
Santa Claus is coming to town - Elf (2003)
Santa Claus is coming to town - Elf (2003)
Santa Clause is coming to town scene from the movie Elf

Elf (2003). Buddy goes to dads office
Elf (2003). Buddy goes to dads office
Buddy (Will Ferrell) going to dads (James Caan) Office at the Empire State Building, where he meets Francisco and learns how bad it taste coffee without syrup. Movie: Elf (2003) Director: Jon Favreau Writer (WGA): David Berenbaum

Elf (2003). Buddy goes to the doctor
Elf (2003). Buddy goes to the doctor
Buddy (Will Ferrell) goes to the doctor with his dad (James Caan) to find out if he really is Walter's son. Movie: Elf (2003) Director: Jon Favreau Writer (WGA): David Berenbaum

You Sit on a Throne of Lies - Elf (3/5) Movie CLIP (2003) HD
You Sit on a Throne of Lies - Elf (3/5) Movie CLIP (2003) HD
Elf Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Buddy (Will Ferrell) denounces the Gimbel's Santa Claus (Artie Lange) as a fake. TM & © Warner Bros. Ent. (2012) Cast: Will Ferrell, Artie Lange, Faizon Love Director: Jon Favreau MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: j.mp Join our Facebook page: j.mp Follow us on Twitter: j.mp Buy Movie: j.mp Producer: Kent Alterman, Jon Berg, Cale Boyter, Toby Emmerich, David B. Householter, Todd Komarnicki, Jimmy Miller, Shauna Robertson, Julie Wixson Darmody Screenwriter: David Berenbaum Film Description: For his sophomore stab at directing, actor/writer/director Jon Favreau (Swingers, Made), took on this holiday comedy starring Saturday Night Live-alum Will Ferrell. Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus (Edward Asner). When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family. Elf also stars James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Zooey Deschanel, and Bob Newhart. elf,"elf clip","elf part 1",elfida,"elf on the shelf","elfida haluk levent","will ferrell","faizon love","artie lange","jon favreau","ages 11-12","ages 8-10","children family",comedy,"family comedies","shauna robertson","david b householter","toby emmerich","jimmy miller","cale boyter","julie wixson darmody","jon berg","kent alterman","todd komarnicki","mall videos","buddys belch","gimbels manager","gimbels santa","movie clips <b>...</b>

Elf (2003) Movie Review
Elf (2003) Movie Review
Tweet Me: twitter.com Ask Me Something: www.formspring.me Become a Fan: www.facebook.com Join the Group: on.fb.me Logo Designed by Nicky Senior (c) Nickysenior@littlespark.co.uk www.facebook.com

Elf (2003) Inception Style Recut Trailer
Elf (2003) Inception Style Recut Trailer
MUS110 Elf Project Presented to Dr. Kristin Force By Corry Pariselli 100% Original musical score performed by Jonathan Dipasquale. Using borrowed Images from 2003 comedy Elf, Starring Will Ferrell. An SQR vocal pad was used at the beginning to create a sense of mystery. This was then accompanied with a homophonic Velo string symphony with accompanying base drum rhythms. This was done to create an intensity and problem within the mini-plot. Along with this a series of transitions were used between scenes that were smoothed out by the music. Sound effects such as Rain, Thunder, Sirens, and clanking metal door, were also used to enhance the music and visuals. For the journey segment an organ was introduced with an accompanying bell to show the struggle the character would face. Then the original repetitive segment of velo strings were used to create unity within the film and once again create rising emotions of suspense. To finally conclude the music slowly fades out while a heartbeat sound effect stays constant. I sneak up on katie while she is taking a pee pee! After terrifying her she old thyme washes her hands But she is still obviously shaken up Sent from my iPhone PLEASE VISIT WWW.DEARMR.BLOG.CA as well

Comparrison Video #10 Elf (2003)
Comparrison Video #10 Elf (2003)
This Is My 10th Comparrison Video which consists of Elf (2003). I have The 2004 VHS and The 2004 DVD.

Elf (2003) You Are So Weird
Elf (2003) You Are So Weird
I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.

Elf 2003 Review
Elf 2003 Review
Cast Will Ferrell(Buddy) James Caan(Walter Hobbs) Mary Steenburgen(Emily) Daniel Tay(Michael) Zooey Deschanel(Jovie) Bob Newhart(Papa Elf) Edward Asner(Santa)

Elf (2003) Theatircal Trailer
Elf (2003) Theatircal Trailer
Elf Theatircal Trailer This Video Clip Is In No Way Profitable, All Copyright Reserved To Their Owners. Ripped Using AVSVideoConverter & DVD43 Decoding Software Starring: Will Ferrell James Caan Bob Newhart Edward Asner Mary Steenburgen Zooey Deschanel Director: Jon Favreau AKA: Álfur Buddy - Der Weihnachtself Elf, el duende Elfe Le lutin Mi a manó Päkapikk To xotiko ton Hristougennon Um Duende em Nova York (info from: imdb.com)

Elf(2003) Movie Review
Elf(2003) Movie Review
Holiday cheer Go look at this channel www.youtube.com/Thekiwikid100

Elf -- Film Review
Elf -- Film Review
Elf (2003), 10/10. Full episodes of Movie Night, every Friday night at: bit.ly ~~ Movie Night ~~ This "Quick Review" is an excerpt from a full episode. Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and film critic Jonathan Paula reviews everything from opening day releases, recent DVDs, and classics from years past. Along with your votes, these films are scored on the "Rate-O-Matic" for a 1-10 ranking. A "Five Word Summary" quickly encapsulates each review while "Factor Facts" highlight the the best and worst features of a movie in each of ten key categories. New episodes every Friday (November through May) on the JPizzle1122 channel. Born in February 1986, Jonathan Paula is a professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?". In April 2006 he founded Jogwheel Productions, a new media production company that specializes in web video. He has been reviewing films since 2003, and professionally since 2009. Jon graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production / Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, NH with his wife Rebecca. ~~ Links ~~ Facebook ---------------- bit.ly Twitter --------------------- bit.ly Main Channel ----------- bit.ly 2nd Channel ------------ bit.ly Movie Night Show ----- bit.ly FAQ Video --------------- bit.ly T-Shirts ------------------- bit.ly ~~ Technical ~~ Created by ------ Jonathan Paula Camera ---------- Panasonic DVX-100b Microphone ----- Sennheiser ME <b>...</b>

Christmas Movie Marathon Episode 1: Elf (2003)
Christmas Movie Marathon Episode 1: Elf (2003)
Episode 1 review on Elf

Elf (1/5) Movie CLIP - Buddy Realizes He's Human (2003) HD
Elf (1/5) Movie CLIP - Buddy Realizes He's Human (2003) HD
Elf Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Buddy (Will Ferrell) overhears two elves talking and realizes that he is actually human. TM & © Warner Bros. Ent. (2012) Cast: Peter Billingsley, Will Ferrell Director: Jon Favreau MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: j.mp Join our Facebook page: j.mp Follow us on Twitter: j.mp Buy Movie: j.mp Producer: Kent Alterman, Jon Berg, Cale Boyter, Toby Emmerich, David B. Householter, Todd Komarnicki, Jimmy Miller, Shauna Robertson, Julie Wixson Darmody Screenwriter: David Berenbaum Film Description: For his sophomore stab at directing, actor/writer/director Jon Favreau (Swingers, Made), took on this holiday comedy starring Saturday Night Live-alum Will Ferrell. Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus (Edward Asner). When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family. Elf also stars James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Zooey Deschanel, and Bob Newhart. elf,"elf clip","elf part 1",elfida,"elf on the shelf","elfida haluk levent","will ferrell","peter billingsley","jon favreau","bed videos","showerhead videos","ages 11-12","ages 8-10","children family",comedy,"family comedies","shauna robertson","david b householter","toby emmerich","jimmy miller","cale boyter","julie wixson darmody","jon berg","kent alterman","todd komarnicki","truth videos","house videos","buddys belch",elf,"movie <b>...</b>

The Angry Elf - Elf (5/5) Movie CLIP (2003) HD
The Angry Elf - Elf (5/5) Movie CLIP (2003) HD
Elf Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Buddy (Will Ferrell) insults the diminutive Miles (Peter Dinklage) when he calls him an elf. TM & © Warner Bros. Ent. (2012) Cast: James Caan, Peter Dinklage, Will Ferrell, Kyle Gass, Andy Richter, Amy Sedaris Director: Jon Favreau MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: j.mp Join our Facebook page: j.mp Follow us on Twitter: j.mp Buy Movie: j.mp Producer: Kent Alterman, Jon Berg, Cale Boyter, Toby Emmerich, David B. Householter, Todd Komarnicki, Jimmy Miller, Shauna Robertson, Julie Wixson Darmody Screenwriter: David Berenbaum Film Description: For his sophomore stab at directing, actor/writer/director Jon Favreau (Swingers, Made), took on this holiday comedy starring Saturday Night Live-alum Will Ferrell. Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus (Edward Asner). When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family. Elf also stars James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Zooey Deschanel, and Bob Newhart. elf,"elf clip","elf part 1",elfida,"will ferrell","james caan","peter dinklage","andy richter","amy sedaris","kyle gass","jon favreau","ages 11-12","ages 8-10","children family",comedy,"family comedies","shauna robertson","david b householter","toby emmerich","jimmy miller","cale boyter","julie wixson darmody","jon berg","kent alterman","todd komarnicki","office videos","teddy <b>...</b>

Elf (4/5) Movie CLIP - Snowball Fight (2003) HD
Elf (4/5) Movie CLIP - Snowball Fight (2003) HD
Elf Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Buddy (Will Ferrell) protects Michael (Daniel Tay) with his super snowball attack skills. TM & © Warner Bros. Ent. (2012) Cast: Will Ferrell, Daniel Tay Director: Jon Favreau MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: j.mp Join our Facebook page: j.mp Follow us on Twitter: j.mp Buy Movie: j.mp Producer: Kent Alterman, Jon Berg, Cale Boyter, Toby Emmerich, David B. Householter, Todd Komarnicki, Jimmy Miller, Shauna Robertson, Julie Wixson Darmody Screenwriter: David Berenbaum Film Description: For his sophomore stab at directing, actor/writer/director Jon Favreau (Swingers, Made), took on this holiday comedy starring Saturday Night Live-alum Will Ferrell. Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus (Edward Asner). When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family. Elf also stars James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, Zooey Deschanel, and Bob Newhart. elf,"elf clip","elf part 1",elfida,"elf on the shelf","elfida haluk levent","elfida hozan","will ferrell","daniel tay","jon favreau","snow videos","ages 11-12","ages 8-10","children family",comedy,"family comedies","shauna robertson","david b householter","toby emmerich","jimmy miller","cale boyter","julie wixson darmody","jon berg","kent alterman","todd komarnicki","aggression videos","park videos","buddys belch",michael,"movie clips <b>...</b>