Posts by Abby Martin

Libertarianism and Anti-oppression

You may have seen the, *ahem* controversial LP ad on Facebook, but here’s the link in case you missed it.

Firstly, I’m really happy that Association of Libertarian Feminists exists for these sorts of reasons. AFL has done an amazing job at exposing libertarians to feminist ideology. If libertarians want libertarianism to be taken seriously, we need to listen to the criticisms of our fellow libertarians first– specifically regarding cultural/social issues. Skimming through the comments in the AFL threads, regarding the sexist LP ads, I was almost reminded of “why I became left-libertarian”, but remembered this is also a problem I keep running into within libertarian circles in general.

The few times the ALL Facebook page has posted about feminism (to my knowledge), it didn’t go quite well. I’ve been attacked for sharing feminist view points in threads where, I found some people (they may or may not have been left-libertarian) denying the existence of rape culture, patriarchy, etc. But libertarian feminism, unlike other feminist schools, is not one-sided. It’s important to understand that. I’m willing to hear any non-feminist perspective so long as my viewpoint is also respected and heard as well. I think most libertarian feminists would agree. I’m concerned that libertarianism cannot grow if it doesn’t acquire more female membership. Before we can do that, however, we need to be respectful of females in the movement by letting their voices be heard. This includes letting libertarian women talk about individualist feminism, without dismissing their opinions.

I think the LP ads (which were equatable to Sports Illustrated magazine covers) are embarrassing. It represents an unspoken culture within the libertarian movement. Yes, people should be free to think and act so long as they are not using force against others. But I’m not apologizing for sexism.

I feel the issue with libertarianism is its failure to emphasize anti-oppression polices, in exchange for some “freedom of speech”/”individual liberty” sort of notion. I’m no longer okay with supporting a notion that has bred a culture of sexism and racism within the history of libertarianism, as it’s something we continue to see today.

Personally I feel radicalism is the future of libertarianism– and if we want a more diverse membership that means adopting anti-oppression polices like that of other radical movements. As a left-libertarian, I refuse to build an alliance with this sort of gross apologist sentiment being ignored. I know my ALLies would agree that something needs to be done in order to keep this away from left-libertarian circles. Emphasizing both individual liberty and anti-oppression is not only doable, it’s necessary.

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Join Tar Sands Blockade!

Perhaps some of you in the area have heard about the environmental campaign Tar Sands Blockade. For those who don’t know about Tar Sands Blockade here’s a summary I pulled from the website:


A coalition of climate justice activists are converging from across the continent with local organizers and landowners to put a final stop to the Keystone XL pipeline in Texas.

Tar sands giant TransCanada has begun construction on the southern leg of the Keystone XL.

TransCanada has used money to influence elected representatives and to intimidate landowners, rural communities, and jeopardize the environment. The Tar Sands Blockade is calling on you to join one of our rolling actions to shut this pipeline down.

The action is committed to non-violence, and is using direct action to physically stop the pipeline. As both a pledge to protecting private property rights and our environment, I feel left-libertarians should be aware of Tar Sands and how it really highlights some key principles put forth by ALL.

The campaign is in day 37 of their fight against the pipeline. They need help and support to keep this going as long as it takes to win! DFW ALL fully supports our friends with Tar Sands Blockade and wants to see this pipeline defeated!

Follow their twitter for updates, and “like” the TSB Facebook page.

Join the Action, donate or find out other ways to help.

More about the pipeline and why you should oppose it:

Why Oppose the Keystone XL pipeline?

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SFL Dallas Regional Conference Hosts Ally James Tuttle

This Saturday, October 13th, The Students for Liberty Dallas Regional Conference will be held at the University of North Texas for the second year in a row. In 2011, Left-Rothbardian and ALLy, Sheldon Richman was a keynote speaker at this same conference. This year we will be hosting James Tuttle, Director of C4SS, making for an even bigger left-libertarian presence– quite possibly the biggest in SFL history!

