
Iliad's mobile user numbers soar
www.euronews.com New French mobile phone operator Iliad said it has signed up 2.6 million ...
published: 15 May 2012
Iliad's mobile user numbers soar
www.euronews.com New French mobile phone operator Iliad said it has signed up 2.6 million customers since launching its super cheap service in mid-January. The buzz around Iliad's 'Free Mobile' offers also allowed it to recruit 191000 new customers to its core broadband internet service. Iliad touched off a price war forcing its established rivals - France Telecom, Vivendi's SFR, and Bouygues Telecom - to spend heavily to try to retain customers. Iliad's shares rose after it reported a better-than-expected 29 percent rise in first-quarter revenue to 655.7 million euros. The new mobile business brought in some 97.5 million euros. Analysts say Iliad will eventually turn France into one of the toughest markets in Europe. Iliad's Free Mobile launched in mid-January with a 19.99 euros per month offer, which includes unlimited calls, texts and mobile Internet up to 2 gigabytes. It also created a two euros a month package of one hour of calls and 60 texts, which it gives away for free to its broadband clients. Beyond offering lower prices, Free Mobile also established a different business model than its larger rivals: its customers pay for their own mobiles and can leave whenever they want, forgoing the traditional generous mobile subsidies that operators give on smartphones with one or two-year contracts. Find us on: Youtube bit.ly Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter twitter.com
published: 15 May 2012

Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 1
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press confe...
published: 23 Mar 2009
Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 1
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press conference. The Q&A session was filmed by www.universfreebox.com and subtitled in English by http
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: Fiberevolution

Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 2
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press confe...
published: 23 Mar 2009
Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 2
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press conference. The Q&A session was filmed by www.universfreebox.com and subtitled in English by http
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: Fiberevolution

Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 3
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press confe...
published: 24 Mar 2009
Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 3
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press conference. The Q&A session was filmed by www.universfreebox.com and subtitled in English by http
published: 24 Mar 2009
author: Fiberevolution

Mobile war undermines France Telecom's profit
www.euronews.net France Telecom has said it will reduce its dividend payments to sharehold...
published: 22 Feb 2012
Mobile war undermines France Telecom's profit
www.euronews.net France Telecom has said it will reduce its dividend payments to shareholders this year and is putting off a promised buyback of shares. It blamed that on a mobile phone price war with rival Iliad. Since Iliad launched its ultra low-cost mobile offers in January, chief financial officer Gervais Pellissier said France Telecom has lost over 200000 customers. France Telecom's revenues and operating profits deteriorated last year but not more than was expected.
published: 22 Feb 2012
author: Euronews

Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 5
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press confe...
published: 28 Mar 2009
Free (Iliad) 2008 AR Press Conference Pt 5
March 19th, 2009: Free, the disruptive French broadband altnet held its annual press conference. The Q&A session was filmed by www.universfreebox.com and subtitled in English by http
published: 28 Mar 2009
author: Fiberevolution

Telecoms turmoil in France
www.euronews.com France Telecom suffered an 8.1 percent fall in operating profit and sales...
published: 03 May 2012
Telecoms turmoil in France
www.euronews.com France Telecom suffered an 8.1 percent fall in operating profit and sales slipped in the first quarter of the year. It, and the other established French phone companies, are facing stiff competition with the launch of Iliad 's low-cost Free Mobile. The former state-owned monopoly lost 615000 clients between January and March but said the haemorrhaging has slowed. First-quarter revenue was down 1.8 percent to 10.92 billion euros, that compared with a forecast for 10.81 billion. It was helped by a deal to carry Free Mobile's traffic while the new player builds its network. The price war sparked by Free Mobile has changed France from being one of Europe's more profitable markets to one of the toughest. Margins have been forecast to fall to the mid-20s percent - akin to the competitive British market - from the mid-to-high 30s. France Telecom, Vivendi's SFR and Bouygues Telecom are having to spend heavily to retain customers, and two of the three have scaled back dividend pledges. France Telecom itself has cut prices, pushed its low-cost brand Sosh, and offered all-inclusive bundles of mobile, fixed, TV and internet. *Bouygues buys Dartybox* French mobile phone and broadband operator Bouygues is to buy Dartybox paying 40 million euros. That is the telecoms business of household appliances chain Darty which is part of struggling British retailer Kesa. As part of the deal Kesa will continue to get some revenue from existing and future subscribers. *New boss at <b>...</b>
published: 03 May 2012
author: Euronews

