🇷🇴 Sibiu in 4K: The Magic Gem of Romania
Sibiu (or #Hermannstadt in German) is a city with multiple facets and probably one of the best places to travel around the world. Those facets, impressive ones, have given the city of Sibiu the title of European Capital of Culture in 2007, the city center is in the process of becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Forbes stated that the city is "Europe's 8th-most idyllic place to live". If those reasons are not enough to convince you to visit it, then wait to see what lays around the city.
Sibiu is also known for its Christmas Market with traditional food brought by locals from the region. Although we don't know how large gatherings will look like in the future, Sibiu is also a perfect destination for solo travelers eager to discover a modern lifestyle covered in many layers of histor...
published: 05 Nov 2020
Moarte suspectă la biserică. Cadavru descoperit în curtea unui lăcaş din Sibiu
Descoperire macabră la o biserică din Sibiu. Trupul neînsufleţit al unui bărbat a fost găsit în curtea lăcaşului de cult de către un trecător. Din primele informaţii, se pare că bărbatul ar fi fost ucis cu sălbăticie. Anchetatorii îl caută acum pe autorul faptei.
published: 22 Jun 2024
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
Sibiu, Romania is an amazing place to visit in Romania. If you want to know top 10 what to do in Sibiu or you need a travel guide, please keep watching.
"Claiming the third spot is the mysterious Bridge of Lies. Legend has it that this bridge reveals the truth, and any falsehoods spoken on it will cause it to shake. Whether you believe the folklore or not, the Bridge of Lies is a must-see landmark."
"At number 2, we marvel at the Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral. This towering masterpiece of Gothic architecture dominates the city skyline. Step inside to witness its serene beauty and learn about its historical significance."
"And now, our top pick for the best experience in Sibiu: the Astra Film Festival. Celebrating the art of documentary filmmaking...
published: 14 Feb 2024
SIBIU Romania 🇷🇴 - Must Visit! (Beautiful Town in Transylvania) 2022
Must Visit Towns in Romania - Exploring Sibiu (Transylvania)! Sibiu, known as the city with eyes, we absolutely loved our time exploring this beautiful town in Romania. From the Bridge of Lies, the Piata Mare ( large square), and the wonderful architecture, there is much to enjoy while wandering the streets within the old town. We also explored beyond the main tourist areas and found Sibiu's many beautiful churches and cathedrals. The Holy Trinity Cathedral (Orthodox church) is an absolute must-see and just a short walk from the town square. We climbed the Council Tower where we got the most amazing view of Piata Mica (small square), Piata Mare (large square), and throughout Sibiu and the countryside beyond.
#Sibiu #Romania #transylvania
Exploring Sibiu in the summer months we we...
published: 20 Aug 2022
â—¯ Home page of the SIBIU tourist-office :
📌 Location : SIBIU , ROMANIA
Date recorded: MAY 2:30 PM
Weather: ⛅ 26 °C | 78 °F 🌡
✉� CONTACT : contact.touristchannel@gmail.com
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Switzerland Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuAApbjpZleNzmFbb31drSnCV
Spain Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuADu0MjNggT...
published: 20 May 2023
Discover Sibiu, Romania. Walk the old city streets, squares, city wall and countless pubs, restaurants and coffee shops. Top things to see in 4K
published: 16 Jul 2021
Welcome to a fascinating journey around the picturesque city of Sibiu and the enchanting Sibiu Citadel! Join us for a scenic walk that unveils the breathtaking beauty of one of Romania's iconic destinations.
🌆 Sibiu's Old World Charm:
Embark on a captivating virtual journey through the cobblestone streets of Sibiu, Romania, known as the Crown Jewel of Transylvania. Our 4K walking tour unveils the city's old-world charm, revealing a tapestry of medieval architecture, vibrant squares, and a rich cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as we explore the heart of Transylvania's capital.
� Piata Mare's Grandeur:
Witness the grandeur of Piata Mare, Sibiu's largest square, surrounded by elegant Baroque buildings and adorned with a stunning fountain. Our walking tour ta...
published: 13 Feb 2024
ROMANIA care NE PLACE ! 🇹🇩 Impresionati de SIBIU, capitala Transilvaniei
Voi ce credeți? Merită Sibiu titlul de "cel mai frumos oraș al României"?
