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ORLEN - film promocyjny
Tankowanie #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen
[27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon
Orlen Trains
Weekend PKN Orlen
kierowca na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen
PKN Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe
Orlen Gaz - film korporacyjny
Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
Meeting Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011
ORLEN Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video
ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights


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ORLEN - film promocyjny
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:56
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013

ORLEN - film promocyjny

Check out our website and facebook profile! Produkcja - Wiernik Pro.
  • published: 12 Oct 2011
  • views: 1095
  • author: WiernikPro - film promocyjny
Tankowanie #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:41
  • Updated: 21 Nov 2012

Tankowanie #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen

Eurosuper 95. #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen
[27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:53
  • Updated: 02 May 2012

[27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon

Zostań fanem Dziadka Hieronima na Facebooku! Muzyka: Camburn - Broadway Song Revamped Legalne źródło: Obróbka Nagrania & Montaż Filmu: Telefon w wykonaniu nastolatka, o pseudonimie na YouTube 'Dziadek Hieronim'. Głos nie jest masterowany, ale naśladowany, oryginalnie. Zapraszam do oceny, oraz komentarzy i rozsyłania filmiku znajomym - Pomóż się rozpromować! UWAGA! NAGRANIA MAJĄ JEDYNIE CEL HUMORYSTYCZNY! NIE MAJĄ NA CELU NIKOGO OBRAŻAĆ, ZASTRASZAĆ ITP! JEŚLI KTOŚ POCZUŁ SIĘ URAŻONY NAGRANIEM - PRZEPRASZAM!
  • published: 02 May 2012
  • views: 1915[27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon
Orlen Trains
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Orlen Trains

2 pierwsze ujęcia krótkie i kiepskiej jakości, gdyż wszędobylska Orlen Ochrona wyłania się z okolicznych zakamarków zawsze w najmniej odpowiedniej chwili, 3 ...
  • published: 17 Aug 2011
  • views: 1614
  • author: mgrokrutny Trains
Weekend PKN Orlen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Updated: 21 Feb 2013

Weekend PKN Orlen

nie najedzone chłopaki wbijają na Orlen po hot dogi i zastają weekend party :P. PKN Orlen
kierowca na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:19
  • Updated: 21 Mar 2013

kierowca na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen

podziękowania dla miłej obsługi stacji Orlen, mimo środka nocy. W dzisiejszych czasach to wybiórcza rzadkość.
  • published: 21 Mar 2013
  • views: 73 na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen
PKN Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013

PKN Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe

5 grudnia PKN Orlen otworzył w Gdańsku pierwszy Meeting Point Stop Cafe zaprojektowany przez Janusza Kaniewskiego. Podróżni w komfortowych warunkach mogą odb...
  • published: 06 Dec 2011
  • views: 2944
  • author: Briefpl Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe
Orlen Gaz - film korporacyjny
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 12 Sep 2012

Orlen Gaz - film korporacyjny

Film korporacyjny, podsumowujący wyniki Spółki Orlen Gaz w roku 2011. Animacja wykonana w technice wektorowej 2D. Podobne realizacje do obejrzenia na naszej ...
  • published: 09 Nov 2011
  • views: 839
  • author: SQMstudio Gaz - film korporacyjny
Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:29
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!

Michał Kądzioła i Michał Makowski na zakończenie pokazowego meczu o 3 miejsce. Już teraz zapraszamy na Mistrzostwa Świata:
  • published: 20 Aug 2012
  • views: 1206977
  • author: TVworldtour tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
Meeting Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 15 Apr 2013

Meeting Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011

Z Leszkiem Kurnickim, dyrektorem wykonawczym ds. marketingu, PKN Orlen i Januszem Kaniewskim projektantem, Kaniewski Haute Design rozmawiamy o idei, inspirac...
  • published: 09 Dec 2011
  • author: Briefpl Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011
ORLEN Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:21
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

ORLEN Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video
ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:24
  • Updated: 30 Aug 2013

ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights

„ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally" organizatoriai pristato 2013-ųjų metų džentelmeniško vairavimo, klasikinių automobilių ir motociklų ralio vaizdo siužetą. Jame užfiksuotos gražiausi 260 km ilgio kelionės akimirkos.
  • published: 30 Aug 2013
  • views: 2488 Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights
Pila Orlen kradziez portfela Policja
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:58
  • Updated: 25 Oct 2012

Pila Orlen kradziez portfela Policja

Pila stacja orlen, 23.12.2011. ukradziono mi portfel, co widac na kamerach ze stacji. Za rozpoznanie osoby w czapce na filmie wyznaczam nagrode, szczegoly na...
  • published: 26 Jan 2012
  • views: 555
  • author: jalapenos80 Orlen kradziez portfela Policja
Vytenis Ališauskas ir Karman Ghia | Orlen Lietuva Classic Rally 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 21 Aug 2013

Vytenis Ališauskas ir Karman Ghia | Orlen Lietuva Classic Rally 2013

„ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally" dalyvių portretų serijoje sutinkame Vytenį Ališauską, kurio garaže snaudžia vienas ryškesnių „Volkswagen" markės automobilių visoje ilgoje jų istorijoje. Tai -- „Karmann Ghia" kupė. Klasika čia:
  • published: 21 Aug 2013
  • views: 1284 Ališauskas ir Karman Ghia | Orlen Lietuva Classic Rally 2013
  • ORLEN - film promocyjny
    ORLEN - film promocyjny
  • Tankowanie #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen
    Tankowanie #1 - Stacja Paliw Orlen
  • [27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon
    [27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dziadek Hieronim - Telefon
  • Orlen Trains
    Orlen Trains
  • Weekend PKN Orlen
    Weekend PKN Orlen
  • kierowca na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen
    kierowca na chłodni tankowanie stacja Orlen
  • PKN Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe
    PKN Orlen z innowacyjnym Meeting Point Stop Cafe
  • Orlen Gaz - film korporacyjny
    Orlen Gaz - film korporacyjny
  • Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
    Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Legendarny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
  • Meeting Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011
    Meeting Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyznacza trendy, BriefCafe 09.12.2011
  • ORLEN Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video
    ORLEN Warsaw Marathon 2013 - official video
  • ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights
    ORLEN Lietuva Classic Rally | 2013 Highlights
  • Pila Orlen kradziez portfela Policja
    Pila Orlen kradziez portfela Policja
  • Vytenis Ališauskas ir Karman Ghia | Orlen Lietuva Classic Rally 2013
    Vytenis Ališauskas ir Karman Ghia | Orlen Lietuva Classic Rally 2013

ORLEN - film promocyjny

Check out our website and facebook profile! Produkcja - Wiernik Pro.
  • published: 12 Oct 2011
  • views: 1095
  • author: WiernikPro

