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Tar Sands Blockade

Tar Sands Blockade
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  1. UPDATE: Pika managed to come down late last night around 2am. She had no food or water, and her warm clothes had been cut down as well. She was arrested upon descent.

    Both Lauren and Pika have seen a judge today, and their bails have been ...
    set at $14,000 and $11,500 respectively.

    Please consider making a generous donation to assist in getting Lauren and Pika free and for our peaceful, sustained resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline:

    The photo is of Pika on her platform from the road. Lauren's banner read "Resistance is Fertile."
    See More
    Photo: UPDATE: Pika managed to come down late last night around 2am. She had no food or water, and her warm clothes had been cut down as well. She was arrested upon descent.

Both Lauren and Pika have seen a judge today, and their bails have been set at $14,000 and $11,500 respectively.

Please consider making a generous donation to assist in getting Lauren and Pika free and for our peaceful, sustained resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline:

The photo is of Pika on her platform from the road. Lauren's banner read "Resistance is Fertile."
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Tar Sands BlockadeSee All
    • Johanna Harman
       Why does a foreign company, TransCanada, have jurisdiction over America/ns? Why are they emboldened to bully their way onto American soil and in our courtrooms? They announced they had eminent domain over American private property BEFORE a judge ruled it! They self appointed themselves as common carriers despite NO AMERICAN COURT/AUTHORITY taking responsibility for the designation of common carrier status! What in tarnation is going on here?
      2 hours ago
    • Scott Parkin
       Support The Tar Sands Blockade With Your Pocketbooks. Yesterday, Lauren & Pika blockaded a Keystone XL construction site for the day with a daring aerial blockade. They are both now charged with felonies with $14k bails. Please donate and help get them out (then SHARE this)- https://www.wepay.com/donations/tar-sands-blockade_1
      61 · 4 hours ago
    • Cloud Sailor
       Untitled Album
      5 hours ago
    • Stephanie Saucedo
      anybody in the austin area that would like to go out and protest in solidarity?!
      6 hours ago
  3. UPDATE: Pika amazingly climbed up in her tree higher than the cherry picker could reach. In response, police cut her platform and climb line from her tree and retreated the cherry picker, leaving her in the tree with just the rope she has o...
    n her person and her resourcefulness. She's currently on a limb about 70 feet in the air, chillin.

    Law enforcement hasn't left the scene, and they are there with noisy, generator-powered flood lights to induce sleep deprivation. Pika's supporters haven't left the scene entirely, either. Four Tar Sands Blockade supporters will be holding vigil for her through the night.

    While it is a dangerous situation and it is certainly an exercise of extraordinarily questionable judgement on the part of the police, Pika is an experienced climber and we expect her to be fine.

    Lauren on the other hand has been booked for the night in Nacogdoches County Jail. Her charges are Fourth Degree (State) Felony Criminal Mischief, Class A Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest, and Class B Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass. We won't know until tomorrow what her bail will be when she visits with a Nacogdoches County Justice of the Peace.

    Please consider making a generous donation to assist in our peaceful, sustained, strategic resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline:

    PS - That's Lauren on the left, Pika on the right =)

    For more info, visit our LiveBlog here:
    See More
    Photo: UPDATE: Pika amazingly climbed up in her tree higher than the cherry picker could reach. In response, police cut her platform and climb line from her tree and retreated the cherry picker, leaving her in the tree with just the rope she has on her person and her resourcefulness. She's currently on a limb about 70 feet in the air, chillin.

Law enforcement hasn't left the scene, and they are there with noisy, generator-powered flood lights to induce sleep deprivation. Pika's supporters haven't left the scene entirely, either. Four Tar Sands Blockade supporters will be holding vigil for her through the night.

While it is a dangerous situation and it is certainly an exercise of extraordinarily questionable judgement on the part of the police, Pika is an experienced climber and we expect her to be fine.

Lauren on the other hand has been booked for the night in Nacogdoches County Jail. Her charges are Fourth Degree (State) Felony Criminal Mischief, Class A Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest, and Class B Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass. We won't know until tomorrow what her bail will be when she visits with a Nacogdoches County Justice of the Peace.

Please consider making a generous donation to assist in our peaceful, sustained, strategic resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline:

PS - That's Lauren on the left, Pika on the right =)

For more info, visit our LiveBlog here:
  4. UPDATE: Green Party Presidential Nominee Dr. Jill Stein has been released from Wood County Jail following arrest on Class B Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass charges after successfully resupplying the Winnsboro Tree Blockade with food, water, a...
    nd treats!

    The Sacul Tree Blockaders, Pika and Lauren, are holding tight and watching the situation develop as TransCanada construction crews continue working around their position minus the three pieces of heavy equipment their platforms are tied to.

    Happy Halloween #TranScamada! There are many more treats than y'alls tricks, and we're here to prove it!

    For more information and frequent updates, visit our LiveBlog here:
    See More
    Photo: UPDATE: Green Party Presidential Nominee Dr. Jill Stein has been released from Wood County Jail following arrest on Class B Misdemeanor Criminal Trespass charges after successfully resupplying the Winnsboro Tree Blockade with food, water, and treats!

The Sacul Tree Blockaders, Pika and Lauren, are holding tight and watching the situation develop as TransCanada construction crews continue working around their position minus the three pieces of heavy equipment their platforms are tied to.

Happy Halloween #TranScamada! There are many more treats than y'alls tricks, and we're here to prove it!

For more information and frequent updates, visit our LiveBlog here:
  5. BREAKING: Green Party Presidential Candidate and Massachusetts resident Dr. Jill Stein has been ARRESTED resupplying the Winnsboro Tree Blockade while another duo of New Englander women launched a tree sit further south along the Keystone X...
    L pipeline route!

    New Englander Women are rising up in response to the devastation their communities have faced due to Hurricane Sandy today to oppose KXL and connect the dots between climate change and the extreme weather being experienced regularly across the globe!

    Read more about Dr. Stein, Lauren, and Pika - lifelong residents of New Hampshire and Vermont respectively - on our LiveBlog here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/11th-action/
    See More
    Photo: BREAKING: Green Party Presidential Candidate and Massachusetts resident Dr. Jill Stein has been ARRESTED resupplying the Winnsboro Tree Blockade while another duo of New Englander women launched a tree sit further south along the Keystone XL pipeline route!

New Englander Women are rising up in response to the devastation their communities have faced due to Hurricane Sandy today to oppose KXL and connect the dots between climate change and the extreme weather being experienced regularly across the globe!

Read more about Dr. Stein, Lauren, and Pika - lifelong residents of New Hampshire and Vermont respectively - on our LiveBlog here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/11th-action/
  6. All pipelines spill. According to TransCanada the Keystone 1 pipeline (already operating from Alberta to Oklahoma) was predicted to spill once every seven years.