Pe lângă frumusețea incontestabilă, în SIBIU s-a atestat prima școală, a apărut prima moară de hârtie a României, a fost tipărită prima carte în limba română din Ardeal, s-a publicat prima enciclopedie a țării și a apărut prima grădină zoologică de la noi. #sibiu #ordinarextraordinar #romania
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published: 17 Sep 2023
Continental Sibiu investeste peste 45 de milioane de euro în al șaptelea modul de producție
Continental Sibiu sărbătorește 20 de ani de realizări, creștere și implicare în comunitate. Cu această ocazie, echipa Continental Sibiu a organizat un eveniment special pentru a marca această zi importantă. De asemenea, compania a anunțat că va construit un al 7-lea modul de producție cu o investiție planificată de peste 45 de milioane de euro.
Detalii si foto https://bit.ly/3zk3Luo
published: 20 Jun 2024
Ca ne place sau nu sa recunoastem, Romania inca mai are de invatat in ce priveste turismul. Cu toate astea, exista cateva locuri in tara noastra draga, care ne fac mandri si ne demonstreaza ca si la noi se poate. Astazi ne aflam intr-unul dintre orasele noastre preferate din Romania. Bine ati venit cu noi la Sibiu!
🟡Internet ieftin si rapid oriunde in lume. Folosete codul BLONDRIENNE pentru $3 gratis.
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published: 24 May 2024
🇷🇴 Sibiu in 4K: The Magic Gem of Romania
Sibiu (or #Hermannstadt in German) is a city with multiple facets and probably one of the best places to travel around the world. Those facets, impressive ones,...
Sibiu (or #Hermannstadt in German) is a city with multiple facets and probably one of the best places to travel around the world. Those facets, impressive ones, have given the city of Sibiu the title of European Capital of Culture in 2007, the city center is in the process of becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Forbes stated that the city is "Europe's 8th-most idyllic place to live". If those reasons are not enough to convince you to visit it, then wait to see what lays around the city.
Sibiu is also known for its Christmas Market with traditional food brought by locals from the region. Although we don't know how large gatherings will look like in the future, Sibiu is also a perfect destination for solo travelers eager to discover a modern lifestyle covered in many layers of history.
I'd personally say that the city is great for traveling to but even greater for living and this makes it just perfect for slow travelers.
💗💗💗 Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/framingreality
📷 Gear I used for making this video:
CAMERA: https://amzn.to/37yASei
MAIN LENS: https://amzn.to/2IWYAXi
ALL AROUND LENS: https://amzn.to/3kcJn1P
PORTRAIT LENS: https://amzn.to/34tlIEW
GIMBAL: https://amzn.to/3kcJn1P
SD CARDS: https://amzn.to/2ISUPSB
DRONE: https://amzn.to/3mgwlBl
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - The Large Square
0:40 - Mitropoliei Xenopol Passage
0:53 - Emil Sigerus Museum of Saxon Ethnography
1:07 - Cafe Wien Panorama
1:20 - Turnului Street
1:33 - Weinkeller Restaurant
1:37 - Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary
1:48 - Nicolae Balcescu Street
2:13 - Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol Street
2:25 - The Bridge of Lies (in The Small Square)
3:01 - Clock's Tower
3:07 - The Small Square
3:13 - Citadel Park
3:25 - Harquebusiers Tower (in Citadel Park)
3:55 - Carpenters Tower (in Citadel Park)
4:07 - Sibiu Walk of Fame (in Citadel Park)
4:19 - Potters Tower (in Citadel Park)
4:55 - Cetatii Street
5:09 - ASTRA Museum (Ethnology & History)
5:31 - Tipografilor Street
5:41 - Friedrich Schiller Bust
5:45 - Sibiu County Department of National Archives
5:59 - Gheorghe Lazar National College
6:13 - General Magheru Street (in The Large Square)
6:49 - Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary (Part 2)
7:03 - The Small Square (Part 2)
7:15 - Mitropoliei Street
7:49 - Postei Street
7:59 - Centumvirilor Street
8:20 - Art High School
8:50 - Cetatii Street (Part 2)
9:10 - The Large Square
9:23 - Continental Hotel
9:44 - The End
This video cannot be used without my permission!
