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November 2012

Game-Review: Doom 3 BFG Edition

Doom 3 BFG Edition

Doom 3 war damals, 2004, ein echter Schauerkracher. Präzise Berechnung von Lichteffekten, konstante Anspannung und ein vor Horror nur so triefendes Abenteuer. Sowohl technisch als auch atmosphärisch war und ist Doom 3 bis heute ein Meilenstein des Horrorshooters. Und Doom 3 hatte weiß Gott keine einfache Zeit zu seinem Release, wenige Monate später erschien das Göttergeschenk Half Life 2.
Jetzt erscheint ein Remake des Klassikers. Kann es mit dem Mythos mithalten und macht es heute noch Spaß? Weiterlesen!

8 Jahre ist es her, dass wir das letzte Mal auf Mars City gelandet sind. Wieder fällt uns die raue Oberfläche auf, die harten Marines und die konstante Anspannung in der Luft. Ja, es ist wieder Zeit die Tore der Hölle zu öffnen und dem Teufel selbst unseren Stiefel in den Arsch zu jagen.

Erwartet bloß keine Grafikgranate. Visuell unterscheidet sich die BFG-Edition nicht wirklich vom Original. Hier und da sind Texturen schärfer, in Full-HD siehts auch nett aus. Zusätzlich soll die Physik etwas überarbeitet worden sein – aber es ist keinefalls ein 2012er Titel im visuellen Sinne! Das soll aber nicht heißen, dass es sich nicht gut hält – das tut es außergewöhnlich tut. Für sein Alter sieht es angenehm aus und spielt sich auch so.

Inhaltlich wurde wenig verändert. Inzwischen ist die Taschenlampe fest montiert, was gleichzeitiges Leuchten und Schießen ermöglicht. Zudem wurden mehr Munition und Medikits verteilt.

Hey there, lil Buddy

Es erwartet den Spieler eine ultimative Doom-Trilogie. Enthalten ist das volle Paket: Doom 3 + Addon und einige unveröffentlichte “Lost Levels”. Als besonderes Schmankerl sind auch noch Doom 1 und Doom 2 vorhanden. Diese lassen sich angenehm spielen und haben den Original Soundtrack. Ungewohnt für den Einen oder Anderen wird allerdings die fehlende Y-Achse sein, sprich: Man kann nur nach rechts oder links zielen.
Ein enormer Dämpfer ist die (notwendige) Nutzung der Zensurschere an diesem Werk. Die an Wolfenstein angelehnten Level von Doom 2 sowohl einige Inhalte von Doom 3 sind geändert worden. Bei Ersterem geschah das auf Großflächige Art und Weise: Alle Bezüge zum Nationalsozialismus wurden gestrichen und die Gegner zu normalen Soldaten gemacht. Weniger der Inhalt tut weh, sondern mehr das Grundlegende: Es fehlt etwas. Aber diese Zensur war natürlich notwendig und gerechtfertigt, schließlich ist die Verwendung dieser Bilder verfassungswidrig. Allerdings wurde diese Zensur International ausgebreitet und es gibt keine “komplette” ungeschnittene Version. Diesen Fakt misst man die Wichtigkeit des deutschen Marktes für Bethesda zu.

Fazit: You get what you see. Der Käufer erhält eine minimal verbesserte Version von Doom 3, alle Addons und die Vorgänger. Für den Preis von 30€ verschmerzbar und ein guter Deal für alle, die etwas nachzuholen haben.
Die Leute, die alle Teile besitzen / gespielt haben, ist es nur bedingt lohnenswert!

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Pizza von gestern erwärmen.

Ich kenne die Technik schon eine Weile und hab es nun endlich mal geschafft sie zu testen. Wenn Pizza eine negative Eigenschaft hat wäre es wohl die, dass fast immer ein Stück übrig bleibt und über Nacht im Karton dahinvegetiert nur um darauf zu warten am nächsten Tag noch einmal angebissen und weggeworfen zu werden. Die Pizza sollte nach Stunden eher kalt und recht trocken daherkommen. Der saftige Geschmacksmischung aus Sauce, Käse, Teig und Belag hat sich inzwischen zu Fade entwickelt wobei das Käsearoma noch teilweise recht penetrant durchwirkt. Nicht wirklich toll, gebt es zu! Eine mögliche Lösung ist das Aufwärmen in der Mikrowelle, allerdings wird die Pizze auch hier nicht mehr saftig und der Geschmack lässt auch zu wünschen übrig.

