Shivers down their spines,
With every chord you hit,
You can make a crowd forget.
And they swear,
That when you sing .. your words ..
Its as sacred as birth
The lies you wrote .. have become .. anthems,
How they mend their broken hearts.
And the lines .. you stole .. from story books,
That choke in your voice ..
How it sells them every word of it.
We have heard .. that with a little work,
Your cathartic verse,
Will rid all the pain from earth.
Scream your words .. in their cars.
And help them figure out who they really are,
And to blame their fathers.
The lies you wrote .. have become .. anthems,
How they mend their broken hearts.
And the lines .. you stole .. from story books,
That choke in your voice ..
How it sells them every word of it.
Can .. this pull .. up the anchor.
So .. you can .. drift away.
Say something .. you honestly .. honestly mean, but
You will never let it.
'Cause you're a hit in shopping malls,
You're the shit that makes us all want to quit.
'Cause you're a hit in shopping malls,
I's are replaced, and you remain. lost limb collection: arms and legs.
who spits on history and halts the living will yawn for you. once celled
earth foe, my how you've grown. no progress shown. draw your breath slow.
wound eraser, remove/delete. life defacer sang you to sleep.
quiet attrition buried between your ears.
too much for one head: your brain is a monument.
made a life in rubble, exhausted the options. the new void
empties its other. the quiet in deadlock, the one that
makes you sleep. chimeras have become your worst
memories. the clumsy reach through darkness
siege of abuse. it never works. it always hurts,
it's always wrested. winged syllables in formation,
grounded by the weight of your words. no respite, or
reset. can't unend or begin. no sleep. no stillness.
where nerves were, now nothing.
found a path that gets to you.
crossed a voice with no direction.
You're head is a hearse.
That carries all, all of the worse .. you've sworn
You've buried so you will crash it.
You pray for amnesia when you hit
Can you hear the coffin .. opening
From the driver's seat.
And can you see the ghost swim,
Through the dash, where he sings of your past.
His words flow like blood that won't clot.
A stream no tourniquet can stop.
And they circle .. like vultures,
This is what it feels like to remember.
A hospital room, you've come to,
And .. still remember being pulled .. from the wreckage,
You look around and see all the nurses .. and surgeons,
Have turned into hearses .. and coffins.
Can you hear the coffin .. opening,
From beneath the sheets.
And can you see the ghost swim,
Through you're injuries,
How he sings of your memories.
His words flow like blood that wont clot.
A stream no tourniquet can stop.
And they circle .. like vultures,
This is what it feels like to remember.
This is what it feels like to remember.
This is what it feels like to remember.
And i recall, swearing on, every mother's grave i wouldn't write this song
But i cant help it when you drink just to get sick
And throw up all those put downs that come from your mouth
My insides are congested
And you are the wrecked car
The one that caused the traffic
A stand still that stills
The movement of my heart
And i recall, swearing on, every mother's grave i wouldn't write this song
But i cant help it when you drink just to get sick
And throw up all those put downs that come from your mouth
You're a plane, missing, a wing
Again i watched you spin until you hit
Where your words buried me
And the earth crushed my body
My chest is a piano i breathe
And my ribs play my heart strings slowly
And the dirt, the composer so brilliant
Funny how the best songs always come from him
Just say something to unearth me
Just say something to unearth me
Just say something to unearth me
So just say one thing to unearth me
If the idea of you and i was something more concrete an old building
I would surely be the ivy and i would cling to it
When i dream of us i always see pins in our necks
I see a doctor and he says
Yeah he swears we're not monsters
Oh doctor, i beg to differ
And i recall, swearing on, every mother's grave i wouldn't write this song
But i cant help it when you drink just to get sick
And throw up all those put downs that come from your mouth
And i recall, swearing on, every mother's grave i wouldn't write this song
But i cant help it when you drink just to get sick
Under each foot you lay
And overspace
There is a grave
Of something
An idea, a best friend, everything that's seen its end
And tonight you feel so alive
Do you realize that when you lie
And look at the stars they've already burned out
So catch your breath and breathe now
While you still can
While you still can
You said if i could befriend a thousand cancers,
If things that killed could be cured, then i would live forever
There'd be no death, there'd be no birth
I said resurrect the dead in your head
And ask them about heaven
You said you already did and they told you
There's not one at all
Nothing to do but haunt where you walk
Put my ear up to your head,
And you're eaves-dropping.