For inquiries, please write me an email at realityframing@gmail.com
You can follow me on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristianioann/
Website: www.framingreality.com
Sibiu (or #Hermannstadt in German) is a city with multiple facets and probably one of the best places to travel around the world. Those facets, impressive ones, have given the city of Sibiu the title of European Capital of Culture in 2007, the city center is in the process of becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Forbes stated that the city is "Europe's 8th-most idyllic place to live". If those reasons are not enough to convince you to visit it, then wait to see what lays around the city.
Sibiu is also known for its Christmas Market with traditional food brought by locals from the region. Although we don't know how large gatherings will look like in the future, Sibiu is also a perfect destination for solo travelers eager to discover a modern lifestyle covered in many layers of history.
I'd personally say that the city is great for traveling to but even greater for living and this makes it just perfect for slow travelers.
💗💗💗 Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/framingreality
📷 Gear I used for making this video:
CAMERA: https://amzn.to/37yASei
MAIN LENS: https://amzn.to/2IWYAXi
ALL AROUND LENS: https://amzn.to/3kcJn1P
PORTRAIT LENS: https://amzn.to/34tlIEW
GIMBAL: https://amzn.to/3kcJn1P
SD CARDS: https://amzn.to/2ISUPSB
DRONE: https://amzn.to/3mgwlBl
0:00 - Intro
0:12 - The Large Square
0:40 - Mitropoliei Xenopol Passage
0:53 - Emil Sigerus Museum of Saxon Ethnography
1:07 - Cafe Wien Panorama
1:20 - Turnului Street
1:33 - Weinkeller Restaurant
1:37 - Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary
1:48 - Nicolae Balcescu Street
2:13 - Alexandru Dimitrie Xenopol Street
2:25 - The Bridge of Lies (in The Small Square)
3:01 - Clock's Tower
3:07 - The Small Square
3:13 - Citadel Park
3:25 - Harquebusiers Tower (in Citadel Park)
3:55 - Carpenters Tower (in Citadel Park)
4:07 - Sibiu Walk of Fame (in Citadel Park)
4:19 - Potters Tower (in Citadel Park)
4:55 - Cetatii Street
5:09 - ASTRA Museum (Ethnology & History)
5:31 - Tipografilor Street
5:41 - Friedrich Schiller Bust
5:45 - Sibiu County Department of National Archives
5:59 - Gheorghe Lazar National College
6:13 - General Magheru Street (in The Large Square)
6:49 - Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary (Part 2)
7:03 - The Small Square (Part 2)
7:15 - Mitropoliei Street
7:49 - Postei Street
7:59 - Centumvirilor Street
8:20 - Art High School
8:50 - Cetatii Street (Part 2)
9:10 - The Large Square
9:23 - Continental Hotel
9:44 - The End
This video cannot be used without my permission!
For inquiries, please write me an email at realityframing@gmail.com
You can follow me on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristianioann/
Website: www.framingreality.com
- published: 05 Nov 2020
- views: 91159
Moarte suspectă la biserică. Cadavru descoperit în curtea unui lăcaş din Sibiu
Descoperire macabră la o biserică din Sibiu. Trupul neînsufleţit al unui bărbat a fost găsit în curtea lăcaşului de cult de către un trecător. Din primele infor...
Descoperire macabră la o biserică din Sibiu. Trupul neînsufleţit al unui bărbat a fost găsit în curtea lăcaşului de cult de către un trecător. Din primele informaţii, se pare că bărbatul ar fi fost ucis cu sălbăticie. Anchetatorii îl caută acum pe autorul faptei.
Descoperire macabră la o biserică din Sibiu. Trupul neînsufleţit al unui bărbat a fost găsit în curtea lăcaşului de cult de către un trecător. Din primele informaţii, se pare că bărbatul ar fi fost ucis cu sălbăticie. Anchetatorii îl caută acum pe autorul faptei.
- published: 22 Jun 2024
- views: 541
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
Sibiu, Romania is an amazing place to visit in Romania. If you want to know top 10 what to do in Sibiu or you need...
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
Sibiu, Romania is an amazing place to visit in Romania. If you want to know top 10 what to do in Sibiu or you need a travel guide, please keep watching.
