Becoming the Archetype Dichotomy
title track off Becoming the Archetype's new album...
published: 31 Dec 2008
Author: BalanceofEternity
Becoming the Archetype Dichotomy
title track off Becoming the Archetype's new album
AR Rehman_The Dichotomy of Fame.wmv
An Instrumental Masterpiece from the Mozart of Chennai himself........Movie: Rockstar........
published: 02 Oct 2011
Author: inderpretation
AR Rehman_The Dichotomy of Fame.wmv
An Instrumental Masterpiece from the Mozart of Chennai himself........Movie: Rockstar............Don't miss the original Rockstar Shammi Kapoor in action one last time.......may his soul RIP (Rock in Peace)
Dichotomy, The Lion and the Lamb
Maybe the world's most unusual portrait of it's most important person....
published: 11 Aug 2008
Author: amokarts
Dichotomy, The Lion and the Lamb
Maybe the world's most unusual portrait of it's most important person.
Hickory Dichotomy - Stone Temple Pilots
lyrics:Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alr...
published: 27 May 2010
Author: GabrielGardens
Hickory Dichotomy - Stone Temple Pilots
lyrics:Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Strange, strange, strange, it's a dichotomy But it was never quite weird Or quite normal for me Take a break, take a breath and let's see where we're at Those damn bed bugs are sleeping up in my head All day all night You telling my story But you don't know my name It's a hickory dichotomy You're messing with my brain Selling the story Are you holy or lying Hickory dichotomy I tell you the truth then you bite Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Brave, brave, brave As the apostles go Is it a hickory hypothesis Or one man show? Take a rest Or take a travel In the light of lights But them tall tale teasers Keep sneaking in my show tonight Alright You telling my story But you don't know my name It's a hickory dichotomy You're messing with my brain Selling the story Are you holy or lying Hickory dichotomy I tell you the truth then you bite You telling my story But you don't know my name It's a hickory dichotomy You're messing with my brain Selling the story Are you holy or lying Hickory dichotomy I tell you the truth then you bite Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on Alright alright alright come on
Kealoha and Makana - Dichotomy
Dichotomy (Hawaiian in the 21st Century) by Slam Poet Kealoha (HawaiiSlam) and Makana (Gui...
published: 16 Oct 2009
Author: kealohapoetry
Kealoha and Makana - Dichotomy
Dichotomy (Hawaiian in the 21st Century) by Slam Poet Kealoha (HawaiiSlam) and Makana (Guitar Virtuoso). Performed live at the Hawaii State Art Museum on February 6th, 2009.
ROCK STAR The Dichotomy of Fame By Shehnai Maestro Pt. S.BALLESH & Guitar KABULI, Music AR.Rahman
Rock Star 2011- The Dichotomy Of Fame -- Shehnai Played By Maestro Pandit S.Ballesh & ...
published: 11 Oct 2011
Author: tansensangeet2011
ROCK STAR The Dichotomy of Fame By Shehnai Maestro Pt. S.BALLESH & Guitar KABULI, Music AR.Rahman
Rock Star 2011- The Dichotomy Of Fame -- Shehnai Played By Maestro Pandit S.Ballesh & Gutar- Kabuli - Jugalbandi 2011, Music Composed By Ar.Rahman... He Is The Shehnai Artist In India To Play For Indian Film Industry And For Indian Classical Music. He Is the Hindustani Classical Vocalist And Shehnai Artist. Actors- Shammi Kapoor Ji Acted As Shehnai Player In This Film,
Becoming the Archetype-Dichotomy (lyrics)
The title track from the album "Dichotomy" by Becoming the Archetype, with lyric...
published: 07 Sep 2010
Author: MonumentEncasedInAsh
Becoming the Archetype-Dichotomy (lyrics)
The title track from the album "Dichotomy" by Becoming the Archetype, with lyrics! Thanks for watching!
Bad Religion - The Dichotomy
From Wikipedia: Into the Unknown is the second album by Bad Religion, which was released i...
published: 12 Aug 2009
Author: harrybelly
Bad Religion - The Dichotomy
From Wikipedia: Into the Unknown is the second album by Bad Religion, which was released in 1983. The album was a major change from their previous style, delving into progressive rock heavy in keyboards, though it wasn't at all popular as fans at the time were confused by the sudden style shift. When the band released the 1991 compilation album 80-85, a collection of recordings before their third album Suffer, Into the Unknown was not part of the compilation, also partly due to the band changing their style. The album is widely reputed to have been a major factor in their 1984 breakup as the recording sessions were riddled with discord. As a matter of fact, drummer Pete Finestone and bass player Jay Bentley left during the recording of the first song. Only 10000 of these albums were produced and distributed, but almost all were quickly returned to Epitaph's warehouse. Guitarist Brett Gurewitz jokingly recalls having "[sent out] ten thousand copies and [getting] eleven thousand back."[1] However, many did in fact end up in the hands of fans, when Brett Gurewitz's girlfriend Suzy Shaw, who worked at the warehouse, surreptitiously sold all but 300 of them. Compact cassettes were also produced, but they are rare. The album is generally disowned by the band, and there has never been a second pressing. Despite its abandonment however, it has become highly desirable and is now something of a collector's item. The band has commented on the album on their site saying that they are <b>...</b>
The false dichotomy of the afterlife
Just because we cease to exist when we die, that doesn't mean death is good. Video tra...
