
Why Is The Salah Timetable Circulated by Hizbul Ulama UK Incorrect? At Islamic Cultural Centre ICCUK
Do Not Blindly Follow Hizbul Ulama Salah Timetable, Meeting At Islamic Cultural Centre Reg...
published: 09 Jun 2012
Author: AlBalagh100
Why Is The Salah Timetable Circulated by Hizbul Ulama UK Incorrect? At Islamic Cultural Centre ICCUK
Do Not Blindly Follow Hizbul Ulama Salah Timetable, Meeting At Islamic Cultural Centre Regent's Park Mosque, London, Correct Mushaidah Subah Sadiq Times in Shari'ah www.croydonmosque.com - www.wifaqululama.co.uk - LECTURE ON Mufti Sajid Patel, Shaykh Farid Patel and Shaykh Khalifa Imaam of London Central Mosque & Islamic Cultural Centre 146 Park Road. Ramadaan Subah Sadik Timetable meeting at Regents Park on 5 June 2012. (3rd Meeting) Important Announcement as regards to Unified Salah times in London by the Wifaq ul Ulama Upon the invitation of the London Muslim Forum three meetings were held at the Regents Park Mosque ( ICCUK) with an agenda to unify the Mosques of London on CORRECT Salah times. Forty Six Mosques were represented at the meeting yesterday (5th of June 2012). With the grace of Almighty Allah we are pleased to announce that representatives of Forty Four Mosques have unanimously agreed that they will adopt the centuries old 18 degrees timetable. This is a timetable adopted by the majority of Muslim Countries throughout the World, and agreed upon by the majority of the Scholars throughout the world. In fact 99% of the Scholars of the Indian subcontinent are unanimous on the point that the time of Isha and Fajr begins when the Sun is 18 degree below the horizon. One of the two Mosques that abstained was the Regents Park Mosque as they did not have their director Dr Dubyaan present. The Imam of the other Mosque was in agreement but he had to consult his <b>...</b>

Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam Merger and their relationship to Al-Qaeda
Al-Shabaab forced the Ras Kambooni group of Hizbul Islam to capitulate and then announced ...
published: 08 Feb 2010
Author: HimiloOnline
Al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam Merger and their relationship to Al-Qaeda
Al-Shabaab forced the Ras Kambooni group of Hizbul Islam to capitulate and then announced that they would ally themselves with Al-Qaeda. Al-Jazeera Satalight TV interviewed Dr. Afyare Abdi Elmi, a Somali Political Scientist at Qatar University about the implications of these events.

Sheikh Aweys (Hizbul Islam leader) vows to continue fighting 23 August 2009
Sheikh Aweys (Hizbul Islam leader) vows to continue fighting 23 August 2009...
published: 24 Aug 2009
Author: 71960
Sheikh Aweys (Hizbul Islam leader) vows to continue fighting 23 August 2009
Sheikh Aweys (Hizbul Islam leader) vows to continue fighting 23 August 2009

one man peace_MP4 480p (16x9).mp4
ONE MAN PEACE a documentary Director: Kati Juurus Producer: Pentti Väliahdet, Finnish...
published: 25 Apr 2012
Author: yle
one man peace_MP4 480p (16x9).mp4
ONE MAN PEACE a documentary Director: Kati Juurus Producer: Pentti Väliahdet, Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE 2012 Duration: 59' / M&E Distribution: Nordic World Abdullahi Farah is a Somali-born cornershopkeeper from Espoo, Finland. His unlikely mission is to bring peace to his former home country. Because of his past in Somalia, he knows ministers as well as leaders in the most important insurgencies, such as Hizbul Islam or Al Shabaab. Because of his contacts, Mr. Farah becomes a vital middleman between UN diplomats and Somali insurgents, many listed as terrorists. One Man Peace gives us a rare insider's view into an on-going peace-process. We see the difficulties in reaching out to insurgent organizations. And we see the petty politicking which takes place inside the international diplomatic community - politicking which hinders the advancement of the peace process. We see how, amazingly, the UN finds itself being dependent on the contacts of a mere shopkeeper in Espoo. We see Abdullahi Farah's moments of hope as well as his bitter frustrations. Will his work be in vain? Is there any chance for peace?