"Claiming the third spot is the mysterious Bridge of Lies. Legend has it that this bridge reveals the truth, and any falsehoods spoken on it will cause it to shake. Whether you believe the folklore or not, the Bridge of Lies is a must-see landmark."
"At number 2, we marvel at the Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral. This towering masterpiece of Gothic architecture dominates the city skyline. Step inside to witness its serene beauty and learn about its historical significance."
"And now, our top pick for the best experience in Sibiu: the Astra Film Festival. Celebrating the art of documentary filmmaking, this cultural extravaganza takes place annually and provides a unique insight into various cultures and global issues. It's a perfect blend of entertainment and enlightenment, making it our top recommendation for your Sibiu adventure."
TOP 10 Things to do in Sibiu, Romania 2024!
Sibiu, Romania is an amazing place to visit in Romania. If you want to know top 10 what to do in Sibiu or you need a travel guide, please keep watching.
"Claiming the third spot is the mysterious Bridge of Lies. Legend has it that this bridge reveals the truth, and any falsehoods spoken on it will cause it to shake. Whether you believe the folklore or not, the Bridge of Lies is a must-see landmark."
"At number 2, we marvel at the Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral. This towering masterpiece of Gothic architecture dominates the city skyline. Step inside to witness its serene beauty and learn about its historical significance."
"And now, our top pick for the best experience in Sibiu: the Astra Film Festival. Celebrating the art of documentary filmmaking, this cultural extravaganza takes place annually and provides a unique insight into various cultures and global issues. It's a perfect blend of entertainment and enlightenment, making it our top recommendation for your Sibiu adventure."
- published: 14 Feb 2024
- views: 2049
SIBIU Romania 🇷🇴 - Must Visit! (Beautiful Town in Transylvania) 2022
Must Visit Towns in Romania - Exploring Sibiu (Transylvania)! Sibiu, known as the city with eyes, we absolutely loved our time exploring this beautiful town ...
Must Visit Towns in Romania - Exploring Sibiu (Transylvania)! Sibiu, known as the city with eyes, we absolutely loved our time exploring this beautiful town in Romania. From the Bridge of Lies, the Piata Mare ( large square), and the wonderful architecture, there is much to enjoy while wandering the streets within the old town. We also explored beyond the main tourist areas and found Sibiu's many beautiful churches and cathedrals. The Holy Trinity Cathedral (Orthodox church) is an absolute must-see and just a short walk from the town square. We climbed the Council Tower where we got the most amazing view of Piata Mica (small square), Piata Mare (large square), and throughout Sibiu and the countryside beyond.
#Sibiu #Romania #transylvania
Exploring Sibiu in the summer months we were fortunate to be there during some wonderful events. We took in the Red Bull Romaniacs race, rock concerts, and an amazing Orchestra in Piata Mare square. And, of course, you can't finish a day in Sibiu without taking in authentic local Romanian cuisine and local craft beer. Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!
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Must Visit Towns in Romania - Exploring Sibiu (Transylvania)! Sibiu, known as the city with eyes, we absolutely loved our time exploring this beautiful town in Romania. From the Bridge of Lies, the Piata Mare ( large square), and the wonderful architecture, there is much to enjoy while wandering the streets within the old town. We also explored beyond the main tourist areas and found Sibiu's many beautiful churches and cathedrals. The Holy Trinity Cathedral (Orthodox church) is an absolute must-see and just a short walk from the town square. We climbed the Council Tower where we got the most amazing view of Piata Mica (small square), Piata Mare (large square), and throughout Sibiu and the countryside beyond.
#Sibiu #Romania #transylvania
Exploring Sibiu in the summer months we were fortunate to be there during some wonderful events. We took in the Red Bull Romaniacs race, rock concerts, and an amazing Orchestra in Piata Mare square. And, of course, you can't finish a day in Sibiu without taking in authentic local Romanian cuisine and local craft beer. Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!
Top Travel Credit Cards: https://www.dailydrop.com/credit-cards?via=brian-and-carrie
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Some links below are affiliate links. By using them there is no additional cost to you. This helps us continue bringing you videos from around the world! If you do choose to use them - Thank you!!
