- published: 10 Jul 2009
- views: 37361
- author: gybter
Proteus 2004
Selections from the the film Proteus, a documentary concerning the life, work, and philoso...
published: 10 Jul 2009
author: gybter
Proteus 2004
Selections from the the film Proteus, a documentary concerning the life, work, and philosophy of Ernst Haeckel, a 19th century naturalist. The film tells of the man's character and influences while using his detailed engravings of Radiolaria, single celled marine organisms, to make animated progressions Music by Yuval Ron.
- published: 10 Jul 2009
- views: 37361
- author: gybter
Ernst August Haeckel Art Forms in Nature
Ernst Haeckel was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, profess...
published: 31 May 2009
author: ggudzenko
Ernst August Haeckel Art Forms in Nature
Ernst Haeckel was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who discovered, described and named thousands of new species, mapped a genealogical tree relating all life forms, and coined many terms in biology, including phylum, phylogeny, ecology and the kingdom Protista. The Ernst Haeckels book Art Forms in Nature is an epoch-making work
- published: 31 May 2009
- views: 5402
- author: ggudzenko
Gyorgy Ligeti and Ernst Haeckel
Morphing Haeckel images implying a relationship between sound and primal forms. The sound ...
published: 11 May 2008
author: moonchal
Gyorgy Ligeti and Ernst Haeckel
Morphing Haeckel images implying a relationship between sound and primal forms. The sound is Ligeti's Double Concerto for flute, oboe, and orchestra. Haeckel images by Scott Draves released under a creative commons liscense. Licensor does not endorse this work.
- published: 11 May 2008
- views: 8163
- author: moonchal
Ernst Haeckel - 3000 Radiolarian Species
Specimens of varied radiolarian forms, meticulously drawn by German biologist, artist, and...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: TurboSwami
Ernst Haeckel - 3000 Radiolarian Species
Specimens of varied radiolarian forms, meticulously drawn by German biologist, artist, and naturalist Ernst von Haeckel, and published in 1862.
- published: 21 Oct 2011
- views: 2002
- author: TurboSwami
Ernst Haeckel - Kunstformen der Natur
Ernst Haeckel (* 16. Februar 1834 in Potsdam; † 9. August 1919 in Jena) Deutscher Zoologe,...
published: 29 Mar 2009
author: PythiasBest
Ernst Haeckel - Kunstformen der Natur
Ernst Haeckel (* 16. Februar 1834 in Potsdam; † 9. August 1919 in Jena) Deutscher Zoologe, Philosoph und Freidenker, der die Arbeiten von Charles Darwin in Deutschland bekannt machte. Haeckel war nicht nur ein hervorragender Forscher sondern auch ein begnadeter Zeichner, wie sämtliche aus seiner Hand stammenden Darstellungen und Bildtafeln auch heute noch durch ihre Naturtreue und Plastizität eindrucksvoll belegen. Textquelle: de.wikipedia.org Bildquelle: www.biolib.de
- published: 29 Mar 2009
- views: 10140
- author: PythiasBest
Haeckel's Bogus Embryo Drawings
www.discovery.org Showtime Networks will air filmmaker Randy Olson's fanciful evolution fi...
published: 16 May 2007
author: DiscoveryInstitute
Haeckel's Bogus Embryo Drawings
www.discovery.org Showtime Networks will air filmmaker Randy Olson's fanciful evolution film Flock of Dodos, apparently not realizing that key parts of the film are so wildly inaccurate that they amount to a hoax. Flock of Dodos makes a number of false assertions about scientists and institutions researching the theory of intelligent design, and has drawn fire from scientists and scholars for its misrepresentations and outright inventions. Discovery's Center for Science & Culture (CSC) has launched a webpage, hoaxofdodos.com, detailing the false facts in the film. Perhaps the most outlandish error is the claim that modern biology textbooks have not used illustrations derived from Ernst Haeckel's fraudulent 19th century embryo drawings as evidence for evolution. Olson tries to convince viewers that critics of Darwin's theory have been lying when they claim these drawings are in textbooks. But it turns out that he's the one telling fibs. Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Website: www.discovery.org
- published: 16 May 2007
- views: 17653
- author: DiscoveryInstitute
Icons of Evolution 10th Anniversary: Haeckel's Embryos
In Icons of Evolution (www.iconsofevolution.com), biologist Jonathan Wells compared icons ...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: DiscoveryInstitute
Icons of Evolution 10th Anniversary: Haeckel's Embryos
In Icons of Evolution (www.iconsofevolution.com), biologist Jonathan Wells compared icons of evolution --such as homology in vertebrate limbs-- with published scientific evidence, and revealed that much of what we teach about evolution is wrong. Published in 2000, the book raised troubling questions about the status of Darwinian evolution that are still plaguing scientists today.
