The STEREOBLADE is the prototype of an automateable microphone bar and with it the solution for numerous problems with live transmissions and stereo recordings. With the STEREOBLADE sound engineers receive for the first time the possibility to try out different microphone positions without having to leave for it the listening place. Differences in sound can be compared so directly and be judged on a real-time basis. With an intuitively working remotesoftware the most stereo techniques can be placed in current time. Besides, the system allows millimetre-exact positioning of the microphones by manual input. Inclination, opening corner and capsule distance of the microphones can be started numerically and if necessary be stored away directly as a Preset. The Stereoblade is in the essentials a carrier system which is compatible with adaptors and fixtures for most microtypes. The user thereby has the possibility to carry out a perfect microphone placement. ...and yes, the current prototype is still too large and unwieldy. Currently we are working to make it smaller. You are sound engineer, audio Engineer, microphone manufacturer.... and would like to test the STEREOBLADE (maybe with your own microphones)? Write us! info (at) audiofachwerk (dot) de