
When Should I Join SAG-AFTRA? Secrets of a Hollywood Talent Manager
Wendy Alane Wright Smith Talent Manager at WAW Entertainment in Los Angeles discusses "Whe...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: Wendy Alane Wright Smith
When Should I Join SAG-AFTRA? Secrets of a Hollywood Talent Manager
When Should I Join SAG-AFTRA? Secrets of a Hollywood Talent Manager
Wendy Alane Wright Smith Talent Manager at WAW Entertainment in Los Angeles discusses "When an Actors should join SAG-AFTRA?" Wendy is dedicated to helping n...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 81
- author: Wendy Alane Wright Smith

SAG-AFTRA: Benefits
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -SAG-AFTRA: Benefits. D.W. Moffett, Jason George, Adam...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG-AFTRA: Benefits
SAG-AFTRA: Benefits
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -SAG-AFTRA: Benefits. D.W. Moffett, Jason George, Adam Arkin, Tony Shalhoub, & Mimi Cozzens are voting YES for increase b...- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 3829
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

Casting Director Tips for Actors | SAG-AFTRA: To Be Or Not To Be?
http://AmyJoBerman.com As a Casting Director I get asked by actors all the time: Should I ...
published: 23 Jul 2013
author: TipsOnActing
Casting Director Tips for Actors | SAG-AFTRA: To Be Or Not To Be?
Casting Director Tips for Actors | SAG-AFTRA: To Be Or Not To Be?
http://AmyJoBerman.com As a Casting Director I get asked by actors all the time: Should I join the union (SAG/AFTRA) or not? Here's the answer in this short ...- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 1297
- author: TipsOnActing

SAG President Ken Howard on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union- SAG President Ken Howard on the SAG-AFTRA Merger. We ...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG President Ken Howard on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG President Ken Howard on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union- SAG President Ken Howard on the SAG-AFTRA Merger. We are stronger together, One Union One Voice! Check out www.sagaftra....- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 1859
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

SAG-AFTRA Events 2012 - Highlights
SAG-AFTRA represents more than 160000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, ...
published: 22 Jul 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG-AFTRA Events 2012 - Highlights
SAG-AFTRA Events 2012 - Highlights
SAG-AFTRA represents more than 160000 actors, announcers, broadcast journalists, dancers, DJs, news writers, news editors, program hosts, puppeteers, record...- published: 22 Jul 2012
- views: 150
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

2013 SAG-AFTRA Inaugural National Convention Highlights
The inaugural SAG-AFTRA National Convention concluded on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013 with inspi...
published: 10 Oct 2013
2013 SAG-AFTRA Inaugural National Convention Highlights
2013 SAG-AFTRA Inaugural National Convention Highlights
The inaugural SAG-AFTRA National Convention concluded on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013 with inspiring speeches from the union's top officers, which focused on the convention's theme: United for Our Future. The day capped a four-day convention bringing together member delegates from across the country to celebrate union solidarity and conduct business. In closing remarks, SAG-AFTRA National President Ken Howard called upon delegates to take the hard work they did at convention back to their locals and continue the conversation. "These days have been filled with reminders of what we do and why we choose to do it. We entertain and inform the world and our work can change lives," Howard said. "We must always keep our eye on the prize: we are here to serve, to consider, to advise, to decide, and to lead -- for the members. Our guiding principle must always be what is right for the members; that which serves the members' interests." The last day of convention began with Howard congratulating the newly elected national and member category vice presidents. He also thanked former Co-President Roberta Reardon for her service and dedication to the merger campaign. The final constitutional amendments and resolutions were presented and considered for voting. A full report will follow. Two video reports highlighted successful organizing efforts in sound recordings for dancers. Bobbie Bates discussed the Music Video Contract and Ellen Crawford brought delegates up to date on the new Touring Agreement campaign. National Secretary-Treasurer Amy Aquino addressed the delegation, reporting on the union's finances and her experience at convention. Said Aquino, "I didn't know what to expect of this convention. I had attended a number of AFTRA conventions ... But this was something utterly unlike anything I've experienced before. The fact is I have been completely overwhelmed by the experience and by the massive potential here." Aquino also acknowledged her partnership and longtime friendship with former Co-Secretary-Treasurer Matt Kimbrough and also former National Executive Vice President Ned Vaughn. National Executive Vice President Gabrielle Carteris delivered closing remarks, saying, "What we have done this weekend -- at this convention -- is beginning the shape of our foundation. We have listened, we have debated, we have worked through interests and concerns ...What we have done are create a framework to better member's lives. I believe we have begun a proud and enduring legacy upon which our later generations will reflect and benefit." National Executive Director David White delivered a report on the state of the union saying, "We are all united, for your future and for ours. We are thrilled to be your partners in this important work and we look forward to making SAG-AFTRA even greater -- together." A closing video took a look back at highlights of the convention showcasing the hard work of delegates and staff. The next SAG-AFTRA convention will take place in 2015.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 43

