- published: 02 Feb 2009
- views: 3184
- author: greenedeveloper

What is the W3C Standard?
Hear of the W3C standard? Wondering what that even means? Here's an explanation......
published: 02 Feb 2009
author: greenedeveloper
What is the W3C Standard?
Hear of the W3C standard? Wondering what that even means? Here's an explanation...
- published: 02 Feb 2009
- views: 3184
- author: greenedeveloper

HTML W3C Tutorial Pt 1
Here I'll teach you everything there is to know about html w3c. This part 1 of a 3 video s...
published: 14 Mar 2010
author: Derek Banas
HTML W3C Tutorial Pt 1
Here I'll teach you everything there is to know about html w3c. This part 1 of a 3 video set, that will show you every html tag and how they work.
- published: 14 Mar 2010
- views: 9069
- author: Derek Banas

How to use the W3C Validation Service
The W3C Validation Service is an online tool to know what the errors of your webpages are ...
published: 12 Dec 2009
author: youability
How to use the W3C Validation Service
The W3C Validation Service is an online tool to know what the errors of your webpages are so you can fix them to end with an accessible webpage
- published: 12 Dec 2009
- views: 2077
- author: youability

Why doesn't google.com validate?
Michael Thingmand from Denmark asks: "Why doesn't google.com validate (according to W3C)?"...
published: 16 Sep 2009
author: GoogleWebmasterHelp
Why doesn't google.com validate?
Michael Thingmand from Denmark asks: "Why doesn't google.com validate (according to W3C)?" Thisvideo is part of a "Grab Bag" series in which Matt Cutts, head of Google's webspam team, answers questions from webmasters. We're not currently taking new video questions, so your best bet for getting an answer about webmaster-related search issues is to head to our help forum: www.google.com
- published: 16 Sep 2009
- views: 75852
- author: GoogleWebmasterHelp

Qué es HTML6: La W3C lo llama HTML.Next. WhatWG lo llama HTML Living
HTML5 triunfó. Y en su triunfo, las dos organizaciones que lo crearon, estandarizaron y pr...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: mejorandolaweb
Qué es HTML6: La W3C lo llama HTML.Next. WhatWG lo llama HTML Living
HTML5 triunfó. Y en su triunfo, las dos organizaciones que lo crearon, estandarizaron y promovieron (W3C y WHATWG) se separan para tomar dos caminos diferentes con el mismo objetivo: Crear el próximo HTML5, el lenguaje que crea la web. En este capítulo te explicamos las diferencias, detalles y qué significa para cada desarrollador
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 10038
- author: mejorandolaweb

appearing rooms
this fountain installation by Jeppe Hein is currently by the newly reopened Royal Festival...
published: 30 Jun 2007
author: longcat
appearing rooms
this fountain installation by Jeppe Hein is currently by the newly reopened Royal Festival Hall on the south bank of the river thames, london... (and will be there until september 2007 i think) each day the program is different, i took this video on june 20th... i have put it alongside my piano improvisation of 3rd june and messed with the speed of the video x
- published: 30 Jun 2007
- views: 20747
- author: longcat

Hak5 - Spoofing the W3C Geolocation API
Spoofing the W3C Geolocation API...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Hak5Darren
Hak5 - Spoofing the W3C Geolocation API
Spoofing the W3C Geolocation API
- published: 03 Aug 2011
- views: 8631
- author: Hak5Darren

W3C HTML Validator - Introduction & Compliance Benefits
The advantages of making websites W3C compliant. After an introduction to the W3C HTML Mar...
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: crearegroup
W3C HTML Validator - Introduction & Compliance Benefits
The advantages of making websites W3C compliant. After an introduction to the W3C HTML Markup Validator, we talk about the benefits of going that extra mile. Find the supporting post at www.crearedesign.co.uk
- published: 06 Dec 2010
- views: 1355
- author: crearegroup

Philippe Le Hegaret W3C free video codec
Video Revolution from W3C: Video Codec Must Be Free.....and Mozilla and Opera are (Nearly)...
published: 12 Dec 2007
author: BeetTV
Philippe Le Hegaret W3C free video codec
Video Revolution from W3C: Video Codec Must Be Free.....and Mozilla and Opera are (Nearly) Ready Just as software for putting still images on a web page is free, so should codecs for encoding and decoding video, said Philippe Le Hegaret, Architect Domain Leader at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3) headed by Tim Berners-Lee. Video encoding, the essential process in which video is compressed, converted and then decoded for the Web, is patented by entities including Fraunhofer, Futjisu, Sony, The Trustees of Columbia University, Microsoft and Hitachi. These groups license software, called codecs, to be used in various formats including Flash, WMV, MPEG 4 and Silverlight. Information on this can be found at MPEG LA. The W3C advocates a revolutionary idea: the availability of a royalty-free encoding technology so anyone can create video without having to pay. An open-source, free codec called Theora, is about to get wide visibility with its emergence on the latest versions of the Mozilla and Opera browsers, where it is in very early Alpha. PC Week reported on this Friday with a story from Jeremy Kirk. Theora is an evolved version of an early On2 codec, VP3, which was released by the company for the open source community. It has been developed by Xiph. Philippe is not sure that Theora is the answer to royalty-free encoding as there are complex patent law issues, but it's an important development, he says. In a glimpse of likely patent battles ahead, just this week, Nokia ...
- published: 12 Dec 2007
- views: 8967
- author: BeetTV

