
Orgasm During Childbirth
Simply Beautiful and Natural ... just release your fear, don`t think of fear .. think of t...
published: 02 Jun 2010
Author: exlexmk
Orgasm During Childbirth
Simply Beautiful and Natural ... just release your fear, don`t think of fear .. think of the beauty of amazing/divine process ...

Natural Childbirth
giving birth naturally SupermomWannabe.com no pain medication Baby born at 9 on Tuesday Ju...
published: 29 Jul 2010
Author: jjandjake
Natural Childbirth
giving birth naturally SupermomWannabe.com no pain medication Baby born at 9 on Tuesday July 27th, 2010. 7 lbs. 13 oz. baby boy. 38 weeks pregnant (previous pregnancies were 3-5 days late so labor and delivery unexpected 2 weeks early) Prayers for our baby boy are welcome as he recovers from some health challenges (related to his kidneys). Baby was able to come home from hospital NICU 3 weeks after birth. I planned non medicated birth @ hospital w/ midwife because I'm VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarian section) so higher risks. Our newborn son needed medical intervention immediately after birth. This was an unmedicated "dry childbirth" (no amniotic fluid), and baby's abdomen was larger than his head! No epidural, no pain meds, all natural. So yes it hurt. Video: See Baby Jackson's amazing inspirational story: www.youtube.com * * Blog: Please follow me on my blog - has the full story on my labor, delivery, childbirth, and baby (and so much more!) www.supermomwannabe.com * Please subscribe to my channel * - VIDEO My five different childbirth experiences compared- www.youtube.com

Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 1, Labor
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted labor in a birthing center. ...
published: 25 Sep 2010
Author: MamaNaturalBlog
Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 1, Labor
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted labor in a birthing center. Part 2 - Delivery: www.youtube.com Part 3 - Reflections: www.youtube.com Buckle up everyone, here's my birthing story! It's a big one, so we've divided it into three parts. Labor began at 9:30 pm on Friday, Sept 10 and lasted through the night and into the morning. I was unable to sleep, but managing fairly well. We called our doula over around noon and soon it was time to drive to the alternative birthing center at a nearby hospital. When the midwife checked me out I was 5cm dilated. Yeah for the rookie mom! We were worried I'd be at a 1 or 2. I continued to labor in the birthing center - mainly in the shower and down on all fours with the birthing ball - till 4 pm When my midwife rechecked me I was at a 7! Life was good. I had hope! I labored for 2 more hours... very intense, very painful and thank God for Mike who literally held my back together with every contraction to help offset the pressure. I was rechecked at 6 pm and was making progress. We labored for another half hour and then filled the birthing tub...

MedicinaL chiLdbiRth
wheeeeeeeewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! ar e you scared?? weLL watcH this ouT!! nothingZ can be scarEd...
published: 02 Oct 2011
Author: TheLadyvhon07
MedicinaL chiLdbiRth
wheeeeeeeewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! ar e you scared?? weLL watcH this ouT!! nothingZ can be scarEd of!! chiLax!!!

A Man Experiencing Childbirth
A man experiencing the pain of childbirth. I particularly like his comment starting at 09....
published: 15 Apr 2009
Author: BlueTulip1969
A Man Experiencing Childbirth
A man experiencing the pain of childbirth. I particularly like his comment starting at 09.52.

To download FREE medical animations of pregnancy and birth, visit www.prenateperl.com If y...
published: 27 Mar 2007
Author: nucleusanimation
To download FREE medical animations of pregnancy and birth, visit www.prenateperl.com If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com Nucleus Medical Media's www.nucleusinc.com 3D medical animation of a baby's birth shows a time lapse view of labor and delivery during normal vaginal birth in a simplified form with only the mother's skeletal structures and the baby in the uterus. Also shown in detail is dilatation (dilation or dilating) and effacement (thinning) of the cervix during childbirth contractions. http FREE pregnancy and birth videos for your OB GYN practice. Music: Prelude from Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 See more 3D medical, surgery and health animations from Nucleus Medical Art at www.nucleusinc.com ولادة طبيعية Рождение ребенка مقطع لولادة طفل حتى خروجه من رحم أمه

Live Childbirth Video
inshapemommy.com Also, follow me on Twiiter http - A child's birth is such an incredib...
published: 08 Jan 2011
Author: surfraser
Live Childbirth Video
inshapemommy.com Also, follow me on Twiiter http - A child's birth is such an incredible and amazing moment!

