
Living Darfur (Official Music Video)
The official music video for 'Living Darfur' filmed on the border of Chad and Darfur. Look...
published: 19 Sep 2007
author: mattafixdarfur
Living Darfur (Official Music Video)
The official music video for 'Living Darfur' filmed on the border of Chad and Darfur. Look out for Matt Damon in the intro!
published: 19 Sep 2007
views: 5827085

Darfur in 10 Minutes: An Overview of the Conflict in Sudan
Note 1: We are often asked if this video can be used by people for their projects. Yes. Pl...
published: 26 Feb 2008
author: PeteMcCormack2
Darfur in 10 Minutes: An Overview of the Conflict in Sudan
Note 1: We are often asked if this video can be used by people for their projects. Yes. Please don't plagiarize. Quote, credit and/or footnote correctly. Love more. May it help! Note: Ivan is available to talk at your school or anywhere else, or to be asked questions at darfurintenminutes@hotmail.com A brief overview of the Darfur conflict from a friend of mine who has spent a considerable amount of time "on the ground" there. The overview describes three of the significant "drivers" that explain what is going on in Darfur, but also show why decreasing the misery is so difficult. The three "drivers" are 1) ethnicity, 2) oil (mostly China, in the ongoing "scramble for Africa"), and 3) desertification/climate change. I hope this overview is helpful. Any informative comments are greatly appreciated. As a personal note, with the Darfur hell so centred around oil, I can't help but think of the Iraq hell, that also began in 2003, and has likely resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians—basically folks like you and me. Don't you just dream of a time when enough people actually say, "No"—and it has meaning? Maybe that time is closer than we know. Pete www.petemccormack.com Credits: Some of the stills are from the gifted photographer Ton Koene. www.tonkoene.com The music is from Dennis Burke, composer on both Uganda Rising and See Grace Fly. www.dennisburkemusic.com
published: 26 Feb 2008
author: PeteMcCormack2
views: 127323

Inside Story - Darfur conflict: A rebel leader's death
Will the killing of Khalil Ibrahim help or hinder attempts to broker a lasting peace in th...
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Inside Story - Darfur conflict: A rebel leader's death
Will the killing of Khalil Ibrahim help or hinder attempts to broker a lasting peace in the troubled region of Darfur? Inside Story, discusses with guests: Hafiz Mohammed, Ishag Meki and Rabie Abdul Atti.
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
views: 18040

Attack On Darfur . فلم دارفور
this is what happening form the Jangweed's militiamen , this movie is just describing the ...
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: Harron Alrashed
Attack On Darfur . فلم دارفور
this is what happening form the Jangweed's militiamen , this movie is just describing the real situation for Darfur's people , they are really suffering , Jangweed burn . kill , rape and even more . I haven't been there but I have a friend from there and after I had watched the movie he told me that "there are more things than this in Darfur " Can you please imaging what are these things ? Because I couldn't .!
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: Harron Alrashed
views: 9716

Darfur (Trailer)
Darfur - Behind the Scenes, the sudan drama by Uwe Boll. Unaware of what they would find, ...
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: Karsten Klabautermann
Darfur (Trailer)
Darfur - Behind the Scenes, the sudan drama by Uwe Boll. Unaware of what they would find, a group of international Journalists visit a small village in Darfur under the protection of the African Union (AU). They were never the same again... Darfur has been termed genocide. The crisis has claimed the lives of over 300000 civilians. The state sponsored Janjaweed Militia, with the support of Sudanese Government Forces, are responsible for the majority of the rape, torture and murder. 2.8 million Darfuri have been displaced within Sudan. 3.8 million people are dependent on international humanitarian aid. One half of these people are beyond the reach of such help. For more informations please visit: www.standcanada.org
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: Karsten Klabautermann
views: 115215

Unaware of what they would find, a group of international Journalists visit a small villag...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: eoneuk
Unaware of what they would find, a group of international Journalists visit a small village in Darfur under the protection of the African Union (AU). They manage to convince their guide to take them to a village in Janjaweed territory. When they arrive, the journalists see how the Sudanese live daily in fear of rape, torture and murder by the government and the rebel militia. While they are interviewing the Sudanese men and women for accounts to take back home and prove to the UN that genocide has occurred, the Janjaweed militia show up at the village, and threaten to kill the journalists if they do not leave. Four of the six journalists choose to leave the camp, but two remain behind ...
published: 04 Jul 2012
author: eoneuk

