
What happened to OS/2? Computer Chronicles (1992)
When Comdex demonstration of Windows NT failed to live up to people's expectations, OS...
published: 24 Sep 2007
Author: Jason Page
What happened to OS/2? Computer Chronicles (1992)
When Comdex demonstration of Windows NT failed to live up to people's expectations, OS/2 2.1 began the sweep up the market of software developers.

OS-2 OverDrive / Distortion [BOSS Sound Check]
Distortion and Overdrive Together At Last! A flexible pedal capable of producing overdrive...
published: 22 Oct 2008
Author: BOSSchannel
OS-2 OverDrive / Distortion [BOSS Sound Check]
Distortion and Overdrive Together At Last! A flexible pedal capable of producing overdrive, distortion, or a combination of both. Get "in your face" distortion while maintaining the subtle nuances of single-coil guitar pickups.

Boss OS-2 Disortion Overdrive Guitar Pedal Demo
check out www.guitar-emporium.com for all the cool boutique pedals I use and demo...IN STO...
published: 04 Dec 2008
Author: gearmanndude
Boss OS-2 Disortion Overdrive Guitar Pedal Demo
check out www.guitar-emporium.com for all the cool boutique pedals I use and demo...IN STOCK! The Boss OS2 Overdrive and Distortion Pedal is pretty cool...the blend or color knob lets you choose between the two, or a balance of both. Gibson Les Paul 59 Historic into an Orange Tiny Terror amp on a clean setting.

1993 OS/2 vs NT Shootout Part 3
David Barne's Demonstrating OS/2. Send questions to os2merlin@gmail.com...
published: 06 Mar 2007
Author: Jason Page
1993 OS/2 vs NT Shootout Part 3
David Barne's Demonstrating OS/2. Send questions to os2merlin@gmail.com

IBM OS/2 Warp 4.5 Server for e-business, running in Virtual PC
Make sure "720p" (high quality) beneath the video is selected as opposed to the ...
published: 18 Apr 2009
Author: BeigeG3
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.5 Server for e-business, running in Virtual PC
Make sure "720p" (high quality) beneath the video is selected as opposed to the default setting of 360p as otherwise it may be bad quality or not play properly. A quick demonstration of IBM's OS/2 Warp 4.52 Server for e-Business running in Virtual PC 2007 on Windows Vista. This is the last version of OS/2 from IBM before it went to eComStation to be continued as that. Still far from a relic from the past, as you can see! :-) A shame really that it never became popular like Windows did...

Boss OS2 Overdrive Distortion Guitar Pedal
www.worldmusicsupply.com Jason Spencer of World Music Supply demonstrates the OS2 Overdriv...
published: 12 Apr 2008
Author: WorldMusicSupply
Boss OS2 Overdrive Distortion Guitar Pedal
www.worldmusicsupply.com Jason Spencer of World Music Supply demonstrates the OS2 Overdrive/Distortion effects pedal from Boss for electric guitar.

LGR - SimCity Classic for IBM OS/2
Overview and gameplay demonstration of SimCity Classic for IBM's OS/2 Warp operating s...
published: 10 Jul 2012
Author: phreakindee
LGR - SimCity Classic for IBM OS/2
Overview and gameplay demonstration of SimCity Classic for IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system. Who knew OS/2 even had games beyond Entertainment Pack-style stuff? PC specs for OS/2 machine: Pentium II 233MHz, 64MB RAM, 2MB ATi Mach64, 500MB IDE HDD

Windows 7 inside OS/2 Warp - eComstation
Short video (Deutsch weiter unten!) about the next release of OS/2 Warp named eComStation ...
published: 11 Jun 2009
Author: Sigurd Fastenrath
Windows 7 inside OS/2 Warp - eComstation
Short video (Deutsch weiter unten!) about the next release of OS/2 Warp named eComStation 2.0 installed on the Lenovo Thinkpad SL 300. Including Windows 7 in Virtualbox in OS/2, Open Office 3.1 and more information about eComStation. Hope you enjoy! Kurzes Video über die nächste OS/2 Warp Version genannt eComStation 2.0 installiert auf einem Lenovo Thinkpad SL 300. Gezeigt wird unter anderem wie Windows 7 dort in einem virtuellen PC läuft und eine Beta Version von Open Office 3.1. Es geht zwar noch nist alles, aber sehr vieles mit dem "alten" Warp. Viel Spass! Die Qualität ist niedrig, da dieses Video mit der Photokamera erstellt wurde, die immer nur 30 Sekunden Schnipsel zuläßt.