Dispatch: Al Shabaab's Increasing Power
Analyst Mark Schroeder examines al Shabaab's takeover of Hizbul Islam preceding the an...
published: 22 Dec 2010
Author: STRATFORvideo
Dispatch: Al Shabaab's Increasing Power
Analyst Mark Schroeder examines al Shabaab's takeover of Hizbul Islam preceding the announcement that more African Union peacekeepers will be sent to Somalia.

Press conference Syed Salahuddin.13-5-12
Press conference Syed Salahuddin Supreem Commander of Hizbul Mujhaideen.at Idare Noor-e-Hu...
published: 21 May 2012
Author: TheRaahtv
Press conference Syed Salahuddin.13-5-12
Press conference Syed Salahuddin Supreem Commander of Hizbul Mujhaideen.at Idare Noor-e-Huq on 13-5-2012

Fresh fighting rocks Somali capital - 10 May 09 - Hot Latest News
Fresh fighting has erupted in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, between fighters loyal to the...
published: 16 Jul 2012
Author: HotLatestNews
Fresh fighting rocks Somali capital - 10 May 09 - Hot Latest News
Fresh fighting has erupted in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, between fighters loyal to the government and their opponents from al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam. At least 50 people have been killed and over 200 people have been hurt in fighting over the weekend. The battles are another blow to the government of President Sharif Ahmed, which has little control over Mogadishu and large areas of the countrys south. Roza Ibragimova reports. - Hot Latest News - Watch more on fastlatestnews.com

Sejarah PAS ( Parti Islam Semalaysia )
Sejarah PAS 1- Di tubuhkan pada 23 Ogos 1951 - Persatuan Ulama Se- Tanah Melayu. 2- Pada 2...
published: 08 Sep 2012
Author: Signal On
Sejarah PAS ( Parti Islam Semalaysia )
Sejarah PAS 1- Di tubuhkan pada 23 Ogos 1951 - Persatuan Ulama Se- Tanah Melayu. 2- Pada 24 Nov 1951 - Tranformasi Kepada Persatuan Islam Se- Malaya ( PAS ) 3- Pertubuhan PAS hasil resolusi Muzakarah Ulama melayu yang terdiri daripada Hizbul Muslimin, Cendikiawan Dan Alim Ulama. 4- Yang Dipertua PAS Pertama - Haji Ahmad Fuad Hassan. 5- Dasar PAS Ialah Memperjuangkan Islam, Seruan PAS Ialah ALLAH HUAKBAR !!!!! 6- Mission PAS ( i ) Mewujudkan Negara Sebuah Masyarakat Dan Pemerintahan Yang Terlaksana Dengan Nilai Nilai Hidup Islam Berlandaskan Hukum ALLAH. ( ii )Mempertahankan Kesucian Islam Serta Kemerdekaan Dan Kedaulatan Negara. [ Ulama & Yg Terdahulu Memimpin, Pejuang Muda Terpimpin ] ..... ALLAH HUAKBAR !!!

The Correct 'Mushahadah' Time at which Subah Sadiq & Shafaq Commences, London Cultural Mosque ICCUK
Download link for pdf: - www.croydonmosque.com - www.wifaqululama.co.uk - LECTURE ON Sheyk...
published: 09 Jun 2012
Author: AlBalagh100
The Correct 'Mushahadah' Time at which Subah Sadiq & Shafaq Commences, London Cultural Mosque ICCUK
Download link for pdf: - www.croydonmosque.com - www.wifaqululama.co.uk - LECTURE ON Sheykh Farid Patel, Mufti Sajid Patel and Shaykh Khalifa Imaam of London Central Mosque & Islamic Cultural Centre 146 Park Road. Ramadaan Subah Sadik Timetable meeting at Regent's Park Mosque, London on 5 June 2012 (3rd Meeting) Important Announcement as regards to Unified Salah times in London by the Wifaq ul Ulama Upon the invitation of the London Muslim Forum three meetings were held at the Regents Park Mosque (ICCUK) with an agenda to unify the Mosques of London on CORRECT Salah times. Forty Six Mosques were represented at the meeting yesterday (5th of June 2012). With the grace of Almighty Allah we are pleased to announce that representatives of Forty Four Mosques have unanimously agreed that they will adopt the centuries old 18 degrees timetable. This is a timetable adopted by the majority of Muslim Countries throughout the World, and agreed upon by the majority of the Scholars throughout the world. In fact 99% of the Scholars of the Indian subcontinent are unanimous on the point that the time of Isha and Fajr begins when the Sun is 18 degree below the horizon. One of the two Mosques that abstained was the Regents Park Mosque as they did not have their director Dr Dubyaan present. The Imam of the other Mosque was in agreement but he had to consult his committee before making a final decision. May we also take this opportunity to inform the public that observations (Mushahadah) have <b>...</b>

