
Mass Media Conspiracy: Lies, Hoaxes & Manipulation (Full documentary)
Documentary exposing the deceit in the Media, and how you are manipulated, deceived and fo...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: pleiadiantalk
Mass Media Conspiracy: Lies, Hoaxes & Manipulation (Full documentary)
Documentary exposing the deceit in the Media, and how you are manipulated, deceived and fooled around with, to shape and control you and make you believe what they want you to. "I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. Americans are wired into their television sets. Over the last 30 years, they have come to look at their television sets and the images on the screen as reality. You put something on television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the television set contradicts the images, people start changing the world to make it more like the images and sounds of their television. Because its influence is so great, so pervasive, it has become part of our lives. You lose your sense of what is being done to you, but your mind is being shaped and molded." -Hal Becker, Futures Group think-tank veteran "These individuals, they do go back a long way and they have understood completely your psyche, they've had generations, centuries to study it. Their type of sorcery involves different kinds of techniques but it's still the same effect: Tele-Hypnosis, Metacontrast, Hemisync, Synaesthesia, Embedding, new names, new terms for a very old, well-known practice to get you into group-think, into subservience, to get you to embody dialectical divisions of which there is no end in our society, to fashion your allegiances for you, to implant associations that your mind might not normally associate, to purvey ...
published: 10 Jul 2012
views: 4354

Effects of Mass Media on Teens
Music: Beautiful Love- The Afters, All Around Me- Flyleaf, Already Over-RED, Diary of Jane...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: KillersOfConfidence
Effects of Mass Media on Teens
Music: Beautiful Love- The Afters, All Around Me- Flyleaf, Already Over-RED, Diary of Jane- Breaking Benjamin, Stop and Stare- One Republic, Faces- Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Dove Evolution www.youtube.com Most Controversial Commercial www.youtube.com Anorexia Commercial www.youtube.com The music is not mine. The video clips are not mine as well. I just used them to put this together. All of the credit goes to them. Not me.
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: KillersOfConfidence
views: 87453

the mass media
When all events and the people will be taken up by excessive, it is a change of a bewilder...
published: 30 Apr 2008
author: wakanatokuko
the mass media
When all events and the people will be taken up by excessive, it is a change of a bewildering interest of the mass media and the person who forgets. www.sensuidream.com
published: 30 Apr 2008
author: wakanatokuko
views: 2975

Dumbing Down America Mass Media Programming
Dumbing Down Children in the Education System and the Mass Media Programming of America. Y...
published: 11 Sep 2008
author: HijinxMedia
Dumbing Down America Mass Media Programming
Dumbing Down Children in the Education System and the Mass Media Programming of America. Your Government is Getting Exactly What It's Paying For. Knowledge: InfoFlix.tv .
published: 11 Sep 2008
author: HijinxMedia
views: 35846

mass media in a changing world
Well after a several year absence from brickfilming I'm back with my new film "mass media ...
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: jmarkowitz89
mass media in a changing world
Well after a several year absence from brickfilming I'm back with my new film "mass media in a changing world". Based on a lot of ideas that I've been working on for a while, mass media in a changing world tells the story of a young man who finds himself consumed in world of fear produced by the media. The entire project was completed in about a week and a half using the following software: Premier Pro 2.0, After Effects 6.5, Photoshop CS and Animator DV Simple... Enjoy! UPDATE 4-9-08: I won first prize in the Kent State University Black Squirrel Flix Fest, beating out 17 other films, I won a copy of Avid Media Composer! UPDATE 11-20-08: I won first place, the Golden Reel award in the student category of the Media Communications Associations International (MCA-I) 40th Media Festival!
published: 24 Feb 2008
author: jmarkowitz89
views: 21415

War Propaganda Exposed Part 1 Mass Media Warmongering Against Iran
Aided and Abetted by Mass Media, Bachmann's Lies Still Dominate Public Discourse even with...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: RepresentativePress
War Propaganda Exposed Part 1 Mass Media Warmongering Against Iran
Aided and Abetted by Mass Media, Bachmann's Lies Still Dominate Public Discourse even with her dropping out of the GOP race. Those peddling War Propaganda are given a free ride, notice that mainstream media hasn't informed most people that Bachmann and others are lying about Iran and they are ignoring and breaking international law. Stephen M. Walt debunked her premise in his critique of Matthew Kroenig's "textbook example of war-mongering disguised as "analysis:" "If this bizarre fantasy were true, why couldn't the former Soviet Union do similar things during the Cold War, and why can't other nuclear powers make similar threats today when they don't like a particular American initiative? The simple reason is that threatening nuclear war against the United States is not credible unless one is willing to commit national suicide, and even Kroenig concedes that Tehran is not suicidal. Nuclear weapons are good for deterring attacks on one's own territory (and perhaps the territory of very close allies), but that's about it. They are not good for blackmail, coercive diplomacy, or anything else." - Stephen M. Walt representativepress.blogspot.com ☉ Also note how US media failed to give the Pentagon press secretary's recent statement the coverage it deserved: "We have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon." PASS IT ON ☞ tinyurl.com PASS IT ON ☞ tinyurl.com PASS IT ON ☞ tinyurl.com ☀ There's Strength in Numbers: tinyurl.com CLICK ...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: RepresentativePress
views: 13397

Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 1
Alan Watt-Gerald Celente and G Edward Griffin breaks down how the controllers use the mass...
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: GuerrillaNewsChannel
Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 1
Alan Watt-Gerald Celente and G Edward Griffin breaks down how the controllers use the mass media-sports-Madison ave and Pavlovian Dialectic to condition the Sheeple.. mind control Alex Jones Fall of the Republic Barack Obama Webster Tarpley alan watt john perkins jessie venture robert bowmen g edward griffin francis boyle wayne madsen george humphrey peter schiff ron paul Max Keiser Gerald Celente Jim Rogers wall st street Federal Reserve dollar goldman sachs obama Tim Geithner glenn beck henry paulson 9/11 inside job msnbc
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: GuerrillaNewsChannel
views: 33575

Michio Kaku - Alien Civilizations
Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of Theoretical Physics, City University of New York, talks abou...
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: AlienStephmother
Michio Kaku - Alien Civilizations
Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of Theoretical Physics, City University of New York, talks about making contact with Extraterrestrials that could be millions years ahead of us in technology. ~ www.gcf.org.sa
published: 31 Mar 2011
author: AlienStephmother
views: 149599

Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 2
Alan Watt-Gerald Celente and G Edward Griffin breaks down how the controllers use the mass...
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: GuerrillaNewsChannel
Mass Media-How They Control You-Part 2
Alan Watt-Gerald Celente and G Edward Griffin breaks down how the controllers use the mass media-sports-Madison Ave and Pavlovian Dialectic to condition the Sheeple . mind control Alex Jones Fall of the Republic Barack Obama Webster Tarpley alan watt john perkins jessie venture robert bowmen g edward griffin francis boyle wayne madsen george humphrey peter schiff ron paul Max Keiser Gerald Celente Jim Rogers wall st street Federal Reserve dollar goldman sachs obama Tim Geithner glenn beck henry paulson 9/11 inside job msnbc
published: 23 Oct 2009
author: GuerrillaNewsChannel
views: 15965

Mass Media Marketing Sex and Beauty to Little Girls
This is a segment from the Today Show, where consumer reporter, Janice Lieberman, discusse...
published: 31 May 2008
author: Stacey Arnold
Mass Media Marketing Sex and Beauty to Little Girls
This is a segment from the Today Show, where consumer reporter, Janice Lieberman, discusses the way little girls are being overly sexualized in the mass media. If you think this is bad, you should see how oversexed the Bratz dolls are. Abercrombie and Fitch were also under scrutiny for attempting to market 6 year-olds with thong underwear that state "eye candy" and "wink wink." Abercrombie's response on the issue was that critics were chastising them for false perceptions about the underwear being too offensive, because they were actually for 10 year-olds. This merely made Abercrombie look like fools. Besides, who in the world do 6 or even 10 year olds need to wear thong underwear for that state such overtly sexual messages? No child should ever be thought of in such a sexually provocative way. Sadly, marketers are selling kids ideologies about sexual maturity and beauty and parents are buying into it. Marketers claim that "motivated representations" are not intended to be taken at face value, yet they are cashing in on selling young girls products that offer empty promises of achieving the beauty and perfection of their favorite idols, like Hannah Montana. According to a recent study, tween consumers spend roughly $200 billion a year. This makes it extremely appealing to marketers, who are selling these girls self improvement that is not actually intended to "improve" the girls, but to make corporations more money. This can be detrimental for girls' self esteems. Since ...
published: 31 May 2008
author: Stacey Arnold
views: 440952

American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists!
TV news you watch and newspapers you read are constantly filtered by organisations that wa...
published: 04 Jan 2009
author: MuslimRevert
American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists!
TV news you watch and newspapers you read are constantly filtered by organisations that want to make sure that you read and see the "right" reports. Don't let yourself to be brainwashed by the zionist media corporation that control the major TV channels and newspapers.
published: 04 Jan 2009
author: MuslimRevert
views: 25840

