- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 6140
- author: secularcoalition

Secular Coalition for America: End Tax Loopholes for Millionaire Ministers
Sean Faircloth, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, criticizes tax lo...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: secularcoalition
Secular Coalition for America: End Tax Loopholes for Millionaire Ministers
Sean Faircloth, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, criticizes tax loopholes that the IRS provides clergy and calls for an end to a system that rips off taxpayers by granting millionaire ministers tax-free housing while not subjecting them to audits like other charities. For more, visit www.secular.org.
- published: 10 Mar 2011
- views: 6140
- author: secularcoalition

State of Belief Radio: Secular Coalition for America's Edwina Rogers, September 15, 2012
There was a lot of rhetoric at and around both political conventions that was steeped in t...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: stateofbelief
State of Belief Radio: Secular Coalition for America's Edwina Rogers, September 15, 2012
There was a lot of rhetoric at and around both political conventions that was steeped in the language of faith. So what about the large number of Americans for whom religious faith is not a factor? Or the much larger number of Americans with religious convictions, but who are sick of substantive issues being hijacked by religious rhetoric? Welton talks to Edwina Rogers, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, to find out what the coalition is doing to remind both the campaigns and voters that this November, we're heading to the polls to elect the President of the United States -- not a preacher-in-chief. To download this audio, click here: www.stateofbelief.com To read the transcript, click here: stateofbelief.com Listen to the entire September 15, 2012 State of Belief Radio program here: stateofbelief.com Share your thoughts on this topic on our Facebook page here: www.facebook.com
- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 83
- author: stateofbelief

Secular Coalition for America :: Edwina Rogers
Edwina Rogers, Executive Director of SCA, tells us what SCA is, what it does, and how we c...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: SecularStudents
Secular Coalition for America :: Edwina Rogers
Edwina Rogers, Executive Director of SCA, tells us what SCA is, what it does, and how we can help in its mission. Download Edwina's powerpoint at www.secularstudents.org Like what you see? Consider becoming a supporter of the Secular Student Alliance! The SSA is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit that relies on the generous support of individuals. With your help we can ensure that more videos like these are available for everyone! Go to www.secularstudents.org/support for more information on how you can help secular students.
- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 123
- author: SecularStudents

Secular Coalition for America by Jason Burns.
Secular Coalition for America by Jason Burns....
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: Jason Burns
Secular Coalition for America by Jason Burns.
Secular Coalition for America by Jason Burns.
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 10
- author: Jason Burns

#18 - Interview with Edwina Rogers and Kelly Damerow of the Secular Coalition for America
Interview with Edwina Rogers and Kelly Damerow of the Secular Coalition for America...
published: 16 Aug 2012
author: NEPAFreethought
#18 - Interview with Edwina Rogers and Kelly Damerow of the Secular Coalition for America
Interview with Edwina Rogers and Kelly Damerow of the Secular Coalition for America
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 96
- author: NEPAFreethought

Secular Coalition for America's 2011 Strategic Summit in Washington, DC
The Secular Coalition for America held its first-ever Biennial Strategic Summit in Washing...
published: 26 May 2011
author: secularcoalition
Secular Coalition for America's 2011 Strategic Summit in Washington, DC
The Secular Coalition for America held its first-ever Biennial Strategic Summit in Washington, DC May 19 - 21, 2011. More than 100 secular and nontheistic leaders met to discuss strategies and lobby Congressional offices on Capitol Hill with the goal of increasing the respect for and visibility of secular Americans in public life. Speakers included writers Susan Jacoby and Jennifer Michael Hecht. For more, visit www.secular.org.
- published: 26 May 2011
- views: 1135
- author: secularcoalition

Secular Coalition for America's Sean Faircloth to Obama: End Religious Discrimination
A message from Secular Coalition for America Executive Director Sean Faircloth on the seco...
published: 25 Jun 2010
author: secularcoalition
Secular Coalition for America's Sean Faircloth to Obama: End Religious Discrimination
A message from Secular Coalition for America Executive Director Sean Faircloth on the second anniversary of President Obama's declaration that Faith-Based Initiatives would not permit discrimination or proselytizing--a promise he has yet to keep.
- published: 25 Jun 2010
- views: 4741
- author: secularcoalition

