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Posts tagged Greece


        Now as the financial Mafia put the boot in to the Greek people, it is impossible to even attempt to hold onto the thinest veneer of the illusion of democracy. Day by day the state comes down harder and harder on any form of dissent, more and more the gap between the people and "their" government grows ever wider. The powers that be don't even like to be seen in public, it only generates bad publicity for them. The so called elected representatives of the people don't want to have anything to do with the people, it is all corporate finance that matters.
            We should never lose sight of the fact that how the state acts in Greece is not unique to Greece. As austerity bites here and in other countries across Europe, each state will take the necessary action to force through the dictates of the Troika, that collection of vultures, leeches and parasites in the form of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) ECB (European Corrupt Banksters) and the EC (Endemic Corruption). Make no mistake, they are the rulers of Europe, the elected governments are there to manage the Troika's plans for the creation of a European sweatshop economy to compete with their Eastern rivals. 

This from the Greek Streets:
    Today the text of the 3rd memorandum of agreement eliminating public provisions was released. Simultaneously today, one day after the arrest of a journalist for releasing a list of tax-dodgers,  a young man was arrested in Corfu island because he published in his web-blog  photos of police officers having very friendly encounters with neo-Nazis. Earlier in the morning the management of the state TV channel (ERT) announced that from tomorrow the presenters of its morning news show are going to be replaced. The reason is that the two journalists commented on the attitude of the Minister of  Citizen Protection (police) who was threatening that will sue foreign newspapers  for writing that the anti-Nazi activists were tortured in the Police HQ. The two journalists were discussing about the coroner’s diagnosis which was released confirming that proper torturing of the 15 anti-Nazi activists did occur in the police HQ.
More from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ:
    Perhaps it is appropriate that Thessaloniki, which this weekend celebrated the 100th anniversary of its liberation from the Ottoman Empire looked like a city under siege. For three days the centre of Greece's second largest city was the objects of draconian security measures designed to avoid a repetition of last year's peaceful protests which closed down the annual military parade and forced the president of the republic to flee.
      Mindful of the fact that the event lead to the resignation of the then prime minister, Giorgos Papandreou just weeks later the current political leadership decided to make sure last year's events were not repeated.
    As a result 2,000 extra police were drafted to protect prime minister Antonis Samaras and president Karolos Papoulias as they visited Thessaloniki over the weekend. The security measures for the Oxi Day parade were so tight that no even the parents of high school pupils taking part were allowed within the 1 km “dead zone” that surrounded the VIP stand and effectively isolated the parade from the vast majority of citizens who'd turned out to follow it.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.


      Spain has the highest rate of unemployment in the EU, at present it stands at above 25% and rising, its economy is shrinking rapidly, and still the financial Mafia want more "austerity" heaped on the people. When is enough, enough?
This from International Journal of Socialist Renewal:

By Dick Nichols, Barcelona
       October 28, 2012 – Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The economic, social and territorial crisis in the Spanish state is morphing into a crisis of the two-party system that has provided Popular Party (PP) or Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) administrations for the last 30 years. Basque, Catalan and Galician nationalist forces (left and right), and the United Left (IU) and Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) parties are gaining support. However, only a brave gambler would put serious money on the future evolution of this crisis. While the two-party set-up has been severely weakened, a replacement party with enough popular support to impose a different solution has yet to emerge.
       Some contrasting numbers from the latest Metroscopia polls point to some contradictions in popular attitudes that help understand why.
        First, the actions and leaderships of the PP and PSOE have hit levels of disapproval never seen before. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy inspires little or no confidence in 84%, including in 64% of PP voters. PSOE opposition leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba inspires little or no confidence in 90%, including in 77% of PSOE voters.

ann arky's home.


