Iconoscope An iconoscope is the first television camera tube, in which the electric charge...
published: 21 Jun 2011
author: ChipDipvideo
Iconoscope An iconoscope is the first television camera tube, in which the electric charge was accumulated on a photosensitive mosaic. The operation principle of this device was based on the extrinsic photoeffect. For a certain period of time the attempts to create an operating transmission tube failed. The challenge lied in the fact that in scanning a transmitted image the photosensitive layer was exposed to light for a very short period of time. The charge induced in such exposure appeared very low, and it was very difficult to amplify it to the scale required for transmission. In 1931 the American scientist Vladimir Zvorykin created a tube with charge accumulation. He called it the iconoscope, from the Greek icon - image and scope - to look, to see. An iconoscope consists of a vacuum glass tube that contains a photosensitive mosaic, to which the image is projected. The mosaic is welded to the tube at an angle of an electron gun located on the side or below the objective and the systems that deflect and focus the electron ray. The photosensitive mosaic is a dielectric plate with mosaic consisting of several millions of mutually insulated miniature photoelectric cells - randomly placed silver grains covered with cesium or cesium oxide. The other side of the base plate is covered with metal and serves as a signal plate. Due to the extrinsic photoeffect the projected optical image generates an electric image on the iconoscope's mosaic. The electron ray passes the mosaic <b>...</b>
俺はアイコノスコープだ I am a Iconoscope (english subtitles)
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: 5232k57
俺はアイコノスコープだ I am a Iconoscope (english subtitles)
紹介された新聞記事www.t-yomiuri.co.jp アイコノスコープ1933年(昭8)米国RCA Dr.ツヴォルキンが発明。世界初の電子管に依るテレビ撮影に成功した。日本の「テレビの父」と言われる高柳健次郎氏はそれを見て2年後の1935年(昭10)浜松高工で試作に成功した。また同年、東京電気(現 東芝)も送像に成功した。そして戦後の1950年(昭25)頃まで使用されていた。---それから50年以上経った現在、世界中で画の出る『アイコノスコープカメラ』はもう他に無い?
Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 1
Original design by Wayne Dorrington waynedorrington.blogspot.com Check out my blog post fo...
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: G2Bpro
Starwars Iconoscope Animation Part 1
Original design by Wayne Dorrington waynedorrington.blogspot.com Check out my blog post for more info, mogra.g2bproductions.com
Starwars Iconoscope Part 2
Original design by Wayne Dorrington waynedorrington.blogspot.com Check out my blog post fo...
published: 20 Feb 2011
author: G2Bpro
Starwars Iconoscope Part 2
Original design by Wayne Dorrington waynedorrington.blogspot.com Check out my blog post for more info, mogra.g2bproductions.com
German television - mid 1930s
Surviving record of mid-1930's German "Live" television. Preserved by an ama...
published: 28 May 2009
author: aptsarchive
German television - mid 1930s
Surviving record of mid-1930's German "Live" television. Preserved by an amateur, Horst Hewel, filming the images from the screen of a television receiver. Electromechanical broadcasts began in Germany in 1929, but were without sound until 1934. Network electronic service started on March 22, 1935, on 180 lines using telecine transmission of film, intermediate film system, or cameras using the Nipkow Disk. Transmissions using cameras based on the iconoscope began on January 15, 1936. The Berlin Summer Olympic Games were televised, using both fully electronic iconoscope-based cameras and intermediate film cameras, to Berlin and Hamburg in August 1936. Twenty-eight public television rooms were opened for anybody who did not own a television set. The Germans had a 441-line system on the air in February 1937, and during World War II brought it to France, where they broadcast from the Eiffel Tower. The American Armed Forces Radio Network at the end of World War II, wishing to provide US TV programming to the occupation forces in Germany, used US TV receivers made to operate at 525 lines and 60 fields. US broadcast equipment was modified; they changed the vertical frequency to 50 Hz to avoid power line wiggles, changed the horizontal frequency from 15750 Hz to 15625 Hz a 0.5 microsecond change in the length of a line. With this signal, US TV receivers with only an adjustment to the vertical hold control had a 625 line, 50 field scan, which became the German standard. A direct <b>...</b>
They're closing the 405 in Los Angeles the weekend of July 16-17....
published: 30 Jun 2011
author: iconoscope
They're closing the 405 in Los Angeles the weekend of July 16-17.