P. Sainath on Mass Media v. Mass Reality: From Farm and Field to Wall Street Deals
Award-winning journalist P. Sainath - www.indiatogether.org - will speak on the failure of...
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: zgraphix1
P. Sainath on Mass Media v. Mass Reality: From Farm and Field to Wall Street Deals
Award-winning journalist P. Sainath - www.indiatogether.org - will speak on the failure of mass media to report and analyze the widening economic inequality in India and around the world. For the past decade, Sainath has been reporting on the epidemic of farmers committing suicide in India as a result of the collapse of the rural economy. Sainath's hard-hitting reporting for The Hindu newspaper forced other journalists to cover the story and government officials to act. A decade earlier, in the 1990s his dispatches from the countryside in the Times of India sparked a renewed interest in poverty in India. Those stories were published in his best-selling 1996 book, Everybody Loves a Good Drought: Stories from India's Poorest Districts. In a 29-year career as a journalist, Sainath has won over 35 global and national awards and been called "the conscience of the Indian nation" by other journalists. In 2007, he won the Ramon Magsaysay Award -- Asia's most prestigious prize, often referred to as the "Asian Nobel" -- for Journalism Literature and Creative Communications Arts for his "passionate commitment as a journalist to restore the rural poor to India's national consciousness." The event is sponsored by the University of Texas School of Journalism, the South Asia Institute, AID-Austin, and the Society of Professional Journalists-UT. Location: University of Texas, Austin. Produced for Austin Indymedia by Jeff Zavala. A ZGraphix/Austin Indymedia Production. zgraphix.org
published: 12 Sep 2011
author: zgraphix1
views: 6245
Vimeo results:

AD 2044, Japan's once strong prestige in the international community has
tarnished after ...
published: 14 Nov 2011
author: A.T.
AD 2044, Japan's once strong prestige in the international community has
tarnished after years of economic stagnation.
In order to reclaim its prestige, the National Strategy Bureau has resorted to an extravagant series of mass media psyops.
This program is called "Source".
Independent Short Film
Director : A.T.
Producer : Miyo Koya
D.o.P : Yuichiro Otsuka
Visual Effects : finitto inc.
Production design : Hideo Gunji
Lighting design : Katsumi Nakayama
music : Reiji Kitazato/BACKSLASH
sound design : Kazushi Miyakoda
costume styling : Kyohei Ogawa
grip : RISE GRIP Ltd.
Location coordinator : Sun Planet
Production : TYO productions
format : REDmx

The Emotive
My media production class presented me with many challenges and definitely forced me to st...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: Kevin Guiang Paderes
The Emotive
My media production class presented me with many challenges and definitely forced me to step outside my comfort zone this quarter. I admittedly despised the course for its contra-customary "hipster/artsy" expectations and its emphasis on pathological appeals understood by only margins of our culture.
Last night reminded me of the capacity of the creative process to bring people together. It was a genuine throwback to the reckless abandon of junior high and carefree attitudes of our younger years. It felt good to be laughing with those who I held close and to feel the familiar adrenaline rush before pressing the record button on my camera, knowing that my friend on the other side was ready to do something stupid or utterly dangerous for a good laugh.
I'm thankful that I am surrounded by audacious, carefree, genuine people I can call my friends. It was really something to watch Chris stand amidst the crowd at PC, summing up the courage to challenge the gradients of societal norms by intruding upon well established boundaries of privacy. It was really something to observe the footage we took last night. It was inspiring to see that he was genuinely able to affect people with the passion embedded in his poetry and his deliberate, confident declamation.
I know that this video doesn't necessarily ebb with the flow of the masses, but my TA challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone and I feel that I successfully met her challenge. The concept of this project was to emphasize the merit of emotion. Violating public space, we juxtaposed a computer generated mp3 of Chris' poem with Chris reciting the poems himself; the former representing substance devoid of emotion while the latter represented the epitome of it. Few people reacted to the boom box. In the best of circumstances, people would turn around, stare for a moment or two, and continue on with their business. The moment Chris filled any space with his deep voice, however, people did not only listen but they also stopped in their tracks to grasp his message. I'm amazed at the attention he commanded.
Words are nothing in the absence of emotion. They can be read, they can be recited, but few can really deliver the feelings behind words printed on paper. My friend is truly a talented individual and it was a pleasure working with him. He took the time out of his day to help Diana and I with our project and I'm really thankful for it.
Thanks to Grant and Rishi for helping me film segments of the video and especially Diana for being an amazing partner.
Original piece, written by Chris King Wong
I don't know you.
And I don't want to.
But I have something I'd like to say.
I hope you took a five-minute break from playing call of duty today just to tell her how much you love her.
I hope you picked up the least rotten flowers at the gas station that you work at just to surprise her for a change.
I hope that when she pours her heart out to you you're not just nodding your head and saying uhhuh.
I hope that you're everything I couldn't be.
I hope you see that even stumbling she has more grace and elegance than a boy like you could ever hope to comprehend.
I hope you treat her right.
I hope you know that she's always loved it when you bite her bottom lip.
The stupid say a girl is made in her hips but the truth is in her eyes.
I hope you know they're green.
I hope you know that she's not a morning person, drinks her coffee black, speaks art like her first language and took sailing lessons just to see the other two-thirds of the world.
She robbed every bar in the city with just her smile.
I don't claim to be an expert.
But I'd be a fool not to know that she squeezes her toothpaste from the bottom because she's always planning ahead.
She doesn't smoke or drink because she'd rather read in bed.
And I'd give anything if I could just be her man instead.
I hope you know that.
I hope you know that her favorite color is white.
She's captivated by firework light.
And you will nerve have an unnecessary fight because she
She is as patient as a flower in winter.
And when she springs
I hope you're ready.
Because she can set your soul on fire with just a touch.
Now this may be a bit much for you to manage.
But I guess those are the struggles of having the personality of a cabbage.
So let me break it down for you.
I thought I was having a heart attack the day I first saw her.
My heart was as rhythmic as a child banging on pots and pans.
Because she
She is dynamic.
Love at first sight is an understatement.
No, to me
She is all five senses.
Ground and blended, she is more potent than the most copious amounts of caffeine.
She will keep me up for days.
And I spend those nights thinking about how she came into my life, took my hand, drew me close and whispered something in my ear that I'll never forget.
She said
I love you.
I love you for the words you give me the strength to say and
The songs you give me the audacity to play.
I love you for the way you send my h