    It spilled 12 times in its first year and it has spilled more than 30 times o...
    ver its lifetime. The Keystone XL pipeline is built to spill, and when it does it will have a devastating effect upon employment and the economy, according to Cornell University. http://bit.ly/BuiltToSpill-TSB

    The oil firm Enbridge ignored warning signs for more than five years along its 6B Line, and when it spilled in July of 2010 in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River it caused the most damaging onshore oil spill in US history.

    TransCanada has indicated that up to 700,000 gallons of tar sands crude could leak out of the Keystone XL pipeline without triggering its real time leak-detection system.

    read more: http://bit.ly/YnoKXL
    See More
    All pipelines spill. According to TransCanada the Keystone 1 pipeline was predicted to spill once every seven years.

    It spilled 12 times in its first year and it has spilled more than 30 times over its lifetime. The Keystone XL pipeline i...
    s built to spill, and when it does it will have a devastating effect upon employment and the economy, according to Cornell University.

    The oil firm Enbridge ignored warning signs for more than five years along its 6B Line, and when it spilled in July of 2010 in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River it caused the most damaging onshore oil spill in US history.

    TransCanada has indicated that up to 700,000 gallons of tar sands crude could leak out of the Keystone XL pipeline without triggering its real time leak-detection system.

    source: http://bit.ly/BuiltToSpill-TSB
    read more: http://bit.ly/YnoKXL
    See More
    Photo: All pipelines spill. According to TransCanada the Keystone 1 pipeline was predicted to spill once every seven years.

 It spilled 12 times in its first year and it has spilled more than 30 times over its lifetime. The Keystone XL pipeline is built to spill, and when it does it will have a devastating effect upon employment and the economy, according to Cornell University.

The oil firm Enbridge ignored warning signs for more than five years along its 6B Line, and when it spilled in July of 2010 in Michigan’s Kalamazoo River it caused the most damaging onshore oil spill in US history.

TransCanada has indicated that up to 700,000 gallons of tar sands crude could leak out of the Keystone XL pipeline without triggering its real time leak-detection system.

source: http://bit.ly/BuiltToSpill-TSB
read more: http://bit.ly/YnoKXL
  7. TranScamada sure does say the darndest things. You just never know what lies they'll utter next. They finally admitted to the Houston Chronicle yesterday that Keystone XL will in fact carry tar sands. Shocking surprise!

    Of course this cont...
    radicts their previous lies that "protestors are misinformed" about the contents of their pipeline.... which they have refused to make public. btw.

    Read more of TranScamada's contradictory statements here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day36/

    Click LIKE and SHARE to shine light on these lies before they cost lives.
    See More
    Photo: TranScamada sure does say the darndest things. You just never know what lies they'll utter next. They finally admitted to the Houston Chronicle yesterday that Keystone XL will in fact carry tar sands. Shocking surprise!

Of course this contradicts their previous lies that "protestors are misinformed" about the contents of their pipeline.... which they have refused to make public. btw.

Read more of TranScamada's contradictory statements here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day36/

Click LIKE and SHARE to shine light on these lies before they cost lives.
  8. As our campaign has pushed forward, more and more people are standing in solidarity with those in the blockade and sending messages of support. Groups from British Columbia to DC, New York to Houston have all sent in photos and videos or he...
    ld actions of their own.

    Earlier this month, dozens of organizations signed an open letter in support of the blockade. Since its release, more organizations have signed on, bringing the total close to 50!


    Click LIKE and SHARE to say thanks to the great people with 350 Maine.

    If your organization would like to sign on, please go to the link and let us know.
    See More
    Photo: As our campaign has pushed forward, more and more people are standing in solidarity with those in the blockade and sending messages of support. Groups from British Columbia to DC, New York to Houston have all sent in photos and videos or held actions of their own.

Earlier this month, dozens of organizations signed an open letter in support of the blockade. Since its release, more organizations have signed on, bringing the total close to 50!


Click LIKE and SHARE to say thanks to the great people with 350 Maine.

If your organization would like to sign on, please go to the link and let us know.
  9. This is a photo of Hurricane Sandy taken from space. Sandy has been declared the largest tropical cyclone ever recorded (with a radius over 520 miles). Extreme weather is expected as far inland as Ohio where snowstorms are predicted.

    Why o...
    ppose the Keystone XL? Reason number one: Climate Change. http://bit.ly/WhyNoKXL

    For all those on the East Coast, here are some resources for you. Stay safe.

    Storm tracker, evacuation zones and storm surge estimates:


    See More
    Photo: This is a photo of Hurricane Sandy taken from space. Sandy has been declared the largest tropical cyclone ever recorded (with a radius over 520 miles). Extreme weather is expected as far inland as Ohio where snowstorms are predicted.

Why oppose the Keystone XL? Reason number one: Climate Change. http://bit.ly/WhyNoKXL

For all those on the East Coast, here are some resources for you. Stay safe.

Storm tracker, evacuation zones and storm surge estimates:


  10. To everyone in the path of Hurricane Sandy, stay safe.

    Thanks to our great friends with 350.org and Occupy the Pipeline who rallied in Times Square to send a clear message. It's time to end climate silence and draw the connections between ...
    extreme weather and climate change.

    The Atlantic Ocean is 5 degrees warmer than average. The warmer ocean temperature along with warmer weather overall is creating an environment where large, dangerous storms like Sandy will become more commonplace.

    For the first time in a generation, climate change was not brought up in the presidential debates. Both candidates support building the southern leg of the Keystone XL, which will finish the first route for tar sands to the Gulf Coast. This route already exists, called Keystone 1, and the southern leg will be its completion regardless of the State Department decision about the northern leg.

    LIKE this photo if you think that needs to change.
    See More
    As Hurricane Sandy approaches the city, New Yorkers gathered in Times Square to send our politicians and the media a message:

    End the climate silence. Connect the dots between extreme weather and climate change.

    Thank everyone who turned out as the storm approached by clicking SHARE!

    PS - if you're anywhere near Sandy: please stay safe! (photo by Adam Welz)
    Photo: As Hurricane Sandy approaches the city, New Yorkers gathered in Times Square to send our politicians and the media a message:

End the climate silence. Connect the dots between extreme weather and climate change. 

Thank everyone who turned out as the storm approached by clicking SHARE!

PS - if you're anywhere near Sandy: please stay safe! (photo by Adam Welz)
  11. Read this diary excerpt from Cat Ripley who's currently sitting in a 80 ft tall tree to stop Keystone XL.

    "Let me tell you how I got here...I caught my first view of Petropolis, a documentary about the Alberta Tar Sands, characteristically...
    distinct by it's simple audio and epic aerial shots. I was stunned, I was unmoved, I wanted to vomit and run and spin and shake all at the same time. I wept relentlessly."

    "It was then I decided I would do all that I could to stop this massacre. A few days later, I left for Texas."

    Read her full diary entry here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day35

    Click LIKE and SHARE to spread Cat's story and celebrate her dedication to doing what is right.