My TV camera tube collection
This is a 17 1/2 minute video I made showing a sample of my TV camera tube collection whic...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: troysvisualarts
My TV camera tube collection
This is a 17 1/2 minute video I made showing a sample of my TV camera tube collection which I filmed in B&W using my 1974 Sony AVC-3250CE vidicon camera. In this video I present one of each different kind of TV camera tube which are of the following: 2/3" vidicon 1" vidicon 3" image orthicon (RCA 5820) 2" image orthicon (Hitachi HS-124E) 4.5" mini iconoscope (RCA 1846) And I just ramble on a bit about what I know of the tubes and what cameras they're used for and other random stuff in relation to them. In the last 5 minutes I present my homemade vidicon camera and ramble on about the construction of it. I decided not to use my cyclorama light for this video as it would probably burn the tubes when pointed towards it so I set the camera to lowlight sensitivity and jacked up the brightness and contrast in my video editor.
CFE No 16 Aude Du Pasquier Grall Nina Childress Didier Trenet.mov
Aude Du Pasquier Grall "Les Cycles Masculins". Galerie ChantiersBoîteNoire...
published: 28 Jun 2010
author: JacquesCharlier
CFE No 16 Aude Du Pasquier Grall Nina Childress Didier Trenet.mov
Aude Du Pasquier Grall "Les Cycles Masculins". Galerie ChantiersBoîteNoire, Montpellier. Nina Childress & Didier Trenet "Laisse les gondoles". Galerie Iconoscope, Montpellier CLArtVision pour / for / für CASANOVA FOREVER. copyright CLArtVision (Jacques Charlier & Ute Willaert) No. 16 "CASANOVA FOREVER 2010" exposition de / exhibition of the / Ausstellung des FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon 4, rue Rambaud 34000 Montpellier www.fraclr.org
Image orthicon
Image orthiconAn image orthicon is a television tube with the advantages of both the image...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: ChipDipvideo
Image orthicon
Image orthiconAn image orthicon is a television tube with the advantages of both the image iconoscope and the orthicon. It is one of the most perfect television tubes based on the principle of outer photoemissive effect. And it has already ousted the iconoscope in television tubes.The image orthicon was first described in 1946 by American scientists Rose, Weimar, and Law.The image orthicon consists of three sections: one creates and transfers electric image, another is used for target commutation with the help of slow electrons, and the third one for secondary electronic amplification.The first section is an image converter tube that increases sensitivity. It consists of a translucent photocathode mounted on the inside of the end wall of the tube's bulb, an accelerator, and a double-side target. The target is a film made of semiconductor glass.The second section of the tube works with slow electrons. It consists of an electron-beam generator, a focusing anode, and a decelerating electrode. Sometimes there is also a field mesh. The generated beam is deflected by horizontal and exposure coils forming a raster pattern on the target.The third section of an image orthicon is designed to amplify the returning part of the beam's current. It consists of five ring multiplier electrodes. A pull-up resistor is connected to the output of the last electrode. Like the first section of the tube, this one works in the high-velocity scanning mode.Image orthicon is the most sensitive of <b>...</b>