Darfur Diaries - Message from Home
The documentary DARFUR DIARIES features interviews with many victims of the devastating ge...
published: 18 Nov 2010
author: NewVideoDigital
Darfur Diaries - Message from Home
The documentary DARFUR DIARIES features interviews with many victims of the devastating genocide taking place in the area. The filmmakers seek to shine some light on this dark chapter in human history.
published: 18 Nov 2010
author: NewVideoDigital
views: 44099

The changing face of Darfur's peace missions - 26 Nov 07 - Hot Latest News
The makeup of the joint United Nations and African Union Force is going to be crucial to t...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: HotLatestNews
The changing face of Darfur's peace missions - 26 Nov 07 - Hot Latest News
The makeup of the joint United Nations and African Union Force is going to be crucial to the success or failure of the mission in Sudan's Darfur region. Rebels there have demanded that China pull out its peacekeepers who are preparing for next January's handover. Mohammed Vall followed the African Union force and reports now on the changing faces of peace missions in Darfur. - Hot Latest News - Watch more on fastlatestnews.com
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: HotLatestNews
views: 34

The Genocide In Darfur
The Genocide in Darfur...
published: 16 Nov 2006
author: capenobvious
The Genocide In Darfur

From Darfur to Israel (1/3)
interview with asylum-seeker Jacob Berry from Darfur, Sudan, now living in Israel - part 1...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: bluepilgrimage
From Darfur to Israel (1/3)
interview with asylum-seeker Jacob Berry from Darfur, Sudan, now living in Israel - part 1 of 3
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: bluepilgrimage
views: 140

Darfur, Sudan: Seeking The Truth
FinalCall.com Video - As proponents of sanctions against the African nation of Sudan conti...
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: FCNN
Darfur, Sudan: Seeking The Truth
FinalCall.com Video - As proponents of sanctions against the African nation of Sudan continue to grow louder in the US media, amplified by certain forces who desire to negatively exploit the current conflict, FinalCall.com News features a discussion on the crisis in Darfur, Sudan. During the live news talk show on New York's KISS FM, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam International Representative, Akbar Muhammad discussed the situation in Darfur, Sudan with radio host James Mtume. For more news, login @ www.finalcall.com
published: 03 Nov 2012
author: FCNN
views: 512

Der Todesreiter von Darfur (DOKU)
Nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Militärdienst sucht der ehemalige US Marine Brian Steidle n...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: Wert Frei
Der Todesreiter von Darfur (DOKU)
Nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Militärdienst sucht der ehemalige US Marine Brian Steidle nach einer neuen Aufgabe. Im Internet stößt er auf eine Anzeige, in der die "Afrikanische Union" einen Militärbeobachter für den Sudan sucht. Steidle erhält den Job und fliegt nach Darfur. Nicht ahnend, was ihn erwartet, muss er mit ansehen, wie im Auftrag der dortigen Regierung ein systematischer Völkermord betrieben wird. Dörfer werden niedergebrannt und deren Einwohner vergewaltigt, als Geiseln genommen, bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannt oder erschossen. Doch er darf nicht eingreifen. Als Militärbeobachter sind ihm die Hände gebunden. Frustriert kehrt er in seine Heimat zurück, um Presse, Regierung und Behörden zu informieren.
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: Wert Frei
views: 440

Women Lead The Way Out Of Hunger In Darfur
Women in Darfur are at work to build a sustainable future for their communities through a ...
published: 06 Jun 2012
Women Lead The Way Out Of Hunger In Darfur
Women in Darfur are at work to build a sustainable future for their communities through a series of programmes helping them to provide for their families.
published: 06 Jun 2012
views: 583