ORLEN - film pro­mo­cyjny
Check out our web­site and face­book pro­file! http://​www.​wiernik.​pl http://​www.​facebook.​com/...​
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2011
au­thor: WiernikPro
Tankowanie #1 - Stac­ja Paliw Orlen
Eu­ro­su­per 95....
pub­lished: 21 Nov 2012
au­thor: BrombergDrivers
[27] ORLEN, Drogo i do Dupy - Dzi­adek Hi­eron­im - Tele­fon
Zostań fanem Dzi­ad­ka Hi­eron­i­ma na Face­booku! http://​facebook.​com/​DziadekHieronimFanpage M...
pub­lished: 02 May 2012
Orlen Trains
2 pier­wsze ujęcia krótkie i kiep­skiej jakości, gdyż wszędobyl­s­ka Orlen Ochrona wyłania się...
pub­lished: 17 Aug 2011
au­thor: mgrokrut­ny
Week­end PKN Orlen
nie na­jed­zone chłopaki wbi­jają na Orlen po hot dogi i za­s­tają week­end party :P....
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2013
au­thor: Ma­teusz Kowal
kierow­ca na chłodni tankowanie stac­ja Orlen
podziękowa­nia dla miłej obsługi stacji Orlen, mimo środka nocy. W dzisiejszych cza­sach to ...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2013
PKN Orlen z in­nowa­cyjnym Meet­ing Point Stop Cafe
5 grud­nia PKN Orlen ot­worzył w Gdańsku pier­wszy Meet­ing Point Stop Cafe za­pro­jek­towany prz...
pub­lished: 06 Dec 2011
au­thor: Brief­pl
Orlen Gaz - film ko­r­po­ra­cyjny
Film ko­r­po­ra­cyjny, pod­sumowujący wyni­ki Spółki Orlen Gaz w roku 2011. An­i­mac­ja wyko­nana w ...
pub­lished: 09 Nov 2011
au­thor: SQM­stu­dio
Ona tu jest i tańczy dla mnie - Leg­en­darny finał Mazury ORLEN Grand Slam Stare Jabłonki 2012 !!
Michał Kądzioła i Michał Makows­ki na zakończe­nie poka­zowego meczu o 3 miejsce. Już teraz z...
pub­lished: 20 Aug 2012
au­thor: TV­world­tour
Meet­ing Point Stop Cafe, czyli jak Orlen wyz­nacza trendy, Brief­Cafe 09.12.2011
Z Leszkiem Kur­nickim, dyrek­torem wykon­awczym ds. mar­ketingu, PKN Orlen i Januszem Kaniewsk...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2011
au­thor: Brief­pl
ORLEN War­saw Marathon 2013 - of­fi­cial video
pub­lished: 22 Apr 2013
ORLEN Li­etu­va Clas­sic Rally | 2013 High­lights
„ORLEN Li­etu­va Clas­sic Rally" or­ga­ni­za­to­ri­ai pris­ta­to 2013-ųjų metų džen­tel­meniško vairavi...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2013
Pila Orlen kradziez port­fela Polic­ja
Pila stac­ja orlen, 23.12.2011. ukradziono mi port­fel, co widac na kam­er­ach ze stacji. Za r...
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2012
au­thor: jalapenos80
Vyte­nis Ališauskas ir Kar­man Ghia | Orlen Li­etu­va Clas­sic Rally 2013
„ORLEN Li­etu­va Clas­sic Rally" da­lyvių portretų ser­i­jo­je sutinkame Vytenį Ališauską, kurio ...
pub­lished: 21 Aug 2013
Youtube results:
pawi.​pl - Wisła Płock - AHB Mont­pel­li­er - Cham­pi­ons Ligue Qual­i­fy­ing - Orlen Arena Płock HD DOP­ING!
2013-09-01, Orlen Arena Płock, Poland - Pho­tos: http://​pawi.​pl/​2013/​09/​01/​wisla-plock-ahb-...​
pub­lished: 01 Sep 2013
Orlen War­saw Marathon 2013 (long)
Punk­tu­al­nie o 9:30 w niedzielę tysiące za­wod­ników w cz­er­wonych koszulkach ORLEN War­saw Mar...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
ORLEN GAZ lid­erem branży LPG
ORLEN GAZ lid­erem branży LPG....
pub­lished: 05 Jun 2012
au­thor: or­lengaz
ORLEN War­saw Marathon - Pode­jmij wyzwanie!
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2013
photo: European Community / John Walker
Main falls of Mosi-oa-Tunya or Victoria Falls
Edit News24
28 Nov 2013
....(size: 0.1Kb)
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino
Pope Francis arrives on his pope-moblie for his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013.
Edit Business Insider
28 Nov 2013
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Pope Francis took on the issue of high youth unemployment in his first interview aired exclusively in his home country of Argentina on Wednesday, warning that today's "throwaway culture" had discarded a generation of young Europeans ... "Today we are living in unjust international system in which 'King Money' is at the center," he said in the interview ... He is the first South American pope ... Copyright 2013....(size: 10.3Kb)
photo: AP / Felipe Dana
Actor Paul Walker speaks to media members as he arrives to attend the premiere of the film Fast Five in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Friday April 15, 2011.
Edit Baltimore Sun
01 Dec 2013
Actors, artists and celebrities reacted late Saturday to the  death of "The Fast and the Furious" actor Paul Walker, who along with another man was killed in a single-car crash in the Santa Clarita Valley. Sheriff's officials said speed was a factor in the accident. Walker’s "Fast and Furious" co-star Vin Diesel posted this to Instagram.. therealvindiesel Brother I will miss you very much. I am absolutely speechless....(size: 3.5Kb)