Legacy OS 2....A New One Soon To Be Born...4 Mini..
Here we go back and have a look again at legacy os 2,based on puppy linux 2 series made fo...
published: 09 Jan 2012
Author: sneekylinux
Legacy OS 2....A New One Soon To Be Born...4 Mini..
Here we go back and have a look again at legacy os 2,based on puppy linux 2 series made for older machines and hardware,and in it's favour all you need comes on the rather large 650mb iso,but it does come with nearly everything you need to get that 10 year old machine to do what ever you want and it will run on a P3 600,just make sure you enable enough swap if you want to multi task. but the real reason for the video is that he is just about to release a new version based on puppy 4, so still for the older hardware but just moving on and cant wait to test it.....pie n' mash..........nice....

published: 21 Apr 2010
Author: chatreeo

OS/2 warp 4 parody
the steps to shut down in OS/2 warp is wrong-there is no folder in the programs menu that ...
published: 14 Jan 2008
Author: duhskills129
OS/2 warp 4 parody
the steps to shut down in OS/2 warp is wrong-there is no folder in the programs menu that says:"aplications manager" and besides,its such a strange way to shut down-truly i dont know how that works-ive never been on an OS/2 machine before....

OS/2 CM IBM Japan Original
OS/2 IBM Japan original CM Yamaguchi Tomoko 山口智子...
published: 13 Jun 2006
Author: yasu999
OS/2 CM IBM Japan Original
OS/2 IBM Japan original CM Yamaguchi Tomoko 山口智子

Os/2 warp 3 and 4 startup and shutdows sounds
Ibm's Os/2 warp 3 and 4 startup and shutdows sounds and a compare between windows nt s...
published: 24 Jul 2009
Author: cyrixproductions
Os/2 warp 3 and 4 startup and shutdows sounds
Ibm's Os/2 warp 3 and 4 startup and shutdows sounds and a compare between windows nt sounds.
Vimeo results:

El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
published: 03 May 2011
Author: Daniel López
El Cielo de Canarias / Canary sky - Tenerife
"El Cielo de Canarias"
Realizado y producido por Daniel López. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Actualización, publicado en:
NASA en Astronomy Picture of the Day:
National Geographic:
Bad Astronomy:
Universe Today:
Escenas tomadas desde Tenerife, a más de 2.000 metros sobre el nivel del mar y a lo largo de un año, para poder captar todos los posibles matices, nubes, estrellas, colores desde un paisaje único y desde uno de los mejores cielos del planeta.
Primero de una serie de vídeos Time Lapse nocturnos y crepusculares tomados en las Islas Canarias tratando de captar la belleza de cada isla.
Para captar el movimiento natural de la tierra, estrellas nubes, sol y Luna se usó la técnica TimeLapse, raíles Dolly verticales y horizontales, cabezales con movimientos horizontal y vertical. toma de datos HDR.
Algunas escenas del vídeo:
- "La Catedral" en el llano de Ucanca, toma nocturna con el Planeta Júpiter cruzando la escena.
- El Árbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) con un Tajinaste apuntando a la estrella polar.
- Tajinastes "nocturnos", El Tajinaste Rojo, endemismo Canario que florece en primavera.
- El "Gorro" en el Teide. Formación de una nube conocida como gorro en el pico del Teide.
- "Cascadas de nubes" que atraviesan las montañas como ríos de nubes multicolor.
- Mar de nubes rompiendo contra las montañas al igual que lo hiciera el mar.
- Gran charco de agua en el llano de Ucanca donde estrellas y nubes lenticulares se reflejan.
- Tajinastes nocturnos con la Vía Láctea saliendo por el horizonte tomada con un raíl dolly.
- Video del Sol poniéndose y un doble "rayo verde".
- Pléyades y la galaxia de Andrómeda entre rocas en las minas de San José.
- Escenas espectaculares de la puesta de sol en el Parque Nacional del Teide con nubes y movimiento dolly.
- ArcoIris desde el Parque Nacional del Teide.
- Halos multicolor alrededor de la Luna.
- Nubes estacionarias que permanecen horas en el mismo sitio ven como cambian sus colores por la puesta de Sol.
Daniel López es fotógrafo y astrofotógrafo que vive en Tenerife. Trabaja realizando fotografía y vídeo, especializado en nocturnas usando multitud de técnicas, desde cámara con trípode para captar cielo y tierra en la misma foto, telescopios amateur para realizar fotografías de los objetos astronómicos hasta telescopios profesionales para captar detalles y alta resolución. También realiza y produce videos relacionados con la naturaleza, paisajes y lugares interesantes en los que siempre trata de sacar algo nuevo y dar otro punto de vista diferente y "mágico".
Angel´s Tear (Aeon 2). Matti Paalanen
"El Cielo de Canarias" "Canary Sky"
Project produced by Daniel Lopez. www.elcielodecanarias.com
Scenes taken from Tenerife, more than 2,000 meters above sea level and over a year to capture all possible shades, clouds, stars, colors from a unique landscape and from one of the best skies on the planet.
First in a series of videos nocturnal and crepuscular Time Lapse taken in the Canary Islands trying to capture the beauty of each island.
To capture the natural movement of the earth, stars, clouds, sun and moon TimeLapse technique was used, Dolly vertical and horizontal rails, spindles with horizontal and vertical movements. HDR data collection.
Some scenes of the video:
- "The Cathedral" in the plain of Ucanca, night shot with the planet Jupiter across the scene.
- El Arbol de Piedra (Roque Cinchado) with a Tajinaste pointing to Polaris.
- Tajinastes "night", The Red Tajinaste, endemism Canario blooming in spring.
- The "hat" in the Teide. Formation of a cloud known as cap at the peak of Teide.
- "Waterfalls of clouds crossing the mountains and rivers of multicolored clouds.
- Sea of clouds crashing against the mountains as it did the sea.
- Large pool of water in the plain of Ucanca lenticular clouds where stars are reflected.
- Tajinastes night with the Milky Way taken out on the horizon with a dolly track.
- Video of the sun setting and a double green flash. "
- Pleiades and the Andromeda galaxy between rocks in the mines of San Jose.
- Scenes spectacular sunset in the Teide National Park with clouds and moving dolly.
- ArcoIris from the Teide National Park.
- Multicolor Halos around the moon.
- Clouds remain stationary hours at the site are changing their colors as the sunset
Daniel Lopez is a photographer / astrophotographer based in Tenerife . Works by photography and video, specializing in evening using many techniques, from camera tripod grasp heaven and earth in the

The Animals House of the Rising Sun Old School Computer Remix
like it!
published: 05 Dec 2011
The Animals House of the Rising Sun Old School Computer Remix
like it!
While following on the coat tail of my first popular video "Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix" i tried to change the venue and built a couple of robot bands (yeah! machines that play actual instruments). These videos didn't fair as well so i decided to go back to the basics and create another video utilizing old computer equipment. For this video i recorded each instrument separately with a decent stereo mic and i also used a mixer to adjust the audio levels. i would like to point out that absolutely no sampling or audio effects were used.
a. HP Scanjet 3P, Adaptec SCSI card and a computer powered by Ubuntu v9.10 OS as the Vocals. (hey, the scanner is old)
b. Atari 800XL with an EiCO Oscilloscope as the Organ
c. Texas instrument Ti-99/4A with a Tektronix Oscilloscope as the Guitar
d. Hard-drive powered by a PiC16F84A microcontroller as the bass drum and cymbal
i was very pleased how the hard-drive drums turned out and they sound great. i will definitely use them in my next video. Oh Yeah, my next video i would like to use a current song so please leave any recommendations.
(3OH!3 is a big contender)
i would like to give a shoutout to James Houston who (i think) was the first person to use multiple legacy computer equipment in conjunction to make a song. Be sure to take the time to view his YouTube video "Big ideas: Don't get any - Radiohead cover by James Houston".
For all the haters out there:
1. The timing is not off, take the time to listen to the actual song before criticizing.
2. No, i don't have a lot of spare time so i have to use it sparingly.
3. Fair use on the internet. Not making any money here! i wasn't even born when this song came out but this is just one way of reviving an older song and introducing it to Generation Z.

