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Policy WikiShop Visualisation

Posted on: Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 in: Policy Wikishop


Is how I envisaged PolicyWikiShop being structured.

HT: (the excellent Infosthetics)

Crowd-Sourcing Policy Making

Posted on: Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop

Brett at Everything is Changing has alerted me to a new topic-hub at ManyEyes for the Obama policy platform and it got us thinking about the potential for Obama’s open source campaigning to extend its volunteer empowerment from organising to policy development.

ManyEyes is an IBM backed social media tool designed to use crowdsourcing to produce […]

Rebooting Democracy – Yochai Benkler

Posted on: Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop

My favourite peer production scholar, the oft under-rated Yochai Benkler (of The Wealth of Networks and Coase’s Penguin fame) is the author of another one of the better contributions to the Rebooting Democracy collection.
Benkler’s Contribution, “Participation as Sustainable Cooperation in Pursuit of Public Goals” largely builds on his previous work on the Networked Public Sphere. […]

Rebooting Democracy – Sidewalks for Democracy Online - Steven Clift

Posted on: Sunday, June 29th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop, The Blogosphere

Continuing with some of the highlights of the Rebooting Democracy essay series…
While I found Newt Gingrich’s essay to be the most surprising of the collection, it was Steven Clift’s contribution that gave me the biggest ‘Aha!’ moment of the book. The essence of Clift’s essay is that:
government websites don’t have sidewalks, newspaper racks, public hearing […]


Posted on: Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop

The Wall Street Journal has an op-ed today discussing the next book from the Wikinomics authors; Government 2.0. It’s pretty superficial, but this para grabbed me as relevant:

Daniel Mintz, chief information officer for the Transportation Department, has noted how radical it is for government agencies to engage in wikis. They challenge the traditional notion that […]

Agile Government

Posted on: Monday, May 5th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop

Check out this longish, but reasonably interesting read from the Vic Gov State Services Authority titled “Towards Agile Government”.
The report builds on the “Digital Era Governance” agenda that Patrick Dunleavy has been promoting at the LSE as well as the work of Tom Bentley at Demos on the future of government services. The Report advocates […]

Government 2.0

Posted on: Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 in: Open Source Government, Policy Wikishop

Just stumbled across the new project from the Wikinomics guys which is right up my alley: Government 2.0.

Here’s the synopsis:

Government 2.0: Wikinomics, Government & Democracy is a global research project that will identify and analyze emerging opportunities to harness new models of collaboration to transform the public sector.

Good stuff.

WikiPolicy in the Blogosphere

Posted on: Wednesday, February 20th, 2008 in: Policy Wikishop, Wonkery

Mark Pesce at the ABC’s Unleashed Blog has picked up on the WikiPolicy proposal for the Australia 2020 Summit that was floated at ToKBlog a few weeks ago.
While he doesn’t go into any detail as to the important governance issues that would need to be resolved to provide the necessary structures and incentives for such […]

Australia 2020 – Why not really open up the conversation?

Posted on: Monday, February 4th, 2008 in: Policy Wikishop, The Blogosphere, Wonkery

Kevin Rudd’s Australia 2020 Summit has been getting pretty favourable coverage, winning plaudits from The Australian, the Leader of the Opposition and the Blogosphere.
In a nutshell the plan is to “bring together 1000 leading Australians to the national Parliament to debate and develop long-term options for the nation across 10 critical areas” with the objective […]