
The Land and The Spirit visits Shechem
Israel has endured numerous battles and conquests throughout history. How can we determine...
published: 27 Nov 2007
author: myJLI
The Land and The Spirit visits Shechem
Israel has endured numerous battles and conquests throughout history. How can we determine who has a legitimate claim to the land? What criteria shall we use to determine ownership?
published: 27 Nov 2007
views: 1786

Shechem--Capitol of the North, Joshua reaffirmed the Covenant, and Jesus' Samaritan Woman
The wind is a bit overwhelming again. I'm standing on Mt Ebal and looking across to Mt Gar...
published: 10 Jun 2010
author: onevision83
Shechem--Capitol of the North, Joshua reaffirmed the Covenant, and Jesus' Samaritan Woman
The wind is a bit overwhelming again. I'm standing on Mt Ebal and looking across to Mt Garazim. Joshua and the Israelites would have stood on each side of these cliffs and reaffirmed the covenant. Below is the church commemorating Jesus' encounter of the Samaritan woman in John 4. This was the site of the first capitol of the Northern Kingdom, but it was not kept here because it was difficult to defend being on a major highway and low in the valley. Israeli soldiers asked us to leave because of the danger of the spot right in the heart of the West Bank.
published: 10 Jun 2010
author: onevision83
views: 482

Mount Gerezim - Shechem - Mount Ebal - and Overlook
published: 13 Jan 2011
author: HolyLandStudy
Mount Gerezim - Shechem - Mount Ebal - and Overlook

Joshua 24 [The Covenant Renewed at Shechem]
Joshua 24 The Covenant Renewed at Shechem 1 Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel...
published: 18 Feb 2012
author: TheDivineTv
Joshua 24 [The Covenant Renewed at Shechem]
Joshua 24 The Covenant Renewed at Shechem 1 Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Shechem. He summoned the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel, and they presented themselves before God. 2 Joshua said to all the people, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Long ago your forefathers, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the River [a] and worshiped other gods. 3 But I took your father Abraham from the land beyond the River and led him throughout Canaan and gave him many descendants. I gave him Isaac, 4 and to Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. I assigned the hill country of Seir to Esau, but Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt. 5 " 'Then I sent Moses and Aaron, and I afflicted the Egyptians by what I did there, and I brought you out. 6 When I brought your fathers out of Egypt, you came to the sea, and the Egyptians pursued them with chariots and horsemen [b] as far as the Red Sea. [c] 7 But they cried to the LORD for help, and he put darkness between you and the Egyptians; he brought the sea over them and covered them. You saw with your own eyes what I did to the Egyptians. Then you lived in the desert for a long time. 8 " 'I brought you to the land of the Amorites who lived east of the Jordan. They fought against you, but I gave them into your hands. I destroyed them from before you, and you took possession of their land. 9 When Balak son of Zippor, the king of Moab, prepared to fight against Israel, he sent for ...
published: 18 Feb 2012
author: TheDivineTv
views: 132

Journey to Shechem
Two busloads of Chassidic Jews travel to the Tomb of Josef Ha Tzaddik in the middle of the...
published: 30 Jul 2008
author: freedman613
Journey to Shechem
Two busloads of Chassidic Jews travel to the Tomb of Josef Ha Tzaddik in the middle of the night, under heavy security of the IDF. Yosef lies in the center of the city of Shechem, renamed Nablus. As one of the passengers, I experienced the passage through a penetrating darkness while taking a shot or two with a Canon, G9. Other than a few modifications of individual photos, they are in order of creation. The sunrises over the Kinneret accompanied our bus back to Tzfat.
published: 30 Jul 2008
author: freedman613
views: 843

Samaria: Ai, Shiloh, Mt. Gerizim, Shechem
American Students visit Samaria: Ai, Shiloh, Mt. Gerizim, view Shechem...
published: 31 Oct 2008
author: ibexvideo
Samaria: Ai, Shiloh, Mt. Gerizim, Shechem
American Students visit Samaria: Ai, Shiloh, Mt. Gerizim, view Shechem
published: 31 Oct 2008
author: ibexvideo
views: 1504

View from Mt. Gerizim, Shechem
Panoramic view from Mt. Gerizim, Shechem from the Shomroni (Samaritan) Quarter...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: Zvi Peretz Cohen
View from Mt. Gerizim, Shechem
Panoramic view from Mt. Gerizim, Shechem from the Shomroni (Samaritan) Quarter
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: Zvi Peretz Cohen
views: 200

Shechem - Anvil Island Celebrity Soccer
Official Anvil Camp 4 facebook group: www.facebook.com...
published: 01 Aug 2010
author: AnvilCamp4
Shechem - Anvil Island Celebrity Soccer
Official Anvil Camp 4 facebook group: www.facebook.com
published: 01 Aug 2010
author: AnvilCamp4
views: 936

