- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 711
- author: Suosh

Steps / Rated X (Kakuei Tanaka Mix)
田中角栄の演説 BGM: Cecil Taylor - Steps Miles Davis - Rated X....
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: Suosh
Steps / Rated X (Kakuei Tanaka Mix)
Steps / Rated X (Kakuei Tanaka Mix)
田中角栄の演説 BGM: Cecil Taylor - Steps Miles Davis - Rated X.- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 711
- author: Suosh

2013 ピアノ発表会 スケーターズ・ワルツ 愛美
2回目の発表会です。 曲名 「スケーターズ・ワルツ」...
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: kakuei tanaka
2013 ピアノ発表会 スケーターズ・ワルツ 愛美
2013 ピアノ発表会 スケーターズ・ワルツ 愛美
2回目の発表会です。 曲名 「スケーターズ・ワルツ」- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 472
- author: kakuei tanaka

2012年 ピアノ発表会 ちさいの世界 愛美
2012年 ピアノ発表会 愛美 「ちさいの世界」 4歳 デビューです....
published: 28 Apr 2013
author: kakuei tanaka
2012年 ピアノ発表会 ちさいの世界 愛美
2012年 ピアノ発表会 ちさいの世界 愛美
2012年 ピアノ発表会 愛美 「ちさいの世界」 4歳 デビューです.- published: 28 Apr 2013
- views: 86
- author: kakuei tanaka

For the people and goverment of China!!!
In stead of Japanese politician and prime minister,I must say apology for the China. I am ...
published: 18 Feb 2011
author: hiroyukiohn
For the people and goverment of China!!!
For the people and goverment of China!!!
In stead of Japanese politician and prime minister,I must say apology for the China. I am sorry.Japanese aggression of China in WWⅡ was wrong. So help my bus...- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 268
- author: hiroyukiohn

American Japanese Language School (Rahmens) -- Subtitled
This a performance from the Japanese comedy group ラーメンズ (Rahmens), performing one of their...
published: 25 Jul 2010
author: IJethrobot
American Japanese Language School (Rahmens) -- Subtitled
American Japanese Language School (Rahmens) -- Subtitled
This a performance from the Japanese comedy group ラーメンズ (Rahmens), performing one of their many skits on Japanese language being taught by foreigners. This o...- published: 25 Jul 2010
- views: 23494
- author: IJethrobot

Japan China Diaoyu Islands 2012 News
Shelving the disputes is still the best way to solve the ongoing territorial dispute with ...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Japan China Diaoyu Islands 2012 News
Japan China Diaoyu Islands 2012 News
Shelving the disputes is still the best way to solve the ongoing territorial dispute with China said Ukeru Magosaki a former senior Japanese diplomat Saturday. Mr. Magosaki made the remarks in an interview with CCTV in Tokyo. In my opinion the common consensus of shelving disputes was both reached when Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai met Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka in 1972 and Chinese Vice Prime Minister Deng Xiaoping met Japanese Foreign Minister Sonoda Sunao in 1978. Serving as the former chief of the Japanese Foreign Ministry s international intelligence bureau I had access to all kinds of diplomatic intelligence and my understanding over this is not wrong said Ukeru Magosaki. Mr. Magosaki once served as chief of the Japanese Foreign Ministry s international intelligence bureau and former ambassador to Iran and Uzbekistan. As a senior diplomat Mr. Magosaki criticized Japanese government s so-called nationalization of China s Diaoyu Islands. And according to Magosaki there are certain purposes behind the Japanese government - to expand Japan s military build-up. With the disputes over Diaoyu Islands in place Japan can fortify its military build-up for example purchasing the F-35 and increasing the number of Aegis warships and so on. The U.S military hopes so some Japanese also want to see this added Ukeru Magosaki. Mr. Magoaki also criticized certain Japanese politicians sensationalization over Diaoyu Islands. Availing nationalism to hype up the territorial disputes can attract more attention on the politicians. The political figure showing a strong stand over the territorial issue appears to have more chrisma. But it s very dangerous which can easily lead to armed conflicts even war. So as a politician they should avoid this and put aside the personal and party interests think the overall situation and what should to do. That s what a politician should do said Mr. Magoaki. According to Mr. Magoaki Japan s future lies in Asia and Japan should divert its focus from America to Asia. Japan needs to join hands with China to build up a more prosperous future. More downloads available at httpnewscontent.cctv.com Copyright CCTV For any questions please call 86-10-63969499 or email newscontentcctv.com -ltmailtonewscontentcctv.com-gt. If you want to learn more please go to the CCTV website at -lthttpnewscontent.cctv.com-gt.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 0

