
Shamans of the Blind Country (1981) Part.1
www.imdb.com Rare documentary about magical healing in the Himalayas. Directed by Michael ...
published: 01 Feb 2011
Author: BgTraveler
Shamans of the Blind Country (1981) Part.1
www.imdb.com Rare documentary about magical healing in the Himalayas. Directed by Michael Oppitz. The film explores in fascinating detail the Great Inner Asian Tradition of shamanism, as preserved in the secluded society of the Northern Magar in Central West Nepal. Part One focuses on the sumptuous rituals performed by the Magar shamans during their night-long seances. Their methods of diagnosis and treatment, their techniques of possession and their ritual journeys, undertaken to recover the fugitive souls of their patients, are all encoded in a rich, symbolic language of signs and gestures. Part Two concentrates on the transmission of the shaman's profession; following successive tests of aptitude and initiation rites, a shaman (male or female) is born on a conifer tree, the tree of life, during a lavish three-day ceremony. West German filmmaker Michael Oppitz (who dedicates his film to Maya Deren) attempts to recreate the ethnographer's experience visually: what are at first seemingly incomprehensible images and sequences gradually take on meaning as the takes become longer and the film approaches real time. Mythical songs, in which all present-day activities of Magar healers are codified, are at the core of Magar religious life and determine its ethos, which in essence is epic.

Seeds for the Soul: East/West Diffusion of Domesticated Grains
Michael D. Frachetti speaks on the East/West Diffusion of Domesticated Grains along the In...
published: 23 May 2011
Author: pennmuseum
Seeds for the Soul: East/West Diffusion of Domesticated Grains
Michael D. Frachetti speaks on the East/West Diffusion of Domesticated Grains along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor at the Silk Road Symposium held at the Penn Museum held in March 2011. Inner Asia has commonly been conceived as a region of Nomadic societies surrounded by agricultural civilizations throughout Antiquity. Societies of China, SW Asia, and Eastern Europe each developed agriculture in the Neolithic, while the earliest evidence for agriculture from the Eurasian steppe shows it was not a major part of local economies until the Iron Age (c. 700 BC). Newly discovered botanical evidence of ancient domesticated wheat and millet at the site of Begash in Kazakhstan, however, show that mobile pastoralists of the steppe had access to domesticated grains already by 2300 BC and that they were likely essential to the diffusion of wheat into China, as well as millet into SW Asia and Europe in the mid-3rd millennium BC. Currently, Begash provides the only directly dated botanical evidence of these crisscrossed channels of interaction. Whatsmore, the seeds from Begash were found in a ritual cremation context rather than domestic hearths. This fact may suggest that the earliest transmission of domesticated grains between China and SW Asia was sparked by ideological, rather than economic forces. This paper describes the earliest known evidence of wheat in the Eurasian steppes and explores the extent of ritual use of domesticated grains from China to SW Asia, across the Inner <b>...</b>

Nachyn Choodu - xomus (khomus) solo
Nachyn Choodu of the ensemble Alash www.alashensemble.com plays a xomus (jaw harp) solo at...
published: 13 Oct 2009
Author: jbubley
Nachyn Choodu - xomus (khomus) solo
Nachyn Choodu of the ensemble Alash www.alashensemble.com plays a xomus (jaw harp) solo at the Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC. August 8, 2009

Alash - Bashtak-la Deesh Meni Kanchaar?
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Bashtak-la Deesh Meni Kanchaar? (I'm a Joker) liv...
published: 10 May 2009
Author: jbubley
Alash - Bashtak-la Deesh Meni Kanchaar?
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Bashtak-la Deesh Meni Kanchaar? (I'm a Joker) live at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery. April 28, 2007. Filmed by John Gilliam.

