el desprendimiento de membranas, que se produce por las contracciones del útero y por la tracción que ejerce la placenta.
El desprendimiento de la placenta se identifica cuando se observan los siguientes signos:
-Aparición de sangre oscura en la vagina.
-Descenso del cordón umbilical.
-Modificaciones del fondo del útero.
-Exteriorización placentaria.
Cuando sale el feto y se corta el cordón, queda una pinza hacia abajo, el desprendimiento de la placenta hace que esa pinza descienda hacia abajo y se produce una ligera hemorragia ( hemorragia del alumbramiento). Para que salga la mujer debe empujar un poco. La matrona debe elevar el cordón ( sin tirar) con una mano por encima del abdomen, se aprieta el abdomen un poco para ayudar. No se agarra la placenta, se deja que fluya, poniendo las manos por debajo, dejando que caiga por su propio peso. Cuando termina de salir hay que comprobar que las membranas están íntegras, que los cotiledones están completos. Existe un punteado blanquecino que son calcificaciones de la placenta, se hace vieja ( en la cara materna. Cuando estos punteados son zonas más amplias en la cara fetal, son infartos ( en la cara fetal se inserta el cordón).
-Expulsión: de la placenta y membranas. Su expulsión se produce como consecuencia de la presión ejercida por las paredes del útero, en el proceso de reducción de su tamaño, por las contracciones uterinas y por la prensa abdominal de la mujer.
Después del nacimiento del niño se produce una contracción tónica del útero, seguida de fuertes contracciones rítmicas que permiten la formación de las ligaduras vivientes de Pinard, mecanismo por el cual se cierran las boquillas vasculares de la zona de inserción placentaria, formándose así el globo de seguridad de Pinard. Este es un mecanismo fisiológico que asegura la hemostasia en el lecho placentario. El útero inmediatamente después del alumbramiento presenta a la palpación un grado de contractilidad intenso, se halla situado dos traveses de dedo por debajo del ombligo, ligeramente desplazado a la derecha y su tamaño y consistencia se asemejan a las de un puño cerrado. Al décimo día el útero ha regresado a la sínfisis del pubis. A la semana entre el ombligo y sínfisis púbica. Otros mecanismos de hemostasia son la activación fisiológica de los mecanismos de coagulación durante e inmediatamente después de la separación de la placenta y el recubrimiento con un capa de fibrina de la zona de inserción placentaria.
Birth: When the fetus is born, its placenta begins a physiological separation for spontaneous expulsion afterwards (and for this reason is also called the afterbirth). In humans, the umbilical cord is routinely clamped and severed prior to the delivery of the placenta, often within seconds or minutes of birth, a medical protocol known as 'active management of third stage' which has been called into question by advocates of natural birth and 'passive management of third stage'[7] The site of the former umbilical cord attachment in the center of the front of the abdomen is known as the umbilicus, navel, or belly-button.
Modern obstetric practice has decreased maternal death rates enormously. The addition of active management of the third stage of labor is a major contributor towards this. It involves giving oxytocin via IM injection, followed by cord traction to assist in delivering the placenta. Premature cord traction can pull the placenta before it has naturally detached from the uterine wall, resulting in hemorrhage.
Dance your PhD 2011: Smell mediated response to relatedness of potential mates
Winner of the Biology category of Dance your PhD 2011 by Science journal.
If you like this...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: Cedric Kai Wei Tan
Dance your PhD 2011: Smell mediated response to relatedness of potential mates
Winner of the Biology category of Dance your PhD 2011 by Science journal.
If you like this video, I'm sure you would also like this other video: https://vimeo.com/44808911
Individuals often migrate from their place of origin in a relatively slow pace. As such, related individuals frequently interact. Relatedness between two individuals is defined as the percentage of genes in those two individuals that are identical by common ancestry. My PhD project at University of Oxford focuses on the mechanisms through which relatedness affects sexual interactions of the common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster and the red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus.
Our dance depicts the social and sexual behavior of the common fruit fly. Fruit flies are attracted by the smell of rotting fruit where they collect, feed and interact. Males compete against one another for female mates. In addition, males perform a sequence of courtship behaviors. First, they tap and chase the females. Thereafter, they encircle the females while playing a song by vibrating their wings. Then, the males orient themselves at the rear of the females’ abdomen to lick their body. Finally, males attempt copulation. Females can reject the males’ advances with several responses such as flicking of wings and kicking.
This choreography also illustrates how male-male relatedness can reduce the intensity of male-male competition and affect female choice. When two males are related, they are predicted to show less aggression towards each other. Also, females preferentially mate with males that are related to the first mates because there might be immunological and survival costs associated with mating with males that are unrelated to their first mate. Furthermore, we demonstrate the importance of smell in mediating the recognition of relatedness.
Sex and the Shekinah Glory
Some things really get us excited. Having a baby is always an exciting time. You want to t...
published: 23 Nov 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Sex and the Shekinah Glory
Some things really get us excited. Having a baby is always an exciting time. You want to tell the world. As they grow and reach major milestones, we love to share with our friends, even strangers you meet at the grocery store.
Some things we don’t like talking about. We feel uncomfortable. Our faith in Christ is sometimes difficult to talk about. We have it, but we don’t know how to express it. Sex is another one of those things we just don’t talk about very much. It makes most of us uncomfortable. In fact people that talk openly and honestly about sex make us uncomfortable. So I will make most of you uncomfortable at some point this morning.