    "Now here I am 80 feet off the ground...It's been quiet today, which was much appreciated...These passing hours have been rough. The weather has grown colder. I mostly sleep or read fiction, only leaving the warmth of my cocoon when I have been thoroughly convinced that the sun is high enough in the sky to warm my bones...We do what we can, these times are dark."

    "Fear aside, I still harbor much hope. So much."

    All heart and tree bark,
    Cat Ripley

    Full diary entry here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day35
    See More
    Photo: Read this diary excerpt from Cat Ripley who's currently sitting in a 80 ft tall tree to stop Keystone XL.

"Let me tell you how I got here...I caught my first view of Petropolis, a documentary about the Alberta Tar Sands, characteristically distinct by it's simple audio and epic aerial shots. I was stunned, I was unmoved, I wanted to vomit and run and spin and shake all at the same time. I wept relentlessly."

"It was then I decided I would do all that I could to stop this massacre. A few days later, I left for Texas."

Read her full diary entry here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day35

Click LIKE and SHARE to spread Cat's story and celebrate her dedication to doing what is right. 

"Now here I am 80 feet off the ground...It's been quiet today, which was much appreciated...These passing hours have been rough. The weather has grown colder. I mostly sleep or read fiction, only leaving the warmth of my cocoon when I have been thoroughly convinced that the sun is high enough in the sky to warm my bones...We do what we can, these times are dark."

"Fear aside, I still harbor much hope. So much."

All heart and tree bark,
Cat Ripley

Full diary entry here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day35
  12. Day 35:

    As we are expanding throughout the community in East Texas, it is good to look back on the little details of the past month. Here is a little reminder of what community building can achieve: a sign posted on the easement next to th...
    e blockade.

    "Any easement acquisition of this property by TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP for the purpose of construction the Keystone XL pipeline, was done so in a dishonest manner constituting criminal conspiracy to defraud."

    We love you, keep fighting.

    Join us in Texas: http://bit.ly/TSB-JOIN
    See More
    Photo: Day 35:

As we are expanding throughout the community in East Texas, it is good to look back on the little details of the past month. Here is a little reminder of what community building can achieve: a sign posted on the easement next to the blockade.

"Any easement acquisition of this property by TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, LP for the purpose of construction the Keystone XL pipeline, was done so in a dishonest manner constituting criminal conspiracy to defraud."

We love you, keep fighting.

Join us in Texas: http://bit.ly/TSB-JOIN
  13. VIDEO: Watch this touching video of our friend, who goes by Chickadee, speaking truth to power from the trees. They have been there for 34 days. With love, honesty, humanity, and humor they give us all the enduring hope to continue our stru...
    ggle to stop the toxic tar sands once and for all.

    WATCH their story here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day34

    "It's okay to be scared. I'm scared everyday out here....but courage isn't about being not afraid its about how you respond to your fear. There's only one thing deeper than my fear and that's my love, my love of life. The world I want to create doesn't involve giant corporations bullying people....I'm here for the dignity of all humanity, a livable planet, and a thriving just, sustainable world."

    "Love is an active thing. Love is about taking actions to protect and defend people that you love. Working for their health and safety and the future for the little ones. That's why I'm out here."

    Click LIKE and SHARE to spread their powerful story far and wide. We want everyone to see this video of why we blockade.
    See More
    Photo: VIDEO: Watch this touching video of our friend, who goes by Chickadee, speaking truth to power from the trees. They have been there for 34 days. With love, honesty, humanity, and humor they give us all the enduring hope to continue our struggle to stop the toxic tar sands once and for all.

WATCH their story here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day34

"It's okay to be scared. I'm scared everyday out here....but courage isn't about being not afraid its about how you respond to your fear. There's only one thing deeper than my fear and that's my love, my love of life. The world I want to create doesn't involve giant corporations bullying people....I'm here for the dignity of all humanity, a livable planet, and a thriving just, sustainable world."

"Love is an active thing. Love is about taking actions to protect and defend people that you love. Working for their health and safety and the future for the little ones. That's why I'm out here."

Click LIKE and SHARE to spread their powerful story far and wide. We want everyone to see this video of why we blockade.
  14. Right now in East Texas!

    Landowners and blockaders are currently holding a community town hall. This gives local residents the opportunity to ask blockaders questions and hear directly from impacted landowners about the Keystone XL and the...

    Here's a comment from locals in the crowd:

    "The only local jobs TransCanada has created here is paying off our local police."

    While our friends remain in the blockade, others are organizing across the region. If you can't climb up a tree, there are still many ways to help on the ground.

    It will take a massive grassroots effort to defeat the Keystone XL and you can be a part of it. This includes things like community outreach, cooking, scheduling, writing, media, phonecalls, art and much more.

    Sign up on our website and let us know how you would like to help. http://bit.ly/TSB-JOIN
    See More
    Photo: Right now in East Texas!

Landowners and blockaders are currently holding a community town hall. This gives local residents the opportunity to ask blockaders questions and hear directly from impacted landowners about the Keystone XL and the blockade.

Here's a comment from locals in the crowd:

"The only local jobs TransCanada has created here is paying off our local police."

While our friends remain in the blockade, others are organizing across the region. If you can't climb up a tree, there are still many ways to help on the ground. 

It will take a massive grassroots effort to defeat the Keystone XL and you can be a part of it. This includes things like community outreach, cooking, scheduling, writing, media, phonecalls, art and much more.

Sign up on our website and let us know how you would like to help. http://bit.ly/TSB-JOIN
  15. Out here in the piney woods of East Texas, people are gathering together to tell TransCanada to stay out.

    This campaign truly is a diverse coalition of unexpected allies. From the most dyed-in-the-wool conservatives to veteran climate just...
    ice activists, from occupiers to tea partiers, the Tar Sands Blockade puts aside partisan politics to reach our common goal.

    No one wants the Keystone XL in East Texas except TransCanada and their bought-and-paid for politicians. And that includes many of the local police arresting us, and the DA's prosecuting.

    The great folks at Firedoglake asked their members to call Wood County government officials and the responses are incredible. Here's one:

    "Inspector Hearsh (lead DA investigator) told me he doesn’t want the pipeline in his county any more than we do, that he knows it is terrible, and that he is concerned about the chemicals the pipeline is carrying. But he (in my words) is between a rock and a hard place. He said his officers have to take off duty jobs to make enough money to survive."

    Read more here: http://bit.ly/TSB-firedoglake

    Click LIKE and SHARE to show the Wood County officials they don't have to take orders from TransCanada.
    See More
    Photo: Out here in the piney woods of East Texas, people are gathering together to tell TransCanada to stay out.

This campaign truly is a diverse coalition of unexpected allies. From the most dyed-in-the-wool conservatives to veteran climate justice activists, from occupiers to tea partiers, the Tar Sands Blockade puts aside partisan politics to reach our common goal.

No one wants the Keystone XL in East Texas except TransCanada and their bought-and-paid for politicians. And that includes many of the local police arresting us, and the DA's prosecuting.

