- published: 26 Feb 2012
- views: 27345
- author: TheParentingChannel

Labor Positions
published: 26 Feb 2012
author: TheParentingChannel
Labor Positions
WE'D LOVE YOU TO JOIN AND INTERACT IN OUR PARENTING COMMUNITY. CLICK HERE: www.theparentingchannel.com MORE PARENTING TIPS: www.youtube.com Positions to help during the first phase of labor. For BIRTHING BALL Labor Positions Click: www.youtube.com

Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 1, Labor
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted labor in a birthing center. ...
published: 25 Sep 2010
author: MamaNaturalBlog
Natural Childbirth Scenes - Part 1, Labor
No pain medication. 27-hour labor. Doula and midwife assisted labor in a birthing center. Part 2 - Delivery: www.youtube.com Part 3 - Reflections: www.youtube.com Buckle up everyone, here's my birthing story! It's a big one, so we've divided it into three parts. Labor began at 9:30 pm on Friday, Sept 10 and lasted through the night and into the morning. I was unable to sleep, but managing fairly well. We called our doula over around noon and soon it was time to drive to the alternative birthing center at a nearby hospital. When the midwife checked me out I was 5cm dilated. Yeah for the rookie mom! We were worried I'd be at a 1 or 2. I continued to labor in the birthing center - mainly in the shower and down on all fours with the birthing ball - till 4 pm When my midwife rechecked me I was at a 7! Life was good. I had hope! I labored for 2 more hours... very intense, very painful and thank God for Mike who literally held my back together with every contraction to help offset the pressure. I was rechecked at 6 pm and was making progress. We labored for another half hour and then filled the birthing tub...
- published: 25 Sep 2010
- views: 1436562
- author: MamaNaturalBlog

Natural Labor & Delivery of Twins!
My completely natural, unmedicated labor and delivery of my twin boys with a breech baby B...
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: GabeandJesss
Natural Labor & Delivery of Twins!
My completely natural, unmedicated labor and delivery of my twin boys with a breech baby B at 38 weeks and 3 days gestation :) It couldn't have been any better! Kyson (baby A) was born at 12:26pm on March 30, 2012 weighing 6lb 9oz and 17 3/4" long. Kaden (baby B) was born footling breech at 12:33pm on March 30, 2012 weighing 5lb 11oz and 19" long. This was probably the hardest and most rewarding thing I'll ever do in my entire life and I'm lucky enough to have it all on video :) Enjoy! Follow me on facebook for daily updates of the twins: www.facebook.com
- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 1164129
- author: GabeandJesss

Dancing Into Labor!
Almost 38 weeks pregnant with twins after 16 days of contractions, lost parts or all of my...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: GabeandJesss
Dancing Into Labor!
Almost 38 weeks pregnant with twins after 16 days of contractions, lost parts or all of my mucus plus 14 times, 4cm dilated, 70% effaced, numerous false alarms, and virutally no sleep.... I have no other options... ;) Follow me on facebook to see if I ever go into labor: www.facebook.com
- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 449408
- author: GabeandJesss

Labor Beat: Advisory Referendum for Elected School Board
Despite numerous obstacles thrown up against the effort, the advisory referendum for an el...
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: MiloWolf
Labor Beat: Advisory Referendum for Elected School Board
Despite numerous obstacles thrown up against the effort, the advisory referendum for an elected school board was a dramatic success in the Nov. 6, 2012 general election. The referendum YES votes stood at 87%, sending a warning that the days of a dictatorial, mayor-appointed school board are probably numbered. Speeches by Will Guzzardi and Prof. Pauline Lipman, as well as CTU President Karen Lewis, provide background on the issue, as they address a large meeting of referendum activists at the Logan Square Auditorium days before the election. Also included: an interview with Howie Emmer (member of Parents 4 Teachers) who discusses the results and some of the nuts-and-bolts details on how the campaign was won. Next step: seeing if legislators in Springfield will vote out the law that mandated the appointed school board in Chicago back in the 1990s. More work lies ahead. Please make a Donation to Labor Beat (Committee for Labor Access) and help rank-and-file tv: www.paypal.comProduced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner, and member of the Evanston Community Media Center. Labor Beat is a non-profit 501(c)(3) member of IBEW 1220. Views are those of the producer Labor Beat. For info: mail@laborbeat.org, www.laborbeat.org. 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit YouTube and search "Labor Beat". On Chicago CAN TV Channel 19, Thursdays 9:30 pm; Fridays 4:30 pm. Labor Beat has regular cable slots in Chicago, Evanston, Rockford, Urbana, IL; Philadelphia ...
- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 13
- author: MiloWolf