Aula 1 - Introdução ao HTML, CSS e W3C
Aula teórica de (x)HTML. Explico o básico do código fonte de um site pronto, dando foco no...
published: 27 Sep 2010
author: xikozoide
Aula 1 - Introdução ao HTML, CSS e W3C
Aula teórica de (x)HTML. Explico o básico do código fonte de um site pronto, dando foco no elemento HEAD. Mostro também o exemplo do site da faculdade em que estudo e trabalho, que foi feito com tabelas, e mostro como ficou mais simples usar divs em uma das páginas para escrever, entender e editar o código posteriormente.
- published: 27 Sep 2010
- views: 10825
- author: xikozoide

Search Engine Optimisation: Why is W3c Compliance Important?
This movie shows you how to check that your website complys with the W3C standards, helpin...
published: 26 Sep 2007
author: jasonrudlandcouk
Search Engine Optimisation: Why is W3c Compliance Important?
This movie shows you how to check that your website complys with the W3C standards, helping you with your search engine optimisation.
- published: 26 Sep 2007
- views: 1000
- author: jasonrudlandcouk

W3C Validation
Dr. Winegar shows how to validate source code with the W3C )World Wide Web Consortium) at ...
published: 26 Aug 2011
author: Mark Winegar
W3C Validation
Dr. Winegar shows how to validate source code with the W3C )World Wide Web Consortium) at validator.w3.org Enroll in the HTML Prep Course www.udemy.com and learn how to create your own website.
- published: 26 Aug 2011
- views: 451
- author: Mark Winegar

22C3: W3C on Mobile, CSS, Multimodal and more
Speaker: Bert Bos A look at the upcoming standards by W3C W3C is developing several new We...
published: 05 Apr 2011
author: ChRiStIaAn008
22C3: W3C on Mobile, CSS, Multimodal and more
Speaker: Bert Bos A look at the upcoming standards by W3C W3C is developing several new Web technologies and modules for existing technologies, many of which have to do with the requirements of new, mobile devices. This talk will look at a few of them. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly
- published: 05 Apr 2011
- views: 196
- author: ChRiStIaAn008

Javascript tutorial addEventListener Best HTML Event Handling W3C Recommended Method
Lesson Code: www.developphp.com Learn how to use the Javascript addEventListener() method ...
published: 17 Nov 2011
author: Adam Khoury
Javascript tutorial addEventListener Best HTML Event Handling W3C Recommended Method
Lesson Code: www.developphp.com Learn how to use the Javascript addEventListener() method for an optimal way of adding user interactivity into your HTML4 and HTML5 websites and web applications that apply Javascript.
- published: 17 Nov 2011
- views: 5844
- author: Adam Khoury
Youtube results:

Web accessibility and the W3C guidelines
The W3C is a world wide consortium which provides guidelines on making the web more access...
published: 05 Sep 2008
author: rscnescotland
Web accessibility and the W3C guidelines
The W3C is a world wide consortium which provides guidelines on making the web more accessible to a range of users. In this clip, Craig demonstrates how Coatbridge College have developed their website with accessibility in mind.
- published: 05 Sep 2008
- views: 3866
- author: rscnescotland

W3C Validation Chat
In this webcast, netSmith Design explores the importance and meaning of World Wide Web Con...
published: 24 Jun 2009
author: netsmithdesign
W3C Validation Chat
In this webcast, netSmith Design explores the importance and meaning of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) programming language standards. Document validation is also covered and explained in the context of search and good SEO practices.
- published: 24 Jun 2009
- views: 669
- author: netsmithdesign

How to W3C Validate a YouTube Video
In this video we demonstrate how to achieve W3C validation for a YouTube video on a websit...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: storyindustrial
How to W3C Validate a YouTube Video
In this video we demonstrate how to achieve W3C validation for a YouTube video on a website. As an added bonus we demonstrate how to customize the YouTube video skin to match the color sceme of your website.
- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 636
- author: storyindustrial

Using The W3C Validator
Screencast of how to use the W3C Validator at www.validator.w3c.org to validate your webpa...
published: 11 Oct 2010
author: Gregory Douglas
Using The W3C Validator
Screencast of how to use the W3C Validator at www.validator.w3c.org to validate your webpages. Also check out http for more information on design and development as I learn.
- published: 11 Oct 2010
- views: 589
- author: Gregory Douglas