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You can help support anarchist bloggers with a donation to the Anarchoblogs project. We have a small annual budget of costs for technical services and labor that are necessary to keep online and operating. Once the bills are paid, all contributions are distributed evenly among active anarchist bloggers whose work is syndicated at Anarchoblogs.

You can make a secure online donation using PayPal.

You can also help support Anarchist blogging by using the Copy feature in our fundraising widget to spreading the word about our fundraiser to your friends, your family, your allies or your readers, through your social networks, your blog, or other places where you connect with people online.

Sustaining Pledges

The most effective way for you to support Anarchoblogs is to establish an automatic monthly donation. Monthly donations provide money that we can count on to meet regular operating expenses and to budget for future needs. You can set up an monthly donation pledge through PayPal which will be processed automatically unless and until you decide to cancel it.

$5.00 $10.00 $20.00 $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 - end -

Our bills

This is our annual operating budget as of Saturday, February 14th, 2009. The budget is subject to change as the site expands (as, for example, when we add new community hubs). Our annual fundraising goals are calculated to include both these immediate bills and a cushion of seed money which can cover new expenses as they arise, or which can provide reliable mutual aid to Anarchobloggers when our operating expenses are covered.

Primary domain registration
$8.99 / year
Secondary domain registration
$8.99 / year
Hosting and bandwidth $6 / month $72.00 / year
Donation to FeedWordPress development $30.00 / year
Hub admins’ labor $5 / month for each hub
× 11 hubs
$660.00 / year
Total annual bills $779.98 / year
Web server upgrade
To improve performance for
Total bills and one-time expenses for 2010 $1,029.98
Seed money for future hubs and direct support to active Anarchoblogs contributors $470.02
Total fundraising goal $1,500.00

So far, we have received $5.00 in donations for 2010. We have $1,094.98 left in bills to cover, and have paid out $0 in direct support to anarchist bloggers.