👇�Our DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT Travel Essentials:
Check out SafetyWing Insurance for a great deal on short or long-term coverage: https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=brianandcarrie&utm;_source=brianandcarrie&utm;_medium=Ambassador
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- published: 20 Aug 2022
- views: 35469
â—¯ Home page of the SIBIU tourist-office :
📌 Location : SIBIU , ROMANIA
Date recorded: MAY 2:30 PM
Weather: ⛅ 26 °C | 78 °F 🌡
✉� C...
â—¯ Home page of the SIBIU tourist-office :
📌 Location : SIBIU , ROMANIA
Date recorded: MAY 2:30 PM
Weather: ⛅ 26 °C | 78 °F 🌡
✉� CONTACT : contact.touristchannel@gmail.com
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Germany Playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuADZPr0BPm2YsRc4o4rX7anj
Sibiu. A city with narrow and multicolored streets, places steeped in history and very welcoming people. We are at the very heart of Romania, in Transylvania, in a multicultural area that has always impressed with its varied landscapes. It is no coincidence that the city of Sibiu is one of the best European tourist destinations.
Sibiu, a city with a medieval flavor and one of the most beautiful and cleanest in Romania. Above all, after the installation of a German on the chair of mayor of the city, things started to move in Sibiu; renovation works, an impeccable town centre, illuminated and enhanced facades, increasing number of tourists. Hats off, Mr. Mayor!
Located in the heart of Romania and bathed by the Cibin River, the city of Sibiu charms the traveler with its air of a medieval town that invites you to explore in all seasons. With its air of yesteryear, Sibiu is a veritable open-air museum, with houses dating from 1380 which stand on the edge of the narrow streets, the stairs leading down to the "lower town", the imposing Evangelical church whose construction lasted two centuries, at the Grande and Petite Place surrounded by centuries-old buildings.
The German rigor and the Latin spirit, alert, playful, have created in Sibiu an original and picturesque way of life. But Sibiu is also a true cultural center of Romania. It was here that the Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture was created in 1861, which took charge of the creation of the Library. An important cultural role also fell to the publication “Tribuna�, initially directed by the great Romanian writer Ioan Slavici.
When we say Sibiu, we also say the Brukenthal Museum, inaugurated in 1817. Directed by Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, the museum today contains not only a remarkable art gallery, but also collections of archaeology, d history, ethnography and natural sciences.
An integral part of the Brukenthal Museum, the History Museum operates in a representative building for Romania and for Transylvania, as it is a large secular Gothic monument. From 1850 to 1948, this building housed the town hall of Sibiu. We changed the decorations to highlight the importance of the time, but, after the revolution of December ’89, we decided to modify the structures. Baron Brukenthal was an enlightened spirit of the Age of Enlightenment and he began to collect all kinds of art objects and paintings from his youth. Part of the collections belong to him. In the meantime, they have been enriched with a number of archaeological objects.
Let’s now head to Dumbrava Sibiului – the Glade of Sibiu, where the Museum of Traditional Civilization of Romania has been created, which houses all kinds of tools and equipment specific to the workshops of the master craftsmen of the region. If you are more of a fan of natural beauty, follow us to the National History Museum which houses a rich collection of zoology and botany.
So, dear friends, as you can see, Sibiu is home to many treasures. It's up to you to come and discover them. Frankly, it's worth it, you have everything: museums, atmosphere, buildings, parks and let's not forget the mountain station of Paltinis, about thirty km away, absolutely fantastic which offers breathtaking panoramas.
#sibiu #romania #travel #medieval #transylvania
â—¯ Home page of the SIBIU tourist-office :
📌 Location : SIBIU , ROMANIA
Date recorded: MAY 2:30 PM
Weather: ⛅ 26 °C | 78 °F 🌡
✉� CONTACT : contact.touristchannel@gmail.com
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Italy Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuADJ5D69HR1gSdCjFF61F1Lp
France Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuAD0Scg426hKleLYMbNImJTK
Monaco Playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuACPpP7CivhOv-u2vFVd02Vl
Germany Playlist : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyVbsU6txuADZPr0BPm2YsRc4o4rX7anj
Sibiu. A city with narrow and multicolored streets, places steeped in history and very welcoming people. We are at the very heart of Romania, in Transylvania, in a multicultural area that has always impressed with its varied landscapes. It is no coincidence that the city of Sibiu is one of the best European tourist destinations.
