
War, Children: It’s Just a Welfare Check Away
Knapp: You can have politics or you can have peace, but you can't have both.
The Foreign Policy Debate: Coke or Pepsi?
Kevin Carson: However the 2012 race comes out the foreign policy will be the same, "We come in peace -- shoot to kill, shoot to kill..."
The “Green New Deal”: Not Green, Not New, and Not Much of a Deal
Carson: It's just a greenwashed version of mid-20th century, mass-production capitalism.
The Romney Lexicon: “Free Enterprise” = Corporate Welfare
Carson: So now when you hear Mittens talk about "free enterprise," you know what he means by it.


Legibilidade e Controle: Temas na Obra de James C. Scott
Carson: Em suma a autoridade, longe de ser a solução para a guerra de todos contra todos, é a causa dela. E, ao sê-lo, destrói racionalidade, conhecimento, e cooperação.
Energy and Transportation Issues: Response to Kevin Carson
It is in the interests of a robust argument that I offer the following, as I am in full agreement with the ideas presented in this paper.
New Tech as a Force Multiplier and Equalizer: Bootstrapping the Alternative Economy
Carson & Taylor: Stigmergy is the highest development, simultaneously, of collectivism and individualism, without either being compromised or impaired by the other.
Energy and Transportation Issues: A Libertarian Analysis
Kevin Carson’s fourteenth research paper argues that "it is the state's constraints on market freedom that have created an economy centered on long-distance shipping and the automobile-highway complex.

Mutual Exchange

Réplica de Carson a Gregory
Kevin Carson: Já citei — muitas vezes — o dito de Stephen Biko segundo o qual a mais poderosa arma nas mãos do opressor é a mente do oprimido.
Anthony Gregory — Contra Kevin Carson quanto à Humanidade das Corporações e dos Professores do Governo
Anthony Gregory: Nem num milhão de anos eu teria tido a expectativa de concordar com Mitt Romney e discordar de Kevin Carson.
Roderick T. Long — Reply to Brewer-Davis, Agam-Segal, and Gordon
A combination of establishment propaganda and the normalising practices of government schools and corporate workplaces tends to strengthen this tendency by inculcating and reinforcing conformist values.
David Gordon — Comments on Johnson and Long
Clarifying the concept of spontaneous order.

Stateless Embassies

“Escândalo?” A FDA Está Apenas Fazendo o Trabalho Dela
Carson: Proteção às grandes empresas para que não sejam responsabilizadas de verdade
A Bússola Política: Não Perca Seu Tempo
Se me for permitido aludir a Platão, esse questionário mensura minudentemente nossas crenças acerca das sombras tremeluzentes na parede da caverna.
El Debate de Política Exterior en Estados Unidos: ¿Coca-Cola o Pepsi?
Como quiera que termine la carrera presidencial del 2012 en Estados Unidos, la política exterior será la misma: "Venimos en paz: ¡Disparen a matar!
Legibilidade e Controle: Temas na Obra de James C. Scott
Carson: Em suma a autoridade, longe de ser a solução para a guerra de todos contra todos, é a causa dela. E, ao sê-lo, destrói racionalidade, conhecimento, e cooperação.

Center Updates

Markets Freed From Capitalism by Charles Johnson on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/27/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, I was hoping to get our submissions and pickups back up to our previous levels shortly after the election … but it looks like we’re almost there already! For the last two-week period, I submitted 17,957 Center op-eds to 2,764 publications worldwide, and have identified nine “pickups” of Center material: The first [...]
General Idea of the Revolution by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/13/12
Tom Knapp on the Center's media mojo.

Stigmergy - C4SS Blog

Markets Freed From Capitalism by Charles Johnson on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Achieving Social Justice Through Liberty
C4SS trustee and senior fellow, Gary Chartier, presents his Students for Liberty philosophical seminar
Free the Holy Land Five
This is naked political repression by the state, and amounts to nothing less than the criminalization of compassion and solidarity.
Mutual Aid for the Modern World
C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy is back from Libertopia 2012.

Feature Articles

Risk, Reward and the New Class
Yep, those risk-averse New Classers definitely know something the rest of us do not.
Food, Water, Air and Care
Melanie Pinkert: Talk to me about how to have the freedom to pursue my dreams without leaving a mountain of young, old, sick, and dying to fend for themselves and I’ll listen.
Come Home, America
Bill Kauffman: Liberals need another George McGovern—and perhaps conservatives do too.
The Myth of Deregulation
A market that is free in any intelligibly rational sense of the word is the one thing the corporations will not be able to survive.

The Art of the Possible - Recovered

Against “Objective” Journalism
Carson: The human infrastructure of traditional reporting is a magnificent army. But as Lincoln said to McClellan, “if you’re not planning to do anything with that army, may I borrow it?”
Forty Acres and a Mule: Or Why Pat Buchanan Should Shut His Mouth
Kevin Carson: By any reasonable standard of justice, the plantations should have been broken up after the Civil War and the land given to the freed slaves.
Glenn Greenwald: An Interview with The Art of the Possible
The issues that I care about require a long-term battle and they’re ones I’m very devoted to pursuing.
Carson: The average member of the producing classes should rest secure in the knowledge that he would be able to support himself in the future, without depending on the whims of an employer.

Left-Libertarian - Classics

“Socialism” for Left Liberty
State socialism has attempted to realize socialism through the power of the state. Not surprisingly, given everything we know about states, state socialism has proven in most respects to be a disaster.
The “Left” in Left Libertarian
Gary Chartier: An authentically leftist position, I suggest, is marked by opposition to subordination,exclusion, and deprivation.
Framing Left Libertarianism: A First Pass
Left libertarianism is authentically leftist because it seeks to challenge privilege, hierarchy, exclusion, deprivation, and domination--both ideologically and practically.
Libertarian Anarchism: Responses to Ten Objections
Roderick T. Long: The Case for Libertarian Anarchism

Books and Reviews

A Review of Butler Shaffer’s “Calculated Chaos”
Jeremy Weiland: To all left libertarians, anarchists, and advocates of a voluntary society, I give this book the very highest recommendation possible.
Markets Not Capitalism – Audiobook
Download the free audiobook version of Markets Not Capitalism.
The Art of Being Free
Wally Conger: I can ask for no better guidebook to fighting for and living the stateless life.
Daemon and Freedom
American politics has been a shifting coalition between two factions of capital.