(not) Understanding the Bible (Old Testament)
Excerpts from the opening lecture of Yale's "Introduction to the Old Testament" course. In...
published: 22 Aug 2010
author: Joniversity
(not) Understanding the Bible (Old Testament)
Excerpts from the opening lecture of Yale's "Introduction to the Old Testament" course. In this lecture, prof. Christine Hayes, provides an introduction to the literature of the Hebrew Bible and its structure and contents and some of its origins in neighboring mythologies. Common misconceptions about the Bible are dispelled: the Bible is a library of books from diverse times and places rather than a single, unified book; biblical narratives contain complex themes and realistic characters and are not "pious parables" about saintly persons; the Bible is a literarily sophisticated narrative not for children; the Bible is an account of the odyssey of a people rather than a book of theology; and finally, the Bible was written by many human contributors with diverse perspectives and viewpoints. To see the whole lecture click here: academicearth.org To see the entire course click here: oyc.yale.edu
published: 22 Aug 2010
views: 10629
David Pawson: Old Testament Overview (Unlocking the Bible Series)
In Unlocking the Bible, Pawson presents a book by book study of the whole Bible . The book...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: biblecover2cover
David Pawson: Old Testament Overview (Unlocking the Bible Series)
In Unlocking the Bible, Pawson presents a book by book study of the whole Bible . The book is based on Pawson's belief that the Bible should be studied, as it was written, "a book at a time" (certainly not a verse, or even a chapter at a time); and that each book is best understood by discovering why and for whom it was written. It is based on an arranged series of talks in which he set out the background, purpose, meaning and relevance of each book of the Bible.
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: biblecover2cover
views: 7460
Egyptian Chronology and the Old Testament
Traditionally ancient historians have used records of the reign's of Egyptian kings as the...
published: 29 Nov 2008
author: Dave Flang
Egyptian Chronology and the Old Testament
Traditionally ancient historians have used records of the reign's of Egyptian kings as the basis of their chronology. This has lead many to believe that the Old Testament gives an unreliable record of history. However recent evidence suggests that a number of Egyptian kings reigned simultaneously rather than consecutively. Mark Woolmer explains this is taken into account striking similarities are found between the Egyptian and Hebrew records and new light is shed on archaeological discoveries. This is a fascinating exploration of the current debate in ancient history. Egyptian Clay Tablets Found - 5000 Years Old - www.youtube.com Edinburgh Creation Group is an active forum where scientifically minded people meet to discuss evidence supporting the biblical account of creation. edinburghcreationgroup.org
published: 29 Nov 2008
author: Dave Flang
views: 17525
The Atheist Experience - Disregarding The Old Testament
Matt goes on. . . The Atheist Experience. www.atheist-experience.com Episode Number 461....
published: 26 Jan 2009
author: TheDeadlyGamesman
The Atheist Experience - Disregarding The Old Testament
Matt goes on. . . The Atheist Experience. www.atheist-experience.com Episode Number 461.
published: 26 Jan 2009
author: TheDeadlyGamesman
views: 15026
Learn the Twelve Periods of Old Testament History by Singing
From Genesis to Malachi, the history of the Old Testament is divided into 12 periods. Know...
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: Steve C. Singleton
Learn the Twelve Periods of Old Testament History by Singing
From Genesis to Malachi, the history of the Old Testament is divided into 12 periods. Knowing them in order will give you a framework within which to place every event and character in their proper position. Play this video over and over until you know the song. Then you will know the 12 periods! Included are great artist's renditions of Old Testament events that occurred in each period. See if you can identify Jehu wildly driving his chariot. (If you want to skip the 4-minute introduction and listen to the song, it starts at 4:11.)
published: 22 Nov 2010
author: Steve C. Singleton
views: 4917
Old Testament Cosmology - Michael Heiser
A look into the Old Testament Cosmology and what it tells us about Genesis and science ....
published: 24 May 2011
author: haibane13
Old Testament Cosmology - Michael Heiser
A look into the Old Testament Cosmology and what it tells us about Genesis and science .
published: 24 May 2011
author: haibane13
views: 6120
Does the Old Testament reveal the name of the Messiah?
In this video I wanted to show how Joshua the high priest foreshadows Jesus Christ in that...
published: 06 Oct 2010
author: 1nemind
Does the Old Testament reveal the name of the Messiah?