Kırgız Mistik Müziği /Kyrgyz Spiritual Music
Konya Mystic Music Festival 8th Edition / 8. Festival, Sept 22-30 Eylül, 2011 Se...
published: 12 Sep 2011
Kırgız Mistik Müziği /Kyrgyz Spiritual Music
Konya Mystic Music Festival 8th Edition / 8. Festival, Sept 22-30 Eylül, 2011 Sept 28th / 28 Eylül - Kırgızistan / Kyrgyzstan Tengir Too Kırgız Mistik Müziği / Kyrgyz Spiritual Music Spiritual Music of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz music is rooted in the sensibility of nomads who inhabit a spectacular landscape of mountains, lakes, and pristine grasslands, where the elemental energies of wind, water, and echo, the ubiquity of birds and animals, and the legendary feats of heroes have inspired a remarkable art and technology of sound-making. Kyrgyz musicians venerate sites of spiritual power, called mazars, marked by distinctive natural phenomena: a spring or cave, a unique geological formation, or a botanical oddity, such as a grove of trees amid a landscape of barren steppe. These sites often correspond to the burial place of a saint, thus physically linking veneration of saints with offerings to spirits. An important genre within Kyrygyz Music is the epic storytelling. Recitation of epics, especially the Manas, an epic of almost 500000 lines, narrating the life and adventures of the national hero Manas is a very common traditional performance. The spiritual power of "mazars" has served as a vital locus of inspiration for the Manas reciters. Through visits to mazars, they seek contact with the spirit of the hero. Instrumental genres also play a large role in Kyrgyz music. At the heart of these genres is the music known in Kyrgyz language, as küü. Whatever their subject, küüs rely on <b>...</b>

Asian Inner Beauty
Bring Male Beauty to Life the Asian Way - Starring Hồ Vĩnh Khoa This is a proje...
published: 11 Jun 2011
Author: Hieu Mckenzie
Asian Inner Beauty
Bring Male Beauty to Life the Asian Way - Starring Hồ Vĩnh Khoa This is a project for a client in Singapore. with the tightest deadline I ever had. It took 30 hours from Pre-Production to Post Production. I was so happy that the client liked it. Following is the brief for this project: "Mr. B Mr. B is a traditional guy with a no-nonsense grooming style—a gentleman whose main concern is presenting himself in a professional manner that demonstrates respect for himself and others. Guided by a strong moral compass, Mr B is traditional in his beliefs and values order and control. His unselfish and humble service to others adds true meaning to his life. He works hard at his career, methodically setting short- and long-term goals, because that's what professionals do. His style is classic and understated, driven by traditional standards of what he believes to be good grooming practice so that he looks always "presentable", that is well-groomed and clean at all times. Shaving is the central part of his focused grooming routine, simply because of the clean and refined end result and because he likes to feel fresh and re- energized. Mr B likes to look clean and professional so that he can feel respected." Your work is to bring it to life as an Asian from your cultural perspective. Create a 30 to 60 seconds video or animation that shows an "Asian Mr.B" in his own world. Who is he? How does his day look like? What does he do? What is his beauty routine? Your "Asian Mr.B" must be <b>...</b>

Richard Bulliet - History of the World to 1500 CE (Session 17) - Inner and East Asia, 400-1200
Topic: Inner and East Asia, 400-1200 Speaker: Richard Bulliet Date: 10/29/2010 Course numb...
published: 06 Nov 2010
Author: columbiauniversity
Richard Bulliet - History of the World to 1500 CE (Session 17) - Inner and East Asia, 400-1200
Topic: Inner and East Asia, 400-1200 Speaker: Richard Bulliet Date: 10/29/2010 Course number: W3902 Course title: World History to 1500 CE School: Columbia College Session 17 (11/4/10)

Sony NEX-5 with SLR Magic 35 1.7 lens - Asia 2010/11 (music: Apex - Inner Space)
A little video I knocked together of a recent trip to Hong Kong and Thailand. Music by Ape...
published: 10 Feb 2011
Author: Milo Johnson
Sony NEX-5 with SLR Magic 35 1.7 lens - Asia 2010/11 (music: Apex - Inner Space)
A little video I knocked together of a recent trip to Hong Kong and Thailand. Music by Apex, track called Inner Space - available now from: www.redeyerecords.co.uk download.breakbeat.co.uk www.chemical-records.co.uk www.7digital.com

Trading The Asian Session - Inner Circle Trader
Inner Circle Trader outlines Trading the Asian Session in Forex....
published: 11 Mar 2012
Author: InnerCircleTrader
Trading The Asian Session - Inner Circle Trader
Inner Circle Trader outlines Trading the Asian Session in Forex.

