
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka - Samyutta Nikaya
http://suprememastertv.com/ - From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka -Samyutta Nika...
published: 12 Jul 2008
author: SMTV Uploads
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka - Samyutta Nikaya
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka - Samyutta Nikaya
http://suprememastertv.com/ - From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka -Samyutta Nikaya (In English), Episode: 618, Air date: 24 - May - 2008.- published: 12 Jul 2008
- views: 1445
- author: SMTV Uploads

From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya
http://suprememastertv.com/ - From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikay...
published: 08 Aug 2008
author: SupremeMasterTV
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya
From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya
http://suprememastertv.com/ - From the Holy Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya (In English), Episode: 648, Air date: 23 - June - 2008.- published: 08 Aug 2008
- views: 745
- author: SupremeMasterTV

Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p2(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Go Veg. Be Green. Save the planet....
published: 24 Jun 2008
author: jinnder123
Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p2(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p2(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Go Veg. Be Green. Save the planet.- published: 24 Jun 2008
- views: 822
- author: jinnder123

Learning Suttas - PĀLI CANON or TIPITAKA in English
Learning a brief introduction of the Pāli Canon or Tipitaka with its collection of holy sc...
published: 11 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - PĀLI CANON or TIPITAKA in English
Learning Suttas - PĀLI CANON or TIPITAKA in English
Learning a brief introduction of the Pāli Canon or Tipitaka with its collection of holy scriptures and discourses in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. The th...- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 519
- author: mysongbox

Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p1(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Go Veg. Be Green. Save the planet....
published: 24 Jun 2008
author: jinnder123
Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p1(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Buddhist Tipitaka: Sutta Pitaka:Khuddaka Nikaya p1(佛教南傳大藏經小部
Go Veg. Be Green. Save the planet.- published: 24 Jun 2008
- views: 305
- author: jinnder123

Gaiha sutta by Gautama Buddha
This is English translation of Gaiha Sutta Gauthama Samma sambuddha in Sutta pitaka,Samutt...
published: 24 Aug 2009
author: Sen Kollura
Gaiha sutta by Gautama Buddha
Gaiha sutta by Gautama Buddha
This is English translation of Gaiha Sutta Gauthama Samma sambuddha in Sutta pitaka,Samutta Nikaya,Salayathana Vagga.Sutta Pitaka is where you can find Origi...- published: 24 Aug 2009
- views: 2636
- author: Sen Kollura

Learning Suttas - UPOSATHA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in UPOSATHA SUTTA [THE UPOSATHA OBSERVANCE] in Anguttara Nik...
published: 19 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - UPOSATHA SUTTA in English
Learning Suttas - UPOSATHA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in UPOSATHA SUTTA [THE UPOSATHA OBSERVANCE] in Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.41) from the Tipitaka (Pāli Canon). In this sutta, the Bu...- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 73
- author: mysongbox

Sigalovada sutta who renders lip-service
Sigalovada sutta (singal -- to sigalaka / ovada -- advice / sutta -discourse) which belong...
published: 08 May 2013
author: Ajaan Shan
Sigalovada sutta who renders lip-service
Sigalovada sutta who renders lip-service
Sigalovada sutta (singal -- to sigalaka / ovada -- advice / sutta -discourse) which belongs to the Digha Nikaya in Sutta Pitaka is one of the most well-known...- published: 08 May 2013
- author: Ajaan Shan

Learning Suttas - SIGĀLOVĀDA SUTTA in English [1/2]
Learning to recite the verses in SIGĀLOVĀDA SUTTA in Digha Niyaka [DN 31] from the Tipitak...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - SIGĀLOVĀDA SUTTA in English [1/2]
Learning Suttas - SIGĀLOVĀDA SUTTA in English [1/2]
Learning to recite the verses in SIGĀLOVĀDA SUTTA in Digha Niyaka [DN 31] from the Tipitaka [Pāli Canon]. In this first part of the sutta, the Buddha teaches...- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 81
- author: mysongbox

Learning Suttas - VIPAKA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in VIPAKA SUTTA [RESULTS] in Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.40) from...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - VIPAKA SUTTA in English
Learning Suttas - VIPAKA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in VIPAKA SUTTA [RESULTS] in Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.40) from the Tipitaka (Pāli Canon). In this sutta, the Buddha describes the...- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 35
- author: mysongbox

Introduction -- Sigalovada Sutta
Sigalovada sutta (singal -- to sigalaka / ovada -- advice / sutta -discourse) which belong...
published: 01 May 2013
author: Ajaan Shan
Introduction -- Sigalovada Sutta
Introduction -- Sigalovada Sutta
Sigalovada sutta (singal -- to sigalaka / ovada -- advice / sutta -discourse) which belongs to the Digha Nikaya in Sutta Pitaka is one of the most well-known...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 43
- author: Ajaan Shan

