
The Empire Of The Balts - Part I (Rebirth Of Aryans)
Fiction based on real facts. The last pure Aryans are going to rebirth....
published: 25 Jun 2008
The Empire Of The Balts - Part I (Rebirth Of Aryans)
Fiction based on real facts. The last pure Aryans are going to rebirth.
published: 25 Jun 2008

Brāļi Ziemeļi - Uzsniga Sniedziņš Balts
My favorite Latvian songs Brāļi Ziemeļi - Uzsniga Sniedziņš Bal...
published: 04 Jan 2010
Brāļi Ziemeļi - Uzsniga Sniedziņš Balts
My favorite Latvian songs Brāļi Ziemeļi - Uzsniga Sniedziņš Balts Lyrics: Uzsniga sniedziņš balts Balts, kā vissmalkākie milti Uzsniga sniedziņš balts Un zemei palika silti Vienmēr uz pasaules kāds, kuram bez tevis ir auksti Un pat aiz pasaules vēl vajaga siltu plaukstu Saule kad miegu guļ Mēness kad staigā pa parku Spuldzes kā actiņas spīd Un pat vēl izdzēstas sargā Pelnrušķīt, laiks ir laiks, ceļš tavs drīz vedīs uz pili Paciet vēl grambas šīs, drīzi nāks mākoņi zili Ja tevi nemīl neviens, Tev taču ir ko mīlēt Labajā nosprūst naids Kā bulta ozola zīlē Vienmēr uz pasaules kāds, kuram bez tevis ir auksti Un pat aiz pasaules vēl vajaga siltu plaukstu
published: 04 Jan 2010
author: SonoraVelsa

Izaq - "Sath Balts"
published: 22 Sep 2012
Izaq - "Sath Balts"
[PROD. BY DJ PREMIER | CUT & SLOWED BY IZAQ] TWITTER: @IzaqRoland INSTAGRAM: @IzaqRoland TUMBLR: izaqroland.tumblr.com DL LINK: limelinx.com LYRICS: rapgenius.com
published: 22 Sep 2012

Black n White (Melns un Balts)
A title song of Nicol's Latvian solo Album presented on the Independent TV channel LNT...
published: 19 Sep 2008
Black n White (Melns un Balts)
A title song of Nicol's Latvian solo Album presented on the Independent TV channel LNT-nomination Best Female singer 2004.
published: 19 Sep 2008
author: showdiva

JESC 2004 - Latvia (Mārtiņš Tālbergs & C-Stones Juniors - Balts vai melns)
Martins live @ Junior Eurovision 2004 singing for Latvia! Visit www.junioreurosong.net for...
published: 25 Apr 2010
JESC 2004 - Latvia (Mārtiņš Tālbergs & C-Stones Juniors - Balts vai melns)
Martins live @ Junior Eurovision 2004 singing for Latvia! Visit www.junioreurosong.net for everything Junior Eurovision related :) for games and discussions join the forum z10.invisionfree.com
published: 25 Apr 2010
author: JuniorEurovisionTV

Kemphaan balts, Philomachus pugnax
Baltsende kemphanen, ( Philomachus pugnax ) Camera en montage Jos vroegrijk. Gemaakt met f...
published: 02 Jun 2011
Kemphaan balts, Philomachus pugnax
Baltsende kemphanen, ( Philomachus pugnax ) Camera en montage Jos vroegrijk. Gemaakt met fotocamera Panasonic Lumex GH2
published: 02 Jun 2011
author: natuurfreak
Vimeo results:

Starbucks | Crazy Beliefs
Believe it or not, yes, you can get something for less than $4 at Starbucks. In fact, you ...
published: 23 Apr 2010
Author: Three Legged Legs
Starbucks | Crazy Beliefs
Believe it or not, yes, you can get something for less than $4 at Starbucks. In fact, you can get a of couple things. BBDO New York and Starbucks called up on us to tell a story about the history of ridiculous beliefs that have since been disproved. Watch “Crazy Beliefs” in HD for all the nitty gritty detail your eyeballs can handle. Shit man we made this thing in like 4 days!
Visit ThreeLeggedLegs.com for behind the scenes extras!
BBDO New York
Linda Honan
Anthony Curti
Three Legged Legs
Green Dot Films
Rick Fishbein
Darren Foldes
Rich Pring
Three Legged Legs
Rick Brown
Greg Gunn
Casey Hunt
Reza Rasoli
Jameson Baltes
David Do
Mike Tavarez
Chuck BB
Alex Preston
Thomas Yamaoka