The great folks at Firedoglake asked their members to call Wood County government officials and the responses are incredible. Here's one:

"Inspector Hearsh (lead DA investigator) told me he doesn’t want the pipeline in his county any more than we do, that he knows it is terrible, and that he is concerned about the chemicals the pipeline is carrying. But he (in my words) is between a rock and a hard place. He said his officers have to take off duty jobs to make enough money to survive."

Read more here: http://bit.ly/TSB-firedoglake

Click LIKE and SHARE to show the Wood County officials they don't have to take orders from TransCanada.
  16. TransCanada pays local police $30 an hour to be their hired thugs along with private security firms. Many of these police won't identify themselves and we often don't know who is threatening to arrest us and under what authority.

    Read this...
    great investigative report re-printed from Truth-Out on this cozy, and at times confusing, relationship between TransCanada and local police: http://tarsandsblockade.org/truthout/

    Click LIKE and SHARE to help expose this relationship and demand transparency and accountability.
    See More
    Photo: TransCanada pays local police $30 an hour to be their hired thugs along with private security firms. Many of these police won't identify themselves and we often don't know who is threatening to arrest us and under what authority.

Read this great investigative report re-printed from Truth-Out on this cozy, and at times confusing, relationship between TransCanada and local police: http://tarsandsblockade.org/truthout/

Click LIKE and SHARE to help expose this relationship and demand transparency and accountability.
  17. Two more join the tree blockade!

    Jerry O'Brien and Cat Ripley managed to sneak past the security perimeter in open defiance of TransCanada’s police repression. After one month of sustained resistance there are now a total of four blockade...
    rs in the trees despite TransCanada’s recent moves to build the toxic pipeline around them.

    Cat Ripley, 20, is no stranger to TransCanada’s toxic pipelines and helped stop one of their proposed Liquified Natural Gas pipelines outside Portland.

    “I’ve stopped pipelines before. I came out here two weeks ago to help stop TransCanada’s latest toxic pipeline,“ said Cat. “I look forward to going up into the trees in solidarity with everyone in the blockade.”

    Click LIKE and SHARE to stand in solidarity with Cat and Jerry's brave actions to join the tree blockade. Here's to stopping another pipeline!

    Read Cat and Jerry's story plus the email that Cat sent us at 4AM, here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day32/
    See More
    Photo: Two more join the tree blockade! 

Jerry O'Brien and Cat Ripley managed to sneak past the security perimeter in open defiance of TransCanada’s police repression. After one month of sustained resistance there are now a total of four blockaders in the trees despite TransCanada’s recent moves to build the toxic pipeline around them. 

Cat Ripley, 20, is no stranger to TransCanada’s toxic pipelines and helped stop one of their proposed Liquified Natural Gas pipelines outside Portland. 

“I’ve stopped pipelines before. I came out here two weeks ago to help stop TransCanada’s latest toxic pipeline,“ said Cat. “I look forward to going up into the trees in solidarity with everyone in the blockade.” 

Click LIKE and SHARE to stand in solidarity with Cat and Jerry's brave actions to join the tree blockade. Here's to stopping another pipeline!

Read Cat and Jerry's story plus the email that Cat sent us at 4AM, here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day32/
  18. While Cherri Foytlin, an indigenous mother of six hailing from South Louisiana, was arrested this morning for effectively halting pipe destined for Keystone XL construction, thousands across BC linked arms to symbolize the unbroken wall of ...
    opposition to tar sands tankers and proposed pipelines.

    Defend Our Coast events marked the largest act of non-violent civil disobedience to stop tar sands pipelines and tankers that Canada has ever seen. Congrats! http://defendourcoast.ca/actions/

    And in case you needed yet another reminder that the movement against Big Oil’s pet project of the tar sands is more united and thriving than ever, check out the video message from our friends up North on our blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/solidarity-from-canada-to-texas/

    Click LIKE if it is great to see more cross-pipeline solidarity!
    See More
    Photo: While Cherri Foytlin, an indigenous mother of six hailing from South Louisiana, was arrested this morning for effectively halting pipe destined for Keystone XL construction, thousands across BC linked arms to symbolize the unbroken wall of opposition to tar sands tankers and proposed pipelines.

Defend Our Coast events marked the largest act of non-violent civil disobedience to stop tar sands pipelines and tankers that Canada has ever seen. Congrats! http://defendourcoast.ca/actions/

And in case you needed yet another reminder that the movement against Big Oil’s pet project of the tar sands is more united and thriving than ever, check out the video message from our friends up North on our blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/solidarity-from-canada-to-texas/

Click LIKE if it is great to see more cross-pipeline solidarity!
  19. VIDEO: Watch Cherri's story of why she chained herself to a Keystone XL pipeyard gate this morning.

    “I am only a mother, but as a mother, I call upon all patriotic souls, all protectors of the ultimate mother – Earth, all who are awake to...
    the desire to save our children – to honor them now, by whatever means you have.”

    LIKE and SHARE Cherri's video and view photos from her action that delayed operations at the KXL pipeyard here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/10th-action/

    Then demonstrate your support for Cherri’s action to defend our coast and stand with indigenous and affected communities with a DONATION to her bail fund - http://bit.ly/TSB-Donate

    “This pipeline is a project of death. From destructive tar sands development that destroy indigenous sovereignty and health at the route’s start to the toxic emissions that will lay further burden on environmental justice communities along the Gulf of Mexico, this pipeline not only disproportionately affects indigenous frontline communities but its clear that it will bring death and disease to all in its path.” - Cherri Foytlin
    See More
    Photo: VIDEO: Watch Cherri's story of why she chained herself to a Keystone XL pipeyard gate this morning. 

“I am only a mother, but as a mother, I call upon all patriotic souls, all protectors of the ultimate mother – Earth, all who are awake to the desire to save our children – to honor them now, by whatever means you have.”

LIKE and SHARE Cherri's video and view photos from her action that delayed operations at the KXL pipeyard here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/10th-action/

Then demonstrate your support for Cherri’s action to defend our coast and stand with indigenous and affected communities with a DONATION to her bail fund - http://bit.ly/TSB-Donate

“This pipeline is a project of death. From destructive tar sands development that destroy indigenous sovereignty and health at the route’s start to the toxic emissions that will lay further burden on environmental justice communities along the Gulf of Mexico, this pipeline not only disproportionately affects indigenous frontline communities but its clear that it will bring death and disease to all in its path.” - Cherri Foytlin
  20. BREAKING: Cherri Foytlin, an indigenous South Louisiana mother of six and wife of a Gulf Coast oilfield worker, has been arrested after chaining herself to the gate of a Keystone XL pipeyard. She single-handedly blocked pipe and TransCanada...
    's trucks in the yard for an hour.

    Cherri's action is in solidarity with the Defend Our Coast actions happening across British Columbia today and all indigenous and frontline communities endangered by this toxic pipeline.