Childbirth Song
Parody written by Helen Austin and performed at Voices Three 2007, a concert that raised $...
published: 20 Feb 2008
Author: heleneaustin
Childbirth Song
Parody written by Helen Austin and performed at Voices Three 2007, a concert that raised $3000 for Hospice. I have had several requests for lyrics...so here they are and thanks to all for watching!! Childbirth Song You've bags under your eyes You've got boobs to your knees Your hand's full of poo and your bra's full of cheese Your stomach is bloated your clothes do not fit He still wants sex while you feel like shit He begs for this favour not long after labour It's like eating a meal after you've just been sick And the boys at the office tell him I should give him what he wants To this I say that they're a bunch of lalalalalalala You bastard you cocked up it's you got me knocked up Just cos you want me to have bigger tits You're pleading, you're pining Oh please stop your whining You're not getting sex 'til the kid's 26 You say you want another child, another pregnancy When you can poo a watermelon I'll agree I could have been someone if you just hadn't come (along) If I hadn't been so drunk and I'd said maybe We'd be going out and stuff, now there's foreceps up my chuff Pulling the head of a screaming 10lb baby And the mums on Hornby Island* say keep breast feeding 'til they're four If I do I won't have nipples anymore And all the doctors told me that I'd need a stitch or ten I say sew me up so I can't do this again. *an island nearby with a reputation for being very wholesome!

childbirth, part 1
Dire warnings and advice...
published: 09 Feb 2009
Author: horndevil01
childbirth, part 1
Dire warnings and advice

Natural Childbirth
One of my favorite clips from "Bill Cosby, Himself" where he tells the story of ...
published: 18 Aug 2010
Author: okamitora3
Natural Childbirth
One of my favorite clips from "Bill Cosby, Himself" where he tells the story of he and his wife having their first child naturally.

Natural Childbirth of Twins and Triplets!
Photo montage of moms who have had their twins or triplets naturally (most were unmedicate...
published: 06 May 2008
Author: hpnvideo
Natural Childbirth of Twins and Triplets!
Photo montage of moms who have had their twins or triplets naturally (most were unmedicated and with as few interventions as possible), many against great odds! Dedicated to all the moms of multiples who gave their all and did everything they could for their babies, no matter whether their birth was vaginal or cesarean. All comments will be moderated; rude ones will be deleted. If you are expecting (or already have) twins and are interested in support for attachment parenting and natural birth, search for and join the "Naturally Parenting Twins" group on Facebook!

Natural Vaginal Childbirth Delivery Video Unassisted Water Homebirth
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my birth for third home birth, which was streamed live online ...
published: 26 Oct 2011
Author: YourBirthCoach
Natural Vaginal Childbirth Delivery Video Unassisted Water Homebirth
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my birth for third home birth, which was streamed live online at the time. This video starts as I start to feel pushing. Active labor started at 2 am and I hit transition around 2 The midwives were not present because I only wanted them there for the end of the birth and they did not have time to arrive since I called the first midwife only at at 2:48. You can see the labor here www.youtube.com Our son was born in our home in the presence of my husband, my daughter (5 at the time), my son (2 1/2), and 2 friends. (Also thousands of people watching online). You can get access to the full streamed birth through this link: yourbirthcoach.com Please leave you questions and comments. naturalbirthbabyandbeyond.com http facebook.com wellforlifenow.com http marketplacechiropractic.ca http