Hammerfight - Ave, Shechem! - Chapter 1 Part 5 - Let's Play Walkthrough
Full Chapter 1 Hammerfight guide: soe.hubpages.com This video playthrough serves as a walk...
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: SOEgame
Hammerfight - Ave, Shechem! - Chapter 1 Part 5 - Let's Play Walkthrough
Full Chapter 1 Hammerfight guide: soe.hubpages.com This video playthrough serves as a walkthrough guide for the Ave, Shechem! level (Part 5) of Chapter 1 in the video game Hammerfight, played on the PC, providing commentary along with strategies, hints and tips to complete the level.
published: 11 Aug 2011
author: SOEgame
views: 165

Jews visit Joseph's tomb in Shechem for Sukkot holiday prayers
Restoration work nearly complete at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus By JONAH MANDEL 28/09/2010 A n...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: David Ha'ivri
Jews visit Joseph's tomb in Shechem for Sukkot holiday prayers
Restoration work nearly complete at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus By JONAH MANDEL 28/09/2010 A new tombstone was recently laid at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, bringing the renovations of the site that was sacked by a Palestinian mob 10 years ago nearly to their end. Over 300 Jews from across Israel were set to make the pilgrimage to pray at the holy site overnight Monday. "This is a moving, historic movement, a minor amelioration of the disgrace of abandoning Joseph's Tomb," Samaria Regional Council chairman Gershon Mesika said early on Sunday morning, after the new five-ton tombstone was carefully placed in the exact location of the stone that was vandalized in October 2000. The operation was the work of Samaria's regional and religious councils, the Shechem Echad (One Nablus) organization, the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria and IDF. Brig.- Gen. Yoav Mordechai, the head of the the civil administration, attended the complicated engineering endeavor. "There is no nation in the world that would allow such a holy, symbolic and historic place to it to be violated like Joseph's Tomb," Mesika said. He proceeded to thank the IDF for the aid in the renovation. Mesika called upon the government to once more enable an ongoing Jewish presence at Joseph's Tomb. The Oslo Accords give Israel sovereignty over the holy site. Monthly nocturnal visits to the tomb usually take place at the beginning of Hebrew months, but Monday's overnight excursion was timed to coincide with the night ...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: David Ha'ivri
views: 900

Alyosha i Vlad Darvin 'Bol'she CHem Lyubov'' HD.720.mp4
published: 17 May 2012
author: Максим Гресс
Alyosha i Vlad Darvin 'Bol'she CHem Lyubov'' HD.720.mp4

WIHL Blog 18 - Sebastia, Sychar, Shechem, Mount Gerizim, and Shiloh
Last day in Israel! Sebastia, Sychar, Shechem, Mount Gerizim, and Shiloh....
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: jamerson606
WIHL Blog 18 - Sebastia, Sychar, Shechem, Mount Gerizim, and Shiloh
Last day in Israel! Sebastia, Sychar, Shechem, Mount Gerizim, and Shiloh.
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: jamerson606
views: 185

esau, shechem ,dena and the 3 branches of the river
published: 03 Dec 2009
author: Chaim Bergstein
esau, shechem ,dena and the 3 branches of the river
published: 03 Dec 2009
author: Chaim Bergstein
views: 151

Shechem a holy city in Israel
talks about the rich heritage Shechem is to the Jewish people. A special presentation give...
published: 28 May 2008
author: neshamale770
Shechem a holy city in Israel
talks about the rich heritage Shechem is to the Jewish people. A special presentation given by JLI (Jewish Learning Institute.
published: 28 May 2008
author: neshamale770
views: 545
Vimeo results:

