
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary
Introduction by the author, Prof. John Wells...
published: 23 Sep 2008
Author: Seinegydd
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary
Introduction by the author, Prof. John Wells

Longman Dictionaries - Professor John Wells presents The Pronunciation Preference Poll survey.flv
The pronunciation preference polls in the third edition of the Longman Pronunciation Dicti...
published: 17 Jan 2010
Author: Seinegydd
Longman Dictionaries - Professor John Wells presents The Pronunciation Preference Poll survey.flv
The pronunciation preference polls in the third edition of the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary

OSCON 2010: Phillip Longman, "The VA and VistA: A Role Model for Radical Improvement of Health..."
oscon.com Phillip Longman (New America Foundation), "The VA and VistA A Role Model fo...
published: 31 Jul 2010
Author: OreillyMedia
OSCON 2010: Phillip Longman, "The VA and VistA: A Role Model for Radical Improvement of Health..."
oscon.com Phillip Longman (New America Foundation), "The VA and VistA A Role Model for Radical Improvement of Health Systems Everywhere"

Longman Cornerstone Video News Release
A few months ago we visited Glenwood Springs Elementary School in Glenwood Springs, Colora...
published: 13 Nov 2009
Author: PearsonLongmanUSA
Longman Cornerstone Video News Release
A few months ago we visited Glenwood Springs Elementary School in Glenwood Springs, Colorado to video interviews of teachers and students who were using Longman Cornerstone. This school had piloted Cornerstone last year and had such success with the program that they decided to implement the program across the entire school district this year. Not only that, but teachers from the school shared their students success in workshop sessions at TESOL last Spring. The video interviews yielded more than four hours of testimonials and live classroom activity, with each teacher reporting how well the program is working for their students. The video provides a compelling testimonial on how Longman Cornerstone accelerates students language acquisition while developing essential academic skills, enabling English learners to more quickly join regular, mainstream classes.

Longman Grottoes
Here's a view of the famous Longman Grottoes as they are being explained by Sarah and ...
published: 08 Oct 2006
Author: jkoenigchina
Longman Grottoes
Here's a view of the famous Longman Grottoes as they are being explained by Sarah and Queenie. Both have a flair for informing and entertaining. Great job!

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for iPhone / iPod touch
published: 28 May 2009
Author: kengopreston
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for iPhone / iPod touch

Tulane: Timothy Longman, Rwanda Gacaca Courts
In the aftermath of the 1994 genocide, the Government of Rwanda implemented an innovative ...
published: 17 Apr 2008
Author: Tulane
Tulane: Timothy Longman, Rwanda Gacaca Courts
In the aftermath of the 1994 genocide, the Government of Rwanda implemented an innovative judicial mechanism to try accused perpetrators. Gacaca adapts an indigenous dispute resolution mechanism to the modern purpose of pursuing transitional justice. Based on research conducted in Rwanda, Professor Timothy Longman assesses the gacaca process and considers whether it could serve as a model for other countries emerging from conflict. Timothy Longman is associate professor of political science and Africana studies at Vassar College, where he has taught since 1996. In addition to his post at Vassar, he is a visiting lecturer in the International Human Rights Exchange at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. From 2001-2005, he served as a research fellow for the Human Rights Center at the University of California, Berkeley, directing research on social reconstruction and reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda. He has served as a consultant in Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo for USAID and the State Department, the International Center for Transitional Justice, and Human Rights Watch, for whom he served as director of the Rwanda field office 1995-1996. His current research looks at social reconstruction in the aftermath of violence, focusing on issues of justice, memory, and identity in post-genocide Rwanda. He has also conducted research in Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa and is working on a major <b>...</b>