From the SFL website:

James Tuttle is a left-libertarian anarcho-ostromite, the Director for the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS), an occasional Instructor for the C4SS Stateless University Course: Introduction to Anarchism – Bravo Section, a Co-organizer for the Tulsa Anarchist Meetup, a Co-Editor of the left-libertarian zine ALLiance Journal, a Friend of Corvus Editions, and a proud Delegate of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Among the 21 partner organizations tabling at the conference, 3 of these will be left-libertarian organizations! DFW Alliance of the Libertarian Left, Students for a Stateless Society OU & UNT, and James Tuttle’s table will be our C4SS presence at the conference. This weekend will be a key opportunity to radicalize libertarians by speaking about left-libertarian theory, selling zines/radical literature, and acting as an alternative to mainstream thought for students and attendees interested in libertarian philosophy.

Tuttle’s lecture on “Radical Labor” seems like the perfect topic for this sort of event, “radicalism is the only thing that can determine whether or not libertarianism is the future or just apologetics for the status quo.” Which leads me to believe conferences like these are the best place for a strong left-libertarian presence.

If you want to register there is still time!

Visit the SFL website for more details on the conference and directions to the university, linked above.

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C4SS: Students for a Stateless Society (re)Introduced

The C4SS post is up!

James Tuttle:

We at C4SS would like to offer and (re)introduce S4SS, the Students for a Stateless Society.

The Quebec student strikes have offered us new insights and confirmed old ones. A robust and pre-existingpolitical culture– student or not, student and not – is not sufficient, but certainly conducive to building, mobilizing and sustaining a confrontational political strategy – and the use of swarm protests is not only cool, but an effective display of open-source resiliency.

With S4SS, our goal is to develop a networked structure that will allow for maximum autonomy while fostering maximum inter/intra-chapter participation, communication, and coordination.

All power to the affinity groups!

Leaning on Elinor Ostrom’s Design Principles for Collective Action we have decided to try the following organizational orientation:

The Students for a Stateless Society (S4SS) agree to the following four design principles:

1. “Student” does not mean subservient, submissive, or subordinate. A student is anyone who desires knowledge. A student can be either a teacher or a learner.

2. A stateless society is anarchy. Students have a right to contribute to and have a voice in the institutions they participate or constitute. As anarchists we will actively pursue and support hierarchy dissolving and mutual aid projects. Our time as students is not a time of passivity or mindless discipline, but a time for activity and creativity.

3. S4SS spaces are safe and valued spaces. We are dedicated to not only identifying agents of aggression, but dissolving institutions of oppression.

4. All chapters of S4SS, to be considered active, must have at least one volunteer “point of contact” that can be reached by interested students or encouraging chapters. There is no limit to the number of S4SS chapters that can be on any one campus – swarm and take over!

If S4SS sounds like a project that you would like to support or set up in your area, then see if one of the active S4SS chapters is near your campus or register your own.

And again, swarm and take over!

The S4SS UNT chapter will hopefully help in building a bigger community of left-libertarians in the DFW area with ALL and The Black Cat Collective. I would encourage other existing or prospective chapters to look to local collectives for a resource as well. And of course, if you are lucky enough to have one in your area, ALL.

This will be an exciting project to follow as more chapters are launched and S4SS develops in size, scope, and influence.

Help make S4SS as well known as YAL and SFL!

Link this post or the C4SS post on your blog or Facebook. If you’re a student, start a chapter!

To quote James at C4SS once more– swarm and takeover!

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Students for a Stateless Society UNT

The reemergence of S4SS is here!

Students for a Stateless Society, a C4SS project, was initially launched in May 2011, but has been inactive for some time. Two new chapters have recently been launched– one at OU and one here in DFW at UNT in Denton.

Goals and chapter outlines are still in the works and will likely post on C4SS soon. What is currently known, at least for now, is that C4SS hopes to be a helpful resource to all students in existing and prospective chapters.

Updates will be posted here, as well as the S4SS website, as the reintroduction of S4SS develops and the UNT chapter continues to grow. Check out the S4SS UNT facebook group to learn more about S4SS in the DFW area.

Students who wish to start their own S4SS chapter can register here.


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