In this video I wanted to show how Joshua the high priest foreshadows Jesus Christ in that he shares the same name (in Hebrew and in Greek), and that they are both a king and a priest. I also wanted to show the supremacy of Christ as our High Priest. Something else that I quickly want to point out about the name of Jesus is that whether you call Him by His Hebrew name Yeshua, or if you call Him Jesus, Iesous, or even Isa, God knows your heart, and He knows who we are calling on. The salvation in the name when we call upon it (Romans 10:9) is not in how we pronounce it! We must stay away from false teachings that say we must only call Him by His Hebrew name. The New Testament was written in Greek and it says that there is no ''salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." And the name given in this passage I just quoted is Iesous. Yet, of course, we won't only be saved if we call on the exact name, Iesous, but also if we call on Yeshua, Jesus, Yesu, Isa, or the name of the Son of God in whatever language we speak.
published: 06 Oct 2010
author: 1nemind
views: 4246
Why Should Christians Study the Old Testament?
World famous Christian theologian Dr. Bruce Waltke discusses the importance of the Old Tes...
published: 18 Feb 2010
author: HavenToday
Why Should Christians Study the Old Testament?
World famous Christian theologian Dr. Bruce Waltke discusses the importance of the Old Testament to Christianity today. Dr. Waltke joins Charles Morris for a full length interview available at www.haventoday.org.
published: 18 Feb 2010
author: HavenToday
views: 5324
David Pawson Deuteronomy (1) - Unlocking The Old Testament
Deuteronomy (1) - David Pawson - Unlocking the Old Testament Popular Bible teacher David P...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: ScottyVOR
David Pawson Deuteronomy (1) - Unlocking The Old Testament
Deuteronomy (1) - David Pawson - Unlocking the Old Testament Popular Bible teacher David Pawson takes a wide-angle look at each book of God's word. davidpawsondownloads.com
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: ScottyVOR
views: 4194
Did Jesus Fit the Old Testament Description of the Messiah?
This is a quick explanation by a famous and well-respected former atheist. Please check ou...
published: 23 Apr 2007
author: Todd Tyszka
Did Jesus Fit the Old Testament Description of the Messiah?
This is a quick explanation by a famous and well-respected former atheist. Please check out his website (www.leestrobel.com) for hundreds of FREE high quality videos investigating the critical aspects of our faith. Todd Tyszka www.toddtyszka.com lee strobel investigate messiah messianic prophecy prophecies prophecied predicted foretold thousands hundreds prophetic Old OT Testament Tanakh Scriptures scripture bible Torah Jew Jewish Jews Rabbi Yashua Judaism witnessed witnesses eyewitnesses
published: 23 Apr 2007
author: Todd Tyszka
views: 15250
First Enoch and the Old Testament Intro, Parts 1, 2, & 3 [Section 1]
Large clip playlist: www.youtube.com Approximately 200 years prior to the birth of Jesus w...
published: 28 Dec 2010
author: InHISWord2
First Enoch and the Old Testament Intro, Parts 1, 2, & 3 [Section 1]
Large clip playlist: www.youtube.com Approximately 200 years prior to the birth of Jesus where there came a need for the Old Testament scriptures to be translated into Greek. Greek had become the common language of the people, much like English is today. Seventy hebrew scholars compliled what is known as the LXX aka the Greek Septuagint. This is the OT version that Jesus, and the apostles quoted from, and that the very early christians read. Ever wonder why we use the Masoretic or Hebrew OT and not the Septuagint OT like Jesus did? My research uncovered the answer to this question. Should you desire to seek this answer for yourself...here is a link to get you started: en.wikipedia.org ***** Closing of the canons Full dogmatic articulations of the canons were not made until the Council of Trent of 1546 for Roman Catholicism, the Thirty-Nine Articles of 1563 for the Church of England, the Westminster Confession of Faith of 1647 for British Calvinism, and the Synod of Jerusalem of 1672 for the Greek Orthodox. en.wikipedia.org ******** The Council of Laodicea was a regional synod of approximately thirty clerics from Asia Minor, that assembled about 363-364 AD in Laodicea, Phrygia Pacatiana. The major concerns of the Council involved constricting the conduct of church members. The Council expressed its decrees in the form of written rules or canons. Among the sixty canons decreed, several aimed at: en.wikipedia.org ******** The Great Persecution...Scriptures and Christians ...
published: 28 Dec 2010
author: InHISWord2
views: 3981
What did Jesus teach about the Old Testament?