Edit noodls
29 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  PKN ORLEN's subsidiary - ORLEN Ksiegowosc - has purchased bonds issued by PKN ORLEN ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby announces that in order to optimise the management of financial liquidity within the ORLEN Capital Group, on 29 November 2013 PKN ORLEN issued short term bonds to its subsidiary, ORLEN Ksiegowosc Sp ... ("ORLEN Ksiegowosc")....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit noodls
29 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  PKN ORLEN's subsidiary - ORLEN Koltrans - has purchased bonds issued by PKN ORLEN ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that in order to optimise the management of financial liquidity within the ORLEN Capital Group, on 29 November 2013 PKN ORLEN issued short term bonds to its subsidiary, ORLEN Koltrans Sp ... ("ORLEN Koltrans")....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit noodls
29 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  PKN ORLEN's subsidiary - ORLEN Transport - has purchased bonds issued by PKN ORLEN ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that in order to optimise the management of financial liquidity within the ORLEN Capital Group, on 29 November 2013 PKN ORLEN issued short term bonds to its subsidiary, ORLEN Transport S.A.  ("ORLEN Transport")....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit noodls
29 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  Transactions in PKN ORLEN shares concluded by the person in a close relationship with the member of the PKN ORLEN Supervisory Board ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka ... This noodl was issued by PKN Orlen SA and was initially posted at 1.4Kb)
Edit noodls
29 Nov 2013
(Source. WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange SA). 2013-11-29 12.02.33 ING BANK N.V. (Communiqué). Communiqué. of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board. of 27 November 2013. (WSE Main Market). In accordance with the Resolution 1362/2013 of 27 November 2013, on 28 November 2013 on the WSE Parallel Market shall be introduced to exchange trading structured certificates issued by ING Bank N.V ... No. ISIN code ... 1 ... 15 000 ... 2 ... POLSKI KONCERN NAFTOWY ORLEN S.A....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit noodls
28 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  Registration of PKN ORLEN series D bonds in KDPW ... This noodl was issued by PKN Orlen SA and was initially posted at 0.8Kb)
Edit noodls
27 Nov 2013
(Source. WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange SA). 2013-11-27 14.38.52 ING BANK N.V. (Resolution No. 1361/2013). Resolution No. 1361/2013. of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board. dated 27 November 2013. concerning the admission to exchange trading on the WSE Main Market. of structured certificates issued by ING BANK N.V. § 1 ... § 2. This Resolution shall come into force on the date of adoption ... dated 27 November 2013 ... POLSKI KONCERN NAFTOWY ORLEN S.A....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit noodls
27 Nov 2013
(Source. WSE - Warsaw Stock Exchange SA). 2013-11-27 14.40.55 ING BANK N.V. (Resolution No. 1362/2013). Resolution No. 1362/2013. of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board. dated 27 November 2013. concerning the introduction to exchange trading in the WSE Main List of. structured certificates issued by ING BANK N.V. § 1 ... § 2. This Resolution shall come into force on the date of adoption ... dated 27 November 2013 ... POLSKI KONCERN NAFTOWY ORLEN S.A....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  PKN ORLEN's subsidiary - Ship-Service - has purchased bonds issued by PKN ORLEN ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that in order to optimise the management of financial liquidity within the ORLEN Capital Group, on 26 November 2013 PKN ORLEN issued short term bonds to its subsidiary, Ship-Service S.A....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit Bloomberg
26 Nov 2013
Trafigura Beheer BV and Total SA withdrew bids for North Sea Ekofisk grade. Iraq plans to cut Basrah Light crude shipments by 9.4 percent in December, a loading program obtained by Bloomberg News showed ... There were no bids or offers for Russian Urals blend in the Platts pricing window. North Sea. Trafigura withdrew bids to buy Ekofisk for Dec. 17 to Dec ... 11 to Dec ... Polish refiner PKN Orlen bought 100,000 metric tons of Urals crude for Dec....(size: 3.9Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Nov 2013
(Source. USAV - USA Volleyball) By Bill Kauffman . Nov. 25, 2013, 7.07 p.m. (ET). COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Nov. 25, 2013) - The current U.S. Women's National Volleyball Team Weekly update released on Nov. 25 includes briefs on U.S. players ... The U.S ... U.S ... 25) ... 20 ... After missing two Polish Orlen Liga victories due to competition with the U.S ... Sopot, now 6-2 and in second place in the Orlen League standings, returns to regular season action on Nov....(size: 22.7Kb)
Edit noodls
23 Nov 2013
(Source. CEV - European Volleyball Confederation) Sopot, Poland, November 22, 2013 ... "On the other hand, it is certainly the next step in our preparations for the clash with VakifBank ... However, they will have to stand the challenge brought by Palac young opposite Tamara Kaliszuk, who was the first player to score more than 100 points in this year's edition of the national league sponsored by ORLEN ... distributed by ... (noodl. 21067896) ....(size: 2.3Kb)
Edit noodls
21 Nov 2013
PKN Orlen SA)  PKN ORLEN's subsidiary - ORLEN Upstream - has purchased bonds issued by PKN ORLEN ... Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN Spolka Akcyjna ("PKN ORLEN") hereby informs that in order to optimise the management of financial liquidity within the ORLEN Capital Group, on 20 November 2013 PKN ORLEN issued short term bonds to its subsidiary, ORLEN Upstream Sp ... ("ORLEN Upstream")....(size: 1.9Kb)