       The financial Mafia under the mob name of "the Troika" are putting the boot into the Greek people with the latest "Memorandum of understanding" between the troika and the Greek government. What this "agreement" does is remove the Greek government from governing Greece and authorises them as managers for the troika, and lays down a series of conditions that it must perform or they will push the country to bankruptcy allowing the entire Greek country to be plundered and pillaged by the said financial Mafia and their corporate fascist friends. A people are being sacrificed on the altar of corporate financial greed. What is more, is that what they are doing to the Greek people is on the agenda for other countries in Europe. Spain is tottering on the brink, Italy is slipping over the edge, Portugal is losing its foothold, others are not far behind, and the abyss is waiting. All this misery and deprivation for the welfare and well being of the banks and bond markets. To the financial mafia their money cow must be saved, at any price. Under these brutal circumstances the people have the right to self-defense, the more brutal the assault, the more brutal the response needs to be, it is their lives and the future of their kids lives that are at stake. 
This from The Greek Streets:

Full text of the third “memorandum of understanding” between the troika and the greek government

Monday, October 29, 2012

     As the rumours regarding the voting in of the new memorandum in the present week intensify, the agreement’s full text has now become available online. The greek text is here.
     Key points include (list to be updated!)
    - Should the targets in the health sector not be met in the first two months, it is possible for cost participation waiving to be cancelled out for everyone, including cancer patients.
    - From mid-2013 on, the Public Power Corporation (DEI) will rapidly increase its charges, while all special rates for the most sensitive parts of the population will cease to exist. As of June 2013, the PPC will be unable to offer any kind of settlement to its clients regarding their bills – something that any private corporation is permitted to do.

Open publication - Free publishing

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    I know that I bore the shit out of you by going on about Greece, I can hear you say, "Not Greece again". But as far as I'm concerned, if you want to fly a kite, you have to know which way the wind is blowing, and Greece is telling us that.
    The following extract is from an article by Paul Mason, the full article is well worth a read. History can tell us so much and allow us to be ready and get organised to take control of events, rather than let others and/or the events take control of us.

      Of all the operas written during Germany's Weimar Republic (1919-33), probably the most haunting is the last. Kurt Weill's The Silver Lake, written with playwright Georg Kaiser, tells the story of two losers - a good-hearted provincial cop and the thief he has shot and wounded - as they make their way through a society ruined by unemployment, corruption and vice.
      After spending a week again in Greece - amid riots, hunger and far right violence - I finally understood it.
     The opera was meant to be Weill's path back into the mainstream. It was his first break from collaborating with Bertolt Brecht, and was scheduled to open simultaneously in three German cities on 18 February 1933. But on 30 January Adolf Hitler was appointed Germany's chancellor. The first performances of The Silver Lake were disrupted by Nazi activists in the audience and on 4 March 1933 it was banned. The score was torched, together with its set designs, in the infamous book-burning ceremony outside the opera house in Berlin.
The full article is well worth the read HERE:

ann arky's home.


      There is something rotten at the heart of the state. It is a system of repression, corruption, hypocrisy, greed, and stinks the air we breathe.
This from The Greek Streets:

Journalist Vaxevanis was just arrested after publicizing the list of Greek taxdodgers

       Today is national day in Greece, forces of police and military police are guarding the army parades and the governmental politicians who will are watching them. At the same time, police one hour ago raided the house of a journalist who published a list with Greek tax-dodgers two days ago. The list that the  journalist Costas Vaxevanis published was available to the Minister of Economics for a couple of years now, who had decided to keep it secret and take no more actions.
       Greece, but it could be any where in the Western world, like I said, there is something rotten at the heart of the state.

ann arky's home.


      This is an email I received recently and think it is worth posting to give it as much publicity as possible. I hope you all do likewise.


I would like to bring a new project to your attention. We are journalists based in Greece, and we have created a new blog, "Reports from the Edge of Borderline Democracy".

We will be posting some shorter texts, opinion pieces etc, but the main effort is to publish extensive reports, in English, on issues affecting politics and society in Greece, so they are as accessible as possible around the world.