Sibiu, a city with a medieval flavor and one of the most beautiful and cleanest in Romania. Above all, after the installation of a German on the chair of mayor of the city, things started to move in Sibiu; renovation works, an impeccable town centre, illuminated and enhanced facades, increasing number of tourists. Hats off, Mr. Mayor!
Located in the heart of Romania and bathed by the Cibin River, the city of Sibiu charms the traveler with its air of a medieval town that invites you to explore in all seasons. With its air of yesteryear, Sibiu is a veritable open-air museum, with houses dating from 1380 which stand on the edge of the narrow streets, the stairs leading down to the "lower town", the imposing Evangelical church whose construction lasted two centuries, at the Grande and Petite Place surrounded by centuries-old buildings.
The German rigor and the Latin spirit, alert, playful, have created in Sibiu an original and picturesque way of life. But Sibiu is also a true cultural center of Romania. It was here that the Transylvanian Association for Romanian Literature and Culture was created in 1861, which took charge of the creation of the Library. An important cultural role also fell to the publication “Tribuna�, initially directed by the great Romanian writer Ioan Slavici.
When we say Sibiu, we also say the Brukenthal Museum, inaugurated in 1817. Directed by Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, the museum today contains not only a remarkable art gallery, but also collections of archaeology, d history, ethnography and natural sciences.
An integral part of the Brukenthal Museum, the History Museum operates in a representative building for Romania and for Transylvania, as it is a large secular Gothic monument. From 1850 to 1948, this building housed the town hall of Sibiu. We changed the decorations to highlight the importance of the time, but, after the revolution of December ’89, we decided to modify the structures. Baron Brukenthal was an enlightened spirit of the Age of Enlightenment and he began to collect all kinds of art objects and paintings from his youth. Part of the collections belong to him. In the meantime, they have been enriched with a number of archaeological objects.
Let’s now head to Dumbrava Sibiului – the Glade of Sibiu, where the Museum of Traditional Civilization of Romania has been created, which houses all kinds of tools and equipment specific to the workshops of the master craftsmen of the region. If you are more of a fan of natural beauty, follow us to the National History Museum which houses a rich collection of zoology and botany.
So, dear friends, as you can see, Sibiu is home to many treasures. It's up to you to come and discover them. Frankly, it's worth it, you have everything: museums, atmosphere, buildings, parks and let's not forget the mountain station of Paltinis, about thirty km away, absolutely fantastic which offers breathtaking panoramas.
#sibiu #romania #travel #medieval #transylvania
- published: 20 May 2023
- views: 170898
Discover Sibiu, Romania. Walk the old city streets, squares, city wall and countless pubs, restaurants and coffee shops. Top things to see in 4K
Discover Sibiu, Romania. Walk the old city streets, squares, city wall and countless pubs, restaurants and coffee shops. Top things to see in 4K
Discover Sibiu, Romania. Walk the old city streets, squares, city wall and countless pubs, restaurants and coffee shops. Top things to see in 4K
- published: 16 Jul 2021
- views: 22041
Welcome to a fascinating journey around the picturesque city of Sibiu and the enchanting Sibiu Citadel! Join us for a scenic walk that unveils the breathtaking ...
Welcome to a fascinating journey around the picturesque city of Sibiu and the enchanting Sibiu Citadel! Join us for a scenic walk that unveils the breathtaking beauty of one of Romania's iconic destinations.
🌆 Sibiu's Old World Charm:
Embark on a captivating virtual journey through the cobblestone streets of Sibiu, Romania, known as the Crown Jewel of Transylvania. Our 4K walking tour unveils the city's old-world charm, revealing a tapestry of medieval architecture, vibrant squares, and a rich cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as we explore the heart of Transylvania's capital.
� Piata Mare's Grandeur:
Witness the grandeur of Piata Mare, Sibiu's largest square, surrounded by elegant Baroque buildings and adorned with a stunning fountain. Our walking tour takes you through this historic hub, offering a glimpse into the city's past and present. Marvel at the intricate facades, each telling a story of Sibiu's architectural prowess.
🌳 Natural Beauty and Green Spaces:
Discover the serene side of Sibiu as we meander through its green parks and tree-lined promenades. Experience the harmonious blend of urban life and nature, with picturesque parks like Sub Arini offering a tranquil escape within the city. Sibiu's commitment to preserving green spaces is evident at every turn.
