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Genetically Modified Orgasms

Posted on: Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 in: Parliament, Wankery

Yes, this is a bit old, but the video of Jason Woods MP’s “Genetically Modified Orgasms” effort deserves to be chronicled for the ages:

And what is with that shirt/tie combination? They are bad enough on their own (that techni-colour spew tie in particular should be incinerated), but together they are a special kind of horrible.

A Tarago With a Wheelchair in the Back?

Posted on: Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 in: Coalition Craziness, Parliament

Ok, I don’t have anything against people who drive Tarago’s with wheelchairs in the back, but maybe Lickety-Split should cast his net a bit wider when he’s trying to play the populist card:

Update: Crikey Chimes In

Oh the humanity! Wheelchairs! Twenty-year-old Mitsubishis! Processed sausages!

Hang on, what are processed sausages? Or for that matter unprocessed sausages? And, […]

Executive Responsibility in the United States?

Posted on: Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 in: Campaigning, Parliament, US Politics

Christopher Hitchens has a good piece at Slate on John McCain’s interesting proposal to introduce a form of Prime Minister’s Questions (Question Time for Aussies) in the United States:
“I will ask Congress,” said the presumptive Republican nominee, “to grant me the privilege of coming before both houses to take questions, and address criticism, much the […]


Posted on: Friday, May 16th, 2008 in: Coalition Craziness, Parliament

Not much more to add to this one:

Despite predictions the Rudd Government could simply wait until later this year to introduce the tax changes, Greens Senator Bob Brown said today there is no guarantee the Greens will side with Labor when the new Senate sits.
“I think the (Rudd) Government thinks we’re some sort of faction […]

XMLing MPIs, PMBs, QONs and QT

Posted on: Wednesday, March 26th, 2008 in: Data Mining, Open Source Government, Parliament, Wonkery

I’ve been party to quite a few private debates with low level party hacks since Labor took government about the political merits for Labor of taking a holier than thou approach to government transparency in contrast to simply picking up the baton of Howard government shamelessness (and political success).
However, it seems pretty clear that the […]

“A Smile of Intolerable Anguish”

Posted on: Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 in: Parliament, Video

Another post that’s old news, but deserving of a hat tip for those Aussies who might have missed it.

Tony Blair’s fau-campaign for the Presidency of the EU prompted one of the most enjoyable parliamentary exchanges I’ve seen since I’ve been over here with William Hague (of all people) using it as a foil to absolutely […]

Bernadi, Abetz and Kemp are Bloody Idiots

Posted on: Thursday, March 20th, 2008 in: Parliament

Christian Kerr, newly of the Australian reports today on the biggest bloody beat up in Australian history.

A SENIOR federal minister has been accused of swearing on an open microphone - the day a parliamentary inquiry was announced into the use of swear words on television.

Innovation Minister Kim Carr was overheard apparently muttering under his breath […]

It’s a Hard Knock Life

Posted on: Thursday, March 20th, 2008 in: Coalition Craziness, Hackery, Parliament

The Libs are beginning to realise that Opposition has absolutely no redeeming characteristics whatsoever:

CASH-strapped Liberal MPs are mounting a behind-the-scenes push to get extra pay for being a shadow minister.

The push is being made on behalf of former high-fliers whose salaries were cut by about $100,000 a year when the Howard government fell.

And it is […]

Christopher Pyne: Everyman

Posted on: Wednesday, March 19th, 2008 in: Coalition Craziness, Hackery, Parliament

Hot on the heels of his accusation that Labor was trying to ‘traduce’ the legacy of the Howard government, Christopher Pyne has once again struck a blow that will resonate with the common man throughout Australia.
In the Parliamentary meltdown that was the death throes of Workchoices yesterday:
Liberal MP Christopher Pyne branded the Labor motion ridiculous […]

They Told Us That There Was No Difference Between Labor and the Coalition

Posted on: Thursday, March 6th, 2008 in: Lefty Issues, Parliament

Save this link for the next time some insufferable Green whinges to you about Labor having sold out, only caring about winning, being no better than the Coalition etc etc.
Discussing a recent article from Glen Milne, Tim Dunlop at Blogocracy outlines the myriad ways that the Rudd government is acting against its own electoral interests […]