    This Louisiana resident is not stranger to the devastating impacts of Big Oil. In the Spring of 2011 she walked 1,243 miles from New Orleans to Washington D.C. as a call for action to stop the BP Drilling Disaster, has been a constant voice speaking out for the health and ecosystems of Gulf Coast communities.

    Read more about Cherri's full story and updates on our blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/10th-action/
    See More
    Photo: BREAKING: Cherri Foytlin, an indigenous South Louisiana mother of six and wife of a Gulf Coast oilfield worker, has been arrested after chaining herself to the gate of a Keystone XL pipeyard. She single-handedly blocked pipe and TransCanada's trucks in the yard for an hour. 

Cherri's action is in solidarity with the Defend Our Coast actions happening across British Columbia today and all indigenous and frontline communities endangered by this toxic pipeline. 

This Louisiana resident is not stranger to the devastating impacts of Big Oil. In the Spring of 2011 she walked 1,243 miles from New Orleans to Washington D.C. as a call for action to stop the BP Drilling Disaster, has been a constant voice speaking out for the health and ecosystems of Gulf Coast communities.

Read more about Cherri's full story and updates on our blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/10th-action/
  21. Day 31:

    Today is the one month anniversary of the Winnsboro Tree Blockade. Some of our incredible friends have been living 80 ft in the sky delaying the Keystone XL pipeline and we couldn't be more proud of them. http://tarsandsblockade.or...

    Their heroic actions along with those on the ground working on supplies, organizing landowners, and getting the word out have TransCanada worried. To quote their PR guy Dodson:

    “We’re concerned about the blockade,” Dodson said. “No question about it...Do you think the protests will keep growing?”

    Yes, we will keep growing. Over the past few months we have grown with your support. Check out our blog to see what's been happening and sign up to join us in Texas. http://tarsandsblockade.org/onemonth/

    If you can, please also consider a donation: https://www.wepay.com/donations/tar-sands-blockade_1

    Click LIKE, SHARE or leave a COMMENT to celebrate one month on the blockade!
    See More
    Photo: Day 31:

Today is the one month anniversary of the Winnsboro Tree Blockade. Some of our incredible friends have been living 80 ft in the sky delaying the Keystone XL pipeline and we couldn't be more proud of them. http://tarsandsblockade.org/onemonth/

Their heroic actions along with those on the ground working on supplies, organizing landowners, and getting the word out have TransCanada worried. To quote their PR guy Dodson:

“We’re concerned about the blockade,” Dodson said. “No question about it...Do you think the protests will keep growing?”

Yes, we will keep growing. Over the past few months we have grown with your support. Check out our blog to see what's been happening and sign up to join us in Texas.  http://tarsandsblockade.org/onemonth/

If you can, please also consider a donation: https://www.wepay.com/donations/tar-sands-blockade_1

Click LIKE, SHARE or leave a COMMENT to celebrate one month on the blockade!
  22. The night before the Defend Our Coast rally against tar sands in Canada on Monday, the Backbone Campaign and Greenpeace Canada got some awesome projections on the British Columbia Legislative Building to announce the protesters arrival the ...
    next day.

    Even better, tomorrow Canadians will gather across BC again to link arms to send a powerful message of unbroken opposition to tar sands.

    Solidarity to our brothers and sisters fighting tar sands in Canada and the Pacific Northwest. Landlock the tarsands!
    See More
    Bill Moyer shared Backbone Campaign's photo.

    Belated Happy Birthday Devin Prewett!
    Photo: Bill Moyer shared Backbone Campaign's photo.

Belated Happy Birthday Devin Prewett!
  23. As the Winnsboro, Texas tree blockade entered its fourth week, over 50 blockaders publicly demonstrated on the Keystone XL easement despite the threat of a newly-expanded Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) by TransCanada...
    and egregious criminal overcharges by local law enforcement. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

    Here’s a photo of our spokesperson, Ron Seifert, holding the stack of legal papers from TransCanada.

    Due to the SLAPP suits’ outrageous claims, the tree blockaders have by-and-large felt too threatened to safely reveal their identities, despite their protest being nonviolent.

    A SLAPP suit is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

    We will not abandon the landowners we've met and our community which has rallied behind us.

    No Keystone XL
    See More
    Photo: As the Winnsboro, Texas tree blockade entered its fourth week, over 50 blockaders publicly demonstrated on the Keystone XL easement despite the threat of a newly-expanded Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) by TransCanada and egregious criminal overcharges by local law enforcement. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

Here’s a photo of our spokesperson, Ron Seifert, holding the stack of legal papers from TransCanada.

Due to the SLAPP suits’ outrageous claims, the tree blockaders have by-and-large felt too threatened to safely reveal their identities, despite their protest being nonviolent. 

A SLAPP suit is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.

We will not abandon the landowners we've met and our community which has rallied behind us. 

No Keystone XL
  24. Day 29:

    Tonight we had a great time watching the debate with local landowners. This included lots of marshmallows getting thrown at the TV. Organizing can be delicious sometimes.

    Our friends are holding tight in the Tree Blockade as we ex...
    pand our ability to defend the land against tar sands and TransCanada.

    We also learned today that Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, the man who said very mean things about us, is running for Lieutenant Governor of Texas! Lulz all around.

    Read more about the man running for Lt. Governor and how the media reacted when he called a 78-year-old woman an "eco-anarchist" for the crime of trespassing *on her own land* standing in solidarity with the blockade. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day29/

    Click LIKE if you think politicians are weird creatures.
    See More
    Photo: Day 29:

Tonight we had a great time watching the debate with local landowners. This included lots of marshmallows getting thrown at the TV. Organizing can be delicious sometimes.

Our friends are holding tight in the Tree Blockade as we expand our ability to defend the land against tar sands and TransCanada.

We also learned today that Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, the man who said very mean things about us, is running for Lieutenant Governor of Texas! Lulz all around.

Read more about the man running for Lt. Governor and how the media reacted when he called a 78-year-old woman an "eco-anarchist" for the crime of trespassing *on her own land* standing in solidarity with the blockade. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day29/

Click LIKE if you think politicians are weird creatures.
  25. Recently, Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson wrote an op-ed printed in the Dallas Morning News attacking landowners and activists in East Texas.

    Well, he didn't see this coming. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day29/

    Papers across the st...
    ate are printing editorial responses, opinion articles and letters to the editor condemning his comments as an "embarrassment to Texas."

    One letter written to the DMN says:

    "Jerry Patterson, you are an elected official and representative of the state of Texas where I have lived for the past 26 years. I must say that your statement regarding the individuals protesting the Keystone Pipeline construction project was one of the rudest rants I have ever seen by an elected official in his professional capacity."

    Leave a COMMENT for Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson below.

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you think Texans are standing up, and elected officials aren't listening.
    See More
  26. Solidarity with thousands of our northern neighbors rallying today to stop tar sands pipelines in Canada.
    What an impressive showcase of unity!