Childbirth Stations of Presentation
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.healthanimations.c...
published: 25 Jun 2007
Author: nucleusanimation
Childbirth Stations of Presentation
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.healthanimations.com FREE pregnancy and birth videos for your OB GYN practice. This time-lapse 3D medical animation shows the stations of presentation during labor (labour) and childbirth. The animation follows the baby's progress through the mother's birth canal, marking the baby's position by how her head lines up with specific points in the mother's bony pelvis. These points are called vertex positions, and use the designations +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2 -3 in what obstetricians (OB/GYNs) call the 1/3 system. Nucleus Medical Art is a leading creator and licensor of medical illustrations, 3D medical animations and interactive multimedia for medical devices, pharmaceutical companies, education, biotechnology, marketing agencies, lawyers, and more. View more 3D medical animations at www.nucleusinc.com

How the Body Works : Childbirth
Childbirth During childbirth the baby lies in the mother's uterus with his head pointi...
published: 02 Aug 2007
Author: dizzo95
How the Body Works : Childbirth
Childbirth During childbirth the baby lies in the mother's uterus with his head pointing down toward the cervix. The first stages of labor begin with short, regular contractions of the uterus, every few minutes, which continue until the mother's cervix is fully dilated. In the second stage of labor the contractions become more forceful, more frequent, and more painful. As the baby's head starts to move down the vagina the amniotic sac breaks and fluid is released. The top of the head appears at the entrance of the vagina and finally bulges out. This is the crowning of the head. The contractions which follow push the baby even farther down so that the head is delivered. The baby's eyes immediately begin to blink and the mouth makes sucking movements. The baby usually emerges facing the mother's back, so that the head passes through the widest possible opening in the pelvic girdle. The head then turns, so that the upper and then the lower shoulder follows. There is a final contraction and baby slips out, still attached to the umbilical cord. The cord is then tied and cut---a painless operation because the cord is nerveless. The third stage of labor, in which the placenta, or afterbirth, is delivered, is usually complete about fifteen minutes after the birth.
Vimeo results:

Joy Ride
A film by Sandro shot with the Nikon D800.
Director: Sandro
Editor: Alaster Jordan / Whit...
published: 06 Feb 2012
Author: Sandro
Joy Ride
A film by Sandro shot with the Nikon D800.
Director: Sandro
Editor: Alaster Jordan / Whitehouse
Music: Yessian
Production: Cap Gun
View the Behind the Scenes Video shot by the Nikon Crew: http://vimeo.com/36306101

Parto Vaginal - Childbirth
URL: http://cons...
published: 07 Aug 2009
Author: Javier Ernesto Flores Buisson
Parto Vaginal - Childbirth
URL: http://consultoriomedicofloresmancora.es.tl/ ...

Childbirth (Birth) 3D Video Animation
This simplified 3D medical animation depicts a normal vaginal birth using a time-lapse eff...
published: 03 May 2009
Author: childbirth
Childbirth (Birth) 3D Video Animation
This simplified 3D medical animation depicts a normal vaginal birth using a time-lapse effect. Strong uterine contractions push the fetus (baby) forcibly through the birth canal during labor. Concurrently, a picture-in-picture effect at the upper right shows the baby's head moving through the mother's pelvic outlet.

CHILDBIRTH - Parto Vaginal Normal
URL: http://cons...
published: 07 Aug 2009
Author: Javier Ernesto Flores Buisson
CHILDBIRTH - Parto Vaginal Normal
URL: http://consultoriomedicofloresmancora.es.tl/ ...
En el video podemos observar un parto normal, atendido el día de hoy 15 de Mayo de 2009, a las 00:35 hrs.
La madre es segundigesta, de 20 años que alumbra luego de 4 horas de haber empezado el trabajo de parto y con necesidad del uso de oxitocina debido a hipotonía del útero. El parto es eutócico, a término, de 39 semanas. Sexo masculino, peso=3000 grs, talla:48cms, apgar 10 al minuto. ¡¡Todo bien, como siempre gracias a Dios!!
Natural Final Vaginal Stage Labor Childbirth: This is a real video of a woman giving birth to a child. Truly a Miracle of God.
In the video we can observe a normal childbirth, attended today May 15, 2009, at 00:55 hours.
The mother is in her second pregnancy, with 20 years old that birth gives after 4 hours of beginning the Labor of birth and with need of use of oxitocina because of hypotonique uterus. The childbearing is eutocic, to term, 39 weeks . Masculine sex, weight=3000 grs, height:48cms, apgar 10 to the minute. All good, since like always thanks to God!!
Youtube results:

mamanatural.com Would you buy your daughter a Breast Milk Baby doll? A BBC presenter compa...
published: 28 Jul 2011
Author: MamaNaturalBlog
mamanatural.com Would you buy your daughter a Breast Milk Baby doll? A BBC presenter compares breastfeeding to sex in public. A breastfeeding doll (!). And Miranda Kerr says she "thought [she] was going to die during childbirth." Welcome to Mama Natural News, episode 1. BBC presenter compares breastfeeding to sex in public www.telegraph.co.uk Breastfeeding reduces chance of asthma www.telegraph.co.uk Breast Milk Baby Dolls May Soon Be In Stores thebreastmilkbaby.com Michelle Obama, Wal-Mart and the 'food desert' problem www.latimes.com Miranda Kerr: I Thought I Was Going To Die During Childbirth blogs.babble.com Note: Images used under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowing for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Vaginal Childbirth (Birth)
To download FREE medical animations of pregnancy and birth, visit www.prenateperl.com If y...
published: 27 Mar 2007
Author: nucleusanimation
Vaginal Childbirth (Birth)
To download FREE medical animations of pregnancy and birth, visit www.prenateperl.com If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com This simplified 3D medical animation depicts a normal vaginal birth using a time-lapse effect. Strong uterine contractions push the fetus (baby) forcibly through the birth canal during labor. Concurrently, a picture-in-picture effect at the upper right shows the baby's head moving through the mother's pelvic outlet. www.healthanimations.com FREE pregnancy and birth videos for your OB GYN practice.

Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 2, Delivery [GRAPHIC]
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted. Part 1 - Labor: www.youtube...
published: 27 Sep 2010
Author: MamaNaturalBlog
Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 2, Delivery [GRAPHIC]
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted. Part 1 - Labor: www.youtube.com Part 3 - Reflections: www.youtube.com After part one, I labored for another half hour and then filled the tub. My midwife talked about rupturing the water sac if I wanted to speed things up, but I declined. In the tub, I popped the sac naturally (YEAH!) and started to get the urge to push. My midwife checked me and said she could feel the baby's head. So I went for it. I was on all fours and pushing my guts out. I had intense 4-push-urge contractions and everyone thought this baby would be out by 9 pm Then things started to slow. Eventually, I got out of the tub. I was wiped out and my uterus was beyond exhausted. By 9 pm I was delirious with fatigue and dread. I honestly didn't know how I could get the strength to move forward and push the baby out. I asked if I could go to sleep and deliver in the morning. Ha! It didn't help that I hadn't eaten in 12 hours and I couldn't imagine trying. The baby was stuck in the same position for nearly 2 hours but thankfully he showed no signs of distress. The midwife and nurse wanted to kick start my uterus again, so began talking about pitocin and nipple stimulation. We tried nipple stimulation with wet rags and then breast pumps to activate stronger contractions. Cynthia was bombarded with pages that night and had to leave the room often. Once the pump's affect set in, I did have more intense contractions but, with the midwife gone, we <b>...</b>

Childbirth with Hypnosis
www.pregnancybirthandbabies.com I used hypnosis while having Bryson. He was my 3rd baby an...
published: 27 Feb 2007
Author: EnjoyBirth
Childbirth with Hypnosis
www.pregnancybirthandbabies.com I used hypnosis while having Bryson. He was my 3rd baby and 2nd VBAC. I wanted a natural childbirth, but was nervous about the pain. I used Hypnobabies www.hypnobabies.com and had a completely un-medicated AND comfortable birth. It was so empowering. For those who want to see some footage of me pushing you can see it here. www.youtube.com Visit www.ican-online.org for more information on VBACs.