
Speed Networking
Speed Networking for Business...
published: 11 Jan 2008
Author: weekenddating
Speed Networking
Speed Networking for Business

NY1 Awesome Speech
One ama...
published: 15 Jun 2012
Author: ThinkProgress TP
NY1 Awesome Speech
One ama

NY1 interviews Shimmy Mehta...
published: 31 May 2006
Author: angelwishceo
NY1 interviews Shimmy Mehta

Anchovies You Eat Like French Fries - NY CHOW Report
A Saturday afternoon at Smorgasburg will yield many delicious finds, but the most unique m...
published: 13 Aug 2012
Author: CHOW
Anchovies You Eat Like French Fries - NY CHOW Report
A Saturday afternoon at Smorgasburg will yield many delicious finds, but the most unique might just be the anchovies at Bon Chovie. Here, you get the whole fish, head and all, deep-fried until crispy and served with smoked paprika aioli for dipping. Fresh NY CHOW Reports are served up every week, so make sure to check back often! Check out the NY CHOW Report Season 2 Foodspotting Guide and eat along with Liza and Pervaiz! - www.foodspotting.com ======================CHOW.com========================= Wondering where else to eat in NYC? Check out all the NY CHOW Report restaurant recommendations on the NY CHOW Report show page: www.youtube.com Stay up-to-date with Pervaiz on Twitter: twitter.com Subscribe to CHOW: bit.ly For more recipes, stories and videos, check out www.chow.com CHOW on Twitter: twitter.com CHOW on Facebook: www.facebook.com ========================================================

NY1 Theater Review - The Pride - Hugh Dancy, Ben Whishaw, Andrea Riseborough
NY1's favorable review off the off-Broadway production, "The Pride," current...
published: 17 Feb 2010
Author: hughdancydotinfo
NY1 Theater Review - The Pride - Hugh Dancy, Ben Whishaw, Andrea Riseborough
NY1's favorable review off the off-Broadway production, "The Pride," currently starring Hugh Dancy, Ben Whishaw, and Andrea Riseborough.

Jennifer Mascia Interview - NY1 - NYTimes Closeup
Times journalist Jennifer Mascia talks about impact of the recession in New York City, spe...
published: 16 Apr 2010
Author: tvidie
Jennifer Mascia Interview - NY1 - NYTimes Closeup
Times journalist Jennifer Mascia talks about impact of the recession in New York City, specifically observations about the lives of average New Yorkers in light of dwindling job opportunities and tightening budgets

Informed, Empowered
Many of the young artists wanted to address the issue of military recruiting, and targetin...
published: 17 Feb 2010
Author: Groundswellmural
Informed, Empowered
Many of the young artists wanted to address the issue of military recruiting, and targeting youth in low-income areas. As a result of the No Child Left Behind Act, military recruiters have access to high-school students contact information, so not only are they being approached in their schools, but also within their own homes. Utilizing a visual style inspired by war-time propaganda posters from around the world, the mural portrays three strong young women in classic military poses, armed not with violent weapons but with tools of creation and education. Banners that read, We Are Not Government Issued, and Arm Yourself with the Knowledge to Think for Yourself stream along the wall. Artists: Katie Yamasaki, Menshahat Ebron Youth Artists: Elizabeth Maroney, Annie Wu, Sophia Dang, Erica Gil, Vivian Mah, Yan Yi Chen, Yasemin Kaynas, Min Ting Liu, Ashley Hollingshead, Teresa Tang, Elizabeth Yanes, Ebony Thurman Volunteer: Nik Sonfield More info at www.groundswellmural.org

NY1 Online: Commentator Armstrong Williams' Political Reawakening
NY1 VIDEO: Inside City Hall's Errol Louis spoke with political commentator Armstrong W...
published: 26 Aug 2011
Author: arightside
NY1 Online: Commentator Armstrong Williams' Political Reawakening
NY1 VIDEO: Inside City Hall's Errol Louis spoke with political commentator Armstrong Williams about his new book "Reawakening Virtues" and asked what Armstrong about his thoughts on gay marriage.

Remember Building 7 on NY1 News
published: 10 Sep 2011
Author: BuildingWhat
Remember Building 7 on NY1 News

NY1 Report
January 2, 1998 - report on NYCHA's wrongful eviction of Generation Xcel, featuring NY...
published: 27 Jan 2007
Author: genxcel
NY1 Report
January 2, 1998 - report on NYCHA's wrongful eviction of Generation Xcel, featuring NYCHA spokesperson Mr. Hilly Gross

Di Yam Gazlonim!
"The Pirates of Penzance" in Yiddish. Presented by the National Yiddish Theatre/...
published: 25 Mar 2007
Author: mattflight
Di Yam Gazlonim!
"The Pirates of Penzance" in Yiddish. Presented by the National Yiddish Theatre/Folksbiene. Book and lyrics by Al Grand, and directed by Allen Lewis Rickman. For more information see www.folksbiene.com

Kimberly Bishop NY1 Interview - Job Search Tips
published: 15 Mar 2010
Author: KimberlyBishopnet
Kimberly Bishop NY1 Interview - Job Search Tips

NY1 Interview - 2NE1's US Debut
YGLadies article: ygladies.com Credit: www.ny1.com...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Author: Kelvin838
NY1 Interview - 2NE1's US Debut
YGLadies article: ygladies.com Credit: www.ny1.com