    On Wednesday we will be uniting this energy with linked arms across BC. Don't forget to RSVP to take this message to your local MLA's front door step!

    Photo: What an impressive showcase of unity!

On Wednesday we will be uniting this energy with linked arms across BC. Don't forget to RSVP to take this message to your local MLA's front door step!

  27. Day 28:

    We are only a few days away from an entire month defending the Tree Blockade in Winnsboro, TX. We've grown leaps and bounds since launching the blockade, so we wanted to take a moment to provide some background.

    On September 24th ...
    ten blockaders climbed into a Tree Village built to blockade construction of the Keystone XL. This included a 30ft x 100ft long Wall and several platforms in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/tree-sit-launch/

    On September 25th TransCanada and their paid enforcers choked, pepper-sprayed and tasered Benjamin Franklin and Shannon Beebe after they locked to a machine to protect their friends. http://tarsandsblockade.org/transcanada-torture/

    On October 1st Alejandro de la Torre locked himself to the ground to protect a family farm. http://tarsandsblockade.org/7th-action/

    On October 2nd Maggie Gorry climbed up a 40-ft pole and prevented Keystone XL construction from continuing around the blockade for 2 days. http://tarsandsblockade.org/maggie/

    On October 5th several dozen national organizations from several movements signed an open letter in solidarity with the blockade. http://tarsandsblockade.org/opensupportletter/

    On October 15th we held our largest action yet with almost 60 people taking back land stolen by TransCanada to re-supply those of us in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

    Click LIKE and SHARE because this is only the start!
    See More
    Photo: Day 28:

We are only a few days away from an entire month defending the Tree Blockade in Winnsboro, TX. We've grown leaps and bounds since launching the blockade, so we wanted to take a moment to provide some background.

On September 24th ten blockaders climbed into a Tree Village built to blockade construction of the Keystone XL. This included a 30ft x 100ft long Wall and several platforms in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/tree-sit-launch/

On September 25th TransCanada and their paid enforcers choked, pepper-sprayed and tasered Benjamin Franklin and Shannon Beebe after they locked to a machine to protect their friends. http://tarsandsblockade.org/transcanada-torture/

On October 1st Alejandro de la Torre locked himself to the ground to protect a family farm. http://tarsandsblockade.org/7th-action/

On October 2nd Maggie Gorry climbed up a 40-ft pole and prevented Keystone XL construction from continuing around the blockade for 2 days. http://tarsandsblockade.org/maggie/

On October 5th several dozen national organizations from several movements signed an open letter in solidarity with the blockade. http://tarsandsblockade.org/opensupportletter/

On October 15th we held our largest action yet with almost 60 people taking back land stolen by TransCanada to re-supply those of us in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

Click LIKE and SHARE because this is only the start!
  28. The cover of the Ft Worth Weekly! This is by far the most in depth and detailed article about the blockade so far. A must read for everyone.

    “For more than 100 years, big oil has ha...
    d its way with people,” he said. “People feel powerless … . And there are a handful of powerless people right now sitting in treetops on platforms made of wood and rope, and the industry has no answer for them. They don’t know what to do. So maybe this can be a wake-up call to let people know that they can fight back.”

    It is exactly that spirit that has TransCanada’s Dodson worried. “We’re concerned about the blockade,” he said. “No question about it. How do you think they’re doing? Do you think the protests will keep growing?”

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you think TransCanada should be worried that the blockade will keep growing!
    See More
    Photo: The cover of the Ft Worth Weekly! This is by far the most in depth and detailed article about the blockade so far. A must read for everyone.

“For more than 100 years, big oil has had its way with people,” he said. “People feel powerless … . And there are a handful of powerless people right now sitting in treetops on platforms made of wood and rope, and the industry has no answer for them. They don’t know what to do. So maybe this can be a wake-up call to let people know that they can fight back.”

It is exactly that spirit that has TransCanada’s Dodson worried. “We’re concerned about the blockade,” he said. “No question about it. How do you think they’re doing? Do you think the protests will keep growing?”

Click LIKE and SHARE if you think TransCanada should be worried that the blockade will keep growing!
  29. Blockaders remain in the trees and on the ground as TransCanada continues construction of the Keystone XL.

    Despite landowner resistance, the company is moving forward and is hoping to complete the southern leg of the pipeline in 2013.

    check out some of the news finally making it across the nation:

    LA Times:
    Keystone XL pipeline brings out the protest in locals

    NY Times:
    Protesters Gather at Keystone Site in Texas

    And more! Check out our blogs for first-person accounts from recent actions.

    Click LIKE and SHARE to help get the word out about this crazy pipeline and tar sands extraction.
    See More
    Photo: Blockaders remain in the trees and on the ground as TransCanada continues construction of the Keystone XL.

Despite landowner resistance, the company is moving forward and is hoping to complete the southern leg of the pipeline in 2013.

But check out some of the news finally making it across the nation:

LA Times: 
Keystone XL pipeline brings out the protest in locals

NY Times:
Protesters Gather at Keystone Site in Texas

And more! Check out our blogs for first-person accounts from recent actions.

Click LIKE and SHARE to help get the word out about this crazy pipeline and tar sands extraction.
  30. Day 26:

    Tar sands extraction is the most devastating environmental project on the planet. This picture from Alberta says it all.

    An area the size of New York state is being clear cut in Alberta while feller bunchers rip through the cente...
    r of the United States.

    We will continue fighting. More and more people are joining us in Texas, and you can too. Sign up here so you can help fight: http://tarsandsblockade.org/join-us/join-action/

    Click LIKE and SHARE to show your friends the impact of tar sands extraction and the huge scale of our fight.
    See More
    Photo: Day 26:

Tar sands extraction is the most devastating environmental project on the planet. This picture from Alberta says it all. 

An area the size of New York state is being clear cut in Alberta while feller bunchers rip through the center of the United States.

We will continue fighting. More and more people are joining us in Texas, and you can too. Sign up here so you can help fight: http://tarsandsblockade.org/join-us/join-action/

Click LIKE and SHARE to show your friends the impact of tar sands extraction and the huge scale of our fight.
  31. Our day of action on Monday was a fantastic success, not just in Texas but across the country.

    Solidarity actions occurred in Austin, Denton, Houston, Washington DC, New York City, Boston, Cleveland and more!

    Pictures, videos and other i...
    nformation are available at our action blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

    Many people ask us what they can do to help, and this is a great start. It will take a nationwide movement to defeat the Keystone XL pipeline. Solidarity rallies, garage sales, letter-writing campaigns, blogging, videos, etc all help in the struggle to defeat tar sands and TransCanada.

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you're glad to see TransCanada's feeling the heat across the US and Canada!
    See More
    Photo: Our day of action on Monday was a fantastic success, not just in Texas but across the country.

Solidarity actions occurred in Austin, Denton, Houston, Washington DC, New York City, Boston, Cleveland and more! 

