Welcome, Developer!
Here you’ll find helpful documentation on all the different ways you can interact with Vimeo programatically.
Data APIs
Simple, Advanced, oEmbed: pick your poison. Get acquainted with the APIs. It’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made.
Advanced API Methods
The full method list lets you know what’s possible with the API. The playground lets you test everything out.
Vimeo Player
It won’t make your lunch or clean your bathroom but just about anything else is possible with the Vimeo player.
Everything’s better when we all play by the rules. Let our terms, best practices, and rate limiting docs be your safety net.
API Status Twitter
Follow @VimeoAPI on Twitter for status updates, outage notices, and important posts from the API blog.
Developer Help
Think twice and program once. As good as the documentation may be, you might still have problems. We’ve got you covered.
Recent Updates
New Developer Site!
May 9, 2012
Would you be totally flabbergasted if we told you that in addition to rebuilding Vimeo from the ground up, we’ve ALSO constructed a brand new site for developers who want to rock the Vimeo APIs? Well, start flabbering your gasts* — because it’s true.
More vimeo.videos.getSubscriptions changes
Mar 5, 2012
To be consistent with how it is handled on-site, we will be requiring read permissions for vimeo.videos.getSubscriptions starting on April 2. You will need to pass a user token to the call or you’ll…
For all updates to our API, follow the API status blog
Photos from Vimeo HQ
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Vimeo Everywhere
Apple TV is using the Vimeo API to show your videos in the Highest D your TV can muster.