The Labor and Delivery of Our Baby Boy! (Episode 193)
This is the labor and delivery of our newborn son, Lucas Pierson. Born August 28th, 2012 a...
published: 30 Aug 2012
author: DevinandErica
The Labor and Delivery of Our Baby Boy! (Episode 193)
This is the labor and delivery of our newborn son, Lucas Pierson. Born August 28th, 2012 at 4:14 PM. Thank you for sharing in this special moment with us. Check out these links! Our Facebook: www.facebook.com Our Twitter: twitter.com Find us on Instagram @DevinAndErica Check out some of our best videos here: "The Best of DevinAndErica" playlist: www.youtube.com Intro by Josh Jepson: www.youtube.com Outro song written and given to us by Ryan Malott from 500 Miles To Memphis: www.youtube.com We also now have a PO Box after much request from our viewers! You can find it on our channel, or in the info section of our Facebook fan page! Music: "Long Road Ahead" and Atlantean Twilight" By Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com
- published: 30 Aug 2012
- views: 13473
- author: DevinandErica

Labor Beat: Ames School Community Says No Military!
87% of the Ames Middle School community said "NO" to changing the school to a military aca...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: MiloWolf
Labor Beat: Ames School Community Says No Military!
87% of the Ames Middle School community said "NO" to changing the school to a military academy in a recent scientific poll. This was one of the things that came out of the packed community meeting on the future of the Chicago middle school that took place on Nov. 1, 2012. Another memorable item from the meeting was a cell phone call made by Christina Torres, Parent Leader of Logan Square Neighborhood Association. On behalf of everyone present who was listening in, she was trying to reach the elusive Alderman of Chicago's 26th Ward, Roberto Maldonado. The military school idea is pretty much his baby. Along with targeting Maldonado, the Ames community is trying to get Chicago Public Schools to disown the project. (Any guesses on which way the unelected CPS will go?). Includes interview with Ames School Parent/Mentor Tamara Gardiner, one of the leaders of the community campaign. Length - 7:57 Please make a Donation to Labor Beat (Committee for Labor Access) and help rank-and-file tv: www.paypal.com Produced by Labor Beat. Labor Beat is a CAN TV Community Partner. Labor Beat is a non-profit 501(c)(3) member of IBEW 1220. Views are those of the producer Labor Beat. For info: mail@laborbeat.org, www.laborbeat.org. 312-226-3330. For other Labor Beat videos, visit YouTube and search "Labor Beat". On Chicago CAN TV Channel 19, Thursdays 9:30 pm; Fridays 4:30 pm. Labor Beat has regular cable slots in Chicago, Evanston, Rockford, Urbana, IL; Philadelphia, PA; Princeton, NJ; and ...
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 32
- author: MiloWolf

My Perfect Hospital Birth
The labor and delivery of our first baby boy, Tripp!! Born 12/18/08 at 8:38am. He weighed ...
published: 26 Dec 2008
author: Loraandlayton
My Perfect Hospital Birth
The labor and delivery of our first baby boy, Tripp!! Born 12/18/08 at 8:38am. He weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long. Don't forget to subscribe to watch him and his baby brother grow up :o) We post new videos every week. Watch our second son's Labor and Delivery here: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.Facebook.com Twitter: www.Twitter.com Pinterest: www.Pinterest.com
- published: 26 Dec 2008
- views: 3914026
- author: Loraandlayton

