- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 75
- author: David Webster

Pali Canon
David Webster introduces the Pali Canon...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: David Webster
Pali Canon
David Webster introduces the Pali Canon
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 75
- author: David Webster

Pali Canon Sutta Reading: Four Kinds of Happiness read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon...
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: Buddhamessenger
Pali Canon Sutta Reading: Four Kinds of Happiness read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 82
- author: Buddhamessenger

Learning Suttas - PALI CANON or TIPITAKA in English
Learning the Pali Canon or Tipitaka with its collection of holy scriptures and discourses ...
published: 11 Aug 2012
author: mysongbox
Learning Suttas - PALI CANON or TIPITAKA in English
Learning the Pali Canon or Tipitaka with its collection of holy scriptures and discourses in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. The three pitakas ("baskets") are the Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka and Abhidhamma Pitaka. There are five nikayas (collection) of suttas namely:- 1. Digha Nikaya - the "long" discourses; 2. Majjhima Nikaya - the "middle-length" discourses; 3. Samyutta Nikaya - the "connected" discourses; 4. Anguttara Nikaya - the "numerical" discourses; and 5. Khuddaka Nikaya - the "minor" collection. [An acknowledgement of appreciation and thanks to "wikipedia" for the reference]. [strictly for free distribution only] [I do not claim ownership of the texts & images contained herein] Sabbadanam dhammadanam jinati "The Gift of Dhamma excels all gifts" - Buddha May all be well, happy and peaceful with the blessings of the Triple Gem.
- published: 11 Aug 2012
- views: 213
- author: mysongbox

Buddha's Story and Battle with the Evil One
Prince Siddhattha's father tries to keep him from the 4 sights that would have him become ...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: Randome Youtubian
Buddha's Story and Battle with the Evil One
Prince Siddhattha's father tries to keep him from the 4 sights that would have him become a great teacher; Sickness, old age, death and a spiritual wanderer. The teachings are said to end the curse of suffering and the cycle of rebirth. Four Noble Truths after Enlightenment: www.accesstoinsight.org Tipitaka (Pali Canon) www.accesstoinsight.org These video clips are from the film "Little Buddha" (1993) The song is "Lux Aeterna" by Clint Mansell.
- published: 20 Oct 2010
- views: 48495
- author: Randome Youtubian

Pali Canon Sutta Reading: Five Contemplations for Everyone read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon, AN 5.57: Upajjhatthana Sutta — Five C...
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: Buddhamessenger
Pali Canon Sutta Reading: Five Contemplations for Everyone read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon, AN 5.57: Upajjhatthana Sutta — Five Contemplations for Everyone (The Buddha's instructions on five facts that everyone — man, woman, monk, or nun — should frequently reflect upon.) read by Kamala Masters
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 97
- author: Buddhamessenger

Life Of The Lord Buddha Part 3 (Lao/Thai)
Teachings: Main article: Buddhist philosophy Some scholars believe that some portions of t...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: LaoLaneXang4Life
Life Of The Lord Buddha Part 3 (Lao/Thai)
Teachings: Main article: Buddhist philosophy Some scholars believe that some portions of the Pali Canon and the Āgamas contain the actual substance of the historical teachings (and possibly even the words) of the Buddha.[51][52] Some scholars believe the Pali Canon and the Agamas pre-date the Mahāyāna sūtras.[53] The scriptural works of Early Buddhism precede the Mahayana works chronologically, and are treated by many Western scholars as the main credible source for information regarding the actual historical teachings of Gautama Buddha. However, some scholars do not think that the texts report on historical events.[54][dubious -- discuss][55][56] Some of the fundamentals of the teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha are: The Four Noble Truths: that suffering is an ingrained part of existence; that the origin of suffering is craving for sensuality, acquisition of identity, and annihilation; that suffering can be ended; and that following the Noble Eightfold Path is the means to accomplish this. The Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. Dependent origination: the mind creates suffering as a natural product of a complex process. Rejection of the infallibility of accepted scripture: Teachings should not be accepted unless they are borne out by our experience and are praised by the wise. See the Kalama Sutta for details. Anicca (Sanskrit: anitya): That all ...
- published: 03 Jun 2012
- views: 2340
- author: LaoLaneXang4Life

02-07-09 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner - Emptiness in the Pali Canon & Historical Perspective 01
02 07 09 PT1 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner...
published: 07 Mar 2009
author: Sravasti Abbey
02-07-09 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner - Emptiness in the Pali Canon & Historical Perspective 01
02 07 09 PT1 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner
- published: 07 Mar 2009
- views: 211
- author: Sravasti Abbey

Pali Canon Sutta Reading: "If People Know the Result of Giving" by Steve Armstrong
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon. Various Sutta: On Giving....
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: Buddhamessenger
Pali Canon Sutta Reading: "If People Know the Result of Giving" by Steve Armstrong
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon. Various Sutta: On Giving.
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 78
- author: Buddhamessenger

Bhante Gunaratana - Excellent Friends
"For one who is looking for an external aid to enlightenment, I see no greater help than a...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: dhammatube
Bhante Gunaratana - Excellent Friends
"For one who is looking for an external aid to enlightenment, I see no greater help than an excellent friend" The Buddha, Itivuttaka 17 See www.accesstoinsight.org
- published: 30 Apr 2010
- views: 1051
- author: dhammatube

