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Vale Mark Ryan
The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is very sad to announce the death, after a two-year battle with cancer, of assistant federal secretary Mark Ryan.
11 December 2011 [Read More]

DPI job cuts to cost Orange millions
The ‘Lost DPI dollars’ campaign will tomorrow be launched by the Public Service Association, fighting against job cuts at the Department of Primary Industries in regional centres, including Orange.
30 August 2011 [Read More]

Job cuts to cripple health policy
The slashing of hundreds of jobs from the NSW Department of Health will jeopardise the development of health policy in NSW and undermine quality control of health services, the Public Service Association said today.
24 August 2011 [Read More]

Job cuts betray regional communities
The first confirmed job cuts in the Department of Primary Industries are just the beginning of department-wide job cuts in next month’s budget that will hit regional industries and communities hard, the Public Service Association said today.
19 August 2011 [Read More]

Risks in foster care outsourcing
The Public Service Association is calling on the State Government to halt the outsourcing of foster care services to the non-government sector after the admission 12 children faced serious harm in the care of a major non-government agency.
18 August 2011 [Read More]

Pay rise welcome, fight continues
The Public Service Association (PSA) has today welcomed a 2.5% pay rise awarded to NSW public service workers as it continues to fight the government’s public sector wage cap
10 August 2011 [Read More]

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  In the latest issue of Workers Online

So Where to Now?
Amanda Tattersall outlines her plans for Working NSW and the challenge of connecting research, communications and campaigning.
[read more]

Vive La Resistance
Jim Marr glances back through a year of news and discovers plenty of reason for optimism…
[read more]



Your Rights at Work
Your Rights at Work
Regional Bus Tour 2006
Mental Health Workers Alliance
NSW Transport Alliance
Clean Start Golden Toilet Brush Award
Clean Start Golden Toilet Brush Award

More Campaigns .. >>

Tool of the Week

 International Union News

The 5 latest top LabourStart headlines:

India Millions of Indian airport, rail and bank workers strike over inflation, 'anti-worker' policies 20-Aug-2008

Pakistan Pearl Continental Karachi Hotel Workers Step Up Mobilization in Seven-Year Struggle for Union Rights 15-Aug-2008

South Africa Cosatu strike sweeps across the country 07-Aug-2008

Israel Israeli and Palestinian Trade Unions Reach Historic Agreement 06-Aug-2008

Vietnam 14,000 on strike at SKorean footwear plant 27-Jul-2008

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]
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