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Posts tagged repression


        Perhaps a little on the long side, but informative, if at times both depressing and inspiring.

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California Cops Clamp Down on Disneyland Dissent

Broad sections of the Anaheim working class are seething with anger at cops Disneyland in Anaheim is emblematic of 'the American dream' - a make-believe world where 'good' always triumphs over 'evil' in the end, and childhood innocence lasts forever. Yet at the gates of this fairytale paradise, torrents of anger are being directed at police for the huge amounts of state killings in the area,

Solidarity with the Prosecuted Demonstrators of Genoa

„On 13 July 2012 in Rome, 10 strugglers are being tried for participation in the clashes which took place in July 2001 in Genova against the G8 summit, while they are already facing serious sentences of 10 to 15 years of imprisonment according to a verdict from a previous trial in Genova.

Today, the case of these strugglers is an attempt to strike the revolting rage against the global dictatorship of the political and financial bosses who are setting about the looting and destruction of societies and nature in every corner of the globe. Like it was struck through the murder by the Italian police of Carlos Juliani, the severe buttery of many demonstrators by the guards of the global domination in the streets of Genova and during the bloody invasion in the Diaz school used as lodging and the abuse and torturing of hundreds of arrestees in the detention centre of Bolgianetto.

Eleven years after the uprising of Genova, the institutional violence of the courts of civil democracy, through the attempt to criminalize those who fight and the threat of many years of imprisonment, is part of the answer which those ‘from above’ have against the revolters’ denial to be trapped within the boundaries of granted protest. It is the keeping-up of the work of the severe suppression and the anti-insurrectional propaganda against the tens of thousands of revolting demonstrators who opposed the power of international gathering, self-organization, solidarity and social-class counter-attack against the superior firepower of the Regime and its supranational formations. And finally it is one more terrorizing message to the raging social resistances.

It is worth mentioning that at the same time Carlo Juliani’s murderer, Mario Placanica, has been free of any charge. Also, 25 police officers and leaders of Security Forces, responsible for the Diaz massacre and recently unappealably sentenced only to support the unstable mask of democracy of the Italian authorities, were cleared of the charge of severe bodily harm because of prescription. While all these years several officers involved in the murderous police operations of Genova have been rewarded with promotions for their ‘services’.

Each and every one who was in the streets of the clash held by the forces of revolt against the Regime in Genova in 2001 could be in the position of the ones prosecuted and tried on 13 July. It was clash which was a peak moment of the struggle of the movements against global domination, of the constant and worldwide confrontations of those ‘from below’ who defend life and dignity against death promised by the bosses. The prosecuted fighters of Genova are not alone!

From a corner of the globe, Greece, where the supranational mechanisms of domination of E.U., I.M.F., and E.C.B. in cooperation with the local financial and political bosses aggravate the conditions of exploitation and oppression of those ‘from below’ aiming the total transformation of society in favour of the international and local elite, we stand by the side of the prosecuted demonstrators of Genova through our participation in the social and class struggles which fight the totalitarianism of authority and through the claim of international solidarity and globalization of resistance. Solidarity is our weapon!




Anarchist collective ‘circle of fire’
Athens 12/7/2012 “

Neue Technologien, neue Repression, neue Angst

Vor wenigen Tagen wurde die “Nummer 2″ von Al-Kaida, Abu Yahya al-Libi, nach offiziellen Angaben der USA von einer Drohne getötet. Nachrichten wie diese machen mir Angst. Nein, nicht weil ich mit Al-Kaida unter einer (ideologischen) Decke stecke. Patriarchale, antisemitische, religiös-ideologische Organisationen sind Feind, nicht Freund, wenn ich es in dieser Dichotomie ausdrücken darf. Doch [...]

[Bilbo] Prozess gegen Flo und Rafi am 06.06.

Edit 07.06: Read here how the trial went.

„Am 6. Juni 2012 findet vor dem Gerichtshof in Bilbo, Baskenland, spanischer Staat, ein Schnellverfahren gegen Flo und Rafi statt. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, am 21. September 2011, anlässlich der Räumung des Gaztextes Kukutza, Müllcontainer umgestoßen und in Brand gesteckt zu haben. Die Angeklagten bestreiten die Tat. Die Staatsanwaltschaft fordert je eine 3,5 jährige Haftstrafe sowie eine Zahlung von insgesamt 8800 Euro.
Am 6.Juni 2012 findet vor dem Gerichtshof Bilbo der Prozess gegen Flo und Rafi statt, die im vergangenen September aus Solidarität ins Baskenland gekommen waren, um gegen die Räumung des Gaztextes KUKUTZA III zu protestieren. Angeklagt sind sie nun wegen „Landfriedensbruch“ und „Sachbeschädigung“.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft fordert insgesamt je 3,5 Jahre Haft sowie eine Zahlung von Insgesamt8800 Euro.