Ryan Turner of carm.org discusses what Jesus taught about the Old Testament. For more info...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: carmvideos
What did Jesus teach about the Old Testament?
Ryan Turner of carm.org discusses what Jesus taught about the Old Testament. For more information on this topic Please visit carm.org
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: carmvideos
views: 1170
Vimeo results:
Dry Bones
This project was a collaborative effort that spanned countries & time zones with several a...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: danDifelice
Dry Bones
This project was a collaborative effort that spanned countries & time zones with several artists working long hours to finally put this piece out. The passage comes from an Old Testament prophecy, taken from Ezekiel 37. Not only is the text extremely descriptive and visual, lending itself to beautiful imagery, but show that where there is death and exile, hope and life can be found.
Dry Bones would not have been possible without the extremely talented artists with loads of patience, who I had the privilege of working with.
Dan DiFelice. Director, Compositor, VFX Director
David Tate. DP, Editor
Michael Rinnan. CG Artist: Tracking, Muscle Dev/Animation
Renato Marques. CG Artist: Skin & Vein Dev/Animation
Justin Burton. CG Artist: Previz
Matt Fezz. Colorist
Salomon Ligthelm. Score/Sound Design
Chris Baden. Talent
Luke Atencio. VO Artist
We shot the piece entirely on the 7d and post work was done in c4d and Nuke. The project started in April with boards & CG dev, we shot in early June outside of Las Vegas, and spent June through October refining the CG as well as the composite, sound design, and color.
Dry Bones started off as a personal project of mine, but had it not been for Adam Devizia & the A/G picking up DB and funding a significant portion of it, it's possible the project would have not taken flight.
Special thanks to:
Michael Jones & Glenn Stewart for your collaborative efforts, and Justin Jackson for use of your truck.
Skulls & Skeleton Provided by:
Dapper Cadaver www.dappercadaver.com
and ABC/Universal
Journey Through the Cross: #2 The Power of God
Paul, Bond-Slave to the King!
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, se...
published: 22 Feb 2010
author: Jim Tompkins
Journey Through the Cross: #2 The Power of God
Paul, Bond-Slave to the King!
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, including you who are called to belong to Jesus Christ, To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul designates his highest office as bond-servant (doulos). He puts that before his office as apostle.
Paul calls himself a bond slave of Christ Jesus. The case classification is genitive of possession. The apostle is proud of the fact that he is a slave belonging to his Lord. There were certain individuals in the Roman empire designated "Slaves of the Emperor." This was a position of honor. One finds a reflection of this in Paul's act of designating himself as a slave of the King of kings. He puts this ahead of his apostleship.
You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV)
We are not our own, and Paul was proud of that fact. Instead of seeing Christianity as a system of do's and don'ts, he saw it as the privilege of privileges. His was a position of honor.
Who you are in life is largely a result of how you see yourself. We tend to value our life on the basis of our job, our possessions, our influence, our friends, our activities. Paul saw his value by Whose he was. He was a servant of the King of Kings. Who are you? When you lay in bed at night, do you fret about your health, the things you need to do, the things you didn't do? If you are a slave of the King of Kings, you have no rights over tomorrow, over your body, over your job. He has total control. There is no need to fret, no need to worry, no need to be concerned. Only the need to praise Him, draw closer to Him, wait patiently upon Him.
He was a slave first, an apostle second.
The adjective comes from the verb kaleō, "to call" in the sense here of "to call to assume an office." Paul was a called apostle in the sense that God summoned him to that position and placed him in it
Most translations say called to be an apostle, but actually the greek simply says (κλητὸς ἀπόστολος) "kletos apostolos", called apostle.
Paul heard the call of Christ on the Damascus Road, and in answering that call and seeing His Savior, he was placed as one of Christ's Apostles. He took the place of the son of perdition-Judas.
What enabled the violent, self-possessed Saul to become the slave Apostle of the one he admittedly wanted crucified?
Paul allowed himself to be set apart for the Gospel of God!
