Nevi'im - Then Who Am I with Thappu
Thappu is a traditional folk instrument from Tamilnadu in South India. It is played with v...
published: 22 Apr 2011
Author: thesynthetistmission
Nevi'im - Then Who Am I with Thappu
Thappu is a traditional folk instrument from Tamilnadu in South India. It is played with vigorous body movements and is recognized as a dance form in which the drums of the dancers provide the music. AnthonyRaj, Nallakumar and Peeriyannan are three thappu players from Talawakella in Sri Lanka. They are part of the ten laks or so Indian Tamils who are the descendants of the hundreds of thousands of Tamils from Tamilnadu who were brought into Sri Lanka by the British to serve as serfs on the British Tea Plantations in Sri Lanka. Today there are only about ten hundred thousand of them left in Sri Lanka. The rest have been sent back to Tamilnadu. Those left are paid a pittance as a salary and they have no hope of social advancement through education. A few of them, like AnthonyRaj, Nallakumar and Periyannan have preserved what has been handed down to them as the art of Thappu and the Nevi'im have invited them to experiment with their music and see how it can be developed.
Nevi'im - Walk on ( live)
Nevi'im performes Walk on live at Paranoid Earthling Live Concert. Lyrics: Eyes wide o...
published: 31 May 2011
Author: Mathawaada
Nevi'im - Walk on ( live)
Nevi'im performes Walk on live at Paranoid Earthling Live Concert. Lyrics: Eyes wide open, taste it to the last drop, feel its sting, the only way to take it. bitter sweet medicine keeps you awake through the dreams. Watching, I crumble. From the blow, shattered to shards that bleed. it runs deeper than thought or concept, to things first hard to see or accept. Ever changing,forever learning, this burning hunger growing through knowing. The road is rocky, the climb is steep, but walk on ahead lest I fall asleep. Check out Nevi'im at www.facebook.com Captured by Mathawaada www.mathawaada.com
Nevi'im - Death of an avatar intro (guitar)
NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook artist page w...
published: 27 May 2011
Author: ArjunDhas
Nevi'im - Death of an avatar intro (guitar)
NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook artist page www.facebook.com
published: 20 Jan 2012
Author: ArjunDhas
THE SECOND HORSEMAN - POLLUTION AND GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE (P&GCC) Our environment is being poisoned by our production processes. What they produce are most often not systemically integrated with the ecosystems within which we live. This has generated a sustained and increasing destruction of our environment and consequently the life forms within it. Global Climate Change has shown itself to be capable of massive movements such as for instance the Asian Tsunami of 2004 or the Kashmir earthquake of 2005. They were surpassed this year by the floods that turned 25% of Pakistan's citizens into internally displaced persons. The fires in Moscow that followed drove fear into the hearts of its citizens as they fled their city. Moscow has become the first city to see its inhabitants flee in the face of Global Climate Change.
Nevi'im - Madness Speaks the Words of the Divine (live)
Nevi'im performas Madness Speaks the Qords of the Divine. Check out Nevi'im at www...
published: 31 May 2011
Author: Mathawaada
Nevi'im - Madness Speaks the Words of the Divine (live)
Nevi'im performas Madness Speaks the Qords of the Divine. Check out Nevi'im at www.facebook.com Captured by Mathawaada www.mathawaada.com
NEVI'IM - demo
Official NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook arti...
published: 04 May 2011
Author: ArjunDhas
NEVI'IM - demo
Official NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook artist page www.facebook.com More info soon.. stay in touch..
Nevi'im - The ego's trip with Thappu
'Thappu' is a drum used in 'Thappattam" which would mean the dance of the...
published: 22 Apr 2011
Author: thesynthetistmission
Nevi'im - The ego's trip with Thappu
'Thappu' is a drum used in 'Thappattam" which would mean the dance of the Thappu and here for the first time the Thappu is seen accompanying the guitar. Vije Indra Ram on Bass and Arjun Jothi Kamal on Guitar with AnthonyRaj, Nallakumar and Periyannan on Thappu.
NEVI'IM - The First Horseman - RRD (Rapid Resource Depletion)
THE FIRST HORSEMAN-RAPID RESOURCE DEPLETION (RRD) We have used up all the resources to whi...
published: 23 Jun 2011
Author: ArjunDhas
NEVI'IM - The First Horseman - RRD (Rapid Resource Depletion)
THE FIRST HORSEMAN-RAPID RESOURCE DEPLETION (RRD) We have used up all the resources to which we have easy access. Remaining resources are becoming increasingly hard to reach. The energy expended on extracting the remaining resources may soon deplete available energy sources. The objective of consuming these resources at such a rapid rate, is suspect. Can we consume Earth and survive? Survive where? Perhaps on another planet?! What about the energy to get all of you there?
praise break at Neviim
Nevi'im True Holiness Church of the Apostolic Faith 2026 Maryland Ave NE Washington, D...