PKN Orlen (Polish: Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen) (WSEPKN) is a major European oil refiner, and petrol retailer. The company is Poland's and Central Europe's largest publicly traded firm with major operations in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, and the Baltic States. In 2009, it was ranked in the Fortune Global 500 as the world's 31st largest oil company and the world's 249th largest company overall, and was the only Polish company ranked by Fortune. However, it dropped as low as to the position of 398 by the year 2010.

The firm was created through the merger of Poland's two communist oil monopolies. PKN Orlen has its roots in the creation of C.P.N., Communist Poland's petroleum retail monopoly in 1944. In the 1950s, the second block of PKN Orlen was formed, Petrochemia Płock, a state firm in charge of the refineries in Płock and grew to become the largest complex of its kind in Poland. After the merger of CPN and Petrochemia Plock, the company was renamed into Polski Koncern Naftowy (PKN), with Orlen added several months later as the consortium's brand name. The new name is derived from Orl- for "orzeł" (Polish: eagle) and its adjective "orli", and -en for "energia" (Polish: energy).

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This is our campaigne.
we will destroy fear.
and all my friends are gone.
they packed their lives and they disappered on that great big ship,
and i sank was i watched it go down.
I hear the boots marching in line
through the trenches through my mind.
we'll bury them where they fall and
remember how they faught for our last breath.
we're not coming back,
because all our friends are gone.
they crossed the line and they're one man
short of a pleasure cruise
as we sink please remember a
hero's day will come. a hero's day will come soon
i hear boots marching in line
through the trenches through my mind.
we'll bury them where they fall
and remember how they fight.
as they fall, so do we.
bury us here where we fall.
fight the good fight for all.
bury them where they fall with the mud in their eyes
and shrapnel in their mouths.
i hear the boots marching in lin
through the trenches through my mind
we'll bury them where they fall

these streets are cold,
and some things just cant be told
as i wait alone, but you know how that goes.
when everything becomes a blur to me,
chiors sing the street songs that i've come to know.
and the world is turning into the city today.
i spend my days traveling underground
in bright subways until the sun goes down.
i spend my nights growing flowers by candlelight
in dark hotels until the sun comes up and we go for a we can talk,
or we can say nothing at all.
lets go for a drive. they'll never find us alive if we say nothing,
cause the world is turning into the city
sometimes i wonder if i will ever leave the city.
sometimes the air is very hard to breathe in the city.
while all the ghosts are marching in the streets,
i make the same mistakes. please forgive me.
your simple toys remind my of the noise
that i once heard of motor cars and crashing birds.
i stand alone remembering my home
and where we'll go when all these buildings turn to stone.

