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Nov 17
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Nov 17

Calling all Europeans!  Save your money and pay just 20 Euros to attend the largest annual pro-liberty student gathering in Europe next spring!

Early Registration (Just €20 Euro Student Price and €35 Non-Student Price) Ends Next Thursday, November 15!
Register Early Today!

The second annual ESFL Conference will take place at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium from March 8-10, 2013, and will be hosted by the Classical Liberal Students Association (LVSV) Leuven.

This 3-day event will feature tremendous speakers, panels, and breakout sessions on the ideas behind a free society and the actions necessary to implement them. Confirmed speakers include Nigel Ashford, John Chisholm, James Turk, and many more

Your registration fee includes:

  • 3 days of great speakers in the liberty movement
  • All meals provided
  • Books, pamphlets, stickers, buttons, and much more free material to take back to your university
  • Connect with liberty organizations and other students for liberty
  • Information on internships, jobs, programs, seminars, and conferences
  • Awesome socials (more…)

In light of the recent win by Barack Obama, there is an opportunity to understand the true nature of what Obama’s second term will mean for the societal mindset of America.  Relating it to the Bush presidency, we may be seeing the resurgence of an impending perfect storm for the Obama youth to distance themselves from the president and his party.


Participants at the 2012 European Students For Liberty Regional Conference in Turin, Italy.

Since Students For Liberty’s first Conference in 2008, we have recognized the importance of supporting students dedicated to liberty around the world. While our support for international students was largely virtual and moral rather than substantive or meaningful in the early years of SFL, we took a significant step in 2011 with the formation of European Students For Liberty. SFL had resisted launching a full expansion to Europe beforehand for many reasons: concern that US leaders didn’t have a strong enough understanding of European practices or culture to run an organization there, not wanting to be perceived as imposing US views on students around the world, uncertainty regarding the level of demand for SFL abroad, the risk of straining our limited resources and the potential for malinvestment, etc. However, when we reached a point that we were receiving a plethora of requests from students in Europe for resources and support, we saw strong leaders developing on the continent who could lead the student movement for liberty, and we had evidence that SFL’s model was not only demand, but could work in Europe thanks to the organizational success of SFL’s first European Executive Board member, we decided we couldn’t ignore the need to support our fellow students.

A year after fully launching ESFL, there are over 100 pro-liberty student groups across Europe, 5 ESFL Regional Conferences being held this fall, and over 20 Local Coordinators fully trained in SFL’s leadership practices whose job will be to grow the student movement for liberty even more. The success of SFL’s expansion to Europe led us to create the SFL Charter Teams Program to provide leadership training, oversight, and support for pro-liberty students around the world. With over 30 students participating in the CT Program right now, we have seen tremendous success in the few months the program has been in operation, such as a 100+ person conference in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, training workshops in Guatemala and Peru, the translation of SFL handbooks to other languages, and much more.

The cause of liberty knows no borders. The interest of young people in the ideas of liberty is universal. Indeed, when I say that our generation is the most libertarian generation to ever exist, I don’t mean the generation of young people in the US, I mean our generation across the world. The need for SFL to support these students to fulfill our mission and create the freest world possible is greater now than ever before, and the potential for us to succeed in this task is greater than ever before. With this in mind, I am excited to announce several actions unanimously agreed to by the SFL Executive Board to make SFL a truly international organization: (more…)

Election season: the bane of my existence. Every American with a pulse and a Facebook page can probably relate on some level. Now imagine living in Washington, DC, where people drunkenly celebrate in the streets on election night, chanting “Four more years! Drones, drones, drones!” (Maybe that last part was just in my head. Whatever.) Oh, the humanity!

In any case, despite the reelection of our spend-happy president (not to say the alternative was any better), there are several reasons libertarians should be counting our blessings this election cycle. Here are 5 to start with, in no particular order: (more…)

The following was written by Aleksandar Kokotović, Regional Director at European Students For Liberty.

Saturday, November 3rd will definitely stay in my memory as one of the biggest days for the student liberty movement in Serbia and South-Eastern Europe. Why is that so? That was the day when the European Students For Liberty conference in Belgrade, Serbia took place. And it wasn’t just a regular conference. It was the biggest first-time Regional conference ever organized by SFL. It was a conference where we had more than 160 students attending and listening to great lectures, networking, brainstorming about things they can do in their own regions and sharing their views and ideas on how to promote the cause they all believe in, the cause WE all believe in, the cause of Liberty. I am proud to say that we had speakers from three continents and participants from four continents. We had people who are already well engaged in the liberty movement. And we had some people who are going to be new leaders for liberty in the years to follow. (more…)

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