Das Gericht hat für die Verhandlung erhöhte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen angeordnet, ohne dass hierfür ein Anlass erkennbar ist. Die Anhörung von Alibizeugen hatte das Gericht zunächst abgelehnt. Mittlerweile hat die Verteidigung beim Gericht erreicht, dass die Zeugen zugelassen worden sind. Die Anklageschrift steckt voller Widersprüche. Die notierte Telefonnummer eines Anwaltes auf dem Arm der Festgenommenen sieht die Staatsanwaltschaft als Indiz für die Tat.

Nach der Verhaftung wurde einem der beiden von Polizeibeamten der Ausweis abgenommen, sodass er sich nicht ausweisen konnte. Sie verbrachten zwei Tage auf einer Polizeistation in Isohaft. Anschließend ordnete eine Haftrichterin ohne dass die Angeklagten die konkreten Tatvorwürfe erfuhren U-Haft an, woraus Flo und Rafi nach 7 Tagen, aufgrund von internationalem Druck, sowie Bezahlung einer Kaution, vorläufig freigelassen wurden.

Der Prozess wird von unabhängigen Prozessbeobachter_Innen verfolgt und von verschiedenen Solidaritätsaktionen und Pressekonferenzen begleitet.

Der Ausgang des Prozesses ist unklar.

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Greece / Chile: The Best News Possible!

In Greece, Simos Seisidis was found innocent of all charges against him, and has been freed from prison last week! Simos was accused of being a member of the group „Robbers in Black,“ and in 2010 lost his leg after being shot by a police officer during his arrest.

Meanwhile, last Friday in Chile, the six anarchists accused in the „Caso Bombas“ („Bombs Case“) of „financing terrorism“ and „placing explosive devices,“ long ago already convicted by the mass media, and facing penalties of up to 15 years in prison…were also found not guilty!

(Clearly this was something of a surprise, since for example the website „Sabotage Media“ announced a rally for Friday at „the sentencing of the comrades.“)

The following video shows the media lynching which followed the arrests, and ends with the emotional moments of the not guilty verdict in court…

Moments to rejoice in, and gather strength to continue the struggle in solidarity with so many others still held prisoner by the state. While the list is long, some very current examples which immediately spring to mind would be the Turkish anarchists imprisoned following the militant black bloc actions if this years 1st of May, 19 year old Deniz, prisoner in a Nuernberg jail for his antifascist engagement, Smily who was sentenced to 10 months in Stuttgarts infamous Stammheim prison, and Olga Ekonomidou, recently handed 30 days solitary confinement for defending her dignity and refusing a strip search.

Until All Are Free!

Many Thousands Defy Draconian New Laws As Quebec Struggle Rapidly Intensifies

Enormous numbers of students and allies are now opposing the government The hugely militant student movement in the Canadian province of Quebec has been galvanised by a massive state clampdown, and the ruling class now fears this new 'contagion' will spread to the wider working class in neighbouring provinces, as well as the United States to the south. But as new negotiations begin between the

Angela Davis – von kritischer Theorie zum kritischen Widerstand

Für ein Seminar zum Thema Intersektionalität habe ich letztes Semester eine kleine Ausarbeitung zur Person Angela Davis, einer marxistischen Vertreterin des Black Feminism, angefertigt. Diese möchte ich nun hier bereitstellen. Zuerst jedoch noch einige selbstkritische Worte: Der Text steht in einer herrschaftlichen Tradition, lange Zeit und weitgehend heute noch, wird die Geschichte von Männern* geschrieben. [...]

Blockupy in Frankfurt: The Dance of the Cop and the Democrat

The more acute the current economic crisis becomes, the more the Western European „democracies“ reveal about just how optional the „democracy“ aspect of their governance really is. If the entire mainstream media and good citizens of the First World joined in outraged unison when the Egyptian army attempted to clear protestors out of Tahrir Square, one has to wonder what exactly makes it acceptable when Greek police arrest pacifist activists for setting up camp in Syntagma Square?

This „democracy“ which we enjoy is a spectacle organized merely because it assures better control of the savage mobs than brute force. If, as is sadly the case in Germany, the mainstream of society identifies with the State and its political and economic project, then the unpleasant display of the brute force that lies at the core of power is rendered luckily unnecessary. Should it happen however that society threatens to diverge from the script deemed acceptable by the needs of Capital, we are then quickly shown just how secondary „democracy“ is when it contradicts the needs of the market. Nowhere was this more obvious than in Greece over the last months, where the State simply decided to beat and tear gas „austerity“ into a people who refused to bow. And when finally Greek PM Papandreou, either in an act of political desperation or in a moment of rare honesty and clarity, dared to suggest holding a referendum on the question of Greeces economic bailout, the European political class erupted in a cacophony of shock, dismay, and outrage. Scandalous…that in the birthplace of „democracy,“ it should be the people themselves who are involved in a decision regarding their future. As if they knew anything?!