*** LINKS *** www.Facebook.com Mr. T Time: 9gag.com Obama Trombone: 9gag.com Facebook Jail...
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: vsauce
*** LINKS *** www.Facebook.com Mr. T Time: 9gag.com Obama Trombone: 9gag.com Facebook Jail: www.buzzfeed.com Pacman Poop: i.imgur.com Wolverine/Batmans: www.i-am-bored.com Cursor Forest: 3.bp.blogspot.com Cursor Forest Artist: nathanwpyle.blogspot.com Grandpas 9gag.com Grandpa Cake: a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net Average Woman Faces: kuvaton.com Gamer IQ Test: www.bite.ca Gamer IQ Test Answers: www.bite.ca Crayon Sculptures: www.buzzfeed.com Crayons Carved: www.buzzfeed.com Snow Sculptures: 9gag.com Terry Border "Bent Objects": bentobjects.blogspot.com 3d sketches: wildammo.com Celebs made out of things: www.incrediblethings.com Pedo bear and princesses: www.flickr.com Star Wars Dash Protector: 9gag.com R2D2 with his girls: 9gag.com Star Wars IV iconoscope: www.waynedorrington.co.uk Giraffe Hand: lifehappenslovehelps.tumblr.com FABULOUS BOY! 25.media.tumblr.com Science Fair: www.photobasement.com Change: pleated-jeans.com
Labguy Update March 3, 2012
Here is a quick report to let you all know why I have not posted a video for several weeks...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: videolabguy
Labguy Update March 3, 2012
Here is a quick report to let you all know why I have not posted a video for several weeks now. I am in full swing construction of another video camera. This one uses a very rare 1947 RCA 5527 experimenter's iconoscope. This tube uses electrostatic deflection and lends itself to incredibly simple driving circuitry. I am "paraphrasing" a circuit from a 1948 ham radio magazine. Converting all the tube circuits to solid sate and adding enhancements, like a full RS-170A sync generator instead of the more common, and terrible, random interlace systems. The tube version of the project drew over 500 watts! My version of the project should operate at less than ten watts. This has hogged all my time for about ten days now. You can bet there will be follow up reports and a video of this camera in operation. Stay tuned!
Labguy's Master Archive Project Explained
This video is to back up my requests for documentation pertaining to extinct SMALL FORMAT ...
published: 29 May 2011
author: videolabguy
Labguy's Master Archive Project Explained
This video is to back up my requests for documentation pertaining to extinct SMALL FORMAT (non-broadcast) video equipment. My specialty is the history of non broadcast video equipment in general. Vidicon, orthicon and iconoscope cameras, because they are old and cool and made with vacuum tubes AND video tape recorders (of course!). Plus assundry associated hardware. I like the old adverts of such things as well as operator and service manuals. I just want to point out one thing. Though you see many magazine and book covers, in the top views, only the articles of interest are scanned. Like introduction of Selectavision magtape or cartrivision, for instance. Not the entire books or magazines in general. However, there are a few exceptions, like when the magazine runs a video equipment theme, for instance. But those are the extreme minority. It's a hobby. It's a madness. It's an addiction. My problem, the world's gain. Enjoy!
cat drinks from faucet
Blanquita, a very spoiled cat who lives on the tony west side of LA, insists on drinking f...
published: 21 Jul 2006
author: iconoscope
cat drinks from faucet
Blanquita, a very spoiled cat who lives on the tony west side of LA, insists on drinking from running faucets instead of her bowl. She has trained her people to turn the tap on and off at her command.
Wildflowers in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Wildflowers in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and along S-2 near Ocotillo, photographe...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: iconoscope
Wildflowers in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Wildflowers in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and along S-2 near Ocotillo, photographed April 6, 2010. California is cutting the budget for state parks. You can support them by going to www.calparks.org
San Juan Puerto Rico Midsummer Night's Dip
At the stroke of midnight on June 24th, the citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico celebrate th...
published: 25 Jun 2009
author: iconoscope
San Juan Puerto Rico Midsummer Night's Dip
At the stroke of midnight on June 24th, the citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico celebrate the birthday of their patron saint, John the Baptist, by falling backward into the ocean. This is supposed to wash away all the bad vibes of the previous year. The National Association of Hispanic Journalists, in San Juan for their annual convention, took part in the ritual.