First single of the album Diversidad Out on June 21
Free download on www.diversidad-experi...
published: 19 Jun 2010
First single of the album Diversidad Out on June 21
Free download on www.diversidad-experience.com
Diversidad is the Spanish word for diversity. In case of the same-titled musical project initiated by the European Music Office (EMO) and supported by the European Commission, it’s not an empty phrase, but a way of living, thinking and – even more importantly – creating. To celebrate the diversity of urban music, styles and culture throughout Europe is the main aim of this ambitious artistic melting pot. In the spirit of cultural exchange, 14 different artists have come together in a recording studio in Brussels to combine their different vocal stylings over an uplifiting musical background provided by premier league beatmaker Spike Miller from France.
Spike Miller’s instrumental for Diversidad’s single, The eXperience, is a state-of-the-art production which can compete against any hit single on urban radio right now. The mixture of innovative drum programming, atmospheric synth chords and attacking strings is as multifaceted as the national and cultural backgrounds of the artists that are rapping and singing on top of it. In four minutes, the listener is carried from the smooth accentuation of Spanish or Swedish over the familiar sounds of English and French to the more harsh linguistics of German, Bosnian and Croatian. »Different rivers flow together«, sings Freetown-born, but Cologne-based artist Mariama in a catchy hook that resembles current R&B; club smashers while still sounding characteristic and recognizable.
The song is the perfect summer anthem for open-minded hip-hop lovers all over Europe. Even if you don’t understand every single word or line, you are immediately captured by the transnational vibe on this superb musical piece which stands out clearly from the boring pabulum that mainstream media and music television is trying to feed the masses. The vision of the project »Diversidad« is to actively overcome language barriers and cultural stereotypes and to be a stepping stone on a way to an exchange and unification of different urban music scenes in Europe. But despite all ideological superstructure, the main focus on this project is musical quality. Being the executive producers of the project, German hip-hop artist Curse and French beatmaker Spike Miller supervised the recording and made sure every single element fits in its predetermined place.
The eXperience is only the appetizer for a whole album that was recorded during two prolific weeks in the spring of 2010 that the artists spent in a recording studio in Brussels, Belgium. 20 different artists from 12 different countries speaking 8 different languages came together to create a masterpiece that is destined to be an integral part in the Diversidad movement. The music on the album sounds as diverse as the artists involved in its creation: There's straight-forward hip-hop songs, uptempo club tracks, a reggae tune, an urban pop ballad, a song with a kind of freestyle character and lots of different musical influences to be heard. All in all, the album showcases that urban music is a melting pot of musical styles and not a prefabricated box with rigid boundaries.
The Diversidad program will also include a festival tour, a graphic art exhibition, a movie and a digital community. All of these different channels will be opened from 2010 to 2012, but right now you just need to open your ears and hearts for the first audible life sign of the »Diversidad, The eXperience«.
Artists performing on the single:
Featuring : Curse (Germany), Marcus Price (Sweden), Orelsan (France), Rival (Belgium), Luche from Co' Sang (Italy), Frenkie (Bosnia), GMBisGeryMendes (Netherlands), Valete (Portugal), Pitcho (Belgium), Nach (Spain), Mariama (Germany), MC Melodee from La Melodia (Netherlands), Remi and Shot from Elemental (Croatia),
Scratch by Cut Killer (France) / Produced by Spike Miller (France)
1er Single de l’album sortie le 21 juin
en telechargement gratuit sur www.diversidad-experience.com
Diversidad signifie diversité en espagnol. Dans le cas du projet du même nom initié par le European Music Office (EMO) et soutenu par la Commission Européenne, ce n’est pas une utopie mais bien une façon de vivre, de penser et surtout de créer. Célébrer la diversité des musiques et des cultures urbaines à travers l’Europe est l’objectif principal de cet ambitieux « melting pot » artistique. C’est dans l’esprit d’un échange culturel européen que 14 artistes se sont réunis dans un studio d’enregistrement à Bruxelles pour conjuguer leurs différents styles vocaux sur un son puissant créé par un des meilleurs beatmakers français Spike Miller.
La musique de Spike Miller pour le single Diversidad/The eXperience est une production de première qualité à la hauteur des hits urbains programmés en radio actuellement. La richesse et la modernité de sa production est aussi variée que les origines nationales ou