Exploring The Asian Range - Inner Circle Trader
Inner Circle Trader introduces the importance of the Asian Range in Forex....
published: 11 Mar 2012
Author: InnerCircleTrader
Exploring The Asian Range - Inner Circle Trader
Inner Circle Trader introduces the importance of the Asian Range in Forex.

Alash - Bashtak Joke, Live at the Quick
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Bashtak Joke, a humorous song that features fast-talk...
published: 08 Mar 2009
Author: jbubley
Alash - Bashtak Joke, Live at the Quick
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Bashtak Joke, a humorous song that features fast-talking, a device often used in the Tuvan oral tradition. The teasing lyrics play with alliteration as the singer insists on his right to be silly. This video was recorded live at the Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield, CT on December 12, 2008. Alash appeared at the Quick with Bela Fleck & the Flecktones to promote the Flecktones' Grammy-winning CD "Jingle All Way." Alash appear as guest artists on the CD. Video by Sam Anderson.

Vedas and human DNA. Arkaim - the cradle or Aryan Civilization I
For original go to - www.youtube.com ARKAIM - THE SWASTIKA CITY, TEMPLE, SUPER OBSERVATORY...
published: 10 Apr 2010
Author: RusskayaImperia
Vedas and human DNA. Arkaim - the cradle or Aryan Civilization I
For original go to - www.youtube.com ARKAIM - THE SWASTIKA CITY, TEMPLE, SUPER OBSERVATORY & CRADLE OF ARYAN CIVILIZATION The ancient Slavic Aryan horizon observatory (and fortified settlement) near Magnitogorsk, (Siberia) RUSSIA, dated by conventional methods as 5500 years old - (in reality pre ~12000 BC Aryan site, which was rebuilt many times during different stages of history). The latest carbon dating shows the age of ARKAIM ARTIFACTS as ~3500-4000 BC. ARKAIM has a form of two inscribed circle walls - 170 and 85 meters in diameter, with 60 houses: 35 between the circles and 25 in inner circle. Many sizes of the buildings are incredible precise astronomical quantities and sizes. ARAKIM is much older than the Stonehenge. The latitude of the ARAKIM placement is the same as STONEHENGE. Site currently surrounded by deliberate silence from the Western academic community who would like the idea of rewriting history with admission that everything we know is built on hoaxes? HISTORICAL FACTS - A FORGOTTEN ARYAN RACE: Perhaps 100000 years ago or more, a great star-gazing Ice Age people lived in the Arctic region, at that time a temperate zone, before migrating south to Inner Asia as conditions changed and the great ice sheets melted. There, in a fertile land - paradise, these unknown sages (ARYANS) became the core of a Ural-Altaic race that continued to evolve over the millennia, improving the stock of primitive humanity by intermarriage, developing cosmological sciences and <b>...</b>

Bela Fleck & the Flecktones with Alash live at the Quick
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones www.flecktones.com performed live with the Tuvan throat si...
published: 25 Dec 2008
Author: jbubley
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones with Alash live at the Quick
Bela Fleck & the Flecktones www.flecktones.com performed live with the Tuvan throat singing group Alash http at the Quick Center for the Arts, Fairfield, CT on December 12, 2008. They were performing Dyngyldai/What Child Is This? from their new CD "Jingle All the Way," which won a Grammy for Best Pop Instrumental. Video by Sam Anderson.

Alash - Kozhumak, live at Barbes in Brooklyn, New York
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Kozhumak at Barbes in Brooklyn, New York. December 18...
published: 26 Dec 2008
Author: jbubley
Alash - Kozhumak, live at Barbes in Brooklyn, New York
Alash www.alashensemble.com performs Kozhumak at Barbes in Brooklyn, New York. December 18, 2008. Video by Sam Anderson.
Vimeo results:

Directed by Indira Cesarine
Starring Victoria Zuban @ Profile Models & Do...
published: 29 Mar 2011
Author: Studio Cesarine
Directed by Indira Cesarine
Starring Victoria Zuban @ Profile Models & Dominika Szijartoova @ Premier Models
Edited by Anders Bramsen & Indira Cesarine
Music by B.N.Wuertz from Hanschenklein
Styling by Indira Cesarine
Hair By Craig Marsden @ Carol Hayes, London
Makeup by Carol Brown @ DWM, London
Manicure by Kim Treacy @ Naked Management
Special Thanks to Blow PR, Sunbeam Studios, John Parkinson Agency, Carol Hayes Management, DWM Management
Photo / Video Assistant Robin Turner
Futurists (5:36) directed by Indira Cesarine, is a video art / fashion film starring Victoria Zuban and Dominika Szijartoova. A futuristic take on a voyeuristic reality through the eyes of the subject of the voyeur, looking back at her audience that watches her through surveillance… Featuring the hats of designer Zara Gorman, and music by B.N. Wuertz from Hanschenklein. Editing by Anders Bramsen and Indira Cesarine, with hair by Craig Marsden and makeup by Carol Brown.
Directed by Indira Cesarine for XXXX Magazine's Voyeur Issue
Premiered at The Voyeur Exhibit, Art Basel Miami December 2010, celebrating XXXX Magazine's 3rd Issue, sponsored by American Friends of The Louvre, Miami Art Museum Contemporaries and Quintessentially. Additional screenings include the XXXX Voyeur Launch in NY at Studio Cesarine in Tribeca + Video installation at Provocateur at the Gansevoort Hotel, February 2011 and video installation at Matignon for XXXX Magazine's Fashion Week celebration in Paris, March 2011.
Contributor's Bios:
Indira Cesarine
Touted as a “photographic child prodigy”, Indira Cesarine’s first solo exhibition was at the age of 16 at the Paul Mellon Arts Center. By the time she graduated high school she had exhibited 4 one-woman shows of her photographic work. While finishing a triple major in Art History, French Literature and Women’s Studies at Columbia University, she began shooting for a variety of top modeling agencies including Elite, Ford and Wilhelmina Models. Once she finished her degree, she went to London to pursue her interests in photography and journalism. Within 6 months of arriving in London, she was appointed Editor at Large of the British magazine “Don’t Tell It”, and began shooting editorials for many magazines and clients in England, the US and Europe.
Over the years her work has sparked the interest of some of the world’s top creative directors, having been commissioned for British Vogue, GQ, Glamour, Marie Claire, Tatler, The Times, Grazia, Harper's Bazaar, In Style, L’Officiel as well as many other international publications and advertising campaigns. She is currently represented internationally with agents in New York, London and Milan.
Her career as a director began with her first short film, “City of Love” being featured at Cannes Film Festival in 2007. Since then she has directed, produced and edited numerous short films while maintaining an active career as a photographer. In 2009 she produced and launched the multimedia publication XXXX MAGAZINE, showcasing original multimedia productions of fashion and video art films.
In January 2010, her work was exhibited in a solo show in Paris at Visionairs Gallery, presenting large scale photographic images juxtaposed with her video art productions she directed for XXXX Magazine. Other recent exhibits include: The “Voyeur” Exhibit, Art Basel Miami, celebrating XXXX Magazine's 3rd issue, sponsored by Miami Art Museum Contemporaries, American Friends of the Louvre and Quintessentially, December 2010; Motion Deconstructed Exhibit with Quintessentiallly Art, New York, June 2010; "Soiree Au Louvre" Video Art Installation at the French Embassy, June 2010; Matignon, Paris Fashion Film Video Installation March 2011, New York Fashion Shorts at the Tribeca Grand, September 2009; London Fashion Shorts at Machine–A Gallery in February 2010; View Imaging exhibit, New York, December 2009; and The Distorted Beauty Show, April 2010. Her photography has also been chosen to appear in Dolce and Gabanna’s 20th Anniversary book curated by Fabien Baron.
Indira and her work have been featured internationally on TV shows such as E! TV, Fashion TV, Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition, HBO’s Special “Ford Supermodel of the World”, MTV, ‘HIGH SOCIETY’ and “Make me a Supermodel” UK and US editions.
Victoria Zuban
Dominica Szijartoova
Anders Bramsen
Anders Bramsen, born 1974, is a Danish video artist and film editor.
Since 1996, Bramsen has created a number of experimental films, art house documentaries, dramatic shorts and video installations. His pictures have been shown on national Danish TV (DR2) and at New York City film festivals and art venues, including the Brooklyn International Film Festival (Brooklyn Museum of Art), Anthology Film Archives, Galapagos Art Space, DUMBO Arts Center and Sca