George Clooney warns of Darfur-like crisis in Sudan border
George Clooney testifies before Congress about a humanitarian crisis on the border between...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: CNN
George Clooney warns of Darfur-like crisis in Sudan border
George Clooney testifies before Congress about a humanitarian crisis on the border between Sudan and South Sudan.
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: CNN
views: 4308
Vimeo results:

Strangers No More Movie Trailer - Bialik Rogozin School
Trailer for the OSCAR®-Nominated documentary short, Strangers No More, about the Bialik Ro...
published: 01 Feb 2011
author: Simon & Goodman Picture Co.
Strangers No More Movie Trailer - Bialik Rogozin School
Trailer for the OSCAR®-Nominated documentary short, Strangers No More, about the Bialik Rogozin School in Tel Aviv. Produced and Directed by Karen Goodman & Kirk Simon. A production of Simon & Goodman Picture Company. Check out the official movie site here: www.strangersnomoremovie.com.

Active Compassion for the Persecuted
This video is produced by Watermelon Ministries to show the amazing work being done by Per...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: Media Change
Active Compassion for the Persecuted
This video is produced by Watermelon Ministries to show the amazing work being done by Persecution Project Foundation. Persecution Project foundation is providing active compassion for the persecuted in Darfur Sudan. This overview video gives a quick view into the heart and ministry of Persecution Project Foundation.

published: 09 Jan 2010
author: Saeed David Farman
ALIENSHIFTERS Preparing for the 2012-2019 coming 7 years of Tribulations, WWIII, Armageddon, Nostradamus, Prophecy, Disclosure Project, ET Studies, Alien Technology, Alien Pictures, UFO Videos, CERN, HAARP, Montauk, Philadelphia Experiment, NASA MARS Exploration, Alien Contact, Exopolitics, Alientology, UFOLOGY, Pole Shift, Planet Nibiru, Sumerians, Annunaki, Star Gates, UFO, USO, Life on MARS, Spiritual UFOLOGY, Time Travel, Hollow Earth, Mayan Calendar, Telepathy, Ascension, Spiritual Activism, Spiritual Awakening, Meditation for transformation & Ascension, Activating DNA Codes, Amnesty & Human Rights, Shift in Human Consciousness, Liberty & Freedom for people of Iran, China, Tibet, North Korea, Burma, Darfur, Sudan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Palestine GITMO, BAGRAM AIR BASE & Afghanistan.
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Darfur - Waiting for Justice
Interviews with survivors of the attacks (in Mukjar, Bindisi and other towns in Wadi Salih...
published: 03 Jun 2008
author: Aegis Trust
Darfur - Waiting for Justice
Interviews with survivors of the attacks (in Mukjar, Bindisi and other towns in Wadi Salih, West Darfur) who name Ahmad Harun and ‘Ali Kushayb’ the two suspects indicted by the International Criminal Court.
Interviews: April/May 2008
Youtube results:

Darfur refugees in crisis
The UN's former envoy to Sudan explains why he has been prevented from visiting refugees....
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: CNN
Darfur refugees in crisis
The UN's former envoy to Sudan explains why he has been prevented from visiting refugees.
published: 17 Jan 2012
author: CNN
views: 305

Heart of Darfur: Arab Nomads - 17 Aug 07 - Hot Latest News
All this week we've been bringing you a series of reports about the Darfur you didn't know...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: HotLatestNews
Heart of Darfur: Arab Nomads - 17 Aug 07 - Hot Latest News
All this week we've been bringing you a series of reports about the Darfur you didn't know. Now Mohammed Vall follows the trail of the nomadic Arabs of Darfur. They are sometimes wrongfully characterised as Janjaweed, the government backed militia involved in much of the violence of the past 4 years. But as Mohammed discovered, the Rizegat Bedouin are themselves struggling to preserve their way of life in a region torn apart by the conflict. - Hot Latest News - Watch more on fastlatestnews.com
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: HotLatestNews
views: 68

Interviews from WFP SAFE centre in Darfur
World Food Programme beneficiary interviews from SAFE centre in Darfur....
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: CookstovesAlliance
Interviews from WFP SAFE centre in Darfur
World Food Programme beneficiary interviews from SAFE centre in Darfur.
published: 24 Sep 2012
author: CookstovesAlliance
views: 60