Pali Canon Sutta Reading:How to Remove Grudges read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon. AN 5.161: Aghatapativinaya Sutta — Ho...
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: Buddhamessenger
Pali Canon Sutta Reading:How to Remove Grudges read by Kamala Masters
The Dharma, Sutta Reading from Tipitaka, Pali Canon. AN 5.161: Aghatapativinaya Sutta — How to Remove Grudges, Five simple practices to help overcome malicious habits of thought. Read by Kamala Masters
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 105
- author: Buddhamessenger

Srilanka Aluvihara Rock Cave Temple
The Buddhist Pali Canon called Tripitaka - The three collections of the teachings of Buddh...
published: 11 Jun 2007
author: R.B. Ratnayake
Srilanka Aluvihara Rock Cave Temple
The Buddhist Pali Canon called Tripitaka - The three collections of the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni: Vinaya, Sutra, and Abhidharma. converted to writen form on talipot leaves in the 1st Century BC, during King Walagamba's time at this old Rock Cave Temple of Aluvihara situated near Matale
- published: 11 Jun 2007
- views: 3143
- author: R.B. Ratnayake

02-07-09 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner - Emptiness in the Pali Canon & Historical Perspective 02
02 07 09 PT2 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner...
published: 07 Mar 2009
author: Sravasti Abbey
02-07-09 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner - Emptiness in the Pali Canon & Historical Perspective 02
02 07 09 PT2 Bodhisattva Breakfast Corner
- published: 07 Mar 2009
- views: 103
- author: Sravasti Abbey

El Buddha Viene a Sussex Parte 1 de 2
Un documental sobre la vida de los monjes en el primer monasterio budista de Tradición del...
published: 12 Oct 2009
author: BosqueTheravada
El Buddha Viene a Sussex Parte 1 de 2
Un documental sobre la vida de los monjes en el primer monasterio budista de Tradición del Bosque (Forest Tradition) fundado en Inglaterra por el Ven. Ajahn Chah. En inglés con subtítulos en español por DhammaJosé. bosquetheravada.org
- published: 12 Oct 2009
- views: 1839
- author: BosqueTheravada
Youtube results:

The Buddha: Admirable Friendship
This is for my Admirable Friends. All quotes are from the Pali Canon. ____________________...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: yadsik
The Buddha: Admirable Friendship
This is for my Admirable Friends. All quotes are from the Pali Canon. __________________________ Kalyāṇa-mittatā (Pali; Skt.: -mitratā) is a Buddhist concept of "spiritual friendship" within Buddhist community life, applicable to both monastic and householder relationships. One involved in such a relationship is known as a "good friend," "virtuous friend," "noble friend" or "admirable friend" (kalyāṇa-mitta, -mitra). Since early Buddhist history, these relationships have involved spiritual teacher-student dyads as well as communal peer groups. In general, such is a supportive relationship based on shared Buddhist ethical values and the pursuit of enlightenment. __________________________ "Admirable friendship: kalyanamittata", by John T. Bullitt. Access to Insight, June 7, 2009, www.accesstoinsight.org
- published: 22 Jun 2009
- views: 858
- author: yadsik

The 5th Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony, Bodhgaya, December 2009
This Video shows highlights of the 5th Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony at Bodhgaya (Bihar, Indi...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: melvin476
The 5th Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony, Bodhgaya, December 2009
This Video shows highlights of the 5th Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony at Bodhgaya (Bihar, India) from 2nd to 12 th December 2009, organized by the International Tipitaka Chanting Council, (PLEASE NOTE the next one is scheduled from 2nd to 12th December 2010) www.tipitakachantingcouncil.org Acknowledgements to the Organizer of this great event and Imee Ooi for the background Metta Chanting. Additional Clip by the Organiser of the Ceremony can be viewed at this link: www.youtube.com
- published: 17 Dec 2009
- views: 15072
- author: melvin476

Movie When Someone Is Gone
Excerpts from Buddhist Pali Canon about death and dying. Translated from Pali into English...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: NguyenGiac
Movie When Someone Is Gone
Excerpts from Buddhist Pali Canon about death and dying. Translated from Pali into English by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, from English into Vietnamese by Nguyen Giac. Music by NP
- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 200
- author: NguyenGiac

The Tipitaka Sattapanni Cave
The First Buddhist Council took place at the Sattapanni Rock Cave in Rajagaha now Rajgir, ...
published: 06 Jul 2012
author: BhikkhuSamahita
The Tipitaka Sattapanni Cave
The First Buddhist Council took place at the Sattapanni Rock Cave in Rajagaha now Rajgir, India. 3 months after the Buddha's final Nibbana, 500 Arahants met here to recite the Dhamma and the Vinaya so that it could be passed on to future generations exactly as spoken by the historical Buddha Gotama and his disciples. This council was headed by Mahakassapa Thera and it lasted 7 months. It established the original authentic Tipitaka: The 3 Baskets of Sacred Text = The Pali Canon: www.accesstoinsight.org This crucial 1st council is described in detail in the Mahāvamsa: The Great Chronicle of Ceylon pp: 14-19 what-buddha-said.net Other links: en.wikipedia.org dhammawiki.com what-buddha-said.net dhammawiki.com What-Buddha-Said.net
- published: 06 Jul 2012
- views: 909
- author: BhikkhuSamahita