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 2600
- author: DiscoveryInstitute
Ernst Haeckel's fraud.
This video will show the evidence the Ernst Haeckel's frauded pictures....
published: 01 Dec 2007
author: ikester7579
Ernst Haeckel's fraud.
This video will show the evidence the Ernst Haeckel's frauded pictures.
- published: 01 Dec 2007
- views: 1784
- author: ikester7579
Darwinism Vs.Creationism: Ernst Haeckel's Evidences
Exploring the great evidences provided by Ernst Haeckel to prove Darwinism...
published: 02 Feb 2008
author: GERONAMI
Darwinism Vs.Creationism: Ernst Haeckel's Evidences
Exploring the great evidences provided by Ernst Haeckel to prove Darwinism
- published: 02 Feb 2008
- views: 3443
- author: GERONAMI
Ernst Haeckel
Galería de imágenes del Libro "Obras de Arte de la Naturaleza"...
published: 03 May 2012
author: Rafael Biomival
Ernst Haeckel
Galería de imágenes del Libro "Obras de Arte de la Naturaleza"
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 130
- author: Rafael Biomival
Ernst Haeckel: Das unlösbare Welträtsel 1/5 - Hörbeispiel
Ernst Haeckel: "Das unlösbare Welträtsel" - Liebesbriefe eines Darwinisten Briefroman mit ...
published: 28 May 2011
author: BelleriveHoerverlag
Ernst Haeckel: Das unlösbare Welträtsel 1/5 - Hörbeispiel
Ernst Haeckel: "Das unlösbare Welträtsel" - Liebesbriefe eines Darwinisten Briefroman mit Musik 2 CDs / 114 Minuten Sprecher: Thomas Arnold, Sonja Deutsch, Dorette Hugo, Joachim Pukaß Bereits erschienen! ISBN: 978-3-941621-00-8 Bellerive Hörverlag, Berlin www.bellerive.de Inhalt: "Himmelhoch jauchzend" und "zu Tode betrübt": Wie ein Jahrhundertroman liest sich die Lebensgeschichte des Naturforschers Ernst Haeckel (1834 - 1919). In seinen Liebesbriefen gibt sich der "deutsche Darwin" als feinsinnige Künstlerseele und zartfühlender Liebhaber zu erkennen. Doch als "Gottesleugner" wird er bald zum meist gehaßten Mann seiner Zeit. Wie vergänglich die Momente privaten Glücks selbst in einem so übervollen Leben, wie dem des großen Zweiflers Ernst Haeckel sein können, erzählt dieses einzigartige Hörstück. Beginnend mit den frühen glücklichen Jahren, die Haeckel - überschattet vom plötzlichen Tod seiner großen Liebe (Anna Sethe) - in die lebenslange Vernunftehe mit Agnes Huschke treiben, bis hin zum tragischen Freitod seiner späten heimlichen Geliebten (Frida von Uslar-Gleichen). Lesen Sie mehr zum preisgekrönten Hörbuch unter: www.amazon.de www.bellerive.de Empfohlen für die HR2-Hörbuch-Bestenliste! (C) Bellerive Hörverlag, Berlin
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 268
- author: BelleriveHoerverlag
Haeckel's Dream
Named for Ernst Hackel, 19th century philosopher/biologist/illustrator, Haeckel's Dream is...
published: 28 Oct 2006
author: alyce santoro
Haeckel's Dream
Named for Ernst Hackel, 19th century philosopher/biologist/illustrator, Haeckel's Dream is an existential 1950's-esque psychedelic nature documentary. It is a meditative account of a brief period in the lives of a school of elegantly beautiful, ornate jellyfish off the rocky coast of Maine. These mysterious, rare, planktonic creatures live and die completely at the mercy of the wind and tide. This 8 min 16 sec film was shot on location in Acadia National Park, Maine, on black and white super 8mm film and transferred to DVD. The soundtrack is a composition of samples collaged together to evoke the strange and tragic fate of the bizarre, hypnotic jellyfish. With soundtrack 'Doughnuts of Sound' by Alyce Santoro. More at www.alycesantoro.com
- published: 28 Oct 2006
- views: 5885
- author: alyce santoro
Ernst Haeckel: 'An Embryonic Liar'
creation.com Breakthroughs in Understanding Horseshoe Crab Clotting Proteins Hold Promise ...