NY1 - Community Board 3 Rezoning Meeting
Local residents protest a proposal that would only set new building height restrictions/re...
published: 13 May 2008
Author: mallamb
NY1 - Community Board 3 Rezoning Meeting
Local residents protest a proposal that would only set new building height restrictions/rezoning of the East Village, while excluding predominantly Chinese and Spanish speaking neighborhoods. The proposal protects the more affluent community of the East Village while ignoring those of lesser income. As a result, the neglected neighborhoods remain susceptible to gentrification.
Vimeo results:

ODD NY Chapter 1 "Mapping"
"Mapping" is the first installment of a series of shorts entitled "ODD NY". The story foll...
published: 30 Jul 2012
Author: ODD NY
ODD NY Chapter 1 "Mapping"
"Mapping" is the first installment of a series of shorts entitled "ODD NY". The story follows ODD executive creative director Gary Breslin as he guides us through the surreal and dream-like visions of the city he lives in.
"Mapping" shows us the familiar and iconic map of lower Manhattan as it expands, splits, re-groups and forms an entirely new topography. It's the downtown that Breslin knows, where his stomping grounds all fit together seamlessly while other less inviting hoods like Times Sq and Wall St are pushed to the margins.
To view the "Behind The Scenes": http://www.vimeo.com/oddny/mappingbts
Production Company: Supply & Demand Integrated
Executive Producer: Tim Case/ Charles Salice
Post Production: ODD
Director: Gary Breslin
Lead Animation: Willie Russell
HOP for S&D;: Alexis Kaplan
HOP for ODD: Matthew Turke
Post Production Coordinator for ODD: Kate Behan
DP: Saul Metnick
Music: Kevin Ferguson @ Boiler Room
Mix: Justin Mately @ Sound Lounge

Best of Gyurcsány 1 (2006)
Ahogy egy kommentelő a Youtube-on igen találóan megfogalmazta: "Remek ez a videó, viszont ...
published: 17 Oct 2008
Author: Gery Greyhound
Best of Gyurcsány 1 (2006)
Ahogy egy kommentelő a Youtube-on igen találóan megfogalmazta: "Remek ez a videó, viszont baltával lett vágva" - ehhez így utólag szerintem sem fér kétség, sokmindent nem tudtam még a videoszerkesztésről az őszödi beszéd kiszivárgása előtt másfél hónappal, amikor egy álmatlan éjszakán nekiláttam összeállítani a korábban gyűjtögetett, az igazság szálainak Gyurcsány-féle kibontását.
Sokmindent nem tudtam még akkor, leginkább azt, hogy másfél hónap múlva ki fog szivárogni az őszödi beszéd, és talán ennek hatására is, két év alatt szerény becslés szerint is másfélmillió alkalommal nézik meg ezt a videót.
Itt van hát minden Best of Gyurcsányok legelső prototípusa amely minden előzetes várakozást felülmúló népszerűségre tett szert... Egy picikét feljavított minőségben, hogy legalább a hangerő ne ingadozzon olyan rémesen, és megtisztítva a legalapvetőbb vágási hibáktól.

[NYC got SOUL] Welcome to Brooklyn
[NYC got SOUL] Welcome to Brooklyn
Rainy Day on the way back to BK
One take, just keep it...
published: 13 Jul 2011
Author: DKSHOP
[NYC got SOUL] Welcome to Brooklyn
[NYC got SOUL] Welcome to Brooklyn
Rainy Day on the way back to BK
One take, just keep it raw
NYC got SOUL. It begins.
Shot with Panasonic Lumix GH1
Lens: Lumix 20mm 1.7
Directed by David Jongkwon Kim
Starring Chris Lee form BODA BODA
Music by The Cinematic Orchestra
e-mail: dkshopbeatz@gmail.com

ODD NY "Chapter 1: Mapping" (Behind The Scenes)
Here is a behind the scenes look from concept to completion for the making of ODD NY "Chap...
published: 07 Aug 2012
Author: ODD NY
ODD NY "Chapter 1: Mapping" (Behind The Scenes)
Here is a behind the scenes look from concept to completion for the making of ODD NY "Chapter 1: Mapping".
To view the completed installment, click here:
Youtube results:

Max Crumm and Laura Osnes on NY1
Brief interview with Max and Laura on local TV...
published: 08 Apr 2007
Author: NYC9758
Max Crumm and Laura Osnes on NY1
Brief interview with Max and Laura on local TV

2009 Skycraper Harlem Cycling Classic on NY1
published: 26 Jun 2009
Author: spartacycling
2009 Skycraper Harlem Cycling Classic on NY1

NY1 Alan Rickman Interview - Seminar
Interview Aired 1/21/12 on NY1 network. Alan talks about Seminar, Leonard's character ...
published: 24 Jan 2012
Author: MsSardonicus
NY1 Alan Rickman Interview - Seminar
Interview Aired 1/21/12 on NY1 network. Alan talks about Seminar, Leonard's character and the importance of acting, Theatre and the arts in general...and - well, he talks!! What else do I need to say? :) "If we're just parading egos around, or acquiring stuff, and we measure ourselves by that, then we're lost." THE OSCAR DOES NOT DESERVE ALAN RICKMAN.

120528 Jay Park on NY1 [full]
Asian-American Week: Korean-American Pop Star's Popularity Extends To New York cr www....
published: 28 May 2012
Author: heisjaypark
120528 Jay Park on NY1 [full]
Asian-American Week: Korean-American Pop Star's Popularity Extends To New York cr www.ny1.com