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Am 15. Oktober besetzten Aktivist_innen die nigerianische…

Am 15. Oktober besetzten Aktivist_innen die nigerianische Botschaft in Berlin. 25 Personen wurden festgenommen. Nach ihrer Freilassung berichten sie von teils schweren Misshandlungen, Bedrohungen, erniedrigender Behandlung und rassistischen Beleidigungen durch Polizeibeamte. In dem Video sprechen sie über ihre Erlebnisse.

Die zentrale Forderung der Besetzenden ist die Aussetzung der bestehenden Abschiebeverträge zwischen beiden Ländern. Nigeria verpflichtet sich darin, mit Frontex eine “strategische Partnerschaft” für die europäischen Grenzsicherung einzugehen. Neben der Zusammenarbeit bei Abschiebungen werden Frontex-Beamte in den nächsten Jahren beim Migrationsmanagement, der Grenzsicherung, der Verbesserung der Identitätsdokumente, dem Datenabgleich bei Visaanfragen der Ausbildung von Grenzschützern mithelfen. Umgekehrt werden nigerianische Grenzschützer zu “Frontex Joint Operations” an EU-Grenzposten kommen.
Die Protestaktion richtete sich insbesondere gegen die so genannten Botschaftsanhörungen, die auch in der nigerianischen Botschaft in Berlin durchgeführt werden. Gruppenanhörungen von Flüchtlingen aus afrikanischen Ländern werden als Zwangsmaßnahme durchgeführt, um deren mutmaßliche Herkunftsländer zu bestimmen, damit sie dorthin abgeschoben werden können. Diese Praxis ist auch aus Karlsruhe bekannt.

Im Botschaftsgebäude wurden die Protestierenden von nigerianischen Sicherheitsleuten mit Gewalt bedroht. Der Botschafter rief die Polizei und stellte Strafantrag wegen Hausfriedensbruchs. Die Polizei setzte Pfefferspray und Schlagstöcke ein, alle 14 Besetzer_innen wurden festgenommen [Fotos / RBB Abendschau Video].

In den folgenden Stunden nahm die Polizei weitere Aktivist_innen in Gewahrsam. Insgesamt 25 Personen wurden in die Gefangenensammelstelle des Berliner Landeskriminalamtes in Tempelhof gebracht und erkennungsdienstlich behandelt. Am selben Abend forderten auf einer Spontandemo mit etwa 1500 Menschen die sofortige Freilassung der Inhaftierten.
Am Abend wurden alle 25 Aktivist_innen wieder freigelassen. Nach ihrer Freilassung berichten sie von teils schweren Misshandlungen, Bedrohungen, erniedrigender Behandlung und rassistischen Beleidigungen durch Angehörige der Polizei. Gegen die 14 Botschaftsbesetzer_innen laufen Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Hausfriedensbruchs. Bereits am 5.10. erreichten die Flüchtlinge nach vier Wochen Berlin [Bericht / Tagesschau], wo am 13.10. eine Demo unter dem Motto “Willkommen in Berlin! Für einen menschenwürdigen Aufenthaltsstatus in Deutschland! Asyl und Bewegungsfreiheit sind keine Privilegien, sondern Menschenrechte!” mit mehreren tausend Menschen stattfand [Bericht / Fotos].

Der Suizid des iranischen Flüchtlings Mohammad Rahsepar im Würzburger Flüchtlingslager am Anfang dieses Jahres hat bundesweite Proteste von Flüchtlingen ausgelöst. Nachdem Flüchtlinge aus Würzburg mit einem monatelangen Protestcamp in der Innenstadt auf ihre verzweifelte Lage aufmerksam machten, folgten Asylsuchende aus neun Städten ihrem Beispiel, immer wieder traten Flüchtlinge hierbei in den Hungerstreik. Sie initiierten einen Protestmarsch nach Berlin, um den Protest dort gemeinsam fortzuführen, wo derzeit das Protestcamp der Flüchtlinge aufgebaut ist, bis ihre Forderungen erfüllt werden.

Alle Infos:                                                                                                   

Honoring Russell Means, rest in peace

Another one. Means told some hard truths and was uncompromising, was a founding member of the American Indian Movement and stayed true to the end. 

New England Transcendentalism II: from the "Transcendtal Perspective" to "Transcendental Idealism"

This goes along with the post previous to this one with Ralph Waldo Emerson in its title. There, I talked briefly about Kant's "Transcendental Perspective", which is cognition looking at itself from the point of view of the mind as the intermediary between exterior experience, on the one hand, and biological processes, on the other. Because the mind is in between these two, and we have the capacity to think, we have a much different perspective on life than many of the other objects that we see in our world. But how do you get from a "Transcendental Perspective" to "Transcendental Idealism"?

The way is, while not necessarily simple, at least clear: the Idealists, following Kant, appreciated the unique perspective that possessing cognition gives, as well as the limitations of perceiving the world through these lenses of perception. We can only see what our cognition has processed from raw sense data, never the things in themselves, and instruments that extend our range of perception are ultimately limited by their data having to be interpreted by human beings.