Directly north of (ie behind) Haghia Sophia are the walls shielding the imperial enclave o...
published: 14 Jan 2011
Author: istanbulcityguide.com
Directly north of (ie behind) Haghia Sophia are the walls shielding the imperial enclave of Topkapý Palace. Part command centre for a massive military empire, part archetypal Eastern pleasure dome, the palace was the hub of Ottoman power for more than three centuries, until it was superseded by the Dolmabahçe Palace in 1853. In terms of lavish decor and exquisite siting, it rivals Granada's Alhambra and beats hands down almost anything else in Europe. At least half a day is needed to explore the place fully, although given the high admissions you might want to take a full day over it to get your money's worth. If pushed for time, the must-see elements are the Harem, Imperial Treasury and the views from the fourth and innermost courtyard.
Entrance is via the Imperial Gate (Bab-i Hümayun), erected by the Sultan Fatih in 1478 and decorated with niches that during Ottoman times were used to display the severed heads of rebels and criminals. The gate leads into the first of a series of four courts that become more private the deeper into the complex you penetrate. The First Court was public and not considered part of the palace proper. It housed a hospital and dormitories for the palace guards, hence the popular name, Court of the Janissaries. Off to the left is the church of Haghia Irene (Aya Irini Kilisesi), built by Justinian and thus a contemporary of Haghia Sophia. It has the distinction of being the only pre-Ottoman-conquest church in the city that was never turned into a mosque. Closed most of the time, the church serves as a concert venue during the International Istanbul Music Festival.
Still in the First Court, down the hill to the left, is the superb Archaeological Museum, but the palace proper is entered through the Disneyesque gate ahead. Tickets can be bought on the right, just before you reach the gate, beside the Executioner's Fountain, where the chief axeman washed his blade after carrying out his grisly work. The heads of his victims were also displayed on top of the truncated columns that stand on either side of the fountain.
A semi-public space, the enormous Second Court is where the business of running the empire was carried out. This is where the viziers of the imperial council sat in session in the divan, overlooking gardens landscaped with cypresses, plane trees and rose bushes. Where once there would have been crowds of petitioners awaiting their turn for an audience, nowadays there are queues lined up waiting to get in to the Harem , an introverted complex of around 300 brilliantly tiled chambers on several levels, connected by arcaded courts and fountain gardens. Unfortunately, access is severely limited: you must wait to join a group that leaves every half-hour and is led through no more than a dozen chambers by an official guide. It's not the ideal way to see the place - locked in a crowd and herded around - but it's the only way. Tickets are sold separately, from a window located beside the Harem entrance.
Around from the Harem ticket window, a low brick building topped by shallow domes is the former State Treasury, present home of an exhibition of arms and armour, interesting for the contrast between cumbersome, bludgeonly European swords and the lighter, more deadly-looking Ottoman model. Across the gardens, a long row of ventilation chimneys punctuates the roof line of the enormous kitchens, which catered for up to 5,000 inhabitants of the palace.
They now contain a collection of ceramics, glass and silverware, much of it originating from China and Japan and imported via Central Asia along the legendary Silk Route. The earliest pieces are Chinese celadon, particularly valued by the sultans because it was supposed to change colour when brought into contact with poison.
All paths in the Second Court converge on the Gate of Felicity (Bab-üs Saadet), which serves as the backdrop every year for a performance of Mozart's Abduction From the Seraglio - again, part of the International Istanbul Music Festival. The gate also gives access to the Third Court.
The Third Court was the holy of holies, the sultan's private domain. Confronting all who enter is the Audience Chamber (Arz Odasý), which is where, until it was supplanted in the role by the Sublime Porte , foreign ambassadors would present their credentials. Although the sultan would be present on such occasions, he would never deign to speak with a non-Turk and all conversation was conducted via the grand vizier.
Off to the right is the Hall of the Campaign Pages (Seferli Koðuþu), whose task it was to look after the royal wardrobe. They did an excellent job: there's a perfectly preserved 550-year-old, red-and-gold silk kaftan worn by Mehmet II, conqueror of Constantinople.
Things get even more glittery next door in the Imperial Treasury (Hazine). Many of the items here were made specifically for the palace by a team of court artisans, which at its height numbered over 600. A lot of what's displayed here has never left