� The Citadel's Timeless Elegance:
Explore the medieval fortifications of Sibiu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and witness the city's timeless elegance. The fortified walls, watchtowers, and charming passages create a captivating backdrop for our walking tour. Learn about the strategic importance of the Citadel and the stories embedded in its stone walls.
🎠Cultural Gems and Artistic Delights:
Sibiu, the European Capital of Culture in 2007, is a hub of artistic expression. Our tour takes you to the Brukenthal National Museum, showcasing exquisite art collections, and highlights the city's vibrant cultural scene. From street art to theaters, Sibiu's creative spirit comes alive on every corner.
📸 Visual Extravaganza for Travel Enthusiasts:
Indulge in a visual feast as we capture the essence of Sibiu in stunning 4K resolution. Every frame is a snapshot of European elegance, inviting travel enthusiasts to experience the allure of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Share in the enchantment and subscribe for more immersive travel escapades.
� Why Sibiu? Why Now?
Sibiu is not just a city; it's a cultural treasure waiting to be explored. Whether you're planning a future trip or seeking virtual travel inspiration, our video provides a compelling answer to why Sibiu should be on your European travel wishlist. Let the beauty of Sibiu, Romania, captivate your senses and transport you to a realm of architectural splendor and historical richness. 🇷🇴✨ Like, share, and subscribe for more virtual travel adventures, and let the magic of Sibiu unfold before your eyes.
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#sibiu #romania #transylvania #walking #walkingtour #virtualtour
Welcome to a fascinating journey around the picturesque city of Sibiu and the enchanting Sibiu Citadel! Join us for a scenic walk that unveils the breathtaking beauty of one of Romania's iconic destinations.
🌆 Sibiu's Old World Charm:
Embark on a captivating virtual journey through the cobblestone streets of Sibiu, Romania, known as the Crown Jewel of Transylvania. Our 4K walking tour unveils the city's old-world charm, revealing a tapestry of medieval architecture, vibrant squares, and a rich cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as we explore the heart of Transylvania's capital.
� Piata Mare's Grandeur:
Witness the grandeur of Piata Mare, Sibiu's largest square, surrounded by elegant Baroque buildings and adorned with a stunning fountain. Our walking tour takes you through this historic hub, offering a glimpse into the city's past and present. Marvel at the intricate facades, each telling a story of Sibiu's architectural prowess.
🌳 Natural Beauty and Green Spaces:
Discover the serene side of Sibiu as we meander through its green parks and tree-lined promenades. Experience the harmonious blend of urban life and nature, with picturesque parks like Sub Arini offering a tranquil escape within the city. Sibiu's commitment to preserving green spaces is evident at every turn.
� The Citadel's Timeless Elegance:
Explore the medieval fortifications of Sibiu, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and witness the city's timeless elegance. The fortified walls, watchtowers, and charming passages create a captivating backdrop for our walking tour. Learn about the strategic importance of the Citadel and the stories embedded in its stone walls.
🎠Cultural Gems and Artistic Delights:
Sibiu, the European Capital of Culture in 2007, is a hub of artistic expression. Our tour takes you to the Brukenthal National Museum, showcasing exquisite art collections, and highlights the city's vibrant cultural scene. From street art to theaters, Sibiu's creative spirit comes alive on every corner.
📸 Visual Extravaganza for Travel Enthusiasts:
Indulge in a visual feast as we capture the essence of Sibiu in stunning 4K resolution. Every frame is a snapshot of European elegance, inviting travel enthusiasts to experience the allure of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Share in the enchantment and subscribe for more immersive travel escapades.
� Why Sibiu? Why Now?
Sibiu is not just a city; it's a cultural treasure waiting to be explored. Whether you're planning a future trip or seeking virtual travel inspiration, our video provides a compelling answer to why Sibiu should be on your European travel wishlist. Let the beauty of Sibiu, Romania, captivate your senses and transport you to a realm of architectural splendor and historical richness. 🇷🇴✨ Like, share, and subscribe for more virtual travel adventures, and let the magic of Sibiu unfold before your eyes.
