Protected: Christmas Concerts, 2007

i was able to captured #1 Daughter’s school Christmas Concert, but where we sat for her Nutcracker performance didn’t really allow for me dragging in one of my decent lenses, and the Moscow Ballet is rather stringent on the “no photography” issue, so i declined to go there. #1 Son, apparently, would not have been very happy with me if i had shot his choir concert, either, but his grandfather did. if those photos are provided to us digitally, i’ll get them up here so we can embarrass #1 Son, who really has no reason to be embarrassed at all.

obviously, i need to get a little point-and-click with a decent zoom lens, where i can shut off the back screen and any other lights so i can illegally photograph her dance performances. that, or a nicely compact extreme telephoto lens i can put on something like the D70. bah.

at any rate, these are from #1 Daughter’s Christmas Concert on December 4, 2007. she’s quite the ham, isn’t she? once i figured out where they were, i tried to capture some of the neighbor kids as well, but that really wasn’t my focus, of course.

on to the photos…

Tuesday’s Child is Full of Grace

i hadn’t intended on writing this morning, actually. in fact, i had made a pact with myself last night to be even more diligent in regards to client services and to spend more time treating my clients right, then right off the bat, i discovered i was out of space on my Epson P-5000 [eek! product plug!], which i use as the primary backup device for my shoots, and it was time for me to archive it. which essentially means i’ll have two drives tied up for the better part of two hours, and unfortunately, doing any heavy processor work on images during the transfer runs the risk of screwing up the files that are being copied and the files that are being worked on. so, i’m switching my workflow around a little bit today and blogging while doing the boring stuff, instead of getting into the photo processing first.

But back to the title. that old Mother Goose rhyme always wigged me out as a kid, because i don’t think it’s really indicative of any personal condition of anyone in particular. to refresh your memories, here’s the whole thing:

Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go.
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
Is fair and wise and good and gay.”

so, let’s see how much that fits the people i know:

heck, let’s start with me. i was born on a Wednesday. damn, that’s not a good way to start. is it accuracy or coincidence? probably the latter. but, i’m not always woeful, and in fact, i’m not even usually woeful. aren’t we all prone to woefulness from time to time? but, i’ll grant that i wasn’t a very happy child, or at least i don’t remember being happy all that much. so, i’d give it about a 7 on an accuracy scale of 1 to 10.

the Spouse Unit was born on a Friday.  well, now, wait a minute. with very few exceptions, “loving and giving” fits virtually any mother, so that’s not fair! and of course, i didn’t really know her as a child, but i’ll bet she was loving and giving even “way back then” (sorry, dear). okay, another seemingly accurate assessment, at least from this (mandatorily) biased perspective. i’ll rate that a 9, with one point off just because i feel peevish, and she does get mad at me sometimes.

yeah, right. ‘sometimes’.

#1 Son was born on a Tuesday. of which kind of ‘grace’ is he supposed to be full?  if it’s the Christian kind, then the poem is well off the mark, since he’s not even baptized. if it’s the kind of grace that comes with dexterity, he’s getting there, but as he begins adolescence, it’s a sketchy thing. besides, once he gets there, that’d make him a “Tuesday’s adult”, not a “Tuesday’s child”. hrm, i suppose that’s just picking nits, though. assuming it’s the latter definition of ‘grace’, i’ll give it a 6.

#1 Daughter was born on a Saturday. work hard? well, i certainly have to work hard to get her out of bed each morning. and to keep her on task. and to get her to do her chores. or do anything else that requires, oh, i dunno, energy, thought, foresight, or planning. the little darling can spend ten minutes alone in the bathroom after breakfast and come out still without having brushed her teeth or her hair. i mean, if you look at it in the light of working hard to avoid responsibility, then sure, she works her ass off every day. bah. i’d give this one a 4, and that’s being generous.

sure, that’s a small sampling, but overall, not terribly accurate. which begs the question, why do such predictive practices creep up in various cultures across the world? and more to the point, are all republican politicians all born on Sunday?

ooops, i guess that’s the wrong definition of ‘gay’. my bad.

you knew i was going to do that, so hush.

and yes, i know there are deeper meaning attributed to those appellations which i am blatantly ignoring. i’d hate to be terribly serious so early in the morning.

hey, that rhymed. woe is me, indeed.