Congressional Briefing
CORRECTION: Atheists. Agnostics.* Humanists. Americans. The Secular Coalition for America ...
published: 02 Oct 2012
author: secularcoalition
Congressional Briefing
CORRECTION: Atheists. Agnostics.* Humanists. Americans. The Secular Coalition for America held its first Congressional Briefing Monday, October 1, 2012. Featured speakers included Professor Ira "Chip" Lupu, Professor Emeritus of Law, George Washington University; David Niose, President, American Humanist Association and author of "Nonbeliever Nation"; Greg Epstein, Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University, author of "Good Without God"
- published: 02 Oct 2012
- views: 309
- author: secularcoalition

Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America on Corporal Punishment in Religious Schools
Last month, Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act, ...
published: 15 Jul 2010
author: secularcoalition
Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America on Corporal Punishment in Religious Schools
Last month, Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) introduced Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act, a bill in Congress that would ban corporal punishment-in other words, striking kids to enforce discipline-in all public and private schools. This bill's introduction is a positive step toward ending religious privilege in policy affecting and harming children. TAKE ACTION NOW: Ask your member of Congress to co-sponsor this legislation! action.secular.org Many private religious schools are funded with taxpayer dollars. The students attending religious schools should be protected to the same extent as their public school counterparts. The Bible contains seven passages which specifically recommend the use of physical pain to discipline children-of course, the Bible also condones stonings and slavery. James Dobson, who leads the religious organization Focus on the Family with a budget over $100 million dollars, asserts, "spanking should be of sufficient magnitude to cause the child to cry genuinely," and that "pain is a marvelous purifier." Dobson advocates spanking for children as young as eighteen months old. Make no mistake: Exempting religious private schools from a ban on corporal punishment means the government is authorizing the use of physical violence as a form of punishment for a specific set of children. Children in religious schools are no less human - and no less deserving of safety from physical harm -- than any other children. TAKE ACTION NOW: Ask your members of Congress ...
- published: 15 Jul 2010
- views: 2182
- author: secularcoalition

Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America - April 12, 2011
Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America gives a very passionate speech for the...
published: 13 Apr 2011
author: Steve Ahlquist
Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America - April 12, 2011
Sean Faircloth of the Secular Coalition for America gives a very passionate speech for the promotion of secular values in the United States. He was giving a talk to the Greater Worcester Humanists on April 12, 2011. Introducing him is David Niose of the American Humanists Association.
- published: 13 Apr 2011
- views: 432
- author: Steve Ahlquist

Sean Faircloth of Secular Coalition for America: Tell Congress to Stand Up For Fact-Based Education
Tell Your Representative to Stand Up For Fact-Based Education action.secular.org By now, y...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: secularcoalition
Sean Faircloth of Secular Coalition for America: Tell Congress to Stand Up For Fact-Based Education
Tell Your Representative to Stand Up For Fact-Based Education action.secular.org By now, you've probably heard about the Texas State Board of Education's moves to impose educational standards into its textbooks intended to indoctrinate Texas public school students with a telling of US history that is based in extremist religious ideology. You've probably also heard about some of the more jaw-dropping proposed changes to the curriculum, such as booting Thomas Jefferson off of a list of influential thinkers in place of explicitly religious figures, and the baseless and totally fabricated assertion that our system of government is based specifically on the laws of Moses. This comes from the same group of theocrats who famously fought to undermine evolution in science classes and delete from science textbooks the scientific consensus on the age of the universe because they conflict with the Bible. As terrible as this religious imposition is for Texas students, all Americans have reason to fear. Due to the size of the Texas textbook market (and because other highly populated states do not use statewide textbook contracts in the say way), the backward dictates of its theocratic school board effect textbooks used by public school students all across the country. Someone in Congress is finally standing up to this abuse of power and unconstitutional overreach by the religious extremists on the Texas State Board of Education. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (T-DX) recently introduced a ...
- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 5896
- author: secularcoalition