Pictures, videos and other information are available at our action blog: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

Many people ask us what they can do to help, and this is a great start. It will take a nationwide movement to defeat the Keystone XL pipeline. Solidarity rallies, garage sales, letter-writing campaigns, blogging, videos, etc all help in the struggle to defeat tar sands and TransCanada.

Click LIKE and SHARE if you're glad to see TransCanada's feeling the heat across the US and Canada!
  32. Day 25:

    Yesterday, two blockaders came down from the trees and were arrested. They came down for their own safety, as TransCanada's police will not allow food and water to enter the Tree Blockade.

    Please donate to their legal fund: https:...

    The blockade remains occupied by other sitters and they have vowed to remain in the trees. They have plenty of supplies and are ready for the long haul.

    As evidenced by our mass action on Monday, our movement is growing and expanding. Check out another first-person blog from a blockader arrested at the action. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day25/

    Please leave a COMMENT for the incredible blockaders arrested yesterday and those who still remain in the trees.
    See More
    Photo: Day 25:

Yesterday, two blockaders came down from the trees and were arrested. They came down for their own safety, as TransCanada's police will not allow food and water to enter the Tree Blockade.

Please donate to their legal fund: https://www.wepay.com/donations/tar-sands-blockade_1

The blockade remains occupied by other sitters and they have vowed to remain in the trees. They have plenty of supplies and are ready for the long haul. 

As evidenced by our mass action on Monday, our movement is growing and expanding. Check out another first-person blog from a blockader arrested at the action. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day25/

Please leave a COMMENT for the incredible blockaders arrested yesterday and those who still remain in the trees.
  33. Day 24:

    Here is a personal account from one of the blockaders arrested at Monday's action trying to re-supply our friends in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day24/

    "As the police pick-up truck drove myself and another captured frie...
    nd through the clear-cut and back to the road, I was first overcome with a deep sadness. I felt that I had failed my friends, and even that I had failed the forest itself.

    I have spent many nights in those woods, and can attest to their majesty and wonder. I watched the canopy come down at the hands of men operating machines, which could only be built and utilized in a world as insane as ours.

    As I viewed the devastation that TransCanada had wrought upon that landscape, I began to imagine that devastation running across the continent, and was then filled with a greater rage and resolve to continue on, no matter how many thug police are set on my path."

    Click LIKE and SHARE to help this blockader tell his story.
    See More
    Photo: Day 24:

Here is a personal account from one of the blockaders arrested at Monday's action trying to re-supply our friends in the trees. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day24/

"As the police pick-up truck drove myself and another captured friend through the clear-cut and back to the road, I was first overcome with a deep sadness.  I felt that I had failed my friends, and even that I had failed the forest itself.  

I have spent many nights in those woods, and can attest to their majesty and wonder.  I watched the canopy come down at the hands of men operating machines, which could only be built and utilized in a world as insane as ours.  

As I viewed the devastation that TransCanada had wrought upon that landscape, I began to imagine that devastation running across the continent, and was then filled with a greater rage and resolve to continue on, no matter how many thug police are set on my path."

Click LIKE and SHARE to help this blockader tell his story.
  34. A rare view from inside the Tree Blockade.

    The Keystone XL is a disaster for our community, this country and the planet as a whole. Tar sands exploitation will poison our water, steal land from indigenous communities, farmers, ranchers and...
    people that just want to keep what they've worked for.

    Yesterday's mass action was made possible by people like you standing up and saying NO.

    Together we can stop the Keystone XL. Please join us in Texas and stand in solidarity with landowners, past blockaders and our community.

    See More
    Photo: A rare view from inside the Tree Blockade.

The Keystone XL is a disaster for our community, this country and the planet as a whole. Tar sands exploitation will poison our water, steal land from indigenous communities, farmers, ranchers and people that just want to keep what they've worked for.

Yesterday's mass action was made possible by people like you standing up and saying NO. 

Together we can stop the Keystone XL. Please join us in Texas and stand in solidarity with landowners, past blockaders and our community. 

  35. Day 23:

    Yesterday's action was truly inspiring. Over 50 blockaders entered the tree blockade with the goal of resupplying our friends in the trees with food and water.

    Despite the threat of entering a police state and the SLAPP suit Trans...
    Canada is throwing at anyone whom it can identify, our mass action was a great success. We will not be intimidated.

    Singing came down from the trees as tree-sitters could finally physically see our movement is growing. Howls and yells came from the ground to show our solidarity with the brave folks who have been in the trees for 23 days now.

    We've made an incredible new action video available at our blog. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you would like to see more mass actions like this one!

    Also please leave a COMMENT for all the brave people who risked arrests and lawsuits just to get their friends food and water.
    See More
    Photo: Day 23:

Yesterday's action was truly inspiring. Over 50 blockaders entered the tree blockade with the goal of resupplying our friends in the trees with food and water.

Despite the threat of entering a police state and the SLAPP suit TransCanada is throwing at anyone whom it can identify, our mass action was a great success. We will not be intimidated.

Singing came down from the trees as tree-sitters could finally physically see our movement is growing. Howls and yells came from the ground to show our solidarity with the brave folks who have been in the trees for 23 days now.

We've made an incredible new action video available at our blog. http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

Click LIKE and SHARE if you would like to see more mass actions like this one! 

Also please leave a COMMENT for all the brave people who risked arrests and lawsuits just to get their friends food and water.
  36. There's been 8 reported arrests and after over 6 hours our blockaders are still delaying TransCanada's operations!

    This morning two blockaders locked themselves to Keystone XL machinery while over 50 more defied police repression and enter...
    ed the tree blockade.

    Today there are solidarity actions in DC, Austin, New York, Boston, etc.

    Click LIKE and SHARE to show your support for today's action and join this growing movement.

    See more photos and breaking updates here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

    UPDATE 4PM: Eight blockaders total have been arrested. Demonstrate your support with a generous donation to their jail support- http://bitly.com/TSB-Donate
    See More
    Photo: There's been 8 reported arrests and after over 6 hours our blockaders are still delaying TransCanada's operations!

This morning two blockaders locked themselves to Keystone XL machinery while over 50 more defied police repression and entered the tree blockade. 

Today there are solidarity actions in DC, Austin, New York, Boston, etc.

Click LIKE and SHARE to show your support for today's action and join this growing movement. 

See more photos and breaking updates here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/

UPDATE 4PM: Eight blockaders total have been arrested. Demonstrate your support with a generous donation to their jail support- http://bitly.com/TSB-Donate
  37. BREAKING: Over 50 Enter Tar Sands Blockade Tree Village in Defiance of Police and Legal Repression to Defend Tree-Sitters

    Dozens more supporters are rallying just outside of the easement and closest highway crossing. Now, the site of the l...
    argest and longest tree sit in Texas history is the staging ground of the largest walk-on site protest and civil disobedience in the history of the Keystone XL pipeline construction (thus far)!

    LIKE and SHARE this PHOTO!