But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and who called me by his grace, Galatians 1:15 (ESV)
But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. Acts 9:15 (ESV)
Paul became a chosen instrument, a chosen vessel for Jesus Christ! Was he forced to comply on the Damascus Road? It may seem that way. Blinded by a strange light, hearing a strange voice-he could have resisted and kept on kicking against the Lord. Or he could have made a profession, but inwardly resented the Jesus. In any case we never would have heard from old Paul again. He would have been a pothole on the pavement of life.
But something happened to this fiery little dynamo. All his training, his intelligence, his passion for the Law and the ways of the Jews melted away when he gazed upon the one whom he had been persecuting. Yes, Paul was made to realize that he had not only been maiming and murdering 'Christians', but he had been doing the same to the very Son of God, the Messiah whom he professed to love so much.
We can't begin to fathom what the Holy Spirit was doing in those three days after his experience on the road to Damascus. But whatever it was, when Saul gave his life to Jesus Christ, he was changed completely. He was a new man, he was set apart no longer to just Jehovah. He was set apart into the GOSPEL of GOD! (ἀφωρισμένος εἰς εὐαγγέλιον Θεοῦ (aphōrismenos eis euangelion Theo).
Set Apart Into the Gospel
aphōrismenos (aphorizmo)
He was set apart into the Gospel, because the set apart is the word aphoridzo which pictures marking an area with boundaries, with a wall or fence.
So it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous Matthew 13:49 (ESV)
The Gospel of God is a natural divider of man. It will be the divider in the end times. People, you can either believe God or you can chose not to.
"Nothin' to Worry About"
A broken foot and multiple equipment issues didn't keep me from running around Evergreen S...
published: 18 Mar 2010
author: Shreeve Films
"Nothin' to Worry About"
A broken foot and multiple equipment issues didn't keep me from running around Evergreen Speedway last Sunday. Evergreen Drift's invite-only season opener was a great success, despite several wrecks and fires. Tires were destroyed on track, while old friends caught up with one another in the uncharacteristic warmth of the Washington sun.
This event was a testament to the true nature of drifting. Pushing through misfortune to create something breathtakingly beautiful, all the while having the collective time of our life. I find it ironic that although times may be hard, when we come together to share what we love, we find a feeling of euphoria.
For those few hours, we feel as though we have nothing to worry about.
Filmed/Edited/Colored By
Justin Shreeve
Filmed Using
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon 15mm F/2.8
Canon 50mm F/1.4
Canon 75-300mm F/5.6
Edited Using
Final Cut Pro 6
Colored Using
Magic Bullet Colorista
Nothing to Worry About
Peter Bjorn and John
For more information regarding the Evergreen Drift Series, please visit EvergreenDrift.com
Special thanks to Jordan Conway and Tyler Coray for loaning me their equipment.
Copyright Justin Shreeve Films 2010
What About God's Will for Me?
Journey 2010 is abo...
published: 25 Jan 2010
author: Jim Tompkins
What About God's Will for Me?
Journey 2010 is about having a church comprised of people who have individually decided to follow God's Will in their daily lives.
Most people are on guard when they spend private face time with their Pastor. Especially if you are a bit older and have been in church a few years. You may have known a pastor who used your or a friends situation as a sermon illustration. You may have experienced the judgmental statements of a pastor. So we normally treat a visit with the pastor as an interrogation at the local police precinct. We watch what we say and what we do. We make sure everything is put up, nothing lying around that shouldn't be.
Personally I would rather visit people when they are lying on a gurney waiting to be operated on. They tend to be more honest. You can tell if they are anxious. Transparent honesty is such a rare thing anymore. We wonder about our politicians, our church leaders, our teachers. We grow up learning to question, exactly because we have seen so much dishonesty
I know some of you question the truth of God's will. To most everyone under the age of 35, the subject of God's Will is strange, foreign, and for the most part irrelevant. We believe that live happens. God rarely has anything to do with it.
Let me assure you, whatever your concept about the importance of the will of God, what you think is not truth. We are easily deceived into believing any old lie the world or the devil wants us to believe. What matters is the Word of God!
