Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

A Heartfelt Wish/DVD


Israel’s plutonium victims to date

Richard Silverstein digs into the shady history of Israel’s use of plutonium.

World view of Israel’s negative influence increases

Most notable about this poll for the BBC World Service is how differently media outlets report it beginning with a crude interpretation from Palestine Chronicle. We produce the original chart from pollster Globescan. The countries with the most positive rating are Japan, Germany,Canada and UK; least positive Israel, N.Korea, Pakistan, Iran.

Fault lines in the Syria crisis

Hezbollah (or Hizbullah) has added its voice to the hubbub around and about Syria stating it would come to the aid of the Syrian government in the event of any attack from outside.Based in Lebanon, the Shi’ite Hezbollah has long received support from the Shi’ite rulers of Iran and Syria (most Syrians are Sunni). The divisions intersect with military threats to and from Israel. Reports from Naharnet and the Guardian.

Reasons for Iran’s stance as chief defender of Palestinian rights

The winter issue of Palestine-Israel Journal is devoted to the ‘Arab Spring’. In his essay for the collection, posted here, Tony Klug looks at the different trajectories taken by elements of Arab political life after the containing despotism broke, and, in particular, at the dangers of paranoia, patriotism and lack of flexibility driving policies in Iran, Israel and Palestine.

One becomes a Jew over one’s life

At Rosh Hashanah – Jewish New Year – 2011 the Jewish Chronicle gathered 5 people for a discussion on being Jewish in Britain. For our coming secular New Year, we post this round-table which ranges, calmly and crossly, over identity, Israel, God, anti-semitism, parenthood, judgmentalism, Palestine, the diaspora and much else.

Where Palestine divided Iran brings together

Fear that Iran has nuclear weapons, and is indifferent to world disapproval, has swung Israel towards the Gulf states – divided for decades over Palestine – with American envoys acting as go-betweens reports the Washington Post, 1. BICOM provides its briefing on why Israel is considering a military attack on Iran

Russell Tribunal to consider whether Israel an apartheid state

John Dugard, author of ‘Human Rights and the South African Legal Order’ and former Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, will give evidence in Cape Town on what defines apartheid and whether the practices of the Israeli state fit the definition. For background to the Russell Tribunal on Palestine,

Rumours of war: Israel, (and US, UK) versus Iran

Rumours that Israel intends a military attack on Iran have long been around and during Israel’s summer of discontent many suggested Netanyahu would incite a war to unify the nation. But now Israeli commentators are providing evidence for their fears of war with this volatile nation. Guardian 1, Haaretz 2, Ynet 3, Tikun Olam 4

Claim that Palestine supporters accomplices to genocide is ‘crackpot’

Last week we posted a Washington Post opinion piece by Robert Bernstein attacking the UN and Human Rights groups for their attitude to Israel and Palestine, and a rejoinder by the Economist: Here Mouin Rabbani of Jadaliyya adds his voice to the outrage. Wikipedia’s entry on Palestine Media Watch is at the bottom

Does Israel have the right to exist? The questions that question raises

Israel does exist. The moral questions – exists as what, on what territory, for whom, remain unanswered. And as a state is not a living being, the question avoids the responsibility of those who run the state to the people living under its rule. Brian Klug explores what the question implies

Israel loses only ally in Muslim Mediterranean

As a mark of the severity of the new crisis betwee Israel and Turkey, we post reports from seven sources, from the Wall Street Journal to Islam online. There is repetition of the facts but each has different material on Israel’s isolation, the previous centrality of the arms trade, the effects of the Turkish army’s loss of hegemony, and Erdogan’s desire for leadership of the Islamic Mediterranean

Desire to maintain status quo makes Israel and Palestine unsustainable

The Italian NGO, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), has published a set of MEDPRO reports on the sustainability of various Mediterranean states Its report on Israel/Palestine, ( below with footnotes etc stripped out) reaches a gloomy judgment because of Israel’s fixation on its status quo, isolation within its own region and failure of political leadership.

Rulers in Egypt and Israel struggle for sense of direction

The dependence of Israel on Mubarak’s control is evident as Netanyahu’s government looks for ways to master the unruly peoples of Sinai and Gaza and the military regime in Egypt has, for the first time, to take into account popular Arab feeling. Adam Shatz in his LRB blog, first, and then Issandr El Amrani of The Arabist assess the change of power relationships

Enough with the US/Israeli excuses against Palestinian statehood

The arguments put forward by the US and Israel against the PA both asking for and being granted UN recognition of Palestinian statehood are utterly specious says Henry Siegman, President of the US/Middle East Project. Here he refutes their case

Timidity weakens voice of new ‘pro peace and Israel’ movement

Yachad, a new website at least, aims to speak for UK Jews, but at first sight seems to be lagging behind critical and unhappy opinions among Britain’s diaspora Jews writes Antony Lerman. And what’s with that name?

JfJfP condemns killings by Israel of Nakba-day demonstrators


A statement by the JfJfP executive adds Israel to the other governments of the region which have met legitimate grievance with deadly violence

Policy on Israel blocks Obama’s room to move among Arab people


In his speech President Obama merely cofirmed what is now established thinking on Palestine. He had no new moves to offer that would extend state and civil rights for Palestinians writes Chris Doyle

We Believe ……in Israelism


Fearing ‘the negative tide which is aiming to undermine the legitimacy of Israel’ people have been invited to gather at a London hotel to learn how to advocate for Israel. The conference invitation, list of speakers, and Reform Judaism’s statement of support are posted here.

Europe steps in as Israel holds back revenues for Palestinian Authority


Israel’s withholding of revenue transfers to the PA following the Fatah-Hamas deal prompts first the EU then France to give additional funds

Israel no longer central actor in Middle East


The re-entry of Egypt as a pivotal player in regional politics has sidelined an (almost) friendless Israel argues Ramzy Baroud