Kakuei & Hibiki Free Session
パチカ生みの親であり、パチカマンとして知られるカクエイさん。 OVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDのパーカッションを担当されてます。 LIVE後の駐車場で...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: Hibiki Tanabe
Kakuei & Hibiki Free Session
Kakuei & Hibiki Free Session
パチカ生みの親であり、パチカマンとして知られるカクエイさん。 OVERGROUND ACOUSTIC UNDERGROUNDのパーカッションを担当されてます。 LIVE後の駐車場で初めて出会えたのですが、好きモノ同士すぐさまセッションさせてもらいました。 何の打ち合わせもなし、にここまで付き合ってもらえて嬉しい限...- published: 22 Dec 2010
- views: 2156
- author: Hibiki Tanabe

【雪が降っても大丈夫!】屋根付き「田中角栄」銅像 浦佐駅前 Urasa Station
上越新幹線・上越線の浦佐駅。東口駅前広場に建つ「田中角栄」銅像。屋根付きなので、雪が降っても積もらないようになっています。 Jōetsu Shinkansen&J;ōetsu Lin...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: yukikazeyochan
【雪が降っても大丈夫!】屋根付き「田中角栄」銅像 浦佐駅前 Urasa Station
【雪が降っても大丈夫!】屋根付き「田中角栄」銅像 浦佐駅前 Urasa Station
上越新幹線・上越線の浦佐駅。東口駅前広場に建つ「田中角栄」銅像。屋根付きなので、雪が降っても積もらないようになっています。 Jōetsu Shinkansen&J;ōetsu Line,Urasa Station.station square(east exit)."Kakuei Tanaka"Bronze scu...- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 1054
- author: yukikazeyochan

The international relationship in East Asia Japan :China warns YOU over military exercises
China and Japan, the world's second and third largest economies, do not get along. Increas...
published: 01 Nov 2013
The international relationship in East Asia Japan :China warns YOU over military exercises
The international relationship in East Asia Japan :China warns YOU over military exercises
China and Japan, the world's second and third largest economies, do not get along. Increasingly noisy nationalist movements in both countries seem to consider the other country their ancient enemy, with citizens leading sometimes violent anti-Japanese or anti-Chinese protests and national leaders, including the heads of state, promoting confrontation over diplomacy. The two most recent conflict points are a string of tiny, disputed islands, called the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, to which both countries have sent increasingly belligerent naval patrols, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's hints that he might partially retract Japan's official apologies for its World War II-era abuses in Asia. These conflicts can often look like just the most recent manifestations of an ancient and sometimes vicious rivalry. And this is often the view in those countries themselves. As Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said during a recent visit to India, "For the past 1,500 years and more, there has never been a history when our relations with China went extremely smoothly." That's what Ian Buruma, a highly respected historian who focuses on Asia (and who wrote "Inventing Japan: 1853-1964," a great book about modern Japan), argues in an essay for the Wall Street Journal. "On the surface, the dispute is about history," Buruma writes. "In fact, it is more about politics, domestic and international, revealing the tangled relations in a region where history is frequently manipulated for political ends." It turns out that even China's communist-era founder, Mao Zedong, had pretty smooth relations with Japan. The conflict, in other words, is much, much more recent than you might think. Here's Buruma with a surprising story from Mao's era, when things seemed downright jovial: When Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited Beijing in 1972 to restore Japan's relations with China, a country that had been devastated by Japanese military aggression in the 1930s and '40s, his host Mao Zedong allowed himself a moment of levity. Responding to Tanaka's apology for what Japan had done during the war, Mao answered that there was absolutely no need to apologize. After all, he said, without the Japanese invasion, the Communist revolution would never have succeeded. Secure in his nationalist credentials, as the leader who unified China, Mao could afford this little joke, which also happened to be the truth. Such a remark would be unimaginable for any of the technocrats who rule China today. Maoism can no longer justify the Communist Party's monopoly on power, since few Chinese believe in any kind of Communism. Nationalism is now the dominant ideology, and the rulers have to prove their mettle, especially toward Japan. This need is particularly acute when a new leader takes power. The latest party boss, Xi Jinping, needs to show people, not least the military brass, that he is in charge. In other words, because Chinese isn't really Maoist or Marxist anymore, the country had to find a new ideology, a new way to legitimate the Communist Party's rule. That ideology is nationalism, but nationalism requires an "other," a foreign country to galvanize patriotism and against which to define national identity. And Japan has still not fully recovered its own national identity, which was once sternly nationalist but was outright destroyed when the country lost World War II. The country's struggle to reinvent itself, ongoing for 60 years now, includes a major dilemma about whether or not Japan gets to be a real world power again. This internal tension between "the need to act like a major power while still being deferential to American interests," as Buruma puts it, has sometimes led the country's leaders to embrace nationalism as a way to compensate for the embarrassing reliance on the United States. Buruma argues that the only way to return stability to East Asia is for the United States to withdraw from Japan and allow the country greater independence. Maybe he's right, but if the United States really leaves Japan on its own at a time when the country's power is declining and China's is rising, that will force Tokyo to make a very difficult choice: Japan could rearm, maybe even develop nuclear weapons so that it will be strong enough to balance against China. Members of the foreign policy "realist" school warn that this could lead to a potentially dangerous China-Japan arms race. Or Japan could choose to "bandwagon" with China rather than competing with it, thus turning it back against the United States. This would potentially transform the balance of power in East Asia, making China rather the United States the dominant power, something that could have enormous knock-on effects in the region, for example on the Korean peninsula, with South Korea suddenly isolated among its neighbors. That's a worst-case hypothetical, but it's exactly the sort of scenario that the Obama administration is seeking to avoid with its "pivot to Asia."- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 341