the schueberfouer
The Schueberfouer is.... THE big funfair in Luxembourg
The Luxemburgish love the Schueber...
published: 19 Sep 2010
Author: Vitùc
the schueberfouer
The Schueberfouer is.... THE big funfair in Luxembourg
The Luxemburgish love the Schueberfouer because it reminds most of them of their childhood.
Filmed with canon 5d
50mm nikon 1.4
24-70 mm canon 2.8
16mm zenitar 2.8
music by bosques de mi mente

3 years of Geekography, backstage
Music: Me & Kate - Do You
Photographer: Exey Panteleev
20 unpublished / 20 published conce...
published: 05 Aug 2011
Author: Exey Panteleev
3 years of Geekography, backstage
Music: Me & Kate - Do You
Photographer: Exey Panteleev
20 unpublished / 20 published concepts, total 2113 shots: 1. height (Unpublished, Sexy CSS Tips) / 2. list-style-type (CSS) / 3. FPS ver.1 (Unpublished, Sexy CG Tips) / 4. Triangulation (Unpublished, CG) / 5. Far Clipping (Unpublished, CG) / 6. Tesselation (Unpublished, CG) / 7. Normal Map (CG) / 8. Baked Texture (CG) / 9. z-index ver.1 (Unpublished, CSS) / 10. Horizonatal Rule (Sexy HTML Tips) / 11. Bold (HTML) / 12. Paragraph (HTML) / 13. getPixel32 (Sexy Flash) / 14. head (Unpublished, HTML) / 15. input (HTML) / 16. border (Unpublished, CSS) / 17. display (CSS) / 18. div ver.1 (Unpublished, HTML) / 19. Numeric Stepper (Unpublished, SexUI) / 20. ScrollBar (SexUI) / 21. Singleton (Sexy Software Architecture) / 22. Interpretator (Unpublished, Architecture) / 23. Iterator (Unpublished, Architecture) / 24. Proxy ver.1 (Unpublished, Architecture) / 25. Proxy ver.2 (Unpublished, Architecture) / 26. time (HTML) / 27. Videoplayer (UI) / 28. line break (HTML) / 29. table ver.1 (Unpublished, HTML) / 30. table (HTML) / 31. opacity (Unpublished, CSS) / 32. overflow (Unpublished, CSS) / 33. rotate (Unpublished, CSS) / 34. iframe (HTML) / 35. iOS Sexy Interface Guidelines (Backstage) / 36. 2D-3D (UI) / 37. Progressbar (UI) / 38. Copy-Paste (UI) / 39. Like (Promo for Bonsoir Mademoiselle) / 40. Circles (UI)
Youtube results:

OS/2 on Computer Chronicles
Part of a 1993 Computer Chronicles episode on IBM's OS/2...
published: 02 Apr 2012
Author: technologizer
OS/2 on Computer Chronicles
Part of a 1993 Computer Chronicles episode on IBM's OS/2

US IBM OS/2 2.11 TV Spot CM....
published: 17 Mar 2009
Author: TPmania
US IBM OS/2 2.11 TV Spot CM.

IBM OS/2 Warp V4 Japanese with ANIBOOT
- Running on VPC2007 under Windows2000 - Warp V4 GA Japanese Edition (without any FixPak) ...
published: 10 Dec 2008
Author: lpproj
IBM OS/2 Warp V4 Japanese with ANIBOOT
- Running on VPC2007 under Windows2000 - Warp V4 GA Japanese Edition (without any FixPak) - SVGA GENGRADD 640x480 16M - ANIBOOT 1.0 (in J-POCKET2) - no sound

試奏動画 BOSS OS 2 オーバードライブ ディストーション エフェクター
published: 30 Aug 2009
Author: chuyaonline
試奏動画 BOSS OS 2 オーバードライブ ディストーション エフェクター
WEB通販専門楽器店chuya-online.comがお届けする試奏 デモ動画コンテンツです。今回のエフェクターは、BOSS ボス のオーバードライブ ディストーション エフェクター OS 2です。商品については、chuya-online.comをご確認ください。www.chuya-online.com