Learning Chanting - Significance of Paritta chanting in English.
Learning the significance of Paritta chanting, the text of which is extracted from the boo...
published: 29 Dec 2013
Learning Chanting - Significance of Paritta chanting in English.
Learning Chanting - Significance of Paritta chanting in English.
Learning the significance of Paritta chanting, the text of which is extracted from the book "What Buddhists Believe" by the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera. Paritta chanting is the recital of some of the Suttas uttered by the Buddha in the Pāli language for the blessing and protection of the devotees. When the suttas are chanted, three great and powerful forces are activated. These are the forces of the Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha. Sutta Pitaka -- The collection of suttas, or discourses, attributed to the Buddha and a few of his closest disciples, containing all the central teachings of Theravada Buddhism. The suttas are divided among five nikayas (collections):- 1. Digha Nikaya — the "long collection" 2. Majjhima Nikaya — the "middle-length collection" 3. Samyutta Nikaya — the "grouped collection" 4. Anguttara Nikaya — the "further-factored collection" 5. Khuddaka Nikaya — the "collection of little texts":- Khuddakapatha, Dhammapada, Udana, Itivuttaka, Sutta Nipata, Vimanavatthu, Petavatthu, Theragatha, Therigatha, Jataka, Niddesa, Patisambhidamagga, Apadana, Buddhavamsa, Cariyapitaka, *Nettippakarana *Petakopadesa *Milindapañha (*included only in the Burmese edition of the Tipitaka). Further meanings:- faith & confidence -- saddhā (in the Triple Gem i.e. Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha). Buddha Sasana -- the Dispensation or Doctrine of Deliverance. holy order -- brahmacariya; celibate order. Arahantahood -- sainthood; the final stage of Enlightenment (total liberation; uprooted greed, hatred, delusion; unbound). Noble Eight-fold Path (ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo) -- consists of 3 divisions:- 1.Sīla (Virtue & Morality) 2.Samādhi (Concentration) 3.Paññā (Wisdom). Sīla -- virtue & morality. (virtue -- e.g. patience, generosity, gratitude, respect, restraint etc.) (morality -- e.g. ethical conduct, integrity, conscience etc.) Samādhi -- Concentration (consists of Right Effort, Right Mindfulness & Right Concentration in the Noble Eight-fold Path). Paññā -- Wisdom (right understanding, right knowledge, right view, right thought, discernment) leading to final liberation (vimutti). Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) -- the four right exertions or energy. Right Mindfulness (sammā-sati) -- the four foundations (establishments) of mindfulness in the Satipatthāna sutta. Right Concentration (sammā-samādhi) -- the four jhānas which is, the purity of equanimity-mindfulness with clear comprehension. For source of the above extract, pls. go to: http://www.dhammatalks.net/Books2/Bhante_Dhammananda_What_Buddhists_Believe.htm Do Good, Avoid Evil, and Purify the Mind. ~ Buddhas "The gift of truth excels all other gifts." ~ Buddha- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 17
Youtube results:

published: 17 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning to recite the verses in DHAMMACAKKAPPAVATTANA SUTTA [SETTING IN MOTION THE WHEEL OF TRUTH] in Samyutta Nikaya (SN 56.11) from the Tipitaka (Pāli Can...- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 315
- author: mysongbox

Learning Suttas - SALLEKHA SUTTA in English. [2/3]
Learning to recite the verses in SALLEKHA SUTTA [THE DISCOURSE ON EFFACEMENT] in Majjhima ...
published: 09 Sep 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - SALLEKHA SUTTA in English. [2/3]
Learning Suttas - SALLEKHA SUTTA in English. [2/3]
Learning to recite the verses in SALLEKHA SUTTA [THE DISCOURSE ON EFFACEMENT] in Majjhima Nikaya [MN 8] from the Tipitaka (Pāli Canon). In this second part o...- published: 09 Sep 2012
- views: 34
- author: mysongbox

Learning Suttas - NĀVĀ SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in NĀVĀ SUTTA [THE SHIP] in Samyutta Nikaya (SN 22.101) from...
published: 08 Sep 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - NĀVĀ SUTTA in English
Learning Suttas - NĀVĀ SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in NĀVĀ SUTTA [THE SHIP] in Samyutta Nikaya (SN 22.101) from the Tipitaka (Pāli Canon). In this sutta, the Buddha expounds to t...- published: 08 Sep 2012
- views: 15
- author: mysongbox

Learning Suttas - NANDA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in NANDA SUTTA [ABOUT NANDA] in Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.9) fr...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - NANDA SUTTA in English
Learning Suttas - NANDA SUTTA in English
Learning to recite the verses in NANDA SUTTA [ABOUT NANDA] in Anguttara Nikaya (AN 8.9) from the Tipitaka (Pāli Canon). In this sutta, the Buddha praises Nan...- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 27
- author: mysongbox