田中角栄 vs Jack Nicklaus ゴルフ 中嶋常幸cm付
田中角栄元首相とジャック・ニクラスのゴルフプレーです。 中嶋常幸の珍しい缶コーヒーのcmもどうぞご覧ください。 It is a golf play of Prime Ministe...
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: kwtk6636
田中角栄 vs Jack Nicklaus ゴルフ 中嶋常幸cm付
田中角栄 vs Jack Nicklaus ゴルフ 中嶋常幸cm付
田中角栄元首相とジャック・ニクラスのゴルフプレーです。 中嶋常幸の珍しい缶コーヒーのcmもどうぞご覧ください。 It is a golf play of Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka and Jack William Nicklaus . And there are also comm...- published: 14 Jan 2009
- views: 16254
- author: kwtk6636

Rea Silvia di Marco Travaglio 24 agosto 2013
Rea Silvia
di Marco Travaglio
Da tre settimane le gazzette s'interrogano
ansiose e lacrima...
published: 24 Aug 2013
Rea Silvia di Marco Travaglio 24 agosto 2013
Rea Silvia di Marco Travaglio 24 agosto 2013
Rea Silvia di Marco Travaglio Da tre settimane le gazzette s'interrogano ansiose e lacrimanti su che cosa faccia tutto il giorno il noto delinquente barricato nel bunker di Arcore. Noi, grazie alle nostre aderenze nel suo entourage, siamo in grado di svelare l'arcano. Non è vero, come insinua la stampa comunista, che l'illustre pregiudicato passi il tempo a picchiare la testa contro il palo della lap dance rimpiangendo i bei tempi andati e rimuginando sulle possibili vie di fuga. Anche le convocazioni dei giuristi di corte (celebre il sequestro dell'avvocato Coppi, prelevato da una spiaggia di San Benedetto del Tronto e caricato a forza su un elicottero destinazione Brianza) per compulsare le varie opzioni finalizzate all'agibilità politica -- amnistia, indulto, grazia, commutazione della pena, domiciliari, servizi sociali, ripristinare l'immunità retroattiva, impugnare la legge Severino alla Consulta perché retroattiva, riscrivere la legge Severino, fottersene della legge Severino, rinviare sine die il voto in giunta, revisione della sentenza di Cassazione, quarto grado di giudizio alla Corte di Strasburgo, dossierare Esposito, ricattare Napolitano, rammentare a Enrico Letta il suo albero genealogico, chiamare D'Alema, provare con Violante, fuggire all'estero, appellarsi con videomessaggio alla Nazione, tenere un discorso in Senato come Craxi alla Camera, bombardare il Senato, richiamare gli amici di Palermo, lima nella torta, lenzuolo annodato, suicidio -- sono soltanto fumo negli occhi. Ben altra è la strategia vincente, che richiede però massima discrezione e lunga preparazione. Non a caso i fedelissimi -- come riassume l'Espress o -- sono impegnati da giorni a paragonare B. ai grandi condannati e/o detenuti della storia: "Mandela" (copyright Minzolini), "D'Artagnan" (Quagliariello), "Yulia