The Exorcist in the 21st Century
The Exorcist in the 21st Century takes the viewer into the unknown and sinister world of e...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: Creatur Media
The Exorcist in the 21st Century
The Exorcist in the 21st Century takes the viewer into the unknown and sinister world of exorcism in the Catholic Church. We meet one of the few exorcists in Europe, the Vatican approved José Antonio Fortea. He travels around the world on a mission to enlighten the masses about demonic possession. Constanza, a Colombian woman, is desperately looking for Fr. Forteas help. She claims to have been possessed by demons for nearly 15 years and she goes through a ritual of exorcism before she sees the Spanish exorcist as a last hope for spiritual liberation. The film follows both their journeys and gives a unique insight into one of the world most secret and mystical rites – the catholic ritual of exorcism. For more info, go to http://theexorcistdoc.com/
Youtube results:

what is mass media doing with us?
In this video we can see some bad and good thing that mass media is doing with our lives...
published: 12 Sep 2009
author: tintan9412
what is mass media doing with us?
In this video we can see some bad and good thing that mass media is doing with our lives
published: 12 Sep 2009
author: tintan9412
views: 595

Mass Media = Mind Control
Dr. Stephen Jacobson speaks on the subject of mass media and its involvement in mind contr...
published: 29 Jul 2010
author: xanaxkamikaze
Mass Media = Mind Control
Dr. Stephen Jacobson speaks on the subject of mass media and its involvement in mind control and conditioning on a societal scale. The doctor says - "Media has become the fourth branch of government." All pictures taken by me.
published: 29 Jul 2010
author: xanaxkamikaze
views: 2632

Civil war looms as mass media caught in Syria crossfire
The European Union is preparing a new batch of sanctions against Syria, which the French f...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: RussiaToday
Civil war looms as mass media caught in Syria crossfire
The European Union is preparing a new batch of sanctions against Syria, which the French foreign minister says will be the harshest yet. It comes after an EU-backed resolution that could have paved the way for military intervention, was struck down at the UN. We're also getting disturbing footage from the rebel stronghold city of Homs, which opposition sources say is being shelled by the Syrian army. There are reports of casualties - although this can't yet be verified. Earlier, opposition fighters operating out of Homs attacked a number of police patrols and army bases. Elsewhere in the country, security forces say they've cleared all but two rebel outposts near the capital, seizing vast caches of arms and explosives along the way. Our report from Sarah Firth, contains some images you may find disturbing. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 8600

Defining the Mass Media
"Witty", "erudite", "infinitely charming", "insightful" and "educational" are just some of...
published: 13 Jan 2011
author: chris livesey
Defining the Mass Media
"Witty", "erudite", "infinitely charming", "insightful" and "educational" are just some of the many critical plaudits that haven't been garnered by this video. "Mercifully short", "Part 1" and "it's about the how we can define a mass medium" are, however, some of the things that could be said about it.
published: 13 Jan 2011
author: chris livesey
views: 2194