Also was tun? Richtig, wir werfen die letzten Stücken der Pizza einfach in eine leere erhitzte Pfanne und stellen den Herd ungefähr auf Mittel. Meine Pizza war eine tiefgekühlte Wagner Big Pizza Boston, die beste Tiefkühlpizza auf dem Planeten, vielleicht auch in der Milchstraße. Über Nacht war meine Pizze im Kühlschrank und hat dann auch dementsprechend lang gebraucht um in der Pfanne heiß  zu werden. Es müssen so ungefähr zehn bis zwölf Minuten gewesen sein. Plus minus. Ich sag das einfach mal, da ich wirklich vermute, dass Pizza die direkt aus dem Karton kommt weniger Zeit benötigen könnte.

Die Pizza an sich ist schön durchgewärmt worden, schön knusprig im Rant und auf der Unterseite und vor allem gut saftig und lecker vom Belagt her. Jeder sollte seine Pizza so erhitzen, scheiß auf kalt essen. Es gibt keine bessere Art Pizza neu warm zu machen, vertraut mir! Ausprobieren, relaxen. ;-) 4

Ps.: Zieht euch auch die Foodwishes Videos auf Youtube rein. Sind ein paar super leckere Rezepte dabei!

Sunny Day Real Estate // Pillars

Sunny Day Real Estate // Pillars


      Why is the Greek government pushing for more austerity measures when the people of Greece have already seen their living standard devastated and poverty, and deprivation swamps the country? Will the bailout that it gets after inflicting even more misery and hardship on the people of Greece, go to the Greek people to help them? The answer is of course a resounding NO. The money will go back to the financial Mafia, to the bond markets and to the banksters. So to my simple logic, the only reason for the bailout is that if the Greek government doesn't get a bailout, the banksters will suffer as well as the people, with the bailout only the people suffer. It seems however that the people of Crete have decided to strangle the beast that devours their living standards.
This from The Greek Streets:

Heraklion, Crete: as the Parliament in Athens votes in further austerity cuts, a city shows the way forward for the struggle

At the same time that in Athens the new measures were voted in parliament and the protest outside was hit by repression and rain, some remarkable events in Heraklion, Crete show how the struggle against the memorandums can be intensified. At tonight’s demo in the city, more than 10,000 people took part – including an anarchist block of approximately 800.
The even more astonishing events took place after the demo though, where a mass Popular Assembly decided the following:
  • To block off the city’s economic activity (not on a symbolic level) by blocking off tax offices and the bank of greece at 7 AM on Thursday.
  • Meanwhile, the Labor Union of Heraklion called for another 24h strike tomorrow, to facilitate workers’ participation in the blockade. The strike was called following the pressure of anarchists and leftists present at the Popular Assembly.
  • The occupation of the administrative building of the Periphery of Crete (the administrative HQ for the entire island) continues.
  • Finally, the Assembly will produce a call-out for workers and unemployed across the country to take similar action.

ann arky's home.

in any way ever

i think there is plenty of room to compromise between the dems and reps. both of them can agree that there should be no serious efforts to restrain the deficit in any way ever. to infinity and beyond!

Categories: Politics
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Mark Lanegan Band – 4AD Session

Mark Lanegan Band - 4AD Session

2012 US Presidential Election

Blah blah blah. So a Kenyan/Irish Mooselem named Barack HUSSEIN O’Bama won and a Mormon named Mitt Romney (Hail! Satan!) lost. But how did all the other candidates fare hmmm? Less than 0.1% for these hopefuls: 1. Jack Fellure (519) … Continue reading

run your revolution like it’s sesame street

somehow we have returned to the era of mind-numbing pc horseshit. so the syrian opposition generates a new leadership. headline here? no women. as your village is shelled and your mom explodes, i'd be appointing a commission on pay equity. as far as i'm concerned, they can sit there and die until they get to 17% lesbians. how many latinos in the leadership of the syrian revolution? surely these people can be made to understand the importance of tokenism to the war effort.