You can see our first report on the rise of Golden Dawn, Greece's neonazi party that is rapidly rising, here:

If you like the idea, we would like to ask you to spread the word as much as possible, particularly to non-Greek speakers in other countries.

Best regards,
*Augustine Zenakos*

*Reports from the Edge of Borderline Democracy<>
ann arky's home.


    Not been paid for three months and then being put on part-time 20 hours a week at €200 a month, that's capitalism IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) style for you.

This from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ:

Unpaid for three months - 

shop assistants in Fokas department store protest


       Employees at the Fokas department stores, one of the most well-known retail outlets in Greece taking part in a 24 hour strike over unpaid wages dating back to June. In addition according to Union of Shop Workers, the company is in the process of replacing full time positions with part time ones paying just 200 Euros a month for a 20 hour week.
       (200 euros a month is just enough to cover rent on a modest one room apartment in the poorest parts of Thessaloniki.)

ann arky's home.


       It could be Germany in the mid-1930's, but no, this is Greece 2012. Rampant neo-nazis backed up by the police beating up immigrants and all opposition to the state. Street violence is the last resort of any repressive regime in an attempt to break any opposition, organisation and resistance to the powers that be. It is not confined to Greece, all states have used violence to break the public's resistance and they will all use it again if and when they feel the need. So let's not be complacent and think that it can only happen over there somewhere. Read your history and look at the present, it is coming to a city near you.

ann arky's home.


       The plundering of the public purse by the financial Mafia and the resultant misery that falls on the ordinary people, forces people in all different directions. Some stay on the belief that things can only get better, others decide to stay and fight for something better, while others cut that bound with friends and family and leave for some foreign land. None of these options are easy, all inflict misery and hardship, some physical, others emotional, some both.
Another excellent article from Teacher Dude's Grill and BBQ.  

Is the European experiment grinding to halt? 

      Earlier this morning I got a call from a friend, saying that she'd found a job but I was at a loss whether to congratulate her or not, as she will not only leave her country but her two young children as well. For the next nine months my friend will be teaching English at a private school in the Gulf States. In doing so she'll be following a path trailed by many other friends and acquaintances over the last few years.
     Her children will remain here to be looked after by grandparents for the duration, a story reminiscent of the sacrifices that many Greeks were obliged to make in the 60's and 70's as guest workers who went north to find jobs in the booming economies of northern Europe and especially in German factories then powering the country's export led economic miracle.
     As with so many other Greeks six years of recession has forced my friend to consider working abroad as the only alternative to a slow slide into poverty at home so repeating a story that has been told and re-told so often here over the last 100 years. However, this latest generation is both luckier and unluckier than their parents and forebears.
Continue Reading HERE:

ann arky's home.


     There is the possibility of a pan-European general strike on November 14, if so, what then? Will it be a display to show our lords and masters how angry we are, and if they don't throw us a few more crumbs, we will cause them more inconvenience? Or will it be a decision by the people to change the structure of our society, to stop feeding the parasite banksters and their greed driven billionaire corporate friends. Will the people really take control and set about creating a society based on the needs of all our people, and send the party political system along with the profit motive, to the dustbin of history? Four countries, Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Cyprus have already drawn up plans for a general strike on November 14 with unions in France and Italy considering adding their numbers. 
      A pan-European general strike could be a golden opportunity to bring down this system of exploitation, greed, poverty and deprivation, and build that better world of federated communities based on co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability. Of course a one day general strike will be no more than a midgie bite to the corporate beast that sits on our shoulders. At the end of day of marching, speeches and flag waving, it will be deflating to the thousands that took part, as all they will get is promises of perhaps, a slower squeezing, and pie in the sky in the bye and bye, and more of the same for the foreseeable future.
      If this pan-European strike does go ahead, it has to be of an indeterminate time, with the one aim of bring an end to the foul system that has wreak havoc across generations and continents. To expend all that energy for nothing more than a better crust, with the possibility that it could be taken away again when the next "crisis" hits the system, isn't really worth the effort. It is that moment, it is all or nothing at all.

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