Hear what you are thinking,
And what you wished you'd said.
What you wished you'd said.
What you wished you'd said.
What you wished you'd said.
You're lost for .. words again.
You'd better find them,
There's too many chances.
Tongue tied, just say it.
What are you waiting for.
Compose these days like strange notes.
Forget critics, just sing what you know.
You're lost for .. words again.
You'd better find them,
There's too many chances.
Tongue tied, just say it.
What are you waiting for.
Bury these memories like secrets,
Don't keep your mouth shut, just speak up.
Dreams of things .. falling from your teeth,
Right down to me.
Don't you worry, 'cause I've been listening,
And finally heard everything.
And I'll do it, everything.
And I'll do it, everything.
And I'll do it, everything.
You're lost for .. words again.
You'd better find them,
There's too many chances.
Tongue tied, just say it.
What are you waiting for.
Lost .. for .. words .. again.
song pollution. noise in hundreds. the smog is humming
your worst, and we all cough it up. given a shape
to them, the words in a fury. some stuck in your airways.
the grayness overhead. there are choices: past and prison.
you have unmade tons, but can you make one? light skews
the borders the dark in exile for once. the shadows from before lurk
behind the day moon. the night keeps its distance, keeps you in a
question. all the days halt. there's a block, a loss. wrote our injuries
and it's tragic. disasters in a pattern swarm and waste your youth.
your din still grips the ground the space between mountains, where the sound
will settle itself and rest inside you. crippled instruments nearly collapsing.
thunderbolts will fly forever.
sure as the west wind blows. atrocious and baffled.
sentenced to life in sound prison. the secrets are always
the same. entropy is ingested. hunger-speech, wasted away.
somewhere near the top you heard the slow applause, saw
your reflection - yourself in circuit, patient as the light
no new skin, senseless ends. dead network. no gift
in this rigid state of becoming. nothing to produce.
infinite excuses. the grazing ground is barren. burdened
the forest resigns to join your organs. need to speak
with nothing to say. went to sleep without dreaming.
the sleeper wave waits well rested. great sleeper wave,
we'll see you wake. patient and dormant, tell now what
you dreamt. wait no longer - lay that shit to waste.
useless bodies in the tomb of the sea. flesh and
water, the place where we meet. vast and disguised,
all belly and no teeth. this lonesome
Tonight we watch the city glow.
With the power off, and nobody knows.
Why we did it, and .. and if they did,
They'd realize they're not victims,
Just witnesses
Flames fix this wounded city.
Like surgeons incisions, cut so deep.
Eight behind the eyes they find the disease,
A memory, a history beneath these streets never supposed to be seen.
And the air .. is warm breath I feel it,
On my face, and it travels, straight through it,
To somewhere I don't know, between here,
The present and some sort of heaven,
A potential fit.
A heart which beats beneath these ashes.
A heart which beats beneath these ashes.
A heart which beats beneath these ashes.
A heart which beats beneath these ashes.
A heart which beats beneath these ashes.
Can you feel it.
Can you feel it.
Can you feel it.
Can you feel it.
Flames fix this wounded city.
Like surgeons incisions, cut so deep.
Eight behind the eyes they find the disease,
A memory, a history beneath these streets that's never supposed to be seen.
Supposed to be seen.
Supposed to be seen.
Supposed to be seen.
Supposed to be seen.
We will turn ourselves in.
They .. can .. have the matches.
What good's hiding evidence.
When .. you .. can learn from it.
What good's hiding evidence.