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English -5th 3.3 -- FREE DOWNLOAD
For Free Download Click Here - freesoftwareszone.com "Longman's flagship learner&...
published: 25 Dec 2010
Author: KarenAlbritton25
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English -5th 3.3 -- FREE DOWNLOAD
For Free Download Click Here - freesoftwareszone.com "Longman's flagship learner's dictionary, fully updated and now with integrated Thesaurus and Collocations Dictionary ────────────────────── ● Best selling dictionary on the AppStore worldwide in 2009 ● Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (5th Edition) - For Advanced Learners (LDOCE5) © 2009 Longman's flagship learner's dictionary, fully updated in 2009, is now available as an iPhone/iPod touch application. Improve your fluency in English with the most up-to-date learner's dictionary at your fingertips. Now with integrated Thesaurus and Collocations Dictionary. Dictionary details: ● 230000 words, phrases and meanings - more than any other learner's dictionary ● 165000 examples based on real, natural English from the Longman Corpus Network show how English is really used ● Clear definitions written using only 2000 common words. ● Most frequent 3000 words in spoken & written English, highlighted to show which are the most important to know ● Register Notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English. ● The Academic Word List is highlighted to help you improve your essays and presentations. ● Grammar and warning notes ensure that you avoid the most common errors. ● Integrated Collocations Dictionary. Over 80000 collocations will improve your fluency. ● Integrated Thesaurus. Over 20000 synonyms, antonyms and related words will improve your vocabulary range. ♪ 77000 <b>...</b>

Longman TOEFL preperation subject verb agreement with prep phrasas.mp4
This the from the Longman Preperation course for the TOEFL ibit exam. This is from the sec...
published: 09 Oct 2011
Author: merlgitano
Longman TOEFL preperation subject verb agreement with prep phrasas.mp4
This the from the Longman Preperation course for the TOEFL ibit exam. This is from the section called error crection section C c1

Longman (Nalong 2) Opening
The opening for Longman the little big hero. It's the second Nalong series. (쾌&...
published: 23 Sep 2006
Author: Mushurumu64
Longman (Nalong 2) Opening
The opening for Longman the little big hero. It's the second Nalong series. (쾌걸롱맨 나롱이) Copyright Studio Kaab. (Thanks for making such an awesome show. xD)

Can Genesis Be Compatible with Evolution? Tremper Longman and Jeff Schloss discuss
www.veritas.org - Is there an inherent conflict between the Biblical creation narrative in...
published: 08 Apr 2012
Author: VeritasForum
Can Genesis Be Compatible with Evolution? Tremper Longman and Jeff Schloss discuss
www.veritas.org - Is there an inherent conflict between the Biblical creation narrative in Genesis 1-3 and the modern scientific theory of evolution? Does one have to reject evolution and the modern scientific enterprise to affirm the Christian faith? Likewise does one have to reject the Christian faith to affirm modern science? On the surface there appears to be tension between the two, but maybe there is more space, more intellectual breathing room, when dealing with these questions than previously thought. Dr. Tremper Longman and Dr. Jeff Schloss, preeminent scholars in their fields, not only ask the very same questions but give us compelling reasons to believe that this presupposed conflict is unnecessary. Listen in on a conversation between a Old Testament scholar and a Biologist as they wrestle with this important topic. Over the past two decades, The Veritas Forum has been hosting vibrant discussions on life's hardest questions and engaging the world's leading colleges and universities with Christian perspectives and the relevance of Jesus. Learn more at www.veritas.org, with upcoming events and over 600 pieces of media on topics including science, philosophy, music, business, medicine, and more!

Tremper Longman III - Is There A Historical Adam - Part 12
Tremper Longman is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies. He came to Westmont...
published: 16 Sep 2009
Author: WilberforceVideo
Tremper Longman III - Is There A Historical Adam - Part 12
Tremper Longman is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies. He came to Westmont in the 1998-99 school year after teaching for eighteen years at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. His teaching responsibilities at Westmont include Life and Literature of the Old Testament (a GE requirement) as well as various upper division classes. Representative of the latter is the course in Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Psalms and Wisdom, the Pentateuch, and the Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context. Dr. Longman has degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University (BA), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Yale University (M.Phil.; Ph.D.). He has written a number of articles and books including Fictional Akkadian Autobiography, Introduction to the Old Testament, How to Read the Psalms, Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind, Old Testament Commentary Survey, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, and God is a Warrior. He has written a short commentary on the minor prophet Micah, as well as major commentaries on Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Daniel, and Nahum. In addition, he has teamed up with the psychologist Dan Allender to write four books: Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Allies, and Bold Purpose. At present, he is engaged in research on the history of Israel, the biblical genres in the light of ancient Near Eastern literature, as well as commentaries on Proverbs and Jeremiah. He has also been active in the area of Bible translation, in <b>...</b>

