published: 24 Apr 2009
views: 35162

UTC Flash Rave with Pepper Spray
Just some raw footage. I'll edit it later. Here is what went down. Someone at UTC thought ...
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: danielhunley
UTC Flash Rave with Pepper Spray
Just some raw footage. I'll edit it later. Here is what went down. Someone at UTC thought that throwing a flash mob rave would be a great way to have some fun in the middle of exam week. The DJ was set up between Campus Crossroads and the Library. At the first sign of trouble, they bolted. The crowd started getting wild. Apparently some less than intelligent people began throwing popcorn and drinks at the guards, who then began to mace the crowd.

UTC Mocs Quarterback BJ Coleman Schools TV's Joe Legge in Football
Prior to the big homecoming match-up between the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga an...
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: wdef
UTC Mocs Quarterback BJ Coleman Schools TV's Joe Legge in Football
Prior to the big homecoming match-up between the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Westeran North Carolina, Mocs Quarterback BJ Coleman takes a few minutes to talk football, inspiring kids, and keeping it fun.
published: 12 Oct 2011
author: wdef
views: 2792

UTC Aerospace Systems Intro Video
UTC Aerospace Systems is one of the world's largest suppliers of technologically advanced ...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: UTCAerospaceSystems
UTC Aerospace Systems Intro Video
UTC Aerospace Systems is one of the world's largest suppliers of technologically advanced aerospace and defense products. We design, manufacture and service systems and components and provide integrated solutions for commercial, regional, business and military aircraft, helicopters and other platforms. We are also a major supplier to international space programs. In 2012, UTC Aerospace Systems was formed by combining two industry leaders, Hamilton Sundstrand and Goodrich, creating an organization with key positions on a wide range of aircraft flying today and substantial content on various UAVs, satellites and ground and naval vehicles. Our customers include original equipment manufacturers that build aircraft and helicopters, engine manufacturers, and airlines, as well as defense agencies and contractors. Our commitment is to help them develop and maintain safer, lighter, more reliable and more efficient aircraft and other platforms. UTC Aerospace Systems is part of UTC Propulsion & Aerospace Systems, which includes Pratt & Whitney and which, along with Sikorsky Aircraft, comprise the aerospace portfolio of United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX), a global company with 2011 annual sales of $55.8 billion and approximately 200000 employees worldwide. UTC Aerospace Systems employs more than 40000 people worldwide with approximate annual sales of $12 billion (2011 pro forma).
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: UTCAerospaceSystems
views: 7290

WGL - UTC vs Xa
Week 5 of season 3 of 5 vs 5 conquest. This week UTC faced off against Xa. They were down ...
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: ltluke07
WGL - UTC vs Xa
Week 5 of season 3 of 5 vs 5 conquest. This week UTC faced off against Xa. They were down 2 players but still agreed to play for a laugh and it was a good laugh as I found out after the game that their main objective was to knife me as they knew I was recording the match. There were a few close calls but watch the games and find out for yourself. UTC Website - Xa Website - WGL -
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: ltluke07
views: 14

UTC Kuala Lumpur Flash Mob Gangnam 2012
UTC Kuala Lumpur Flash Mob Gangnam 2012 is a flash mob organized by UDA Property Managemen...
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: Pengurusan Hartanah UDA
UTC Kuala Lumpur Flash Mob Gangnam 2012
UTC Kuala Lumpur Flash Mob Gangnam 2012 is a flash mob organized by UDA Property Management, UDA Holdings Berhad.
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: Pengurusan Hartanah UDA
views: 52

UTC-Campagne d'integ' 2010 Vidéo Cactus
UTC Campagne d'integ Cactus...
published: 31 Mar 2010
author: MrThomasgms
UTC-Campagne d'integ' 2010 Vidéo Cactus

Confesseurs intimes Campagne d'intégration UTC 2012
Vidéo final ConsFesseurs - Campagne intégration UTC 2012...
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: ConsFesseurs
Confesseurs intimes Campagne d'intégration UTC 2012
Vidéo final ConsFesseurs - Campagne intégration UTC 2012
published: 30 Mar 2012
author: ConsFesseurs
views: 1807

Nov. 8, 2016 UTC / 3:16pm EST / 5:16 JST - Zenit-2SB carrying Fobos-Grunt & Yinghuo-1. coverage of Zenit-2SB carrying Fobos-Grunt & Yinghuo-1 launch...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: nextlaunch
Nov. 8, 2016 UTC / 3:16pm EST / 5:16 JST - Zenit-2SB carrying Fobos-Grunt & Yinghuo-1. coverage of Zenit-2SB carrying Fobos-Grunt & Yinghuo-1 launch
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: nextlaunch
views: 32411

utc vs mc
utc on left mc on right motioncrew had it but both crew were awsome please rate and commen...
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: lidohoua
utc vs mc
utc on left mc on right motioncrew had it but both crew were awsome please rate and comment
published: 12 Sep 2008
author: lidohoua
views: 2646

Universal Time:(UT), (GMT), (UT1), (UTC).
What is Universal Time?...
published: 30 Nov 2011
author: Skyywatcher88
Universal Time:(UT), (GMT), (UT1), (UTC).