Sean Faircloth of Secular Coalition for America remarks on the National Day of Prayer
Secular Coalition for America Executive Director Sean Faircloth discusses the unconstituti...
published: 06 May 2010
author: secularcoalition
Sean Faircloth of Secular Coalition for America remarks on the National Day of Prayer
Secular Coalition for America Executive Director Sean Faircloth discusses the unconstitutionality of the National Day of Prayer, and why it makes President Obama's next Supreme Court appointment all the more important. Make your voice heard on this issue here: action.secular.org
- published: 06 May 2010
- views: 12143
- author: secularcoalition

published: 24 Apr 2012
author: nycatheistsvideos
- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 66
- author: nycatheistsvideos

Herb Silverman "Candidate Without a Prayer" at Books on the Square in Rhode Island
On October 12, 2012, Herb Silverman, President of the Secular Coalition of America spoke a...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: Steve Ahlquist
Herb Silverman "Candidate Without a Prayer" at Books on the Square in Rhode Island
On October 12, 2012, Herb Silverman, President of the Secular Coalition of America spoke at Books on the Square in Providence, Rhode Island about his new book, "Candidate Without a Prayer." This event was co-sponsored by Humanists of Rhode Island.
- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 76
- author: Steve Ahlquist
Youtube results:

Herb Silverman discusses his new book, Candidate Without a Prayer
Herb Silverman, president and founder of the Secular Coalition for America, discusses his ...
published: 02 May 2012
author: PitchstoneBooks
Herb Silverman discusses his new book, Candidate Without a Prayer
Herb Silverman, president and founder of the Secular Coalition for America, discusses his new book, Candidate Without a Prayer: An Autobiography of a Jewish Atheist in the Bible Belt, with a foreword by Richard Dawkins (Pitchstone Publishing [print] and Humanist Press [ebook], 2012). For more about the book, please visit www.amazon.com
- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 22158
- author: PitchstoneBooks

Stand Up For Fact-Based Education
facebook.com ... Secular Coalition for America: Action Alert - Tell Your Representative to...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: FFreeThinker
Stand Up For Fact-Based Education
facebook.com ... Secular Coalition for America: Action Alert - Tell Your Representative to Stand Up For Fact-Based Education • action.secular.org --- Please SUBSCRIBE to Science & Reason: • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com • www.youtube.com --- Secular Coalition YouTube Channel • www.youtube.com By now, you've probably heard about the Texas State Board of Education's moves to impose educational standards into its textbooks intended to indoctrinate Texas public school students with a telling of US history that is based in extremist religious ideology. You've probably also heard about some of the more jaw-dropping proposed changes to the curriculum, such as booting Thomas Jefferson off of a list of influential thinkers in place of explicitly religious figures, and the totally fabricated assertion that our system of government is based specifically on the laws of Moses. This comes from the same group of theocrats who famously fought to undermine evolution in science classes and delete from science textbooks the scientific consensus on the age of the universe because they conflict with the Bible. As terrible as this religious imposition is for Texas students, all Americans have reason to fear. Due to the size of the Texas textbook market (and because other highly populated states do not use statewide textbook contracts in the say way), the backward dictates of its theocratic school board effect textbooks used by public school students all across the country ...
- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 16655
- author: FFreeThinker

Atheists in Foxholds Press Conference (1/6)
Part 1. Introduction....
published: 17 Nov 2008
author: secularcoalition
Atheists in Foxholds Press Conference (1/6)
Part 1. Introduction.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 438
- author: secularcoalition

Edwina Rogers Introduction
The Secular Coalition for America is pleased to announce Edwina Rogers as its new Executiv...
published: 03 May 2012
author: secularcoalition
Edwina Rogers Introduction
The Secular Coalition for America is pleased to announce Edwina Rogers as its new Executive Director.
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 2504
- author: secularcoalition