published: 30 Jan 2012
Author: NeviimTHCAF
praise break at Neviim
Nevi'im True Holiness Church of the Apostolic Faith 2026 Maryland Ave NE Washington, DC 20002
NEVI'IM @ Mutual Studios - Recording Their Upcoming Single 'Walk On'
NEVI'IM - Recording The Upcoming Single 'Walk On' @ Mutual Studios, Sri Lanka....
published: 21 Apr 2012
Author: ArjunDhas
NEVI'IM @ Mutual Studios - Recording Their Upcoming Single 'Walk On'
NEVI'IM - Recording The Upcoming Single 'Walk On' @ Mutual Studios, Sri Lanka. 20-APR-2012
Exploring the Tanach: Nevi'im - Part I
The ninth in a series of videos exploring the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). Nevi'im (נ&...
published: 14 Oct 2009
Author: becomingjewishorg
Exploring the Tanach: Nevi'im - Part I
The ninth in a series of videos exploring the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). Nevi'im (נְבִיאִים Prophets -) is the second of the three major sections in the Tanach. The Nevi'im covers the time period from the death of Moshe Rabbenu through the Babylonian exile (ca.1200BCE-587BCE) and contains 19 books. Sources: Tanach (www.becomingjewish.org Neviim (en.wikipedia.org The Prophets (www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org
Nevi'im - Death of an Avatar (live)
Nevi'im performing Death of an Avatar at Paranoid Earthling Live concert. Lyrics : Bef...
published: 31 May 2011
Author: Mathawaada
Nevi'im - Death of an Avatar (live)
Nevi'im performing Death of an Avatar at Paranoid Earthling Live concert. Lyrics : Before the scum first turned to skin, Cracking the crystal, making outside and in. Before the scum first turned to skin, Before the movement was seen as a thing. Set in time Set in place Holding on, pushing out against Forces pulling in, And ending when it falls apart again. Check out Nevi'im at www.facebook.com Captured by Mathawaada www.mathawaada.com
THE THIRD HORSEMAN-GLOBAL MONETARY COLLAPSE (GMC) The collapse crept in on us inexorably a...
published: 10 Oct 2011
Author: ArjunDhas
THE THIRD HORSEMAN-GLOBAL MONETARY COLLAPSE (GMC) The collapse crept in on us inexorably and it is growing. We do not know how it formed or by what movement it was generated but it has dealt each and every one of us a crippling blow. Some, far from the epicenter, will think --even boast- themselves lucky for a while until they are engulfed and left to fend for themselves. FROM THE SECOND ALBUM "THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE NOW" TAKEN FROM THE NEVI'IM LIVE DVD. Available only at PushpasPlace Follow The Dhas Brothers on Facebook: www.facebook.com
Together We May See - Nevi'im at the Park Street Mews
TOGETHER WE MAY SEE By linking our minds together through this Global Network, we may be a...
published: 13 Dec 2010
Author: thesynthetistmission
Together We May See - Nevi'im at the Park Street Mews
TOGETHER WE MAY SEE By linking our minds together through this Global Network, we may be able to see that the dynamic of obsessively generating desires and compulsively seeking their satisfaction, through the consumption of our environment at as fast a pace as is possible, has led us to a situation where we face: An increasing difficulty and cost in gaining access to vital resources, an increasingly poisonous pollution of our environment, the destruction of habitat and the loss of bio diversity, changing weather patterns characterized by increasing volatility, rising sea levels and increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas densities, global monetary crisis, unsustainable human population and the increasing incredibility of the growth model of development. We may then see the need to preserve and support fundamental systems such as: electricity and electronic communication systems, agricultural systems, waste recycling systems, transport systems, social support systems, education systems, health systems, surgical and medical systems and rapid response systems. Some of us may see a need to respond to what we see. Some of the responses we can see: POWER: The use of atomic energy to produce electricity. TRANSPORT & PRODUCTION: The stimulation of investment in animal based transport and agricultural systems and the processing of animal waste into fertilizer, electric trains and where necessary buses and electric cars, and the powering of production processes by electricity <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:
Isaiah Chapter 43
Harvest, Christian, Riverside, God, Jesus, Bible Study, Jewish, Living Room, Israel, Big T...
published: 11 Jul 2012
Author: The Living Room
Isaiah Chapter 43
Harvest, Christian, Riverside, God, Jesus, Bible Study, Jewish, Living Room, Israel, Big Tent Revival, Teen Challenge, Messianic, Forse, Benedict Castle, Tanakh, Nevi'im, Isaiah
Naudas Zīmes 39. sērija: Kāpēc nepieciešams Fiskālās disciplīnas likums?