Michael J. Fox is Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- Michael J. Fox is Voting Yes for SAG-AFTRA. Michael...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
Michael J. Fox is Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
Michael J. Fox is Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- Michael J. Fox is Voting Yes for SAG-AFTRA. Michael J. Fox urges you to VOTE and Vote Yes to increase our bargaining p...- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 27308
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- SAG President Ken Howard and AFTRA President Robert...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- SAG President Ken Howard and AFTRA President Roberta Reardon are Voting Yes for SAG-AFTRA.Ken Howard and Roberta Reard...- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 1620
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

AFTRA Members Support the Employee Free Choice Act
AFTRA National President Roberta Reardon wants YOU to join the Million-Member Mobilization...
published: 27 Sep 2008
author: AFTRAnetwork
AFTRA Members Support the Employee Free Choice Act
AFTRA Members Support the Employee Free Choice Act
AFTRA National President Roberta Reardon wants YOU to join the Million-Member Mobilization for the Employee Free Choice Act. Visit www.aftra.com/employeefree...- published: 27 Sep 2008
- views: 1482
- author: AFTRAnetwork

SAG-AFTRA Presents The Young and the Restless: Celebrating 40 Years
Los Angeles (June 4, 2013) - SAG-AFTRA presents a panel discussion with cast members from ...
published: 15 Aug 2013
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG-AFTRA Presents The Young and the Restless: Celebrating 40 Years
SAG-AFTRA Presents The Young and the Restless: Celebrating 40 Years
Los Angeles (June 4, 2013) - SAG-AFTRA presents a panel discussion with cast members from The Young and the Restless in celebration of the show's 40th annive...- published: 15 Aug 2013
- views: 9
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

"I am AFTRA"
Here are some of the faces of AFTRA--the people who entertain and inform America. How many...
published: 21 Jan 2008
author: AFTRAnetwork
"I am AFTRA"
"I am AFTRA"
Here are some of the faces of AFTRA--the people who entertain and inform America. How many AFTRA members do you recognize? This clip is from the documentary ...- published: 21 Jan 2008
- views: 4263
- author: AFTRAnetwork

Esai Morales for SAG-AFTRA President
Esai Morales is running for SAG-AFTRA President during the current 2013 SAG-AFTRA Election...
published: 14 Jul 2013
author: Membership First
Esai Morales for SAG-AFTRA President
Esai Morales for SAG-AFTRA President
Esai Morales is running for SAG-AFTRA President during the current 2013 SAG-AFTRA Elections. Membership 1st is more than just a political slate of candidates...- published: 14 Jul 2013
- views: 1804
- author: Membership First

AFTRA President Roberta Reardon on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union- AFTRA President Roberta Reardon on the SAG-AFTRA Merg...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
AFTRA President Roberta Reardon on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
AFTRA President Roberta Reardon on the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union- AFTRA President Roberta Reardon on the SAG-AFTRA Merger. Merger will increase our bargaining strength. One Union One Voi...- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 834
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

SAG-AFTRA: Celebrating one Year!
On March 30, 2012, The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and Screen Acto...
published: 02 Apr 2013
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
SAG-AFTRA: Celebrating one Year!
SAG-AFTRA: Celebrating one Year!
On March 30, 2012, The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and Screen Actors Guild are announced that members of both organizations have over...- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 766
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV
Youtube results:

Actors from Grimm are Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- Yes for SAG-AFTRA. Actors from Grimm urge you to VO...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
Actors from Grimm are Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
Actors from Grimm are Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -- Yes for SAG-AFTRA. Actors from Grimm urge you to VOTE and Vote Yes for the the SAG-AFTRA Merger. Please join Kyle Vaha...- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 832
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

Lewis Black Urges You to Vote Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -Lewis Black is Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger. L...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: SAG-AFTRA TV
Lewis Black Urges You to Vote Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
Lewis Black Urges You to Vote Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger
SAG-AFTRA Merger Vote Yes One Union -Lewis Black is Voting Yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger. Lewis Black urges you to vote yes for the SAG-AFTRA Merger. Check ou...- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 1803
- author: SAG-AFTRA TV

SAG AFTRA Union Merger News
SAG AFTRA Union Merger News. Ballots are due back by March 30, and at least 60 percent app...
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: HollywoodSummitShow
SAG AFTRA Union Merger News
SAG AFTRA Union Merger News
SAG AFTRA Union Merger News. Ballots are due back by March 30, and at least 60 percent approval is needed to ratify the deal. Merger of SAG and AFTRA unions ...- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 130
- author: HollywoodSummitShow

AFTRA Detroit - DaVaughn Lucas
AFTRA Detroit Member Moment with actor DaVaughn Lucas, interviewed by Liz Graham, video by...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: AFTRAnetwork
AFTRA Detroit - DaVaughn Lucas
AFTRA Detroit - DaVaughn Lucas
AFTRA Detroit Member Moment with actor DaVaughn Lucas, interviewed by Liz Graham, video by Thomas Watson.- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 86
- author: AFTRAnetwork