However, the way the mind works is very different from the way that the external world appears to work. Our methods of processing data and the transactions of thought are different in quality from what physical processes appear to act like. Because, as the intermediary between biology and experience, our minds stand at a boundary, you could say that they are "things in themselves" as well, "things in themselves" that have the unique capability to observe themselves and write about what they see.

The Transcendental Idealists thought that the way we think, as things in ourselves, may be a mode of operation that has something to do with how the world actually functions beyond our limited interpretations of sense data. This was not, as some people have thought, saying that "All is Mind", but instead saying that beyond what we, as limited creatures, perceive, is a reality that obeys rules that are similar in how they operate to the laws of thought....something that makes much more sense now that we have computers and Process Philosophy.

The Process Philosophers, like Alfred North Whitehead, I think came close to what some, but not all, of the Transcendental Idealists were trying to say about the nature of the external world through looking at nature as being composed both of static material components and actions that existed in process, that interacted with each other in process, to move and direct that world according to particular laws.

These processes, or transactions, can be looked at in parallel with computer processes, and mental transactions can be paralleled with operations that are carried out by computers as well, meaning that the commonality between a level of Mind or Cognition and the nature of reality as it exists beyond our processing of sense data, is more like a universal computational system than "All is Mind".

It's an Idealism, because what they were saying is that what they were perceiving in their heads, when they looked at their thought processes, was an instance of a reality that existed outside of their heads and could be found in nature, meaning that the cognitive Ideal of human beings corresponded in some way to the greater Ideal that existed in the realm of the Things-in-themselves beyond apparent sense data.

While I respect Ralph Waldo Emerson….

I have to say that the New England Transcendentalists in general had no idea what the texts that they were using to base their philosophies on were really about. Emerson was one of the better ones, and still has a lot of very good ideas, but, seriously, the Transcendental Idealism of the New England folks is a bizarre mixture of half understood concepts from Idealist philosophy mixed with lots of other random stuff. "Transcendental" in Idealist thought had to do with the "Transcendental Perspective", which came from Kant, and which the perspective of folks who look at how their mental processes work and try to categorize it. It's transcendental because it's not linked to any particular exterior information, but, as Kant repeats many times, is the form for the substance of this information. On the other hand, it's not bound to pure animal reflex, and so deals with a kind of higher psychology. It transcends both our particular experiences, on the one hand, and our biological, material, programming, instead having to do with the realm of cognition that exists between the two.

Zig Zag Nov 1985 – Pulp, Meat Whiplash & The Long Ryders

George McGovern, rest in peace

McGovern has passed on. I had the great fortune of seeing him speak in Gainesville, Florida, where I lived for about two years, in 2002. Unfortunately, it came within months of 9/11, so as was typical of those times, in the question and answer session one man just went off on him, attacking his call for restraint in foreign policy. Mind you, this was on the University of Florida campus and many of the people in the audience were academics. McGovern tried to answer, but the guy just wasn't having it. It was like a manifestation of the pod people, another thing that was very common at the time. 

I felt sorry for him. He was so nice and reasonable, and seemed to be coming from a very good place with his remarks, which were on a lot of topics, and he was shut down by this dude. 

Hopefully we've moved on to saner times, although time will tell. 

While voting rights are being curtailed in some places, others are extending them

Although it's not overtly labeled that. Instead, it's simply trying to make it easier for people who are registered to vote to be able to vote. Here in Washington State all our elections now have mail in ballots, including the Presidential election. I just voted yesterday, and the big day in November is over three weeks away. No need to show up at the polls on a Tuesday, with mail in ballots people can vote at their leisure. It's very strange to think that this sensible policy is coexisting in a country with ones where a person not only has to show up at a polling place, but show up with proper ID as well as a voter identification card (which you can't get without proper ID).

*and, FYI,  that ballot included both a vote for Obama and a vote for Kshama Sawant, Socialist Alternative candidate for the Washington House who is running against a Democrat who is in turn running unopposed, besides Sawant.

London Anti-Austerity Demonstration – Success or Failure?

The head of the march leaving Central London Any demonstration affects three broad groups - the participants, their enemies, and the wider public - in different ways. In judging an event a 'success' or 'failure', it is important to consider the impact on each of these sectors. For most of the participants, the long-trailed London anti-austerity march seems to have been an enjoyable

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Zig Zag Oct 1985 – Lydia Lunch

Heute abend wieder Vokü mit der Libertären Gruppe Karlsruhe

VoKü Volxküche Volksküche Jolly Roger Audimax Vienna big.svg

Am heutigen Donnerstag, dem 18. Oktober kochen wir wieder als Libertäre Gruppe Karlsruhe in der Viktoriastrasse 12 (Hinterhaus) in Karlsruhe ab 19 Uhr veganes Essen. Wir kochen regelmäßig jeden dritten Donnerstag im Monat und freuen uns euch zu treffen.

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