Gan vidējas, gan straujas izaugsmes laikos mēs konsekventi īstenojām labai saimniekošanas ...
published: 19 Oct 2011
Author: NaudasZimes
Naudas Zīmes 39. sērija: Kāpēc nepieciešams Fiskālās disciplīnas likums?
Gan vidējas, gan straujas izaugsmes laikos mēs konsekventi īstenojām labai saimniekošanas praksei pilnīgi pretēju politiku, jo ekonomikas attīstības gados Latvijā tik un tā veidoja budžetus ar deficītu, tādējādi iedzīvojoties aizvien lielākos parādos, nedomājot par to, kas notiks brīdī, kad ienākumu apjoms ekonomikas attīstības tempa krituma brīdī var strauji sarukt.
„Tā ir to valdību tāda neveiksmīga darbība, kuru moto bija “Gāzi grīdā!”. Es domāju, ka viņi ļoti skaidri apzinājās, kas tam visam sekos, bet droši vien kaut kādas savtīgās intereses ņēma virsroku pār kaut kādām valsts un iedzīvotāju interesēm. Un tāpēc arī mēs nonācām tajā bedrē, kur mēs esam,” atgādina zemnieks un Zemnieku Saeimas priekšsēdētājs Juris Lazdiņš.
Arī politiķi pirms pāris gadiem beidzot sāka saprast, ka bez „akmenī iecirsta” likuma neesam gatavi vadīt savas finanses atbildīgi, un kas vēl svarīgāk – loģiski. Tāpēc Finanšu ministrija izstrādāja Finanšu disciplīnas likuma projektu un arī Satversmes grozījumus, kas paredzēs galveno – Latvijas budžets tiek veidots sabalansēts – kas nozīmē – turpmāk mēs tērēsim tikai tik, cik būsim nopelnījuši. Un ne santīma vairāk. Turklāt gadījumā, ja ienākumu apjoms būs lielāks par plānoto, to noguldīs rezervei.
„Ieviešot šo Fiskālās disciplīnas likumu, mēs arī zināmā mērā atvieglotu sev eiro ieviešanas ceļu, jo viena no šā likuma būtībām ir arī tāda, ka visa budžeta plānošana notiek vairāku gadu perspektīvā, līdz ar to budžetu plāno nevis šim un arī nākamajam gadam, bet nākamajiem trim gadiem. Līdz ar to jebkuram politikas vērotājam un jebkuram analītiķim, kurš grib zināt, kas notiks šajā valstī turpmākos trīs gadus, pietiek paskatīties uz vienu budžeta veidošanas ciklu, lai gūtu skaidrību par to, kas notiks ne tikai šogad, bet arī nākamgad un aiznākamgad,” skaidro Latvijas Bankas Monetārās politikas pārvaldes padomnieks Mārtiņš Bitāns.
Youtube results:
What can we do now-Nevi'im at the Park Street Mews
WHAT CAN WE DO NOW We can link up with all those who understand to generate a Global Netwo...
published: 13 Dec 2010
Author: thesynthetistmission
What can we do now-Nevi'im at the Park Street Mews
WHAT CAN WE DO NOW We can link up with all those who understand to generate a Global Network through which we can guide the developmental process towards lifes evolution beyond human being and towards its universal spread. We can through the School of Life help others who want to understand to do so too. We can through The New World Movement, build a social support system, find new ways to live, build new lives for ourselves and build a new world for us all.
Nevi'im - Walk on (guitars)
NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook artist page w...
published: 27 May 2011
Author: ArjunDhas
Nevi'im - Walk on (guitars)
NEVI'IM facebook artist page www.facebook.com The Dhas Brothers facebook artist page www.facebook.com
Orthodox Jews protest on Ha Nevi'im.
Some Orthodox Jews come out each Saturday to force the rules of Shabbot on everyone else. ...
published: 13 Aug 2011
Author: goolajonestruffles
Orthodox Jews protest on Ha Nevi'im.
Some Orthodox Jews come out each Saturday to force the rules of Shabbot on everyone else. I had garbage thrown at me, stones hurled my way, was spit on and cursed countless times to get this video footage.
10 Minute Topics: Nevi'im
The next in a weekly series of 10 minute topics teaching about various topics within Judai...
published: 01 Mar 2009
Author: becomingjewishorg
10 Minute Topics: Nevi'im
The next in a weekly series of 10 minute topics teaching about various topics within Judaism. This week's topic is: Nevi'im. The Nevi'im (נביאים) (Prophets) is the second section of the Tanach and covers the time period from the death of Moshe Rabbenu through the Babylonian exile (ca.1200BCE-587BCE) and contains 19 books. The Nevi'im covers the time from the Hebrews entering Eretz Yisrael, conquest of Jericho, conquest of Eretz Yisrael and division among the tribes, judicial system, Era of Saul and David, Solomon's wisdom and the construction of the First Temple, kings of Eretz Yisrael, prophecy, messianic prophecies, and the Babylonian exile.