Tymoshenko" (Santanchè), "Pasolini" (Sgarbi), "Pertini" (Barani), "Juan Domingo Peròn, Kakuei Tanaka, Thaksin Shinawatra, Nelson Mandela, Yulia Tymoshenko, Aung San Suu Kyi" (Libero ), "Aldo Moro" (Rotondi), "Dante Alighieri, Silvio Pellico, Enzo Tortora, Alfred Dreyfuss, Giovannino Guareschi" (Il Giornale), "Gandhi, Tymoshenko, Mandela, Erdogan, Havel, Giulio Cesare, i partigiani" (L'Esercito di Silvio), "Socrate" (Susy De Martini), "Galileo Galilei" (ri-Barani), "Che Guevara" (Amicone), "Adriano Sofri" (Italia Oggi), "Valentino Rossi" (Lara Comi), "Gramsci" (Paolo Guzzanti), "unico Dio" (Antonio Razzi), "Gesù Cristo" (ri-Rotondi e Alfano). Le inutili e pretestuose ironie che hanno accompagnato gli illustri accostamenti non ne colgono la portata strategica, anche se qualche perplessità avrebbero suscitato nel Cainano gli apparentamenti col partigiano rosso sangue Francesco Moranino, condannato per 7 omicidi e poi graziato da Saragat, e con i criminali nazifascisti e ciellenisti amnistiati da Togliatti, evocati rispettivamente dal senatore Lucio Malan e dal ministro Mario Mauro. Ma ormai la strada è segnata, gli indugi sono rotti, il dado è tratto. Segue a pag. articolo troppo lungo - YuoTube non lo carica l'articolo integrale su http://intoccabili.wordpress.com/2013/08/24/rea-silvia-leditoriale-di-marco-travaglio/- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 390

DERS Türk Japon Tarihi Türkiye Japonya İlişkileri Türkler Ve Japonların Dünü Bugünü
HEM ÖĞREN HEM ÇOCUĞUNA ÖĞRET Aykut İlter Aykut Öğretmen Türk - Japon ilişkileri tarihi 187...
published: 02 Aug 2013
author: Aykut ilter
DERS Türk Japon Tarihi Türkiye Japonya İlişkileri Türkler Ve Japonların Dünü Bugünü
DERS Türk Japon Tarihi Türkiye Japonya İlişkileri Türkler Ve Japonların Dünü Bugünü
HEM ÖĞREN HEM ÇOCUĞUNA ÖĞRET Aykut İlter Aykut Öğretmen Türk - Japon ilişkileri tarihi 1873'te Japonya birinci kâtibi Fukuchi Genichiro İstanbul'a geldi. Abd...- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 25
- author: Aykut ilter

Dragan Malesevic Tapi - D. M. Tapi (1949-2002)
Dragan Malesevic Tapi was born in Belgrade in 1949. In his early youth, he started paintin...
published: 02 May 2013
author: brancilo mijatovic
Dragan Malesevic Tapi - D. M. Tapi (1949-2002)
Dragan Malesevic Tapi - D. M. Tapi (1949-2002)
Dragan Malesevic Tapi was born in Belgrade in 1949. In his early youth, he started painting as an autodidact. His painting career began when he was seven yea...- published: 02 May 2013
- views: 281
- author: brancilo mijatovic
Youtube results: