- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 658

Thirteen people including ten pregnant women in Napak district have died from a viral infe...
published: 03 Jan 2014
Thirteen people including ten pregnant women in Napak district have died from a viral infection known as Hepatitis E, a liver disease mainly transmitted via the fecal-oral route while over 300 struggle with the virus. The Ministry of Health has called this an outbreak after confirmatory tests were carried out at the Uganda Virus Research Institute For more news visit http://www.ntvuganda.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NTVUganda- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 658

Officials from the Ministry of Health have recorded 46 new cases of Hepatitis E in Napak d...
published: 04 Jan 2014
Officials from the Ministry of Health have recorded 46 new cases of Hepatitis E in Napak district just weeks after the outbreak claimed 13 lives in Karamoja region. Health experts are closely monitoring the situation to stop more people from dying from the disease.Irene Namyalo reports For more news visit http://www.ntvuganda.co.ug Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda Like our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NTVUganda- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 404

Malnutrition in Karamoja
http://www.ntvuganda.co.ug/ Due to food scarcity, many in Karamoja, especially children un...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: ntvuganda
Malnutrition in Karamoja
Malnutrition in Karamoja
http://www.ntvuganda.co.ug/ Due to food scarcity, many in Karamoja, especially children under five years are malnourished. A study done at St. Kizito Matany ...- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 413
- author: ntvuganda

Napak Tilas Bapak Subuh in Central Java
Napak Tilas: A Long March To Remember Y.M. Bapaks Journey on June 23 -29, 2010 (tentative)...
published: 25 Dec 2009
author: Subudindonesia
Napak Tilas Bapak Subuh in Central Java
Napak Tilas Bapak Subuh in Central Java
Napak Tilas: A Long March To Remember Y.M. Bapaks Journey on June 23 -29, 2010 (tentative) is an event organized by Subud Youth Indonesia, has an objective t...- published: 25 Dec 2009
- views: 2722
- author: Subudindonesia

Enjala e Karamoja ekosezza nnyo abaana
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ Enjala eri mu kitundu ky'e Karamoja ekosezza nnyo abaana, nga kati...
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: akawungeezi
Enjala e Karamoja ekosezza nnyo abaana
Enjala e Karamoja ekosezza nnyo abaana
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ Enjala eri mu kitundu ky'e Karamoja ekosezza nnyo abaana, nga kati agavaayo galaga nti ku buli baana bataano, babiri bakonzibye. Ebit...- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 648
- author: akawungeezi

TWINE - IAAC city sense
The proposal aims to break the idea of a typical mega lightning energy harvesting structur...
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: napak arunanondchai
TWINE - IAAC city sense
TWINE - IAAC city sense
The proposal aims to break the idea of a typical mega lightning energy harvesting structure or the typical solar energy farming where large amount of resourc...- published: 26 Sep 2011
- views: 386
- author: napak arunanondchai

Sexual Harassment @ the super 8 Attempted Rape! Courtesy Westchester's District Attorney
The Title of this video is NOT RAPE ME! Sexual Harassment @ the super 8 Attempted Rape! Co...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: Shauniqua Smith-Siegel
Sexual Harassment @ the super 8 Attempted Rape! Courtesy Westchester's District Attorney
Sexual Harassment @ the super 8 Attempted Rape! Courtesy Westchester's District Attorney
The Title of this video is NOT RAPE ME! Sexual Harassment @ the super 8 Attempted Rape! Courtesy Westchester's District Attorney Westchester County fraud inv...- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 1514
- author: Shauniqua Smith-Siegel

District 3 EP raping and random stuff.
Sorry for the stupid text in the whole video. We're new people at this, and trying to find...
published: 22 Aug 2013
District 3 EP raping and random stuff.
District 3 EP raping and random stuff.
Sorry for the stupid text in the whole video. We're new people at this, and trying to find the best edit. Well we tried to do something random in our hometown in Denmark. A litte bit of District 3 EP promote aka rape and challenge . Hope you'll like it. The song is "Let's Reload" in the video. And "Chasing Silhoutte", "What You Know About Me?" and "More & More" by District3. BUY THEIR EP: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/district3-ep/id677454090- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 64

3 years child, rape and murder in karimnagar district 1
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: B Rajender
3 years child, rape and murder in karimnagar district 1
3 years child, rape and murder in karimnagar district 1
- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 178
- author: B Rajender

Photo story of a sanitation learning journey in North Eastern Uganda
On the 6th -- 8th of August 2012, WaterAid in Uganda together with her partners (WEDA and ...
published: 21 Aug 2012
author: Kiyimba James
Photo story of a sanitation learning journey in North Eastern Uganda
Photo story of a sanitation learning journey in North Eastern Uganda
On the 6th -- 8th of August 2012, WaterAid in Uganda together with her partners (WEDA and CoU TEDDO) hosted a learning journey for Action Against Hunger (ACF...- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 43
- author: Kiyimba James

Diarrhea outbreak reported in Bundibugyo refugee camp
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ Diarrhea has hit the refugees camp in Bundibugyo where thousands o...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: ntvuganda
Diarrhea outbreak reported in Bundibugyo refugee camp
Diarrhea outbreak reported in Bundibugyo refugee camp
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ Diarrhea has hit the refugees camp in Bundibugyo where thousands of refugees from Democratic republic of Congo are temporarily being ...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 444
- author: ntvuganda