by the way, i would definitely remove your children from your custody if you permit them to watch ss. here i make a serious assertion: sesame street  is the worst children's show ever, and quite a plausible candidate for the very worst television show of any sort. sesame street completely misconstrues the nature of childhood, not to speak of the nature of television. not every minute has to be another minute of fake play to teach; and we can do more for our kids than try to manufacture them as democrats. childhood is intrinsically, not just instrumentally, valuable, and if the point is that you'll never know how i or the corporation for public broadcasting actually formed your consciousness because you'll be under the delusion that you're having fun; oh, think again and feel more fully. I'm not sure you really want to entirely break down the distincton between entertainment and manipulation, but at least it doesn't work very well: the thing is as entertaining as a migraine. it's helping you model extreme insincerity, though. fortunately the ideas and values and characters are so blank that even though your three-your-old might be chanting along to the numbers again, it's going to be nothing compared to his discovery of something actual, like sponge bob say. really key to parenting: ask yourself, how can i manipulate my children to do and believe and say what someone told me they're supposed to, while all the time cleverly pretending to play with them? this is key to preparing your great love/little sucker for the college admissions process. where is bashar al-assad with his helicopter gunships when you need him? for episode 18 billion or whatever they're up to this week i want the whole cast down there in his state-of-the-art torture/education facility, forced to count from 11 to 20 and not recycle. the opposition to assad on sesame street will be evanescent. but it will be diverse.

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Bad Brains – Into the Future (New!)

Bad Brains - Into the Future (New!)

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Here he comes, to save the day…

I've been reading bits and pieces of Louise Michel's novels, as part of a larger project to get a general sense of what's out there, and naturally with some eye to what might be worth translating in the future. One of the titles I've been looking at today is a massive work, Le Bâtard Impérial, co-written with Jean Winter and published in 1883. One of the major plot-lines of the novel involves Yvan, who has been an executioner in Russian prisoners, and who, through a plot twist that seems to involve mistaken identities and one of Michel's favorite plot devices, the topsy-turvy logic of the legal and prison systems, ends up on the run. At one point, he is close to being dragged down and eaten by by rats, while trying to manage his escape through the sewers. And then a familiar figure appears:
The final victory, with a cadaver for prize, would remain inevitably with the rats.
Suddenly the cover of the sewer lifted, a human head appeared at the edge of the opening and shouted to Yvan:
— Hold on, I am with you!
At the same time the unknown discharged two pistols in the sewer whose vaults repeated the detonations with an appalling din.
Dazzled and blinded by the light, panicked by the noise, the rats, except for some brave sorts, let go, and plunged into the refuse.
It was time!
Yvan felt himself failing, his blood flowing from a hundred wounds.
The struggle had become unequal.
— Give me your hand, said the stranger Yvan.
— Here it is, said the executioner.
— Come on, you are save!
— I wouldn’t hope.
— Wretch! Don’t you know that the sewers are inaccessible at this moment?
— I was there quite against my will.
— You just escaped from the underground prisons of the Kremlin.
— Not at all.
Well, if you do not want to admit, it does not matter. Besides, I do not ask you for your secrets and only ask you to believe that I am notthe Moscow police.
— So much the better.
— You see that you are one of the prisoners of the castle.
— I don’t understand.
— You are the fifth that have escaped in a month.
— Despite the rats?
— Despite the rats.
— It is not possible.
— But if, if, with much courage for example.
Get me out of here, my head is spinning.
Poor wretch, you faint! cried the unknown. Yvan responded with a deep sigh.
— Well, he added, we will understand each other better soon. For the moment it is enough to have saved a man.
And seizing Yvan’s wrist with a herculean strength, he pulled him from the ladder and deposited him on the ground.
Some rats, surprised to see themselves brought into the light outside, let themselves fall back into the muck. The others, the starving hung tight.
Arriving in daylight, Yvan fell on his knees and rolled in a heap on the pavement.
He no longer had a human face.
His face covered in blood and mud, cut by the cruel bites, was unrecognizable, one of his eyes, pierced, formed a great black cavity under his left eyebrow and his torn and punctured ears hung in shreds on his shoulders dripping with blood.
Some rats still gnawed away at that human creature. The stranger grasped them and crushed them one after another.
Yvan had just paid cruelly for the murder of the innocent Paula and the theft of little Paul Vladimir.
And without the stranger he would be dead like the general.
That stranger was named Bakunin. Tall, robust, with a splendid, that young man presented the Russian type in all is purity and all its force.
He did not know what to do with regard to Yvan.
The giant lay on the ground like an inert mass, defeated by a brutal force similar to that whichhad struck down another helpless creature, poor Paula.
The rats had been as cowardly towards Yvan as his accomplices had been towards Paula.
Bakunin contemplated him with a questioning look.
— He did not come from the prisons of the castle, he said to himself, so he is with the Sophia!
This is perhaps one of our most relentless enemies. I have a good mind to give him to the rats.
Yvan uttered a cry of pain.
Bakunin, absorbed by his thoughts, continued his monologue aloud without paying any attention to him.

[Working translation by Shawn P. Wilbur]