When .. you .. can learn from it.
What good's hiding evidence.
When .. you .. can learn from it.
What good's hiding evidence.
What good's hiding evidence.
What good's hiding evidence.
It was the worst of this war
All the politics and metaphors
An empty page, the battlefield
Turn it 'cause i fight in secret
Cross it out and i'll just sleep it off
It had never been
So quiet
I could hear the house working
So i thought about some things
Everything that's died
How your tongue will never come untied
The shivers down their spines
And what the city would look like if you set it all on fire
And this is the day when you're in the ambulance again
And this is the pain that is so infantile and ancient
So i wrote it down fell asleep woke up
And looked around
From a dream so alive
I was born inside a body bag
Too scared to shut my eyes, i just thought
The history they severed
How i can't find the right words
Why i should never say never
And what it feels like to remember
And this is the day when, you're in the ambulance again
Prof-it-able now that it's paved,
Just cover up the blood stains.
In the name of .. great business,
You've ruined us.
Streets .. cut like knives.
Sever our history,
Some-thing we believed in.
And streets .. cut like knives.
Sever our history,
Some-thing we believed in.
And you're good .. decisions aren't so good,
For everyone, but at least you'll get your pay,
And trust us you will pay.
I hope .. they get what they need.
Because our veins are the ones that are cut,
And now they're covered up by their sleeves.
Place us in our cold caskets,
Just like you're planting a seed.
We will grow and .. you know revenge keeps,
As you sew, so shall you reep.
All .. that profit,
You seize the day and salivate,
At the thought of it.
All .. that profit,
You seize the day and salivate,
At the thought of it.
And you're good .. decisions aren't so good,
For everyone, but at least you'll get your pay,
And trust us you will pay.
I hope .. they get what they need.
Because our veins are the ones that are cut,
And now they're covered up by their sleeves.
One way or another .. this will end.
You always found comfort .. in emptiness.
One way or another .. this will end.
so it is punching in or clocking out, we trade in time.
like a black check, pay the rent or debt - how our lives get
spent. arrested effort. stuck in this sentence. fleeting comforts
leave seasons scarred, or lost like arguments. miscalculations
leave the means unjustified. the haunted questions come with shaking
heads. they hunt the youngest and tie their tongues up.
you cut open speech when you chew your teeth.
From inside this plastic casket i took my first breath,
and choked on it
I thought if im loud enough maybe they'll open it up...
So i sang for centuries until they unzipped the bag so i could see
The world which i awaited was the same thing
Is there a mother, does she carry my brothers?
Is she pregnant with more blank canvases?
Is there an artist who can stab his brush through the fabric
and tear open their chests and fix such an unfixable mess?
I must defend that im not a corpse
But a newborn
Because no matter how loudly i sang you still mourned
But i still sang for centuries until they unzipped the bag so i could see
The world which i awaited was the same thing
Is there a mother, does she carry my brothers?
Is she pregnant with more blank canvases?
Is there an artist who can stab his brush through the fabric
brain-song is muted. misplaced
the dues. there is no witness.
a hymn caught in the silence. when
does the day begin? we stall and
we wait, listen for a 'yes'
some nascent phrase, a voice
in the air says: "don't say
what's inside. tell us what
Call me loud
Call me lewd
Say my attitude is crude
I tell you
The truth
So they use the auto tune
Photoshop and
Crop away
Throw yourselves all away
You will
Lose yourself
Look you're all messed up
Oops you're all messed up
I don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
Don't care what they think
Cause I'm the real thing
Don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
So watch me walk my own way
Call me loud
Call me lewd
No I won't sell out to you
I won't
Lose myself
So don't you fix me up
Don't you fix me up
I don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
Don't care what they think
Cause I'm the real thing
Don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
So watch me walk my own way
I don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
Don't care what they think
Cause I'm the real thing
Don't care what they say
I'll do it my way
So watch me walk my own way
Say what I've gotta say
Do what I'm gonna do
Say what I've gotta say