Amanda the Dancing Dog
Amanda, a Catahoula, gets her rhythm from her Louisiana roots....
published: 23 Oct 2006
author: iconoscope
Amanda the Dancing Dog
Amanda, a Catahoula, gets her rhythm from her Louisiana roots.
free Latin music concert @ LACMA featuring Roberto
Created on August 28, 2010 using FlipShare....
published: 29 Aug 2010
author: iconoscope
free Latin music concert @ LACMA featuring Roberto
Created on August 28, 2010 using FlipShare.
Lord Kitchener "Kitch" aka "Small Comb to Scrach Your Head" Calypso Monogram 78 RPM
Vintage London Calypso played from the original monogram 78 RPM record. Lord Kitchener sin...
published: 29 Apr 2011
author: ICONOSCOPE1850
Lord Kitchener "Kitch" aka "Small Comb to Scrach Your Head" Calypso Monogram 78 RPM
Vintage London Calypso played from the original monogram 78 RPM record. Lord Kitchener sings his clasic "Kitch" Kitchener's given name is Aldwyn Roberts. The grandmaster of calypso wrote "Jump in Line" witch was a mega hit for Herry Belefonte. Many of his songs were made into win arangents for Steel Pan. He was active for 50 years!
Karl Ferdinand Braun's Cathode Ray Tube
Today the cathode ray tube - or Braun tube in honour of its inventor - is the central elem...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: MilestonesOfScience
Karl Ferdinand Braun's Cathode Ray Tube
Today the cathode ray tube - or Braun tube in honour of its inventor - is the central element in all oscillographs, radar displays and CRT TV sets. Even with LCD and plasma screens overtaking the cathode ray tube, it still liked by many for its good blacks and natural colors.
Lord Melody Boo-Boo original Balisier 78 RPM Calypso
Here is Lord Melody's calypso tune "Boo-Boo" played from the original 78RPM ...
published: 06 Jun 2011
author: ICONOSCOPE1850
Lord Melody Boo-Boo original Balisier 78 RPM Calypso
Here is Lord Melody's calypso tune "Boo-Boo" played from the original 78RPM record. The band is Buddy Williams Orchestra. Harry Belafonte covered this song giving the writers credit to Melody.
How to get a colour video stills from a 1970s B&W; video camera
Back in 2002 I've experimented with my 1970 Sony AVC-3200CE B&W vidicon tube video...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: troysvisualarts
How to get a colour video stills from a 1970s B&W; video camera
Back in 2002 I've experimented with my 1970 Sony AVC-3200CE B&W vidicon tube video camera in trying to produce a colour video still from the camera by taking 3 video stills of a subject using red, green and blue cellophane filters and I was very successful in producing a good colour picture. What inspired me to do this experiment was this article www.labguysworld.com on Richard Diehl's old video technology website which he made a colour image from his CCD QuickCam, and he featured my successful experiment at the bottom of the page. Anyways I thought I'd revive this cool experiment and take several colour video stills using the red, green, blue cellophane filter method and make a video demonstration on how this experiment is done to educate those who are interested in making colour video stills from a B&W video camera. This video features step by step instructions with pictures and a video in between of how to reproduce the colour bar pattern displayed on my monitor from the AVC-3200CE and followed up by a lot of other colour video stills taken indoors and outdoors, the results varied from poor to very good. I also threw in a few early 70s funk and rock instrumental soundtracks to suit with the era this camera was made. This is a cool experiment that can be carried out from any type of B&W video camera from the ancient iconoscope tubes to image orthicon tubes to vidicon tubes to plumbicon tubes up to CCD cameras, and this can be applied to photography as well. Simple <b>...</b>
The Eight Dollar TV Camera
Here is a quick telling of my discovery of yet another vintage Sony video camera at the lo...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: videolabguy
The Eight Dollar TV Camera
Here is a quick telling of my discovery of yet another vintage Sony video camera at the local surplus store. And for only eight bucks. See what it took to get the little guy to make a picture. It wasn't hard. It wasn't easy. It was just right! Besides, I am overdue for posting a video related to old video equipment.