COK COK Cravings of Kane by Malga Kubiak attention only Second Half!
Cravings of Kane by Malga Kubiak attention only Second Half!
published: 06 Mar 2010
Author: missmess film
COK COK Cravings of Kane by Malga Kubiak attention only Second Half!
Cravings of Kane by Malga Kubiak attention only Second Half!
post modern cut up from works by Sarah Kane
regi & script Malga Kubiak
assistant George Graham
editing, post production Martinez Marcin Stanislaw Goralski
camera Martinez Marcin Stanislaw Goralski, Maksym Matuszewski, Attila Koveshdi, Malga Kubiak
cast Agata Mocarska, Agata Lukasiak, Agnieszka Somosar, Ania Tomczynska, Asia Goldstein, Ewa Solonia, Fairyboy Lumière, Grzegorz Grynka, Jacek Andrzejewski, Jagoda Kaszkowiak, Kasia Jaskiewicz, Kasia Szustow, Kasia Zawistowska, Krystian Legierski, Lukasz Chotkowski, Maciek Poreba, Marta Boros, Mariola Przyjemska, Megii Nowak-Solkowska, Natalia Andrzejewski, Paul Edler von Krepl, Sarmen Beglarian, Sylwia Szymaniak, Roku, Robert Girit Urbaniak, Ryszard Marciniewski, Tomek Biernacki, Teresa Tyszowiecka, Vianna Ascencio
costumes nurses & police Agnieszka Somosar
costumes military Maciek Poreba
music Sonic Angels, Martinez, Karkowski, Jed Speer, Paul Edler von Krepl, Martinez & Miss Mess
The Ego Trip Label 2005
post modern cut ups from drama of Sarah Kane kept in a gangster/detective/crime manner, shot off hand, trashed & messy. Film by Kubiak is the contrary to the Kane theater plays if worked out in every detail. There is not theatrical pain or suicide, sex, or crime. Film Kubiak is the notification of her very personal fight with Sarah texts, slashing, scratching without rehearsal, cutting through the very sudden documentation. Fragments of Kanes texts, private conversations, in the telephones, a real arresting of Kubiak during the shot by the Warsaw Police. Cravings.. is the para-documentary variation, the fresh inner fight of Kane to Kane, but also personal interpretation by Malga Kubiak
Agata Godlewska f Lifestyle
Its how I see the society. U could think that if at the beginning there is a victim, a dead body, the corps, we suppose to search the assassin, the murderer. In my story there is no assassin, the society is the killer, the guilty one and the only responsible for the crime.
Society took Sarah Kane life. She was all, she suffered of maniacal depressions, yet its us, the society who carry the guilt. As the society is made of human beings and not the phantoms.
Kubiak f Agata Godlewska
"Cravings of Kane" cut-up'y z dramatów Sarah Kane jak "Oczyszczeni" czy "4.48 Psychosis" utrzymane w kryminalnym klimacie, kręcone z ręki, planowo niedopracowane i brudne. Film Kubiak to zaprzeczenie dotychczasowych interpretacji sztuk Kane. Nie ma wypracowanego warsztatowo bólu czy scen samobójstwa, seksu, zbrodni. To zapis szarpania się Kubiak z tekstami Sarah, rozdrapywanie ich bez prób, i zapisywanie ich na taśmie "na gorąco". Fragmenty Kane, sceny spoza planu, prywatne rozmowy, telefony, prawdziwe aresztowanie Kubiak podczas kręcenia filmu przez warszawską policję. Paradokumentalna wariacja jaką jest "Cravings..." to świeży zapis wewnętrzych walk Kane z sobą samą, ale i dość dowolna ich interpretacja Małgi Kubiak.
Agata Godlewska dla Lifestyle
Historia o tym, jak widzę społeczeństwo.
Pozornie skoro na początku jest morderstwo i ofiara, to szuka się tego mordercy. Opowiadam historię o tym, że mordercy faktycznie nie ma, i że odpowiedzialność za morderstwa ponosi całe społeczeństwo i układ, jaki w nim panuje.
Społeczeństwo wykończyło Sarah Kane. Była chora, miała depresję maniakalną, ale to my, społeczeństwo, ponosimy za to odpowiedzialność. Bo składa się ono z ludzi, a nie fantomów.
Kubiak dla Lifestyle
kto gra glowna role w COK?
glowna role gra smierc.
Kubiak dla Exclusive

