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Posts tagged Ethics

Personal pain is subjective

This postcard from PostSecret made me so mad.   I got so mad when I read this, that my first thought was, “the teacher who wrote this deserves to get shot.” This reminds me of the “my life is worse than yours so suck it up” contest that I see a lot of people get [...]

The Non-Ego and His Non-Own

George Smith on altruism and the Antirand.

Report From Libertopia, Part 4

I’m back from Libertopia, hanging out in the Atlanta airport waiting for my shuttle to Auburn.

Yesterday morning I attended Charles’ FMAC Q&A (unfortunately scheduled opposite Gary’s talk on war), David Gordon’s critique of argumentation ethics (yes!), and a “Declaration of Independence 2.0” presentation by Gary, Sky Conway, and Stefan Molyneux (the latter of whom peered with puzzlement at my feminist button).

In the afternoon I spoke on a free cities panel (subbing for Michael Strong, who’s tied up – not literally I hope – in Honduras fighting a court challenge to his free city project), and after that Charles, Gary, Sheldon, and I had an FMAC panel. Between sessions we tabled. As always, a great time. Photos to follow. See also the Molinari news page.

Unscrupled and unlearned and Rubes

In which Crusader AXE corrals Moses, Mohammed, Newt Gingrich and Jeff Imelt's predecessor and drags them over to Crispin's place for a game of Texas Hold'Em dealt by William of Occam.

Categories: Politics

Fear and Loathing on the Gulf Coast

Tomorrow I’m off to the Alabama Philosophical Society to present a paper on the subject of the relation between virtue and temptation.

News from the Journal of Ayn Rand Studies

Cool news about my other periodical:

Journal of Ayn Rand Studies

Everyone Named Steph… M… Is Podcasting Us!

You’ve read the book; you’ve bought the button; now hear the audiobook! Stephanie Murphy reads Markets Not Capitalism.

Did I mention it’s free?

And in case you missed it, Stefan Molyneux also reads one of my chapters from the book.

Death, With Coffee

Death, With Coffee

It’s time for more caffeinated philosophy at Auburn’s Gnu’s Room café/bookstore, as the AU Philosophy Club presents a roundtable discussion on Death this coming Wednesday, Sept. 19, at 5:00. If you plan to attend, arrive early to be sure of a seat (not so much because we are so popular as because the space is so small!). I’ll be presenting the same argument for “bargain basement immortality” that I gave at our last roundtable on death back in 2002 (i.e., I’ll make a case for the conclusion that nobody will ever die, but once you see what I mean you’ll be very disappointed even if you’re convinced).

Pensivity in Pensacola, Anarchy in Atlanta

The schedule for the Alabama Philosophical Society meetings in Pensacola (Oct. 5-6) has been posted.

Info for the Molinari Society’s anarchism panel in December is also available:

Eastern APA, Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Friday, 28 December:

Molinari Society, 2:00-5:00 p.m. [GIV-3, location TBA]:
Explorations in Philosophical Anarchy

Matthew Quest (Independent Scholar), “Emma Goldman’s Anarchism and the Self-Governing Will”
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University), “Transformation or Abolition: Marriage and the Family in the Individualist Anarchist Tradition”

Nina Brewer-Davis (Auburn University)
Charles Johnson (Molinari Institute)

Three from The Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison’s Liberator was the premier abolitionist journal of the antebellum u.s. I’ve just posted three pieces from The Liberator: an anti-voting piece by Garrison, an anti-slavery piece by Lysander Spooner, and a report on an 1858 reform convention.