Ben Longman - Jump - Van Halen (solo acoustic)
EDIT: I only found out that Eric Roche did an arrangement of this when I searched to see i...
published: 05 Oct 2010
Author: BenLongman
Ben Longman - Jump - Van Halen (solo acoustic)
EDIT: I only found out that Eric Roche did an arrangement of this when I searched to see if mine was coming up. And I thought I was so original :( Hell yes I did Van Halen cover This was my entry to the 2010 Paul Waters Guitar Competition at the BRIT School. It's entirely my own arrangement. I didn't win. But the person who did played Fives by Guthrie Govan, so that makes sense. Leave me a comment, tell me what you think! Check out my shit: www.facebook.com www.twitter.com

Donald Miller with Dan Allender and Tremper Longman
Frustration and False Gods : Living in a Fallen World Donald Miller and Dr. Dan Allender a...
published: 24 Nov 2009
Author: ConvergenceDVD
Donald Miller with Dan Allender and Tremper Longman
Frustration and False Gods : Living in a Fallen World Donald Miller and Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman Join Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz) as he talks with Dan Allender and Tremper Longman (Breaking the Idols of Your Heart, Intimate Allies) and they answer questions about the frustrations and disappointments of life and how the Gospel enables us to live well in a fallen world.
Youtube results:

Preschoolers practice challenges with Longman flashcards
In class, we move unit by unit together, but challenges are "My Pace". Here, pre...
published: 16 Jul 2007
Author: handsonvideo
Preschoolers practice challenges with Longman flashcards
In class, we move unit by unit together, but challenges are "My Pace". Here, preschoolers show off their vocabulary acquisition for the last month or so.

Pearson Longman Hong Kong - The Real '3+3+4' Solution Provider
Pearson Education is the world's largest education solution provider, with penetration...
published: 13 Oct 2009
Author: PearsonLongmanHK
Pearson Longman Hong Kong - The Real '3+3+4' Solution Provider
Pearson Education is the world's largest education solution provider, with penetration in more than 100 countries. We help teachers to teach and students to learn, playing a part in educating more than 100 million people every year. Today, we publish nearly 2000 textbook companion websites and a wealth of other innovative technology-led resources for course management and learning. We are active in many parts of education: from pre-school, primary, junior secondary, senior secondary, higher-education to adult learning; across textbook publishing, online publishing, testing and technology we are the real "3+3+4" solution provider, with junior secondary, senior secondary and higher-education publishing. As the best educational solution provider, we continue to apply content, assessment and technology to make teaching and learning easier. Together, we can change the world!

Rallye Alive 02 - 207Bhp Longman Throttle Bodied Engine
published: 02 Nov 2009
Author: LewisRallye
Rallye Alive 02 - 207Bhp Longman Throttle Bodied Engine

[Torrey 2009] Tremper Longman III: Cry of the Soul: How the Psalms... - Biola University Chapel
Torrey Conference 2009 - Session #1. Dr. Tremper Longman III, Professor of Biblical Studie...
published: 06 Nov 2009
Author: BiolaUniversity
[Torrey 2009] Tremper Longman III: Cry of the Soul: How the Psalms... - Biola University Chapel
Torrey Conference 2009 - Session #1. Dr. Tremper Longman III, Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College opens up the annual Torrey Conference with a message titled "Cry of the Soul: How the Psalms Help Us Speak Honestly to God" (Psalm 69). Chapel from October 21, 2009.