Maxime Lombardini
Maxime Lombardini, le Directeur général du groupe Iliad, la maison mè...
published: 22 Jun 2009
Maxime Lombardini
Maxime Lombardini, le Directeur général du groupe Iliad, la maison mère de l'opérateur internet Free qui vient de fêter son 10ème anniversaire, au coeur des enjeux télécom, Internet et télévision.
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: linvite

France Telecom (FTE)
Le titre de France Telecom stagne malgré un fort rendement, le rebond est-il enfin ...
published: 15 Jun 2011
France Telecom (FTE)
Le titre de France Telecom stagne malgré un fort rendement, le rebond est-il enfin pour bientôt ? Retrouvez l'analyse boursière d'Igor de Maack, Gérant, DNCA Finance. À la fin de la vidéo, un conseil d'achat ou de vente.
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: fortuneo

Vous êtes des Pigeons ! Episode 2
www.facebook.com Le 10 Janvier 2012 Xavier Niel annonçcait le prix des forfaits FRE...
published: 30 Jan 2012
Vous êtes des Pigeons ! Episode 2
www.facebook.com Le 10 Janvier 2012 Xavier Niel annonçcait le prix des forfaits FREE MOBILE Lors de cette conférence le PDG d'illiad déclara Vous etes des pigeons et vous le savez cette phrase a fait beaucoup de mal aux autres opérateurs mais elle a aussi choqué une communauté LES PIGEONS voici la suite
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: dynamoetv

Free Mobile vs Les 3 Frères!!
Lundi 09 janvier 2012, les 3 frères Orange, SFR et Bouygues débarquent dans ...
published: 16 Jan 2012
Free Mobile vs Les 3 Frères!!
Lundi 09 janvier 2012, les 3 frères Orange, SFR et Bouygues débarquent dans les bureaux de Free pour trouver un arrangement avant le lancement de l'offre de la filiale du groupe Iliad dans le mobile. Un détournement bien sympa signé Loucathis !
published: 16 Jan 2012
author: Unitedman82

Free Mobile: Bouygues Télécom devant l'Assemblé Nationale 1/2
Le Directeur Général de Bouygues Télécom, Olivier Roussat, &ea...;
published: 28 Feb 2012
Free Mobile: Bouygues Télécom devant l'Assemblé Nationale 1/2
Le Directeur Général de Bouygues Télécom, Olivier Roussat, était auditionné aujourd'hui par la commission des affaires économiques de l'Assemblé Nationale, au sujet de la polémique qui avait éclaté concernant les obligations de Free de couvrir 27% de la population française et dont certains operateurs historiques doutent. L'occasion pour le responsable de Bouygues Telecom de régler ses comptes avec le Xavier Niel, le patron D'Iliad. goo.gl
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: guilltes