published: 09 Mar 2012
Author: ZJemptv
The false dichotomy of the afterlife
Just because we cease to exist when we die, that doesn't mean death is good. Video transcript: zinniajones.com Follow me: zjemptv.tumblr.com facebook.com twitter.com zinniajones.com shop.zinniajones.com
Kit Chatham's Dichotomy - Snare Drum Solo
Dichotomy is a snare drum solo performed and composed by Kit Chatham. It was produced by K...
published: 20 Mar 2008
Author: KitChathamPercussion
Kit Chatham's Dichotomy - Snare Drum Solo
Dichotomy is a snare drum solo performed and composed by Kit Chatham. It was produced by Kit Chatham and Taras Shevchenko with audio/backing tracks by Paul Bisson and Production Managed by Suzie Gagnon while all of us were on tour with Cirque du Soleil's Corteo. To see the full version without compression go to www.kitchatham.com/media.html
Bad Religion - The Dichotomy Live 1983 - Into The Unknown
This is a live at the Skylight Club, in Long Beach, CA, USA, on march 31st 1983. I'm s...
published: 30 Jul 2009
Author: TheHenchman
Bad Religion - The Dichotomy Live 1983 - Into The Unknown
This is a live at the Skylight Club, in Long Beach, CA, USA, on march 31st 1983. I'm sorry if the video is boring, but i'm a newbie at this kind of stuff. Thanks for watching, and i hope you enjoy If you want Into The Unknown to be re-released, check BringBRToTheUK channel, here: www.youtube.com
Anthony Johnson -- Three Dichotomies that Will Change Your Life [Full Length]
Get free updates the21convention.com Anthony Johnson, aka 'Dream', is the founding...
published: 30 Sep 2011
Author: Under21convention07
Anthony Johnson -- Three Dichotomies that Will Change Your Life [Full Length]
Get free updates the21convention.com Anthony Johnson, aka 'Dream', is the founding architect and chief executive officer of The 21 Convention. Anthony is a self proclaimed "Floridian first, American second, and friend of liberty and reason above all." In this presentation Anthony outlines three dichotomies that will "change your life", and the way you face it every single day, as well as a fourth bonus dichotomy. The dichotomies are, 1. Could vs Should 2. Perfect vs Ideal 3. What/Why vs How 4. Growth vs Change Visit Anthony's personal blog at www.thedreamlounge.net
Antimony Mutually Exclusive Dichotomy-KOF2002UM OST
Theme of Clone Team (Kusanagi, Kyo-1 and Kyo-2) in game King Of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Ma...
published: 13 Mar 2009
Author: streetfighterxd
Antimony Mutually Exclusive Dichotomy-KOF2002UM OST
Theme of Clone Team (Kusanagi, Kyo-1 and Kyo-2) in game King Of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match. Tema do Clone Team (Kusanagi, Kyo-1 e Kyo-2) no jogo King Of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.
Withered - Dichotomy of Exile
Third track off of 2008 release "Folie Circulaire"...
published: 26 Jan 2009
Author: cryingformercy
Withered - Dichotomy of Exile
Third track off of 2008 release "Folie Circulaire"
Vimeo results:
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance de...
published: 14 Nov 2009
Author: Patrice De Bruyne
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance des corps dans une orgie, dépasse la sensualité dans le sexe crade...
J'ai de suite pensé en me réveillant que cette nouvelle journée serait extraordinaire.
Cette splendide érection matinale était le meilleur des présages.
En m'étirant et grognant d'aise, je me suis demandé si mon chat, habitué aux massages ciblés (visant à me réveiller efficacement... et, en dernière analyse, à obtenir sa gamelle), en était responsable, mais non ; quelque chose de tiède et d'humide, indéniablement, venait d'ensérer mon sexe : le corps encore chaud de Sabrina en voulait encore.
Sabrina n'a jamais été du matin... et encore moins du soir.
De toute façon, je ne peux pas affirmer avec certitude que Sabrina eut été... à un quelconque moment de la journée..., mais a-t-elle vraiment été un jour ?
Cette fois, je n'aurais pas à aller me soulager sous la douche.