Teen Mom: My Labor and Delivery Story For Jakoby!
OPEN ME :) Thanks so much for all of your support♥ My post office box if you'd like to sen...
published: 15 Jun 2012
author: DearTaylerTragedy
Teen Mom: My Labor and Delivery Story For Jakoby!
OPEN ME :) Thanks so much for all of your support♥ My post office box if you'd like to send us a letter is, Tayler Dawn PO box 914 43920 East Liverpool Ohio. Here's my links, check them out if you'd like! taylertragedy.tumblr.com www.youtube.com www.facebook.com www.facebook.com deartaylertragedy.blogspot.com www.facebook.com
- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 54628
- author: DearTaylerTragedy

Labor Part 1: My water broke!
My water broke at 10:45 pm on Oct. 1st and baby girl was born on Oct. 3rd at 11:14 am. It ...
published: 06 Oct 2012
author: 08jaydensmommy08
Labor Part 1: My water broke!
My water broke at 10:45 pm on Oct. 1st and baby girl was born on Oct. 3rd at 11:14 am. It will take me a while but more video footage to come!! Just to warn you now I did not get any footage of the actual birth. Part 1: www.youtube.com Part 2: www.youtube.com Part 3: www.youtube.com Part 4: www.youtube.com Part 5: www.youtube.com Jayden meeting his baby sister!: www.youtube.com Meet Baby Girl! www.youtube.com
- published: 06 Oct 2012
- views: 9363
- author: 08jaydensmommy08

LIKE THE FACEBOOK PAGE! www.facebook.com Follow us on twitter www.twitter.com www.twitter....
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: LeFloofTV
LIKE THE FACEBOOK PAGE! www.facebook.com Follow us on twitter www.twitter.com www.twitter.com Jonathan's Other Channel www.youtube.com Anna's Other Channel www.youtube.com ******************************* IntroMusic composed by Jonathan Joly © All Rights Reserved Intro Composition created by Jonathan Joly © All Rights Reserved ******************************** Jonathan joly vlog vlogs vlogging dublin ireland cork irish anna saccone thestylediet leflooftv cork jonathanjoly sacconejoly thesacconejolys albi sina maltese puppies jofus nina uguys video blogging unedited edited raw real life reality drama pregnancy vlogs birth babies pregnant
- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 29343
- author: LeFloofTV

Natural Vaginal Childbirth Labor Video Unassisted Water Homebirth
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my labor for third home birth, which was streamed live online ...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: YourBirthCoach
Natural Vaginal Childbirth Labor Video Unassisted Water Homebirth
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my labor for third home birth, which was streamed live online at the time. This video is only showing my labor. It is important to watch labor not just birth. Seeing the different ways women move through their labor is important. The midwives were not present because I only wanted them there for the end of the birth and they did not have time to arrive. You can see the rest of my birth here http Our son was born in our home in the presence of my husband, my daughter (5 at the time), my son (2 1/2), and 2 friends. (Also thousands of people watching online). If you want to watch the full live streamed birth you can get the link through here. yourbirthcoach.com Please leave you questions and comments. naturalbirthbabyandbeyond.com http facebook.com wellforlifenow.com http marketplacechiropractic.ca http
- published: 26 Oct 2011
- views: 183248
- author: YourBirthCoach

Combat Arms - Labor Day Event Buying 3 Perms (8/31/2012)
Follow Me on Twitter! www.twitter.com here is a quick description of the event :D and by t...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: Royko64
Combat Arms - Labor Day Event Buying 3 Perms (8/31/2012)
Follow Me on Twitter! www.twitter.com here is a quick description of the event :D and by the way here are the perms I bought -L96 GP version (100000 GP) -Mk16 scar L GP (100000 GP) -mk.48 (100000 GP) t's time for Labor Day, a day of rest workers for all across the US. This celebration of the value that the common worker has, among other things, become a popular excuse for all companies to throw out a sale or event in September! Hey, at least we're honest about it. As such, through Labor Day (Monday, September 3rd), Combat Arms has a series of sales and events for our valued players! (combatarms.nexon.net) Intro Song: Painkiller - Moonlight Painkiller's channel: www.youtube.com
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 884
- author: Royko64
Vimeo results:

LA Light
Cinematography, direction, and editing by Colin Rich.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/c...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Colin Rich
LA Light
Cinematography, direction, and editing by Colin Rich.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/colinrich1
Music by the amazing Cinematic Orchestra (http://www.cinematicorchestra.com/)
Song is "To Build a Home" off of the Ma Fleur album.
Click to buy the album http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ma-fleur/id255464394
I sought out to capture the electric radiance of Los Angeles at night and paint a portrait of my city.
It took me 6 months of on and off shooting to finish this project.
Shooting time lapses is a labor of love and a study in patience.
This video is dedicated to the memory of my Grandmother. She spent most of her life bettering the lives of others and was exemplary of what humanity can be in its purest form.
Our Production Company: http://www.pacificstarproductions.com
Produced by William Ahmanson
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=741029873

Duck Sauce "Barbra Streisand"
Duck Sauce, the eminent producer duo comprised of A-Trak and Armand Van Helden, are primed...
published: 27 Sep 2010
author: Mr Goldbar
Duck Sauce "Barbra Streisand"
Duck Sauce, the eminent producer duo comprised of A-Trak and Armand Van Helden, are primed to drop their second official single, “Barbra Streisand” on October 12th. If 3 million YouTube views of last year’s debut “aNYway” are any indicator, the official release of “Barbra Streisand” will be met with rabid anticipation as fan-recorded bootlegs have fueled blog excitement all summer.
"Barbra Streisand" continues to perfect the Duck Sauce sound, which joyously mashes classic disco house with forward-thinking dancefloor energy and expert production. A-Trak and AVH are bona fide DJ heroes whose team-ups are fueled by anything-goes samples, an almost childlike sense of fun, and 100% NYC attitude. This approach has made Duck Sauce fans-for-life out of partygoers around the globe, and will continue to convert anyone within earshot of "Barbra"'s instantly addictive, whistling hook.
For the video, director So Me (Justice, Kid Cudi, MGMT) uses the song to soundtrack a hyperactive, ecstatic New York City travelogue. Shot over a week of long nights out with A-Trak and Armand (including live footage from the Fool's Gold "Day Off" labor day block party), the clip is a pop-art adventure starring commandeered taxis and hotdog stands, sexy strangers, and a who's-who of famous friends: rappers, producers, indie rockers, graffiti writers and nightlife icons all take turns adding their own special sauce to the song, turning "Barbra Streisand" into one of this year's must-rewind clips.
Watch the video and see just how many cameos you can catch, then pick up the "Barbra Streisand" single (featuring striking sleeve art from Fool's Gold art director Dust La Rock) on October 12th.

Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros "KISSES OVER BABYLON"
Kisses Over Babylon is the second installment of SALVO!, a 12-part music video series from...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: Edward Sharpe
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros "KISSES OVER BABYLON"
Kisses Over Babylon is the second installment of SALVO!, a 12-part music video series from Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros. Kisses picks up in the same desert wasteland world, ravaged by drought. Edward is arrested by two Minors (police from Ursa Minor) for the murder of his own father, and taken to a water-labor prison. There he reunites with Brother, his long-ago friend, and rallies the prisoners to a frenzied prison break.
Edward Sharpe: Alex Ebert, Minors: David Strathairn & Stephen Mendillo, Warden: Dermot Mulroney
Brother: Orpheo McCord, Clerk: Sandy Martin, Guard: Tay Stratharin
Director Isaiah Seret, Co-Director Alex Ebert, Editors / Writers Alex Ebert & Isaiah Seret, Cinematographer Eric Maclver, Executive Producer Bryan Ling, Executive Producer Sara Cline, Producer Michael Shifflett, PM Tara Tortorello, Visual Effect Benjamin Kutsko, Supervising Sound Editor Peter Aaron Fineberg, Location Manager Caleb Duffy, Production Designer Katie Byron, Art Director Ishi Glinsky, Camera Operator Tristan Bayer, DIT Alexandra Pelly, Sound Recordist Jake Viator, Wardrobe Stylist Eliot Hazel & Diana Contreras, Make-up Sarai Fiszel, Opening Score composed by Miguel Atwood Ferguson, Kisses Over Babylon by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Production Company – The Masses (http://www.wearethemasses.com) & Community Records
Album at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/up-from-below-bonus-track-version/id321407360
To view Part 1 (Desert Song) go to: http://vimeo.com/4894006

Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene
*Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments. They are really encouraging.*
The work pre...
published: 11 Aug 2008
author: pro
Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene
*Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments. They are really encouraging.*
The work presents a system for automatically producing a wide variety of video enhancements and visual effects. Unlike traditional visual effects software (e.g., After Effects, Shake, Boujou, etc), the system is completely automatic and no manual labor is required from the user. The major limitation of the work is that it can currently handle only videos of static scenes (i.e., videos shot with a moving camera but containing no moving objects in the scene). Efforts are being made to lift this restriction in future work.
Applications of the system include:
High resolution/definition video,
High dynamic range video,
Removing objects from a video,
Creating painterly (NPR) videos,
Video stabilization,
Easy video editing
Project website:
Followup work for dynamic scenes:
Youtube results:

Meet My Baby Boy! Labor and Delivery Story 7.24.12
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: BiancaBLovesU
Meet My Baby Boy! Labor and Delivery Story 7.24.12
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 37975
- author: BiancaBLovesU

Natural Labor Video at Home in Water
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my labor for second home birth. This video is only showing my ...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: YourBirthCoach
Natural Labor Video at Home in Water
yourbirthcoach.com Video of my labor for second home birth. This video is only showing my labor. It is important to watch labor not just birth. Seeing the different ways women move through their labor is important. The audio is on, I am just silent through most of my labor and needed everyone else to be silent too. You can see the rest of my birth here http Our son was born in our home in the presence of my husband, my daughter (2 1/2 at the time), my mom, 2 friends (mom and daughter), and 2 midwives. Please leave you questions and comments. naturalbirthbabyandbeyond.com http facebook.com wellforlifenow.com http marketplacechiropractic.ca http
- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 1048213
- author: YourBirthCoach

Panchhi Gets Involved In Child Labor - Episode 138 - 4th August 2012
Panchhi Gets Involved In Child Labor Innocent Girl Panchhi residing in small Village Kupoi...
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: setindia
Panchhi Gets Involved In Child Labor - Episode 138 - 4th August 2012
Panchhi Gets Involved In Child Labor Innocent Girl Panchhi residing in small Village Kupoi located in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand was happily living with her family which consists of Mother who works as a maid, Father who is ill and an elder Sister who takes care of their Parents and hut. On the other side in Delhi, Mr. Malhotra is looking out for a Girl who can work 24 hours in his house so he visits an agency, who provides maid to rich people and requests him to search a Girl whom they can rely on, but one fine day Ashwin, whose Sister was living in the same village meets Panchhi and also shows her big dreams of earning good money for her family and innocent Panchhi gets trapped in his plan as he was going to involve her in Child labor but her Mother who was unaware of Ashwin's plan doubts on him and also warns Panchhi not to meet him again thus, aspiring Panchhi leaves her hut without informing her family members in search of a good work along with Ashwin, there in Delhi, Panchhi gets convinced to work in Mr. Malhotra's house later, she comes to know that Ashwin dumped her so she requests Ms. Malhotra to allow her to go to her village, but she strictly denies and brutally beats her, there in the village, Panchhi's Mother observes Ashwin and rushes to meet him. Will Villagers succeed in trapping Ashwin? Will Panchhi's Mother succeed in finding her Daughter in Delhi? Crime Patrol coming back in its 4th season attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the ...
- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 150964
- author: setindia

GS News - Nintendo investigating use of child labor
Nintendo looking into operations at Foxconn following the company's admission of utilizing...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: gamespot
GS News - Nintendo investigating use of child labor
Nintendo looking into operations at Foxconn following the company's admission of utilizing children under 16. Read more: www.gamespot.com Stay up to date by subscribing to GameSpot news! www.youtube.com Visit our other channels: Gameplay & Guides - www.youtube.com Trailers - www.youtube.com MLG, NASL & eSports - www.youtube.com Mobile Gaming - www.youtube.com Like - www.facebook.com Follow - www.twitter.com www.gamespot.com
- published: 18 Oct 2012
- views: 5708
- author: gamespot