This Word is Life, not just for after you are dead, but it is Life NOW! It is health, it is forgiveness, it is peace, it is hope, it is safety, it is security, it is the most powerful force this world has ever know. I can say this because this word says that Jesus Christ is the Word. No other person in the Universe ever lived a sinless life, ever faced Satan one on one and defeated Him, ever stared death in its face and defeated it! If you fail to give your life totally to Jesus Christ, you are robbing yourself of real Life. You are robbing yourself of the very presence of God! You are robbing yourself of ever being a part in the will of God. You may think you know God, but you are believing a lie. Your mind is dark, you are confused and stumbling over the falsehoods of your mind. One day instead of waking to an eternal life of joy in the presence of God, you will wake in the agonies of Hell, screaming in torment for all eternity, ever sorrowful because you knew the truth but you rejected it. There will be no second chance.
We are looking at what the will of God for me is. And number one, the will of God for you is to know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. He doesn't want part of you, even three quarters of you. He doesn't want to be just one of your beliefs, and share space with Hinduism, Buddhism, humanism, or even you ism. He must be your GOD! Anything less and your mind is fooling you. You are lost in a lie. You will never know God's Will. This is because you put your will first.
So what is the will of God for me and for you? It is to put Him First! It is to Trust completely and confidently in Him.
Now I know you are thinking how much easier it would be if you could sit down at Applebee's and have a nice long lunch with Jesus. I assure you that football would not be the topic of conversation. Who is going to win the Super bowl would be the farthest thing from your mind. You would want to know what He thinks of your life, if you are going in the right direction. You would want clarity on His will for your life. You would want to know what you should be doing for Him.
If life was only that simple. So many decisions we make.
We make decisions and then our decisions make us.
Should I go to college? Which one? What should I major in?
Should I get married? Which one?
I can't stand my job. Should I look for another, or should I just quit and hope something pops up?
A friend of mine wants me to share a place with him. Should I? Should I live at home?
I'm getting ready to retire? Can I afford to? Where should we live?
We have two children. We’re thinking about having a third. Should we have another one? Or should we think about adopting?
I feel like God is wanting me to go into the ministry. What does He want me to do? Missions, Youth, Pastor?
I told each of my children that in order for them to get married, they had to go to college. I also did not want them to go to state colleges. I also wanted them to live on campus.
No state college because I wanted them to apply to colleges that were a bit more difficult to get into, so it made them work harder on their grades. Live in the dorms because I wanted them to grow up faster, face decisions on their own, what types of friends were best for them, how to manage money, how to do laundry, all the things they need to learn to live on their own.
So our children moved away, Pepp
Youtube results:
Walk Thru the Old Testament
Walk Thru the Old Testament is a Live Event specifically created to help you understand th...
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: WalkThrutheBibleUSA
Walk Thru the Old Testament
Walk Thru the Old Testament is a Live Event specifically created to help you understand the big picture of the Old Testament. Discover the people, places, and events of the Old Testament in a fun and interactive forum. Learn More: www.walkthru.org Search for an Event in your area: www.walkthru.org Find out more about hosting an Event: www.walkthru.org Learn how to become a Walk Thru the Bible Live Event Instructor: www.walkthru.org
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: WalkThrutheBibleUSA
views: 12080
The Old Testament Canon
Most Christians present the Bible as one single, inspired book written by the Holy Spirit,...
published: 06 Apr 2010
author: crazypills2
The Old Testament Canon
Most Christians present the Bible as one single, inspired book written by the Holy Spirit, free from all errors and contradictions. But if this is the case, why is there disagreement as to which books should be included in the Canon? This is the first video in a series on the Canon of Scripture, and is a collaboration with my friend, ReligionFreeDeist. If you have not already subscribed to his channel, please do so: www.youtube.com
published: 06 Apr 2010
author: crazypills2
views: 2857
Chapter 1: Before the Old Testament
Before the Old Testament...
published: 27 Apr 2012
author: Mormon Channel
Chapter 1: Before the Old Testament
The Christian and the Old Testament Law, Part 1
What place does the Old Testament Law have as a moral guide for the Christian? This series...
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: tektontv
The Christian and the Old Testament Law, Part 1
What place does the Old Testament Law have as a moral guide for the Christian? This series discusses the issue. To avoid misunderstanding, I should note that this is about the role of the Law as a moral guide. I am NOT here discussing the role of the Law, or NT moral directives, in terms of a "works salvation" (which is not what I believe in) -- although, it is clear that works are a judgment basis for rewards after salvation.
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: tektontv
views: 1835