Joshua God Wars Pt 9: Fathers Becoming Men of God
Congratulations to all our Fathers this morning. Believe it or not, God thinks Fathers are...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Joshua God Wars Pt 9: Fathers Becoming Men of God
Congratulations to all our Fathers this morning. Believe it or not, God thinks Fathers are important. God will never allow a test tube to replace Father’s. Father’s are absolutely essential in God’s overall plan of providing an inheritance for His Son. We are in a Cultural War men, one which relegates the Father to the role of bumbling idiot. God sees each one of us a Fighters, Infantry Soldiers in the Battle for the Inheritance for His Son, Jesus Christ.
"Wish You Were Here"
Kendall Phelps will never forget the morning two years ago when a picture popped up on his computer in his Silver Lake, Kansas, high school classroom. There stood Chris, his oldest son, in desert camouflage in front of a bombed-out building in Baghdad. He was holding a sign written on the back of a discarded MRE carton: "DAD, WISH YOU WERE HERE. SEMPER FI!" Kendall, a retired Marine, rushed across the street to the elementary school where his wife, Sherma, teaches fourth grade. She had already received the same photo via e-mail and, in a spasm of giddy relief, was printing out copies to post at the church and all over town. Chris had not been heard from since just after the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom a month earlier. Kendall's elation that his son was all right momentarily erased his disappointment over not being in Baghdad himself. "Kendall is a Marine and a dad," explains Sherma. "He could not stand it that he was not over there with Chris, fighting side by side, protecting his son."
This past winter, against all odds, Master Gunnery Sgt. Kendall Phelps, 58, and Maj. Christopher Phelps, 35, deployed to Iraq together for a seven-month tour in the newly formed 5th Civil Affairs Group based in Fallujah. Ever since the five Sullivan brothers from Waterloo, Iowa, tragically died when their cruiser was sunk in World War II, the U.S. military has been reluctant to deploy immediate family members in the same company. No one can remember a Marine father and son serving together. The mission of the 5th Civil Affairs Group is to facilitate the reconstruction of Al Anbar province, an area riddled with suicide bombers and insurgents. Chris, a team leader, is working with the Iraqi police, firefighters and contractors on rebuilding the infrastructure. His dad will use his 30 years of teaching experience to help establish new schools. They both know it won't be easy. "It will be hot and nerve-racking and people are going to die," says Chris. "My buddies say civil affairs is the most dangerous job in the Marine Corps right now. But I also think it's going to be gratifying to get that grid system up and water pumping."
"When I asked him why," says Chris, "he said, 'I want to make a difference. I'm a Marine.' For me, there were no more questions. I understood. As a Marine, you feel your time is never over."
Christian Fathers, God Needs You to Make a Difference. Only This Difference will impact ETERNITY:
An Army brat was boasting about his father to a Marine brat.
"My dad is an engineer. He can do everything. Do you know the Alps?"
"Yes," said the Marine brat.
"My dad has built them."
Then the Marine kid spoke: "And do you know the Dead Sea?"
"My dad killed it!"
The Fathers of Israel were Fighters. They were fighting to take possession of a land they could call their own. After centuries of wandering, being enslaved, they wanted to provide their families with a permanent home, a place they could settle down and start spreading roots.
Their Fathers Witnessed Mighty Miracles
Their fathers before them had witnessed a mighty miracle in the parting of the red sea and the destruction of Pharoah’s army. They had witnessed the victory over the Amalekites. They had seen God miraculously provide manna from heaven, water from a rock. Yet their fathers failed to give their hearts and minds to the awesom God who worked these mighty acts. In fact their fathers all perished in the wilderness, as God told them they would.
Now the sons were fathers, and these fathers too were witnessing mighty acts of the awesome God known as Jehovah. They witnessed the mighty miracle of the parting of the Jordan River. They witnessed the walls of a mighty city fall down with just the blowing of Rams horns and shouting of God’s people. They shared in the foolish defeat at Ai, and then the mighty victory over both Ai and Bethel.
When it came time for their fathers to make such a decision, here is what they said:
Exodus 24:3 (NASB) Then Moses came and recounted to the people all the words of the Lord and all the ordinances; and all the people answered with one voice and said, "All the words which the

The Oak of Shechem
Pastor Landon Ledlow shares a message with the congregation of Prince of Peace Lutheran Ch...
published: 13 Dec 2010
author: Prince of Peace
The Oak of Shechem
Pastor Landon Ledlow shares a message with the congregation of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Carrollton, Texas, on December 12, 2010. Based on Genesis 35:1-4, this sermon is the second in a series entitled "The Tree". During the month of December we will be examining a number of trees found in the Bible and the significant events that happened on, around, and under them. For more information, please visit princeofpeace.org.

What Happened At Shechem
God calls us to take his hand of grace and put away the idols of our life.
Sermon based o...
published: 27 Aug 2012
author: Christ Church Plano
What Happened At Shechem
God calls us to take his hand of grace and put away the idols of our life.
Sermon based on Joshua 24:14-25.
Recorded Sunday, August 26, 2012, 11 a.m.
Youtube results:

Shechem Music Video
And our poetry's corrupted, lost its innocent embrace and the value of a man has hit its b...
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: chrisakaspar
Shechem Music Video
And our poetry's corrupted, lost its innocent embrace and the value of a man has hit its bottom rate, and the artwork all around is selling nothing but a sound the beat, the call of the thing that runs this world. Josh warned us now and we turned away, forgot our rock on the hill. We broke our vow and then had kids, the music died as we did what we did. Something dark was just not right, it ebbed and flowed with the night; the majors are diminished, the haikus not in verse like evil little limericks, tearing and swearing and sweating and betting we broke our vows and then had kids, the music died as we did what we did so we turned it up and lost our ears no more silence to face our fears. We can't hear the whisper in the loud the trash the noisy sea, our stories long forgotten, the truth ingrained in history our canvas changed from a dark red to a darker blue our words in rhythm do not rhyme you see the words are skewed the colors oh they defined our ways, the colors of night the colors of day.
published: 11 Feb 2008
author: chrisakaspar
views: 339