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Nike Air Max Alpha Trainer 5, Men's Training Shoes - https://amzn.to/3qQfzkv
#sibiu #romania #transylvania #walking #walkingtour #virtualtour
- published: 13 Feb 2024
- views: 4696
ROMANIA care NE PLACE ! 🇹🇩 Impresionati de SIBIU, capitala Transilvaniei
Voi ce credeți? Merită Sibiu titlul de "cel mai frumos oraș al României"?
Pe lângă frumusețea incontestabilă, în SIBIU s-a atestat prima școală, a apărut prima...
Voi ce credeți? Merită Sibiu titlul de "cel mai frumos oraș al României"?
Pe lângă frumusețea incontestabilă, în SIBIU s-a atestat prima școală, a apărut prima moară de hârtie a României, a fost tipărită prima carte în limba română din Ardeal, s-a publicat prima enciclopedie a țării și a apărut prima grădină zoologică de la noi. #sibiu #ordinarextraordinar #romania
Dacă vă place conținutul acestui canal, nu uitați să vă ABONAȚI gratuit pentru a putea vedea și materialele care urmează. Vă mulțumim tare mult tuturor pentru comentarii, like-uri și susținere!
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Voi ce credeți? Merită Sibiu titlul de "cel mai frumos oraș al României"?
Pe lângă frumusețea incontestabilă, în SIBIU s-a atestat prima școală, a apărut prima moară de hârtie a României, a fost tipărită prima carte în limba română din Ardeal, s-a publicat prima enciclopedie a țării și a apărut prima grădină zoologică de la noi. #sibiu #ordinarextraordinar #romania
Dacă vă place conținutul acestui canal, nu uitați să vă ABONAȚI gratuit pentru a putea vedea și materialele care urmează. Vă mulțumim tare mult tuturor pentru comentarii, like-uri și susținere!
Până la următoarea postare, nu uitați că ne puteți urmări în timp real pe rețelele de socializare, Facebook și Instagram:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ordinarextraordinar/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ordinarextraordinar/
- published: 17 Sep 2023
- views: 9491
Continental Sibiu investeste peste 45 de milioane de euro în al șaptelea modul de producție
Continental Sibiu sărbătorește 20 de ani de realizări, creștere și implicare în comunitate. Cu această ocazie, echipa Continental Sibiu a organizat un eveniment...
Continental Sibiu sărbătorește 20 de ani de realizări, creștere și implicare în comunitate. Cu această ocazie, echipa Continental Sibiu a organizat un eveniment special pentru a marca această zi importantă. De asemenea, compania a anunțat că va construit un al 7-lea modul de producție cu o investiție planificată de peste 45 de milioane de euro.
Detalii si foto https://bit.ly/3zk3Luo
Continental Sibiu sărbătorește 20 de ani de realizări, creștere și implicare în comunitate. Cu această ocazie, echipa Continental Sibiu a organizat un eveniment special pentru a marca această zi importantă. De asemenea, compania a anunțat că va construit un al 7-lea modul de producție cu o investiție planificată de peste 45 de milioane de euro.
Detalii si foto https://bit.ly/3zk3Luo
- published: 20 Jun 2024
- views: 234
Ca ne place sau nu sa recunoastem, Romania inca mai are de invatat in ce priveste turismul. Cu toate astea, exista cateva locuri in tara noastra draga, care ne ...
Ca ne place sau nu sa recunoastem, Romania inca mai are de invatat in ce priveste turismul. Cu toate astea, exista cateva locuri in tara noastra draga, care ne fac mandri si ne demonstreaza ca si la noi se poate. Astazi ne aflam intr-unul dintre orasele noastre preferate din Romania. Bine ati venit cu noi la Sibiu!
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#blondrienne #sibiu #romania
Ca ne place sau nu sa recunoastem, Romania inca mai are de invatat in ce priveste turismul. Cu toate astea, exista cateva locuri in tara noastra draga, care ne fac mandri si ne demonstreaza ca si la noi se poate. Astazi ne aflam intr-unul dintre orasele noastre preferate din Romania. Bine ati venit cu noi la Sibiu!
🟡Internet ieftin si rapid oriunde in lume. Folosete codul BLONDRIENNE pentru $3 gratis.
📧Contact si colaborari:
�Ajuta la evolutia acestui canal:
⬇�Devino membru daca vrei sa faci parte din gasca PUFI
#blondrienne #sibiu #romania
- published: 24 May 2024
- views: 10063