published: 24 Apr 2012
author: Dave Flang
Ernst Haeckel: 'An Embryonic Liar'
creation.com Breakthroughs in Understanding Horseshoe Crab Clotting Proteins Hold Promise birminghammedicalnews.com Nuclear physicist embraces biblical creation creation.com Homology and Embryology Questions and Answers creation.com Claim #1: Haeckel's Embryos; (ii) Proven false in 1874 by Professor Wilhelm His, Sr. www.antievolution.org Haeckel: legacy of fraud to popularise evolution Pauli J. Ojala and Matti Leisola creation.com Jonathan Sarfati Genesis, history and Haeckel's diagrams This week we have two correspondents. BF from Canada makes the common mistake that Genesis, if taken as a polemic against pagan gods, is not meant to be history, as CMI's Dr Jonathan Sarfati shows. BG from Australia informs us that Haeckel's embryos, which were shown to be fraudulent over 100 years ago, are still used to teach evolution in universities today. CMI's Dr David Catchpoole responds. creation.com April 2002 Discover magazine said (as we cited in The Universe is nothingness! The latest cosmological wild 'guess'?!: The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing—zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nowhere. How is that possible? Ask Alan Guth. His theory of inflation helps explain everything. The Universe is nothingness! creation.com Creation / Evolution Video Play Lists www.warneveryone.com
- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 232
- author: Dave Flang
Rebutting Brad Harrub: Haeckel's Embryo Fraud
Ernst Haeckel was an amazing scientist at a crucial time in the history of biology. The le...
published: 11 Oct 2012
author: C0nc0rdance
Rebutting Brad Harrub: Haeckel's Embryo Fraud
Ernst Haeckel was an amazing scientist at a crucial time in the history of biology. The legend of his fraud is largely manufactured. His work reflected a certain ignorance of comparative embryology, and he probably skewed his illustrations to demonstrate his own theory, the biogenic (or "biogenetic") law. There is no evidence he was every convicted of fraud, he was not "kicked out" of the University of Jena, and all of Dr. Brad Harrub's assertions are based on poor research and factually false claims made by creationist author Jonathan Wells in his book "Icons of Evolution". So, let's be clear on something that is often confused. 1. Haeckel's illustrations were an attempt to prove his own biogenic law, not evolution. 2. Comparative embryology, the similarities between tissues during development, show the same branching pattern that is seen in phylogenetics. That is, closely related organisms show very similar stages of development. THIS is the actual evidence for evolution to be taken from pictures of embryos found in textbooks. Evolution of development ("evo-devo") has been one of the most productive areas of biology of the last two decades. Arguing that Haeckel's failure to prove his biogenetic law somehow affects the value of comparative embryology to demonstrate evolutionary relatedness is just false. My apologies for the bad camera work. This was mid-way through the talk, and the seats were very uncomfortable. The "jiggling" was me adjusting my position and having to ...
- published: 11 Oct 2012
- views: 8558
- author: C0nc0rdance
Youtube results:
Berggasse 7, 07745 Jena. Einlasszeiten: Dienstag bis Freitag 10:00, 11:30, 14:00 und 15:30...
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: JenaTipps
Berggasse 7, 07745 Jena. Einlasszeiten: Dienstag bis Freitag 10:00, 11:30, 14:00 und 15:30 Uhr
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 768
- author: JenaTipps
Fractals meet Haeckel`s "art forms of nature"- insights into a parallel universe 13
Fractals meet Haeckel`s "Art forms of nature" ("Kunstformen der Natur") Fractal artworks o...
published: 29 Jan 2011
author: peterludwigwegener
Fractals meet Haeckel`s "art forms of nature"- insights into a parallel universe 13
Fractals meet Haeckel`s "Art forms of nature" ("Kunstformen der Natur") Fractal artworks of Peter Ludwig Wegener(rtficial) are transformed by morphing into Ernst Haeckels "art forms of nature". Ernst Haeckel(1834-1919) was an eminent German biologist, naturalist, philosopher, physician, professor and artist who discovered, described and named thousands of new species. Haeckel promoted and popularized Charles Darwin`s work in Germany. The published artwork of Haeckel includes over 100 detailed illustrations of animals and sea creatures("Kunstformen der Natur", Art forms of nature").
- published: 29 Jan 2011
- views: 2893
- author: peterludwigwegener
Art and Science 01 - I would like to hear you
Ernst Haeckel...
published: 12 Jun 2009
author: yanghaiying
Art and Science 01 - I would like to hear you
Ernst Haeckel
- published: 12 Jun 2009
- views: 1274
- author: yanghaiying
Yoyoy Villame- Philippine Geography (Ernst Haeckel Drawings)
This video is intended for students to enhance the memorization of names of Philippine pro...
published: 06 Jul 2011
author: MiraCulAko
Yoyoy Villame- Philippine Geography (Ernst Haeckel Drawings)
This video is intended for students to enhance the memorization of names of Philippine provinces. The images are provided for added retention and dimension to complete the mental processes.
- published: 06 Jul 2011
- views: 300
- author: MiraCulAko