The New Central Asia - Inner Compass
Afghanistan was a flourishing center of trade for 2,500 years. If the area can again prosp...
published: 26 Oct 2009
Author: Calvin College
The New Central Asia - Inner Compass
Afghanistan was a flourishing center of trade for 2,500 years. If the area can again prosper through the sharing of resources and ideas, there will be room for stability and peace. January Series guest S. Frederick Starr of the Central Asia-Caucusus Institute at Johns Hopkins University tells guest host June Hamersma why there is hope for such a development.
Youtube results:

Cheap Date (Cover) - Lateeya
embracing my inner asian with the uke ye ye for maikee and mica since this song reminds me...
published: 23 Jul 2011
Author: caitlynicolem
Cheap Date (Cover) - Lateeya
embracing my inner asian with the uke ye ye for maikee and mica since this song reminds me of them, hahaha i didn't do the bridge or whatever since i'm lazy i barely knew the song asfvjsdbcs enjoy!

GökTürk-Türük Bil-Kök Türük
GökTürk-Türük Bil-Kök Türük en.wikipedia.org The Gö...;
published: 30 Jan 2011
Author: TurkishIsTurkic
GökTürk-Türük Bil-Kök Türük
GökTürk-Türük Bil-Kök Türük en.wikipedia.org The Göktürks or Kök Türks, (Old Turkic: Türük[2][3] or Kök Türük[2][3] or Türük;[4] Celestial Turks)[5] were a nomadic confederation of medieval Inner Asia. Known in Chinese sources as 突厥(Modern Chinese: Pinyin: Tūjué, Wade-Giles: T'u-chüeh, Middle Chinese (Guangyun): dʰuət-kĭwɐt), the Göktürks under the leadership of Bumin Qaghan (d. 552) and his sons succeeded the Rouran as the main power in the region and took hold of the lucrative Silk Road trade. The Göktürks became the new leading element amongst the disparate steppe peoples in Central Asia, after they rebelled against the Rouran Khaganate. Under their leadership, the Turkic Khaganate rapidly expanded to rule huge territories in Central Asia. From 552 to 745, Göktürk leadership bound together the nomadic Turkic tribes into an empire, which eventually collapsed due to a series of dynastic conflicts

Mongolia 2003 1st 3rd
Mongolia as I saw it in 2003....
published: 25 Aug 2009
Author: matia1919
Mongolia 2003 1st 3rd
Mongolia as I saw it in 2003.

Shamans of the Blind Country (1981) Part.2
Rare documentary about magical healing in the Himalayas. Directed by Michael Oppitz. The f...
published: 03 Feb 2011
Author: BgTraveler
Shamans of the Blind Country (1981) Part.2
Rare documentary about magical healing in the Himalayas. Directed by Michael Oppitz. The film explores in fascinating detail the Great Inner Asian Tradition of shamanism, as preserved in the secluded society of the Northern Magar in Central West Nepal. Part One focuses on the sumptuous rituals performed by the Magar shamans during their night-long seances. Their methods of diagnosis and treatment, their techniques of possession and their ritual journeys, undertaken to recover the fugitive souls of their patients, are all encoded in a rich, symbolic language of signs and gestures. Part Two concentrates on the transmission of the shaman's profession; following successive tests of aptitude and initiation rites, a shaman (male or female) is born on a conifer tree, the tree of life, during a lavish three-day ceremony. West German filmmaker Michael Oppitz (who dedicates his film to Maya Deren) attempts to recreate the ethnographer's experience visually: what are at first seemingly incomprehensible images and sequences gradually take on meaning as the takes become longer and the film approaches real time. Mythical songs, in which all present-day activities of Magar healers are codified, are at the core of Magar religious life and determine its ethos, which in essence is epic.