Al Shabab Near Kenyan Border
Kenyan security forces have been put on high alert after reports emerged that members of t...
published: 01 Dec 2009
Author: kenyacitizentv
Al Shabab Near Kenyan Border
Kenyan security forces have been put on high alert after reports emerged that members of the Al Shabab militia group have now moved closer to the Kenyan border town of Liboi. Internal Security Permanent Secretary Francis Kimemia said Kenya had beefed up its security presence along the Kenya - Somalia border after members of the Al-Shabab who are linked to the Al Qaeda terrorist group captured Dhobley town, 2 kilometers away from the Kenyan border town of Liboi. The militia group took control of Dhobley area forcing members of the Hizbul Islam fighters to flee into Kenya. Among those believed to have sought refuge in Kenya are Hizbul Islam leaders Ibrahim Shugri, Hassan Mahdi and Moalim Mohammed.

Hizbul Islam
highlighting the projects and the purpose of Hizbul_islam...
published: 31 Dec 2006
Author: nadirkhan134
Hizbul Islam
highlighting the projects and the purpose of Hizbul_islam

Dispatch: UAV Strikes Against al Shabaab
For more analysis, visit: www.stratfor.com Analyst Mark Schroeder discusses the latest str...
published: 26 Sep 2011
Author: STRATFORvideo
Dispatch: UAV Strikes Against al Shabaab
For more analysis, visit: www.stratfor.com Analyst Mark Schroeder discusses the latest strategy to neutralize the transnational elements of al Shabaab by conducting unmanned aerial vehicle strikes against suspected terrorist training camps.

Somalia: Hizbul islam
Somalia24 TV Xisbul islam...
published: 25 Jun 2009
Author: somalia24tv
Somalia: Hizbul islam
Somalia24 TV Xisbul islam

Muslim threats end Music broadcasts in Somalia
Why do Muslims seem to respond to things they disagree with by threats and violence? Musli...
published: 26 Apr 2010
Author: TheBereanSearch
Muslim threats end Music broadcasts in Somalia
Why do Muslims seem to respond to things they disagree with by threats and violence? Muslims have shown they can and do organize for large protests. If these groups don't understand how to practice Islam, why is there no large and organized protest by Muslims against groups like Hizbul-Islam? news.bbc.co.uk (Please be aware of my commenting policy, posted on my channel page.)
Youtube results:

Lecture Molana Jalaluddin Umari
Lecture Molana Jalaluddin Umari President Of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind topic Challanges Of Isla...
published: 11 Jun 2012
Author: TheRaahtv
Lecture Molana Jalaluddin Umari
Lecture Molana Jalaluddin Umari President Of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind topic Challanges Of Islam in 21th century Venu Idara Marif-e-Islami Date 09 june 2012 please join us on facebook www.facebook.com/raahtv

The Somali Conflict II
This documentary was filmed while role playing as part of Bellurgan Park Airsoft's Som...
published: 15 Aug 2011
Author: Smallbike021
The Somali Conflict II
This documentary was filmed while role playing as part of Bellurgan Park Airsoft's Somali Conflict part II. Music by Kristopher Fisher www.youtube.com