The truth is, what I am about to share with you God has been working in my heart as I have been working on my marriage relationship with my wife, as I make those strides to enter the winter of my married life with as much excitement as I did when we were first together. Some of the things I will discuss God had already revealed to me before I read “Sacred Marriage” Others, He has really opened my eyes to.
My “talk” with you this morning comes from a firm conviction that God is Lord of every aspect of our life. And because God is Lord of every aspect, He wants to be involved in everything we do. Everything. So let’s ask Him to open our hearts and eyes to how marvelous He is, and how marvelous a creation we are. Let’s do this before we have the dreaded “TALK”.
I. Communion With the Shekinah Glory
The Ark of the Testimony was constructed with two cherubim of hammered gold, who faced each other and touched wings. In this joining of the two, Exodus 25:22 records, “There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the Testimony, I (God) will meet with you”.
God’s presence “between the cherubim” became a very popular Old Testament image.
1 Samuel 4:4 “The Lord Almighty, who is enthroned between the cherubim”
Psalm 80:1 “Hear us, O Shepherd of Israel…you who sit enthroned between the cherubim”
Isaiah 37:16 “O Lord Almighty, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim”.
Hebrews 9:5 “Above the ark were the cherubim of the Glory”
The Glory of God comes to us as the two beings are being joined. God dwells in the midst of this coming together.
Indeed, the basis of communion with God is always His glory. At the mercy seat we have fellowship with God. We are shadowed by the cherubim of glory. There is the Glory of God because the shed blood has made our forgiveness possible. Through the Blood God can show mercy without violating His glory. He can commune with man without violating himself.
When I commune with God at His mercy seat, it is not on the precious blood I gaze, but on His glory. The veil has been stripped away. Sinful man can behold the glory of God. The Strict Law of God has met the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. We are at one and at peace with this awesome Holy God.
Most of our holiest moments have been alone with God. We simply do not know how to enter into this intimacy with others. I can count on two hands times when I have gazed on the Glory of God in communion with others. This is very, very sad, because Jesus revealed a very important truth that the church has forgotten, and marriages have forgotten. We may know it, but we rarely experience it.
Jesus said true Christianity is meant to be shared in intimacy with God. In Matt 18:19-20 Christ offered this glimpse at the Glory of God:
Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Most of us quote this verse and believe it is a “formula” for getting God to do what we want. One of us will pray, another will say “Yes, I agree” and we expect God to do what we ask. But we miss the true meaning of this verse because we miss what Jesus was revealing:
1. You must be gathered “synagō” – Someone has led you together, it is passive, an outside force has brought you together.
2. You must be in “symphōneō”—in harmony, as an orchestra of many instruments come together to play the same note. This implies and requires an intimacy of heart and spirit.
There will be rare times where God brings people together because of a shared pain or trial, and through mutual love for each other and a mutual reaching to God, you pray together in complete trust and complete faith for what God is going to do.
Most of the time when we come together in pray, someone is wondering how long this will go on, someone will be thinking about food, someone will be thinking ‘God doesn’t care about this’ and so there is no moving together in symphony. This type of prayer is no formula; it is a work of the Holy Spirit. Just as the 120 disciples prayed for weeks before Pentecost, it took that long for them to finally come together in total agreement.
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Youtube results:
Workout Routines : Back, Waist & Lower Abdomen Toning Exercises
In order to tone the back, waist and lower abdomen, try doing reverse hyperextension and a...
published: 07 Mar 2009
author: eHowFitness
Workout Routines : Back, Waist & Lower Abdomen Toning Exercises
In order to tone the back, waist and lower abdomen, try doing reverse hyperextension and a figure-eight exercise for the low abs. Find out how to reduce waist size in the oblique area with help from a fitness trainer in this free video on exercises and working out.
published: 07 Mar 2009
author: eHowFitness
views: 93890
Surface anatomy of the abdomen
Objectives: After completion of this video session it is expected that the students will b...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: akramjfr
Surface anatomy of the abdomen
Objectives: After completion of this video session it is expected that the students will be able to understand the: • Planes and regions of the anterior abdominal wall -- The nine regions of the anterior abdominal wall -- Subcostal plane, transpyloric plane, transtubercular plane, interspinous plane, right and left lateral planes. -- The four quadrants of the anterior abdominal wall -- Abdominal viscera located within the abdominal regions. • Surface anatomy of the diaphragm. • Structures related to the transpyloric plane. • Dermatomes of anterior abdominal wall • Surface markings of the fundus of gallbladder and the base of vermiform appendix. Presented and edited by Dr.Akram Jaffar (PhD). Filmed by Mr Nasser Zahra (Lab technician). Filmed at College of Medicine/ University of Sharjah, 2012. This video and its channel are supported by "Human Anatomy Education" page on Facebook www.facebook.com
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: akramjfr
views: 5889
Abdomen Definido - Como Conseguir
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: ramonbemloko0
Abdomen Definido - Como Conseguir
NO FACEBOOK www.facebook.com CURTAMMM !!! WWW.PROFISSAOHOMEM.BLOGSPOT.COM.BR ACESSE JÁ E FAVORITE ! * INSCREVA-SE E CLIQUE EM GOSTEI * ____________________________________ Abdomen Definido
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: ramonbemloko0
views: 34633