The place for climbers in Mallorca - S'Horabaixa
We were invited to shoot in S'Horabaixa to make a promotional video, and the first thing I...
published: 30 May 2012
Author: Aleix Vilardebo
The place for climbers in Mallorca - S'Horabaixa
We were invited to shoot in S'Horabaixa to make a promotional video, and the first thing I thought when I got there was: "this place doesn't need a video, this is amazing by itself". This feeling of greatness is what we want to share with everyone.
One week staying in S'Horabaixa with some young spanish climbers. Deep water soloing, rock climbing and bouldering in one of the best places in the world. Psicobloc's mecca.
S'Horabaixa www.horabaixa.es
Climbers: Ferran Guerrero, Pol Roca, Simon Baltes, Tòfol Cuenca and Toni Gelabert. Climbing Dyreco Pro Team www.climbing-dyreco.blogspot.com.es
Direction & Edit: Aleix Vilardebo www.aleixvilardebo.com
Cinematography: Josep Malo www.josepmalo.com and Aleix Vilardebo
Music: Feeling High - Olivemoon www.olivemoonmusic.com
Thanks to: Roger Trias, Paloma Alba, Alex Cortes, Sergi Pardo, German Alba, Jordi Piera, Mònica Dosouto, Miquel Riera , Toni Marcelo, Olivemoon

Best of Gyurcsány 1 (2006)
Ahogy egy kommentelő a Youtube-on igen találóan megfogalmazta: "Remek ez a videó, viszont ...
published: 17 Oct 2008
Author: Gery Greyhound
Best of Gyurcsány 1 (2006)
Ahogy egy kommentelő a Youtube-on igen találóan megfogalmazta: "Remek ez a videó, viszont baltával lett vágva" - ehhez így utólag szerintem sem fér kétség, sokmindent nem tudtam még a videoszerkesztésről az őszödi beszéd kiszivárgása előtt másfél hónappal, amikor egy álmatlan éjszakán nekiláttam összeállítani a korábban gyűjtögetett, az igazság szálainak Gyurcsány-féle kibontását.
Sokmindent nem tudtam még akkor, leginkább azt, hogy másfél hónap múlva ki fog szivárogni az őszödi beszéd, és talán ennek hatására is, két év alatt szerény becslés szerint is másfélmillió alkalommal nézik meg ezt a videót.
Itt van hát minden Best of Gyurcsányok legelső prototípusa amely minden előzetes várakozást felülmúló népszerűségre tett szert... Egy picikét feljavított minőségben, hogy legalább a hangerő ne ingadozzon olyan rémesen, és megtisztítva a legalapvetőbb vágási hibáktól.

Burgers & Art with Bond
A pleasant summer evening in New York together with Bond and friends. We like Burgers, art...
published: 25 Aug 2010
Author: BALT
Burgers & Art with Bond
A pleasant summer evening in New York together with Bond and friends. We like Burgers, art and rooftops.
Filming & Editing - Caroline Källbäck
Music - Mr Beethoven
Special thanks to:
Making it happen - Anthony Bianchi
Hamburger Master - Leonardo Lawson
The Artist - Ian Sklarsky
Making love to the food - Adriaan Schölvinck, Klara Kjellberg, James Widgren and Maria Eriksson
And more friends that made this evening a memorable one.
Youtube results:

baile del balts xv años de tania- guamuchil sinaloa
pos gente aki con ls pisteaños de mi prima tania i con el baile del balts pa k lo c...
published: 27 Jul 2009
baile del balts xv años de tania- guamuchil sinaloa
pos gente aki con ls pisteaños de mi prima tania i con el baile del balts pa k lo cheken i ps ai nos salio 2 tres chekelon i estamos pendientes con mas videos ya saben al rato
published: 27 Jul 2009
author: Osvaldo Peñuelas Ochoa

Club-winged Manakin - Machaeropterus deliciosus
More info ibc.lynxeds.com ibc.lynxeds.com.com A male displaying in a lek. Milpe, Ecuador (...
published: 07 Apr 2008
Club-winged Manakin - Machaeropterus deliciosus
More info ibc.lynxeds.com ibc.lynxeds.com.com A male displaying in a lek. Milpe, Ecuador (Monotypic species). Recorded 1 February 2005.
published: 07 Apr 2008
author: ibirdcollection

LT | Harmoninga kelionė laike, įprasminanti gamtos trauką ir asmenybės...
published: 09 Apr 2011
LT | Harmoninga kelionė laike, įprasminanti gamtos trauką ir asmenybės šaknis urbanistinėje XXI a. erdvėje -- kaip ją palengvinti? Šiuolaikinis baltas, naujausias technologijas naudojantis natūralumo paieškoms komunikaciniame chaose -- kas jis? LT identity EN | How to facilitate a journey in time that would make sense of the longing for nature and individual heritage in the 21st century urban space? Who is he, the contemporary descendant of the Baltic tribes who uses cutting edge technology in the search for authenticity in the midst of communicational chaos? LT identity KŪRYBINĖ GRUPĖ /CREATIVE TEAM Ieva Ševiakovaitė --mados dizainerė / fashion designer Jolanta Rimkutė -- mados dizainerė / fashion designer Edvardas Kavarskas -- grafikos dizaineris / graphic designer Denis Bondar -- architektas / architect Eglė Skuodaitė -- daiktų dizainerė / object designer Rudolfas Levulis -- medijos menininkas / media artist Paulius Mazūras -- medijos menininkas / media artist Muzika / music : Brokenchord - Run to the light (Black Acre Records)
published: 09 Apr 2011
author: pavyzdziui