Konkurrenz von France Telecom wird stärker
de.euronews.com France Telecom hat im ersten Quartal die zunehmende Konkurrenz zu schaffen...
published: 03 May 2012
Konkurrenz von France Telecom wird stärker
de.euronews.com France Telecom hat im ersten Quartal die zunehmende Konkurrenz zu schaffen gemacht. Vorsteuergewinn und Umsatz gingen zurück. Im Januar war in Frankreich mit Iliad ein vierter Mobilfunkbetreiber gestartet. Die Jahresfinanzprognose bekräftigte France Telecom dennoch. Der operative Cashflow soll 2012 knapp acht Milliarden Euro erreichen, nach 9,3 Milliarden Euro im Vorjahr. Der Umsatz ging um 2,8 Prozent auf 10,1 Milliarden Euro zurück. Analysten hatten allerdings 120 Millionen Euro weniger erwartet. Unterdessen verstärkte sich die direkte Konkurrenz von France Telecom. So übernimmt Bouygues Telecom die Tochter des Elektrohändlers Darty. Darty Telecom verfügt über 340.000 Abonennten, 40.000 davon im Mobilfunk. Als Teil des Deals werden Bouygues-Produkte in den mehr als 200 Fialialen Dartys angeboten. bleiben sie bei uns : YouTube: bit.ly Facebook : www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com
published: 03 May 2012
author: euronewsde

Free Mobile: Bouygues Télécom devant l'Assemblé Nationale 2/2
Le Directeur Général de Bouygues Télécom, Olivier Roussat, &ea...;
published: 28 Feb 2012
Free Mobile: Bouygues Télécom devant l'Assemblé Nationale 2/2
Le Directeur Général de Bouygues Télécom, Olivier Roussat, était auditionné aujourd'hui par la commission des affaires économiques de l'Assemblé Nationale, au sujet de la polémique qui avait éclaté concernant les obligations de Free de couvrir 27% de la population française et dont certains operateurs historiques doutent. L'occasion pour le responsable de Bouygues Telecom de régler ses comptes avec le Xavier Niel, le patron D'Iliad. goo.gl
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: guilltes
Youtube results:

Vivendi warns on tough times ahead
www.euronews.net Vivendi has slashed its dividend payments to shareholders in anticipation...
published: 01 Mar 2012
Vivendi warns on tough times ahead
www.euronews.net Vivendi has slashed its dividend payments to shareholders in anticipation of what it says will be two difficult years. Europe's largest entertainment and telecoms group is forecasting its profit will not grow in that time as it wrestles with tougher competition in the French mobile phone market. It said group adjusted net profit would fall to a little over 2.5 euros this year, down from a record 2.95 billion last year. Vivendi's home market is being rocked by a price war after new player Iliad launched ultra low-cost mobile offers in mid-January. The group's SFR telecom business has since lost roughly 208000 subscribers, a similar number to France Telecom, and Vivendi predicted the unit's core profit would drop by up to 15 percent this year. Responding to the new reality, Vivendi said it would reduce the dividend paid to investors on last year's results to 1.00 euro per share from an unchanged 1.40 euros a year ago, with shareholders also receiving one share for every 30 owned. Vivendi did achieve a 9.4 percent rise in group adjusted net income in 2011, helped by its GVT Brazilian telecom and Activision Blizzard video game units.
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Euronews

France Telecom (FTE)
L'arrivée du nouveau concurrent Iliad sur le marché de la tél&eac...;
published: 25 Mar 2011
France Telecom (FTE)
L'arrivée du nouveau concurrent Iliad sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile, doit-il faire craindre pour le titre France Télécom ? Retrouvez l'analyse boursière d'Alain Crouzat, Président, Montségur Finance. A la fin de la vidéo, un conseil d'achat ou de vente.
published: 25 Mar 2011
author: fortuneo

France : l'offre mobile de Free casse les prix
fr.euronews.net Le forfait internet et téléphonie mobile dévoil&eacut...;
published: 10 Jan 2012
France : l'offre mobile de Free casse les prix
fr.euronews.net Le forfait internet et téléphonie mobile dévoilé par Free, l'opérateur français du groupe Iliad, n'a pas déçu les afficionados de la marque : à 19 euros et 99 centimes le forfait internet et mobile illimité (appels, textos, MMS), Free casse une nouvelle fois les prix. La réaction des trois autres opérateurs français : Orange, SFR et Bouygues Telecom, est désormais très attendue.
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: euronewsfr