    Follow the action throughout the day on our LiveBlog and LiveStream here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/
    See More
    Photo: BREAKING: Over 50 Enter Tar Sands Blockade Tree Village in Defiance of Police and Legal Repression to Defend Tree-Sitters

Dozens more supporters are rallying just outside of the easement and closest highway crossing. Now, the site of the largest and longest tree sit in Texas history is the staging ground of the largest walk-on site protest and civil disobedience in the history of the Keystone XL pipeline construction (thus far)!


Follow the action throughout the day on our LiveBlog and LiveStream here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/9th-action/
  38. Our brave friends at the Tree Village have maintained their position and stopped Keystone XL construction for 3 weeks.

    TransCanada continues to use fraud and intimidation to pressure landowners into signing contracts under duress and steal...
    ing land through eminent domain.

    The easement around the Tree Village remains a constant police state. TransCanada directly pays local police $30 an hour while the police use their state issued equipment to do the company's bidding. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day21/

    Three weeks is just the start.

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you think actions like ours should spread across the pipeline. Not just in Texas but Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and Canada!
    See More
    Photo: Our brave friends at the Tree Village have maintained their position and stopped Keystone XL construction for 3 weeks.

TransCanada continues to use fraud and intimidation to pressure landowners into signing contracts under duress and stealing land through eminent domain.

The easement around the Tree Village remains a constant police state. TransCanada directly pays local police $30 an hour while the police use their state issued equipment to do the company's bidding. http://tarsandsblockade.org/day21/

Three weeks is just the start.

Click LIKE and SHARE if you think actions like ours should spread across the pipeline. Not just in Texas but Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and Canada!
  39. Day 21:

    VIDEO: At the behest of TransCanada Maggie is denied food and water supplies by the police while recently perched atop her 40 foot timber pole.

    Despite these challenges she still managed to delay construction Keystone XL clear c...
    utting around the tree blockade for two entire days.

    Allow us to to paint the full picture of what’s been happening here: we’ve got a multi-national corporation that has come into Texas, expropriated private land by eminent domain, and hired local law enforcement as a private security force to set up an occupied police state at the tree blockade.

    Click LIKE and SHARE to help shed light on this absurd situation. The more people who demonstrate we're not afraid the more TransCanada's repressive tactics will fall flat.

    Watch the video here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day21/
    See More
    Photo: Day 21: 

VIDEO: At the behest of TransCanada Maggie is denied food and water supplies by the police while recently perched atop her 40 foot timber pole. 

Despite these challenges she still managed to delay construction Keystone XL clear cutting around the tree blockade for two entire days.

Allow us to to paint the full picture of what’s been happening here: we’ve got a multi-national corporation that has come into Texas, expropriated private land by eminent domain, and hired local law enforcement as a private security force to set up an occupied police state at the tree blockade.

Click LIKE and SHARE to help shed light on this absurd situation. The more people who demonstrate we're not afraid the more TransCanada's repressive tactics will fall flat.  

Watch the video here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day21/
  40. As our action camp continues in East Texas, groups from around the country are joining us in opposing the Keystone XL.

    Names are continuing to be added to the open support letter organized by Rainforest Action Network and Rising Tide Nort...
    h America
    . Check it out, and if your local group would like to express their support sign up on this page: http://tarsandsblockade.org/opensupportletter/

    We are now on Day 20 at the Tree Blockade, and have expanded to a nature preserve held down by Kevin up in the trees. For updates: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day20/

    Our movement is growing by the day. Solidarity actions for this Monday are planned in Austin, New York and Washington DC.

    Please LIKE and SHARE on this solidarity photo from 350 Massachusetts. Also leave a COMMENT thanking all the groups who are joining this fight!
    See More
    Photo: As our action camp continues in East Texas, groups from around the country are joining us in opposing the Keystone XL. 

Names are continuing to be added to the open support letter organized by Rainforest Action Network and Rising Tide North America. Check it out, and if your local group would like to express their support sign up on this page: http://tarsandsblockade.org/opensupportletter/

We are now on Day 20 at the Tree Blockade, and have expanded to a nature preserve held down by Kevin up in the trees. For updates: http://tarsandsblockade.org/day20/

Our movement is growing by the day. Solidarity actions for this Monday are planned in Austin, New York and Washington DC. 

Please LIKE and SHARE on this solidarity photo from 350 Massachusetts. Also leave a COMMENT thanking all the groups who are joining this fight!
  41. We're the front page of the New York Times online!!!

    Click LIKE and SHARE to spread this story far and wide!

    "Deep within the oak and pine forests that blanket this stretch of East Texas, the chug of machinery drones on late into the day,...
    broken only by the sounds of a band of activists who have vowed to stop it."

    Read the entire article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/13/us/protesters-gather-at-keystone-xl-site-in-texas.html

    Check out the Blockade's response here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/nytimes/
    See More
    Photo: We're the front page of the New York Times online!!!

Click LIKE and SHARE to spread this story far and wide!

"Deep within the oak and pine forests that blanket this stretch of East Texas, the chug of machinery drones on late into the day, broken only by the sounds of a band of activists who have vowed to stop it."

Read the entire article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/13/us/protesters-gather-at-keystone-xl-site-in-texas.html

Check out the Blockade's response here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/nytimes/
  42. This kitten pic is hanging 80 feet off the ground and serves as a daily reminder to our tree blockaders that they aren't alone. They have thousands of supporters across the globe.

    Click LIKE and SHARE if you're like us and enjoy cute kittens more than toxic pipelines.

    Check out the items on our wish list and help us "Hang in There" with a contribution: http://tarsandsblockade.org/wishlist
    Photo: This kitten pic is hanging 80 feet off the ground and serves as a daily reminder to our tree blockaders that they aren't alone. They have thousands of supporters across the globe.

Click LIKE and SHARE if you're like us and enjoy cute kittens more than toxic pipelines.

Check out the items on our wish list and help us "Hang in There" with a contribution: http://tarsandsblockade.org/wishlist
  43. Met our friend Kevin Redding. Right now Kevin is in a tree 50 feet off the ground in an East Texas Nature Preserve directly in the path of Keystone XL.

    He's in his second day of delaying TrasnCanada's clear-cutting operations and defendin...
    g the communities drinking water from toxic tar sands spills.

    Leave a comment for Kevin here so we can send him your encouragement while he's up in the trees.

    More about Kevin's story here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/8th-action/
    See More
    Photo: Met our friend Kevin Redding. Right now Kevin is in a tree 50 feet off the ground in an East Texas Nature Preserve directly in the path of Keystone XL. 

He's in his second day of delaying TrasnCanada's clear-cutting operations and defending the communities drinking water from toxic tar sands spills. 

Leave a comment for Kevin here so we can send him your encouragement while he's up in the trees.  

More about Kevin's story here: http://tarsandsblockade.org/8th-action/

Earlier in November

Earlier in October

Earlier in 2012