I've found peace here
alone by your side,
but where is real love?
grey is the sky,
searching for bright eyes,
and a voice in the sea is whispering,
"no, thats not for you"
there's a flame in the night,
but is it for real this time?
and the waves are lost from sight,
so will we set sail tonight?
the wind is breathing a sigh,
answering, "no, thats not for you"

i awoke from a dream to the sound of fluttering wings.
a flock of ghosts on the lawn,
travelling south for the winter i suppose.
they're lost trying to leave this icy winterland frost,
but there's no way to escape everything.
there's an angel up in a tree,
and she won't come down.
she's afraid that she might fall
into the arms of a fireman
and she will lose her soul.
sometimes they don't know when to let go,

stop the car,
cause i want to get out before we reach the mountains ahead.
and how does it feel to sleep at the wheel
when we're headed straight for the lake
and i'm drowning in dangerous scenery?
i hear you calling me,
so release me,
cause my temper is growing.
and i see through you
and all that you do,
cunning and cruel.
you breath in my ear,
this is how it begins.
so gently we ride,
burning inside,
and miles away i still see city lights
calling me home again.
this is how its going to end,
lost in these hills and
surrounded by nothing but dangerous scenery?
i hear you calling me,
so release me,
cause my temper is growing strong
and i dont belong down here.
you never disappear.
you're always waiting here for me.
you can cross my mind,
but you'll never get away
you can leave me for dead,
but you'll never get away.
and i close my eyes,
but you never go away.
if i dont let you go,
then i'll never get away from here.
i'll run from you

we live what we show
and falling is just a game that we know.
but i'll be counting on these angels
to gather up and catch me before i'm scattered below.
and you're the one who opens my eyes.
you're the one who falls in disguise.
you're the one who empties my mind
when i feel like i will fall,
and you will let go.
I'm falling
dont let go until i'm flying
this is a moment of truth
falling back the sky is all you see,
but looking back is always tempting me.
the groun is real or so it seems,
and ghosts below are forming teams
this is not a game.
and you're the one who opens my eyes.
you're the one who falls in disquise.
you're the one who empties my mind
when i feel like i will fall
and you will let go.

Goodbye love,
I'll miss you.
I'm thinking of you as I watch the world go by, outside my windows,
You're hiding, so I'll stop fighting and stay inside today
And sleep until I find you awake, cause you like a shady place.
in this room,
I'll search forever in vain until I find a Shady Place
floating down like water, the moon is my sign.
i'm coming under to hold what i cant find,
outside my windows,
stars are falling so i close my door softly cause you wont
hear me calling in my sleep.
how will I ever find you again when you sleep in the ocean?
you're swirling under the current again,
while you sleep in the ocean I drown in my bed,
and you swim in my head.
I've got you now.
Goodbye love,
I'll miss you
Floating down like water
I've got you now.
Goodbye love,

What have i done?
you call and i come
crawling back home to give back these bones.
choking myself like a dog on a chain,
i wanna get to you, before you get to me
but there's something about the way that you say,
"dong be afraid.
no dont be afraid when this comes"
if love is a long kiss goodnight then sweet dreams.
they'll turn out the lights
when they are sure we're asleep.
but i still hear the voices that call from below,
and i want to let them know
that i'm never letting go,
but there's something about the way that they say,
"dont be afraid, no, dont be afraid when we call."
come and rest your bones
beneath this field of stones
this place will become your home someday

drifting above rows of houses and cars there's a feeling here
that anyone can fly.
but like all theones who have fallen before,
we are letting go, but they wont let us die.
and i hear them say,
"dont talk about what its all about
its just enough to know.
forget about what you've heard about,
its all what you see."
far below here there's a quaint little town
where i sued to live and others used to die.
and everyone talked about people like these who were just like birds
and watched us from the sky.
and i heard them say
"dont talk about what its all about,
its just enough to know.
forget about what you've heard about,
its only what you see
let it go, there's nothing to know.
keep your eyes on the gound,
and forget about what you've heard about,
its all what you see"
breathe and we'll float away.
breathe and we'll float away so slow.