Depuis que cinq sages indiens avaient envahi ma salle de bain et m'avaient fait découvrir les "mystères profonds du corps", j'essaie, dans la mesure du possible, d'éviter la pièce, histoire de laisser mon fondement cicatriser entre chaque initiation.
Prenant mon prépuce entre le pouce et l'index, Sabrina tire un grand coup dessus, puis y clampe une pince à linge pour gagner encore quelques centimètres de peau, son but secret étant de m'offrir le prépuce le plus long du monde pour l'utiliser comme un pull pour mes coucougnettes quand l'hiver rude finira par arriver sur mon sexe.
Je décide alors que ça suffit de jouer avec mes couilles... et je me rhabille, pour vite aller profiter du beau temps.
C'est dimanche, il fait magnifique, et il me semble entendre le doux murmure du vent apaiser mon gland endolori...
Les arbres, les fleurs et la nature entière m'appellent à la l'harmonie, je me laisse porter par mon inspiration et je note sur un mur blanc : "Vergers au matin, humides comme un baiser"...
Puis, comme à mon habitude, après avoir pissé sur le même arbre que la veille et la veille de la veille et ainsi de suite jusqu'à plus foif... je rentre chez moi faire chauffer deux toasts 44 secondes sur la position 2 de mon grille-pain style années '60 et m'installe à ma modeste table Knoll en marbre blanc plaçée au centre de ma cuisine rouge, dotée d'une bonne vue sur le parc ce qui en l'occurence n'a pas d'importance puisque je me mets généralement à lire le journal de la veille, comme à mon habitude...
Puis, je décide d'appeler mon cher ami Patrick Henderikx sans avoir d'idée précise en tête... et lorsque le répondeur me répond (c'est la fonction d'un répondeur)..., je repose mollement le combiné et lève les yeux vers l'horloge de la cuisine, réalisant qu'avec toutes ces conneries je me suis à nouveau f... en retard... et j'ai toujours eu une sainte horreur d'être en retard, la ponctualité étant une question d'éducation.
Mon éducation avait, en effet, été sans faille, grâce à ma Sainte Maman qui m'avait appris à moucher son nez, dire bonjour et merci, arriver à l'heure et être propre sur moi.
La journée s'annonce chargée !
J'allume l'ordinateur par habitude et poursuit mon quotidien sans trop réfléchir aux prochains évènements qui allaient survenir...
Des piles de bouquins pas terminés d'auteurs en vogue du XXIème siècle, sont dans un coin, le dernier Houellebeck, (qui est une belle merde au passage) dans l'autre..., entre deux sachets de beuh thaïlandaise modifiée et coupée de divers neuro-stimulants... et quelques bouteilles de rhum, de degrés conséquent, elles mêmes en équilibre sur des amas de notes aléatoires écrites alors que je me shootais aux champis à l'insuline..., et que je fourmillais de phrases chocs et éparses, mais fortes à mon esprit.
Je me considérais alors, bien que ce soit encore le cas par moment actuellement, comme un mec qui gagne à être connu pour mes texticules... : amas de phrases s'entassant sur des post-it, eux mêmes perdus au milieu d'un tas de feuilles à moitiés blanches, sur lesquelles sont disséminés, çà et là, des textes avortés et des dessins incolores que je ne finirai sans doute jamais.
Voilà ce qu'est ma vie dans mes moments de perdition morale complète.
L'état de salubrité de mon appartement ressemble à l'intérieur de ma tête, un état proche de la psychologie Zen...
Lorsque je suis désespéré, anéanti par le poids des conséquences de mes actes... et par mes responsabilités, c'est tout un microcosme informe et bordélique qui prend le pas sur le vide des cinq cent quarante cinq mètres carrés de mon loft (le garage est en dessous, le tout étant une vieille usine années '30 relookée en style Bauhaus Zen avec quelques touches lascives des années '50 et énormément d'ultra-modernisme des années 2000.
Vivre seul me permet à peu près deux semaines sur deux si ce n'est plus de me laisser aller et de m'enfonce
Zerebrale Dichotomie (english subs)
Yes or No? "Zerebrale Dichotomie" - a non-scientific approach to explain how decisions are...
published: 04 Dec 2009
Author: zerebrale dichotomie
Zerebrale Dichotomie (english subs)
Yes or No? "Zerebrale Dichotomie" - a non-scientific approach to explain how decisions are made.
official website: www.zerebrale-dichotomie.at
making-of: www.vimeo.com/8108809
Student project, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, 2009
Hush "Twin" Opening at New Image Art
"TWIN" featuring the artwork of HUSH
Opening Reception: Saturday May 21, 2011 (7-10pm)
published: 19 May 2011
Author: G7D
Hush "Twin" Opening at New Image Art
"TWIN" featuring the artwork of HUSH
Opening Reception: Saturday May 21, 2011 (7-10pm)
Exhibition Runs: May 21 - June 18, 2011
New Image Art Gallery
7908 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
Hush returns to Los Angeles with a new collection of work reflecting his unique blend of street and cross-cultural aesthetics. Playing primarily with the idea of duality, the exhibition is a carefully calibrated experience of Twin paintings—15 mixed-media woks on canvas. Using the symbolic subject matter of the female form, Hush has produced a large-scale installation in which the gallery walls capture the essence of “action painting” and “pure expressionism” along with traditional elements of fine art.