Pakistan was Build on Islam and will Always Remain on Islam
Imam Ahle Sunnah Maulana Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan Safdar (rah) - If You are Pakistani You Mu...
published: 20 Jun 2012
Author: AlBalagh100
Pakistan was Build on Islam and will Always Remain on Islam
Imam Ahle Sunnah Maulana Muhammad Sarfaraz Khan Safdar (rah) - If You are Pakistani You Must Hear this Audio. Guidance for the Ummah Quran Sunnat Nabi RasulAllah Hadith Salah Zakat Hajj darood sharif Islam Muslim Masjid Makkah Madina iqsa Darul Uloom Deoband Karachi LAB PE AATI HAI DUA BANKE TAMANNA MERI Dar-e-Nabi - Masaajid In England UK Muslim Welfare House North London Central Mosque Sultan Selim Masjid Complex South Tottenham Mosque Azizia Mosque Valide Sultan Central Trust & Islamic Cultural Centre East London Mosque end sehri fajr time shariah Markazi Masjid Ishaatul Islam Mosque Jamia Masjid Mazahirul Uloom London Madrasah-e-Darul Kerat Mozidiah Al-Huda Cultural Centre & Mosque 18 degree true down Shoreditch Masjid Suleymaniye Mosque Bow Central Mosque & Islamic Centre Chingford Islamic Society Madina Mosque Trust Clapton Markaz-ud-Dawat wal Irshad Madina Masjid Anjuman-e-Islamia Jamia Mosque Masjid Bilal & Islamic Centre Jamia Mohi-ul-Islam Siddiquia Azhar Academy Forest Gate Mosque International Khatme-Nabuwat Movement Imamia Mission Newham North Islamic Association Green Street Forest Gate Idara Minhaj-ul-Quran Upton Mosque Ouwwat-ul-IsIam Society Islamic Dawa Council Jamia Darussalam Dalston Mosque Sandringham Road Mosque Masjid Albirr Leyton Muslim Community Centre & Jame Masjid Noor-ul-Islam Walthamstow Mosque Leytonstone Ashville Muslim Welfare Trust & Masjid Leytonstone Shah Jalal Mosque East Ham Masjid Tawheed Manor Park London Church Road Masjid Islamic <b>...</b>

Ruyat-e-Hilal Issue of Saudi Moon Sighting In The UK -BY: Imam Qasim Rashid Ahmed (IQRA) Tv
Islamc Fiqh* 1. Holy Qur'an 2. Sunnah 3. Ijma'i 4. Shriah Qayas (Fiqh Issue of Moo...
published: 08 May 2012
Author: SalfSalih
Ruyat-e-Hilal Issue of Saudi Moon Sighting In The UK -BY: Imam Qasim Rashid Ahmed (IQRA) Tv
Islamc Fiqh* 1. Holy Qur'an 2. Sunnah 3. Ijma'i 4. Shriah Qayas (Fiqh Issue of Moonsighting Debate) Shaykh Maulana Qasim R. Ahmed [IQRA] Channel Tv Al-Khair School, in Croydon South London. www.wifaqululama.co.uk - www.croydonmosque.com - moonsighting.com _________________________________________ Moonsighting (Ru'yat) Correct Guidelines for the UK __________________________________________ Darul uloom Deoband Shikh-ul-Hadith Maulana Yusuf Motala Bilal Bawa Abu Nauman Abdur Raheem Sheikh Ul Hadeeth leicester london Bury Hadhrat Moulana Masjid Khizra, Bury Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandahlvi Maulana Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Tariq Jameel Tablighi Haji Tafseer Hazrat Maulana Ramadhan Eid Muslim Welfare House North London Central Mosque Sultan Selim Masjid Complex South Tottenham Mosque Azizia Mosque Valide Sultan Central Trust & Islamic Cultural Centre East London Mosque end sehri fajr time shariah Markazi Masjid Ishaatul Islam Mosque Trust Clapton Markaz-ud-Dawat wal Irshad Madina Masjid Anjuman-e-Islamia Jamia Mosque Masjid Bilal & Islamic Centre Jamia Mohi-ul-Islam Siddiquia Azhar Academy Forest Gate Newham North Islamic Association Green Street Forest Gate Idara Minhaj-ul-Quran Upton Mosque Ouwwat-ul-IsIam Society Islamic Dawa Council Jamia Darussalam Dalston Mosque Sandringham Road Mosque Masjid Albirr Leyton Muslim Community Centre Jame Masjid Noor-ul-Islam Walthamstow Mosque Leytonstone Ashville Muslim Welfare Trust & Masjid Leytonstone Shah Jalal Mosque East Ham <b>...</b>