May 22, 0744 UTC / 3:44am EDT / 16:44 JST - Falcon 9 carrying Dragon ( COTS 2 ) [NASA]
Lift-off at 2:45 NASAtv coverage of Falcon 9 carrying Dragon ( COTS 2 ) launch...
published: 22 May 2012
author: nextlaunch
May 22, 0744 UTC / 3:44am EDT / 16:44 JST - Falcon 9 carrying Dragon ( COTS 2 ) [NASA]
Lift-off at 2:45 NASAtv coverage of Falcon 9 carrying Dragon ( COTS 2 ) launch
published: 22 May 2012
author: nextlaunch
views: 17802

Lycéens des filières L et ES, l'UTC révolutionne votre orientation !
published: 25 May 2012
Lycéens des filières L et ES, l'UTC révolutionne votre orientation !
RETROUVEZ LE LIVE ICI : LES QUESTIONS: 01'24 Question MEGALO : Faut avoir une confiance assez folle pour lancer une filière pareille !!!?? •05'27 Je voudrais savoir quelles sont les conditions d'entre a cette toute nouvelle formation d'ingénieur pour les passionnés de philo et aussi de techno? merci nico •07'34 Humanités et technologies = philo et sciences = Léonard de Vinci ? •09'51 Je voudrais m'inscrire l'année prochaine dans la filière Humanités et Technologies car je suis en ES et n'aime pas trop les écoles de commerce. Mais quel risque je prends en choisissant une nouvelle formation? •12'07 Je suis en jury en ce moment entre l'UTC et l'Insa lyon. Quels conseils par un étudiant SVP? •13'30 Comment est la vie dans l'école ? •15'01 Question qui pèse: Est-ce que les ingénieurs issus de ce parcours ne seront pas toujours considérés comme des ingénieurs de seconde zone ? •17'39 Bonjour, J'ai entendu parler de votre nouvelle filière par le bouche à oreille, je serais intéressée mais auriez-vous des exemples de postes que pourraient occuper par la suite des étudiants Humanité et Technologies à leur sortie d'école ? •20'51 Qu'est-ce qui est prévu comme phase transitoire ? •21'33 Il ya un master qui est ouvert également aux étudiants en sciences humaines, Mais ya t-il besoin d'une mise à niveau en sciences ? •22'04 Proposez-vous des spécialisations dans les bio-technologies ? Est-ce que les étudiants qui passent par ce parcours ont accès à toutes les ...
published: 25 May 2012
views: 2520

July 18, 0231 UTC -Zenit 3F carrying Spektr R (RadioAstron) Space Radio Telescope coverage of RadioAstron launch...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: nextlaunch
July 18, 0231 UTC -Zenit 3F carrying Spektr R (RadioAstron) Space Radio Telescope
Vimeo results:

sequenza sismica terremoto L'Aquila 6 Aprile 2009
aggiornata 21 aprile 2009 ore 19 UTC (ore 21 locali), dati Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica...
published: 21 Apr 2009
author: emanuele casarotti
sequenza sismica terremoto L'Aquila 6 Aprile 2009
aggiornata 21 aprile 2009 ore 19 UTC (ore 21 locali), dati Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,

A Day in QuakeNet
QuakeNet is the largest internet relay chat (IRC) Network in the world, this is an attempt...
published: 16 Nov 2010
author: QuakeNet
A Day in QuakeNet
QuakeNet is the largest internet relay chat (IRC) Network in the world, this is an attempt to demonstrate the activity on the network (it looks much better full screen!).
This is one day of activity, 24 hours, midnight to midnight in UTC, on the QuakeNet IRC network summarised into a 12 minute data visualisation.
Each dot represents a new user connecting to the network, there are some 400 new connections per minute on average in this visualisation. Users are linked by joining shared channels. When a new user joins a shared channel it is joined by a line with all other users in the channel already that have had activity within the last 5 minutes. In effect, this shows real time communications between the users of QuakeNet over a single day.
All data was collected strictly anonymously at a high level.
The data snapshots were collected via a network service that already stores connection data in memory, anonymous network data dumps (purely stating 'this user is new' information) were collected at a regular interval for a 24 hour period. These data blocks were then pre-processed using one off Python scripts into a usable cohesive time-line of connections, and the users resolved to their geographic locations.
The final visualisation was produced using processing over several hours (the original source is above 1080p) using an OpenGL renderer. The background map is a re-aligned and tweaked world map from the NASA blue marble project.
If you have any comments or questions you can find me in #meeb on