Raping District 9!!!![Day 4-12.23.09] ^_^
If you have been watching these vlogs .......you must really hate your life XDDDD haha sub...
published: 24 Dec 2009
author: that1guypeebles
Raping District 9!!!![Day 4-12.23.09] ^_^
Raping District 9!!!![Day 4-12.23.09] ^_^
If you have been watching these vlogs .......you must really hate your life XDDDD haha subcribe if your just that suicidal ^_^- published: 24 Dec 2009
- views: 71
- author: that1guypeebles

Tonight with Deepak Chaurasia : Muzaffarnagar violence - No one takes the blame, everyone is guilty
India News : India news Editor in chief Deepak Chaurasia has an explosive debate on Muza...
published: 20 Sep 2013
Tonight with Deepak Chaurasia : Muzaffarnagar violence - No one takes the blame, everyone is guilty
Tonight with Deepak Chaurasia : Muzaffarnagar violence - No one takes the blame, everyone is guilty
India News : India news Editor in chief Deepak Chaurasia has an explosive debate on Muzaffarnagar communal riots and political blame game. In the first major arrest of a politician for the Muzaffarnagar violence, BJP MLA Suresh Rana was on Friday apprehended by Uttar Pradesh police on charges of making provocative speeches to cause riots. Mr. Rana, who is BJP MLA from Thana Bhawan in riot-affected Shamli district, was arrested by Lucknow police while he was on his way to Gomti Nagar from the party office this evening, immediately after the Uttar Pradesh Assembly was adjourned sine die. For More information on this news visit:http://www.itvnewsindia.com/ Connect with us on Social platform at:http://www.facebook.com/IndiaNewsTV Subscribe to our You Tube channel:http://www.youtube.com/itvnewsindia- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 16
Youtube results:

Braking News : Ex Teacher Freed After 30 Day Term for Rape
A former high school teacher has been released from a Montana prison after completing a 30...
published: 27 Sep 2013
Braking News : Ex Teacher Freed After 30 Day Term for Rape
Braking News : Ex Teacher Freed After 30 Day Term for Rape
A former high school teacher has been released from a Montana prison after completing a 30-day sentence for rape handed down by a judge who is under fire for both the sentence and his remarks about the 14-year-old victim. Fifty-four-year-old Stacey Rambold left the Montana State Prison on Thursday after completing his term for the 2007 rape of Cherice Moralez. Prosecutors are appealing District Judge G. Todd Baugh's sentence, and a complaint has been filed by advocates seeking Baugh's removal. Rambold is on probation and must register as a sex offender. The ex-teacher was sentenced after violating terms of a deferred prosecution agreement he made after Moralez killed herself in 2010. The judge said at the sentencing hearing that Moralez seemed "older than her chronological age." THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below. A former Montana high school teacher due to be released Thursday after serving a 30-day prison sentence for raping a 14-year-old student is "still skating" justice six years after the assault, the victim's mother said. Stacey Rambold, 54, will leave the Montana State Prison in Deer Lodge after completing the term handed down by District Judge G. Todd Baugh of Billings last month for the 2007 rape of Cherice Moralez. The sentence drew protests for being too lenient and outrage over comments the judge made that appeared to pin some of the blame on Moralez. Tears streamed down Auliea Hanlon's face as she described the emotions that have at times overwhelmed her since a church counselor her daughter confided in first told Hanlon about the rape. Moralez committed suicide in 2010 before Rambold went to trial. "I figured he'd be fired, go to jail, and she would be vindicated and that would be the end of it," Hanlon said Wednesday. "Instead, here it is six years later, still going on, and he's getting out. ... He's still skating." State officials say Rambold must register as a sex offender and will remain on probation as prosecutors appeal the case to the Supreme Court in hopes of sending him back to prison for a longer term. Rambold's attorney, Jay Lansing, declined to comment on the defendant's release. In court documents and during the sentencing hearing, Lansing described his client as a one-time offender with no prior record who took responsibility for his actions when he admitted to a single count of rape under a 2010 deferred prosecution agreement that was made after Moralez killed herself.- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 1

Moroto gets safe water after 33yrs
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ As the saying goes water is life, Moroto district has struggled to...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: ntvuganda
Moroto gets safe water after 33yrs
Moroto gets safe water after 33yrs
http://ntvuganda.co.ug/ As the saying goes water is life, Moroto district has struggled to survive for 33 years without having consistent safe running water,...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 194
- author: ntvuganda

Myeong-dong 명동 - Seoul.MOV
Yes! We are on the road! Morgana e Lola si trovano finalmente a Seoul. Qui siamo a Myeong-...
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: Isa Dong
Myeong-dong 명동 - Seoul.MOV
Myeong-dong 명동 - Seoul.MOV
Yes! We are on the road! Morgana e Lola si trovano finalmente a Seoul. Qui siamo a Myeong-dong, il quartiere dello shopping Enjoy! ^-^ -------------------- Y...- published: 06 Apr 2013
- author: Isa Dong

J&K;: Woman Gang-Raped by Three
Married woman belonging to a lower caste was allegedly raped by three men in Rajouri distr...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: newsexpressonline
J&K;: Woman Gang-Raped by Three
J&K;: Woman Gang-Raped by Three
Married woman belonging to a lower caste was allegedly raped by three men in Rajouri district of the state."The victim from Noushera belt of Rajouri district...- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 319
- author: newsexpressonline