Website policy

We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

A Heartfelt Wish/DVD


Israel’s warped mirror: the racist thug who sees himself as a vulnerable victim

Both Jews and non-Jews are often taken aback at how the powerful, racist and military-loving people who are dominant in Israeli politics see themselves as frail victims of – just about everyone else. A cartoon by Mysh found by Richard Silverstein expresses this paradox perfectly, leading him to meditate on the sort of psychosis which can create such a warped and deluded self-image.

Tomorrow’s IDF admire strong Nazis

The Holocaust is the one unifying thread in Israel and a remorseless part of all education. Yet in a Holocaust play teenagers jeered at the weak Jews and cheered the Nazi persecutors. Is this so surprising when the Ministry of Education holds up the settlers as brave pioneeers and demands the excision of a textbook quoting the Goldstone report from the school curriculum? Still, Adam Keller does not despair…

Culture and safety – why Jews flock to Germany

German citizenship is becoming the political identity of choice for thousands of Israelis as well as a growing number of American and Russian Jews. The reasons given are freedom, safety, cultural richness and cheap rents. And for some it is a way of of recovering a tradition that was stolen from them.

“The sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.”

In the week of the UK’s Holocaust memorial day (Friday January 27th) Robert Cohen writes a letter to Anne Frank’s spirit, wondering what she would make of a cruel legacy in which ‘The Holocaust has been used to explain and justify every aggression’, Palestinians have been dispossessed and every criticism of these acts has been called antisemitic.

Ultra-orthodox present themselves as ‘holocaust’ victims

Haredi Jews, whose pressure to confine women and girls has prompted strong disapproval in Israel, dressed their children in striped prison clothes and wore yellow patches in a demonstration on Saturday. The claim that they are the Jews and other Israelis are the Nazis has caused outrage

‘We who have fought for the two state solution must now regroup’

Carlo Strenger, liberal commentator on Haaretz, declares 2011 the year the two-state solution died. He takes hope from the community who share his values and will continue, at least, to stand for civil and human rights and stop their further erosion in Israel

Israel acknowledges another people’s holocaust

The uniqueness of the holocaust of Jews in Europe has long been the mainstay of Israeli ideology, beyond discussion or comparison. Now the Knesset is considering appointing another holocaust memorial day – for the Armenian people systematically killed by Turks 1915-18. Why? because Turkey is Israel’s ‘new enemy says Richard Silverstein.

Hear for yourself what Norman Finkelstein has to say

Norman Finkelstein, a Jewish American, has gained fame – and notoriety – for his intellectual work on, amongst other things, how contemporary Jews and others have exploited the Holocaust and anti-semitism in ways he regards as dishonourable and dishonest. Hear his views on Israel/Palestine at venues round England.

Nakba-denial a ‘clear example of paranoia’


Two weeks of moving memorial days in Israel have been turned into a kitsch denial of the country’s secular and socialist past, and of the Palestinians’ nakba

Shifting mood among US Jews


MJ Rosenberg follows up his analysis of Aipac (posted earlier in the week) with this piece in the Huffington Post. Here he deals with the latest contribution by David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker and arguably the most influential Jewish American journalist writing today. Having traditionally given Israel the benefit of the doubt Remnick has now moved decisively against the “Israel First” brigade…

The far right’s love-in with Israel advances another step


“Only a few years ago, many of Europe’s far-right politicians were openly anti-Semitic. Now some of the same populist parties are embracing Israel to unite against what they perceive to be a common threat.” A disturbing account by Stefan Theil of how some members of the extreme far right in Europe are cosying up to Israel. Those invited to visit Israel by right-wing Israeli Chaim Muehlstein, included a Belgian politician known for his contacts with SS veterans, an Austrian with neo-Nazi ties, and a Swede whose political party has deep roots in Swedish fascism. They even went to Yad Vashem, to the evident horror of many who work there. But Nissim Zeev, a member of the Knesset who met with the visiting Europeans, was not bothered. “At the end of the day, what’s important is their attitude—the fact they really love Israel,” says Zeev, who represents Shas, an Orthodox right-wing party…

Update on the Middle-East upheaval(s)


Events are taking place too quickly and in too many countries for anyone to have a comprehensive, informed overview of developments. We’ve put together a few links to what we hope are useful articles dealing with Libya, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan…

If you read just one thing let it be As’ad AbuKhalil’s 300-word contribution.

Updated Sat 26 Feb 10.4am

The case of Alfred Grosser


On 5 November Der Spiegel online reported that the Jewish community in Germany was ‘outraged’ by the choice of Alfred Grosser to give the Reichskristallnacht memorial talk at the Paulskirche in Frankfurt. His crime? He has criticised Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians. He has said: “As a Jewish boy in a Frankfurt school, [...]

Prospects for the peace talks – Henry Siegman


Henry Siegman argues that progress in the peace talks depends on President Obama’s willingness to submit parameters for peace that the US Congress is currently dead opposed to. They also require an effective Palestinian interlocutor – that means an opening to Hamas.
“If the Obama administration will not lead an international initiative to define the parameters of an Israeli-Palestinian agreement and actively promote Palestinian political reconciliation, Europe must do so, and hope America will follow.”

The Ground Zero Mosque Controversy


Peter Beinart writes: “And oh yes, my fellow Jews, who are so thrilled to be locked arm in arm with the heirs of Pat Robertson and Father Coughlin against the Islamic threat. Evidently, it’s never crossed your mind that the religious hatred you have helped unleash could turn once again against us…”

Israeli propaganda not working so well in the US


Israeli propaganda is just not getting through; despite concerted efforts a majority of deluded Americans still believe there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza and fully 43% that people there are starving…

Ahmed Tibi’s Knesset Speech on Holocaust Memorial Day


Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List – Ta’al), one of the most vocal critics of government policy in the Palestinian territories, evoked praise from his fellow lawmakers after delivering what Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin called “one of the best speeches he has ever heard in the plenum” about the Holocaust [...]

Germany’s singling out of Israel


Uri Avnery takes issue with Germany’s uncritical support for Israel asking: ‘While the German friendship with us is a moral imperative, does it have to include support for immoral actions?’ Real friendship, he argues, was shown by the Ethecon Foundation’s award of this year’s prize to an Israeli peace-activist – “the friendship of the Other Germany for the Other Israel”…

Justice at the Gate: the Role of our Faith Traditions in Healing the Holy Land


“I am the grandson of a fifth-generation Palestinian Jew. My grandfather was the direct descendant of one of the great Hasidic Rabbis of Europe, a family that later settled in Jerusalem in the mid 19th century. I was born in the United States in 1948 – the year of the declaration of the State of Israel. As such, I was raised in an amalgam of Rabbinic Judaism and political Zionism. I was taught that a miracle – born of heroism and bravery – had blessed my generation. The State of Israel was not a mere historical event – it was redemption…”

Reflections on dissent, remembrance and redemption


Sara Roy, the 2008 Edward Said Memorial Lecture at the University of Adelaide, 11 October 2009: “The Impossible Union of Arab and Jew: Reflections on Dissent, Remembrance and Redemption”.