Under The Covers Vol. 2
Radio Soulwax presents UNDER THE COVERS VOL. 2:
Download the RADIO SOULWAX app for iphone...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: Radio Soulwax
Under The Covers Vol. 2
Radio Soulwax presents UNDER THE COVERS VOL. 2:
Download the RADIO SOULWAX app for iphone / ipad / android or watch online at
We couldn't fit everything into one hour so here is some of the Rest Of the Best Of...
This tour took us all over the world, we played 130 UTC shows in 32 countries over a period of 2 years and it was also the starting point for RSWX. We made these animations especially for the live show and while some of them were made the day before the gig, sometimes it took us weeks to get an animation right. Using DVD's and DVJ players instead of CD's and CDJ players, we were manipulating the images you saw on the screen and the music at the same time.
Concept: Soulwax and Fergadelic
Editor: Kurt Augustyns
Animation : Michael Zauner, Lewis Kyle White, Bill Porter, Laurie Hill, Nuno Costa, Ed Suckling, Chris Walker, Karl Sadler, Glyn Peppiatt

I love Budapest. I bike Budapest.
Biciklizz úgy, ahogy szeretsz, amerre szeretsz. Érezd, hogy tiéd a város. Élvezd ki az öss...
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: Cyclechic hu
I love Budapest. I bike Budapest.
Biciklizz úgy, ahogy szeretsz, amerre szeretsz. Érezd, hogy tiéd a város. Élvezd ki az összes pontját, mert minden nap egy másik élmény. A hidak, az utcák, a kapualjak minden reggel rád köszönnek. Érezd, hogy nincs rajtad kívül senki, de mégsem vagy egyedül. Nem kell hozzá más, csak Te és a bringád.
models: nusi mohácsi, zoltán körösvölgyi
styling: lindistyle
dop: andrás hajdu
editor: sasa
music: gil scott-heron and jamie xx - 'i'll take care of u'
cyclechic crew: gaze, aron - 2011
special thanks:
bicycles: rocket bikes
cargo: viszikli
clothes: f&f;, levi's, vagabond, scholl, bringabag
gopro: én és a biciklim
Youtube results:

Nov.14, 0414 UTC / 13:14 JST / Nov.13, 11:14pm EST- Soyuz-FG carrying Soyuz TMA-22 (Exp.29/30).
Liftoff around 9:17 coverage of Soyuz TMA-22 launch....
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: nextlaunch
Nov.14, 0414 UTC / 13:14 JST / Nov.13, 11:14pm EST- Soyuz-FG carrying Soyuz TMA-22 (Exp.29/30).
Liftoff around 9:17 coverage of Soyuz TMA-22 launch.
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: nextlaunch
views: 4103

Carlos A. Mannucci 1 - 2 UTC Cajamarca 26/09/12
Más noticias de Copa Perú 2012 en Resumen del partido. UTC dió el ...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: cajamarcaglobal
Carlos A. Mannucci 1 - 2 UTC Cajamarca 26/09/12
Más noticias de Copa Perú 2012 en Resumen del partido. UTC dió el golpe en Trujillo al vencer 2 - 1 a Mannucci; a los 18' del primer tiempo con autogol de Aparicio y él mismo marcó a los 5' de la parte complementaria y ahí nomás 4 minutos más tarde llegó el gol de Renzo Benavides con el cual el equipo 'cajacho' regresó con tres puntazos a la ciudad del cumbe.
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: cajamarcaglobal
views: 4025

Aug. 24, 1300 UTC / 9am EDT / 22:00 JST - Soyuz carrying Progress M-12M (44P) coverage of Progress M-12M launch...
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: nextlaunch
Aug. 24, 1300 UTC / 9am EDT / 22:00 JST - Soyuz carrying Progress M-12M (44P) coverage of Progress M-12M launch
published: 24 Aug 2011
author: nextlaunch
views: 47254

Oct. 21, 1030 UTC / 6:30am EDT / 19:30 JST - Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat-MT carrying Galileo IOV satellites coverage of Soyuz Flight VS01...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: nextlaunch
Oct. 21, 1030 UTC / 6:30am EDT / 19:30 JST - Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat-MT carrying Galileo IOV satellites