As a body of work, TWIN explores the nature of duality. By varying his approach to the same image, Hush exposes nature’s inherent polarity. The juxtaposition of light and dark reveals the complexity of conflict and unity—and dichotomies present within the human ego. TWIN is a fascinating confrontation and debate on common conceptions of power, innocence, beauty and sexuality. The collection also represents the blending of the street art aesthetic- as simultaneously destructive and beautiful.
Home Is What You Make It <360 Experiment>
We live in a daily dichotomy; the world as we create it, and the world as it is. Beauty, a...
published: 11 Aug 2009
Author: Carl Frey
Home Is What You Make It <360 Experiment>
We live in a daily dichotomy; the world as we create it, and the world as it is. Beauty, as it has always been, is in the eye of the beholder.
This video was a joint effort from myself and Dave Kiss (http://www.vimeo.com/davekiss ) shot using a DIY 360 degree video camera rig that I built. It still needs some tweaking to eliminate the blind spots, but the results are still appealing.
The device constructed consists of four angled mirrors and four configuration plates, each covering a 90 degree view. We then mounted four HVX200 cameras to the plates, which shot upwards into the mirrors and captured the surrounding environment into separate files. The videos were stitched together in post, and flip-flopped to get the perspectives correct. Photos are below and to the right.
Music is "I Believe in Your Victory" by This Will Destroy You
Youtube results:
Stone Temple Pilots -- Hickory Dichotomy -- 3/22/2010
Stone Temple Pilots -- March 22, 2010 -- Kansas City...
published: 23 Mar 2010
Author: jbrzoska
Stone Temple Pilots -- Hickory Dichotomy -- 3/22/2010
Stone Temple Pilots -- March 22, 2010 -- Kansas City
The Dichotomy of Fame Instrumental Song | Rockstar | Ranbir Kapoor, Nargis Fakhri
Subscribe our channel www.youtube.com Like us: www.facebook.com Follow us: www.twitter.com...
published: 15 Jun 2012
Author: tseries
The Dichotomy of Fame Instrumental Song | Rockstar | Ranbir Kapoor, Nargis Fakhri
Subscribe our channel www.youtube.com Like us: www.facebook.com Follow us: www.twitter.com Song : The Dichotomy of Fame Movie : Rockstar Featuring : Balesh on Shehnai, Kabuli on Guitars Star Cast : Ranbir Kapoor, Nargis Fakhri, Shammi Kapoor, Others Music Director : AR Rahman Lyrics : Irshaad Kamil Music Label : T-Series
Happiness Sucks
threadingout.storenvy.com BOOK twitter.com TWITTER...
published: 04 Dec 2010
Author: TheAmazingAtheist
Happiness Sucks
threadingout.storenvy.com BOOK twitter.com TWITTER
America's Political False Dichotomy - HD version
HD version of a response to a video that shows quite clearly the false dichotomy both cons...
published: 15 Apr 2009
Author: shanedk
America's Political False Dichotomy - HD version
HD version of a response to a video that shows quite clearly the false dichotomy both conservatives and liberals use to trick the American people into keeping them in power. This was made before the last election, so it's a bit dated, but most of it is still relevant. Video I'm debunking: www.youtube.com Sources: Evolution education ratings by state: www.edexcellence.net FDA deaths: Low estimate: Robert Goldberg of Brandeis University: "By a conservative estimate, FDA delays in allowing US marketing of drugs used safely and effectively elsewhere around the world have cost the lives of at least 200000 Americans over the past 30 years." www.cato.org High estimate: Dr. Mary J. Ruwart, former pharmaceutical research scientist for Upjohn: "The amendments probably saved as many as 40000 lives by improving drug safety, but the longer development times caused about 4.7 million premature deaths due to delayed introduction of lifesaving drugs." www.ruwart.com Child Labor and Minimum Wage: www.ruwart.com Minimum Wage, minorities, and drop-outs: www.epionline.org Literacy: "The school system remained largely private and unorganized until the 1840s. In fact, the first national census conducted in 1840 indicated that near-universal (about 97%) literacy among the white population had been achieved." en.wikipedia.org 1840 Census data: books.google.com Info on the illiteracy of high school graduates: Baughman, FA, Jr., Johnny can't read because phonics is all but ignored, The Daily <b>...</b>