Citizens lamenting the loss of good old democracy, while others try to criticize the repressive measures of the state by policing themselves…and explaining that no militant acts would have taken place.

Thus it should come as no big surprise that when the „Blockupy“ campaign called for actions, demonstrations, cultural events, and a protest camp in the city of Frankfurt from May 16th to 19th, the German state chose not to watch idly from the sidelines, letting democratic expression unfold. Fearing that indeed, the land might have by now become so dry that even in the belly of the beast „a single spark could start a prairie fire,“ they threw the entire weight of the States repressive apparatus at all those planning to demonstrate. First, they forbid all gatherings (with the exception of the main demonstration on Saturday). Then, the Frankfurt police sent letters to all those who had been arrested at a previous anti-capitalist demonstration in Frankfurt in which they were informed that they were forbidden from entering the Frankfurt inner city for the days of the planned protests. This move effectively cancels the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, stripping people who have been convicted of no crime of their „right“ to demonstrate. And finally, they began stopping busses carrying activists from other cities from even entering the city, and handing all passengers in the busses written prohibitions from entering the city of Frankfurt. Once again, the „rights“ of democracy only apply to those who hold convenient opinions.

Cops evicting a square in Frankfurt, because democracy is only for those with nothing to say. Meanwhile, demonstrators chant „we are peaceful, and what are you?“ because apparently the issue here is not economics or the future shape of society, but rather who is more peaceful.

As if on cue, the next act in this somewhat sad and repetitive play will be the outrage of the left, which will once again put on display some of its most unattractive aspects. There will be, and already has been, much talk about what an overreaction this is on the part of the police and the State, much complaining about the violence both systematic (prohibitions and such) and raw (cops hurting people), and much proclaiming to the four winds that the demonstrations are peaceful. These are the arguments of victimization and self-defeat. Or, had the actions taken a militant and confrontational tone, would we then also be in favor of forbidding them? Is there any more virtue given to the content of our critique because we are in the position of weakness, of being those with the bloodied heads and the poltical trials in our future? Should we really be appealing for more „rights,“ concessions, or permits from the system and the State we want to abolish?

Those who still argue like this continue to not understand the true nature of power. There never was and never will be common ground between revolutionaries and the powers that be, and there never was and never will be a road to real, lasting emancipatory change which does not sooner or later take you outside of the framework of what is the accepted conflict range of dissent. Morality, politics, and groveling for the good will of public opinion are best left to politicians and political parties. Anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and revolutionaries will only have what we take and what we create. There is no justice. There is just us.


          Across the globe battles erupt between the state/corporate world and the people, to those who don't know their history it always seems like a new war, a blip in the system, something that will soon be sorted out and then we can all get back to "normality". However to those who do know their history, the battles are the "normality" it is just another battle in the same long war for the freedom to control our own life. A struggle that will continue until there is no state/corporate system exploiting the ordinary people. The battles come in many a guise, it can be strikes as the corporate world tries to extort extra profit from the workers. It can be protests against government policy as it tries to placate its corporate masters. It can be wars as the various power blocks seek to defend their segment or try to expand. No matter what, it is the ordinary people who are at the receiving end of the pain.
         We should always remember our history it is the voice of those who have struggled before you in the same cause, telling you of the dangers, the pitfalls, the victories. it is a cry for freedom.

An extract from On History, Repression and the infinite:
The Mexican Guerrilla and Forgetfulness
History tells us that the Nazis cleansed Berlin of Jews in the days leading up to 1936 Summer Olympics. Before everyone arrived from abroad, the Jews had been pushed out of sight, the brutality and pogroms hidden away. The city was brightened, the roads were cleaned, and the shops were open. Three years earlier, Hitler had presided over May Day celebrations, having successfully hijacked the ideas of socialism and revolution from the Marxists, many of whom also happened to be Jews. In 1945, Hitler killed himself and had his body burnt. The war he started before his death consigned the world to its current fate of authoritarian domination. Long after he died, the SS patrolled the streets and Nazi rockets filled the sky.

In 1968, the students of Mexico City (DF) began boarding buses and handing out literature, marching in the streets against the PRI government, and withstanding heavy assaults by the police. They fought to free their imprisoned friends, to keep beauty alive, and to destroy the capitalist terror around them. They were executed in cold rooms after defending the occupied UNAM, the wandered drunkenly down Insurgentes knowing their future was gone, they fucked in dirty bathrooms knowing the world was against them, and they witnessed the tumultuous expansion of the world revolutionary Geist before their intoxicated eyes. Some of them were part of the Anarchist International, although we may never know to what extent.
Ten days prior to the opening of the 1968 Mexico City Summer Olympics, the PRI government sent a group of paramilitaries called the Olympic Brigade to liquidate the student movement. The Brigade was created to cleanse the city and erase all unwanted disturbance. In the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, hundreds of students were killed outright, their blood and life and beauty permanently staining the dry ground of the capitol.
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