- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 593
- author: tvTechnopark in English
IPG Photonics: industrialization of fiber lasers
In 2009, physicist Valentin Gapontsev was awarded The Arthur L. Schawlow Prize, founded La...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: tvTechnopark in English
IPG Photonics: industrialization of fiber lasers
IPG Photonics: industrialization of fiber lasers
In 2009, physicist Valentin Gapontsev was awarded The Arthur L. Schawlow Prize, founded Laser Institute of America. Russian scientist received this award wit...- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 593
- author: tvTechnopark in English
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser
See more from the AT&T; Archives at http://techchannel.att.com/archives This 1963 film show...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: AT&T; Tech Channel
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser
See more from the AT&T; Archives at http://techchannel.att.com/archives This 1963 film shows how basic physical concepts are applied to make an optical maser ...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 6854
- author: AT&T; Tech Channel
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser (Bonus Edition)
To see more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives Introduction...
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: AT&T; Tech Channel
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser (Bonus Edition)
AT&T; Archives: Principles of the Optical Maser (Bonus Edition)
To see more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives Introduction by George Kupczak of the AT&T; Archives and History Center This 196...- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 2252
- author: AT&T; Tech Channel
The Insanity of Evolution
"Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." - Sir Ambrose J. Flemming "Evolution is utte...
published: 15 Jan 2010
author: James N Patrick
The Insanity of Evolution
The Insanity of Evolution
"Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." - Sir Ambrose J. Flemming "Evolution is utterly destitute of proof." - Sir William Dawson "As a young student I...- published: 15 Jan 2010
- views: 1316
- author: James N Patrick
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: tvando2
ARTHUR LEONARD SHAWLOW PHYSICS PROJECT LYRICS BELOW Arthur Leonard Schawlow Arthur avait une mère Helen, Canadienne. Son père un immigrant juif pas de lien a...- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 355
- author: tvando2
Video interview with Nicolaas Bloembergen
Nicolaas Bloembergen celebrated his 90th birthday in March 2010 with a scientific symposiu...
published: 26 Aug 2010
author: SPIETV
Video interview with Nicolaas Bloembergen
Video interview with Nicolaas Bloembergen
Nicolaas Bloembergen celebrated his 90th birthday in March 2010 with a scientific symposium and reception at the University of Arizona College of Optical Sci...- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 810
- author: SPIETV
AT&T; Archives: Inventing the Laser at Bell Labs
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives AT&T;'s Bell Lab...
published: 25 May 2012
author: AT&T; Tech Channel
AT&T; Archives: Inventing the Laser at Bell Labs
AT&T; Archives: Inventing the Laser at Bell Labs
For more from the AT&T; Archives, visit http://techchannel.att.com/archives AT&T;'s Bell Laboratories always calibrated the birth of the laser to 1958 — the pu...- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 1330
- author: AT&T; Tech Channel
Interview with Charles Townes
Charles H. Townes is the 2010 recipient of the Gold Medal of SPIE in recognition of his ex...
published: 28 Jul 2010
author: SPIETV
Interview with Charles Townes
Interview with Charles Townes
Charles H. Townes is the 2010 recipient of the Gold Medal of SPIE in recognition of his extraordinary foresight in recognizing the potential of the laser and...- published: 28 Jul 2010
- views: 872
- author: SPIETV
Lasers: "The Conquest of Light" circa 1962 AT&T; 9min
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ "Tells the story of the laser, a device with unlimi...
published: 23 May 2012
author: Jeff Quitney
Lasers: "The Conquest of Light" circa 1962 AT&T; 9min
Lasers: "The Conquest of Light" circa 1962 AT&T; 9min
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ "Tells the story of the laser, a device with unlimited potential in many areas, explaining how a laser works and what ...- published: 23 May 2012
- views: 1119
- author: Jeff Quitney