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How Your Money Works
How do you think your money works for you?
Green City Energy and Musclebeaver give you the...
published: 26 Feb 2010
How Your Money Works
How do you think your money works for you?
Green City Energy and Musclebeaver give you the answer in this animation.
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year: 2010
Festivals and Awards:
bitfilm Award 2010
HAFF - Holland Animation Film Festival 2010 (Utrecht - Netherlands)
FutureShorts Festival 2010 (Berlin, Hamburg - Germany)
Fusion 2010 (Laerz - Germany)
Kinofest Bucharest 2010 (Bucharest - Romania)
IAF.6 - Istanbul Animation Festival 2010 (Istanbul - Turkey)
Afca - National Animation Film Festival 2010 (Bruz - France)
SF Green Film Festival 2011 (San Francisco - USA)
Shorts Attack! 2011 (Munich - Germany)
Citrus Cell - Animation film Festival 2011 (Jacksonville, FL. - USA)
Pictoplasma Festival 2011 (Berlin - Germany)
AniFest 2011 (Praha - Czech Republic)
Anima Mundi 2011 - International Animation Festival of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo - Brazil)
FILE 2011 - Electronic Language International Festival (Sao Paulo - Brazil)
LIAF - London International Animation Festival 2011 (London - UK)

Copia A (3D animated short film by Trexel Animation)
Copia A is the second short film produced by Trexel Animation.
Website: http://www.trexe...
published: 18 Nov 2010
Author: Trexel Animation
Copia A (3D animated short film by Trexel Animation)
Copia A is the second short film produced by Trexel Animation.
This film was made independently and without any budget in the free time available during the studio´s commercial projects.
Tells the adventures and misfortunes of Demódoco, a projectionist, who discovers by chance a one-of-a-kind way to get pleasure. However, abusing it leads to risky consequences.
Technical data:
Script, design and direction: Gervasio Rodríguez Traverso & Pablo Alberto Díaz.
Original soundtrack: Bernardo Francese & Fernando Chiesa.
Animation: Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso, Pablo A. Díaz y Nicolás Broner.
Sound: Bernardo Francese, Fernando Chiesa, Juan Elías y Anibal Tonianez.
Screenings and awards to date:
- Red Stick International Animation Festival (USA) - Best of the Fest Finalist (Animated Short Film - Professional category)
- ArtFutura 2010 (Argentina) - "Caras y Caretas" award for Best Animated Short Film
- Concurso Caloi en su Tinta, Argentina en Annecy 2010 (Argentina) - Third prize
- 12º BAFICI (Argentina) - Baficito programme
- Annecy 2010 (France) - A tribute to argentinean animation programme
- Curta-SE 10 (Brazil) - Best Animation, video section
- UNICA 2010 (Switzerland) - Silver Medal Award
- FIA 2010 (Uruguay) - Best Animated Short Film & Jury Grand Prize
- 32º UNCIPAR (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- Anim´est 2010 (Romania) - Official competition
- 10º MIAF (Australia) - Panorama programme
- 15º Ourense International Film Festival (Spain) - Official competition
- Concurso Loop 2009 (Colombia) - Honorable Mention, 3D section
- 1º Concurso Quiero Animarte (Argentina) - First Prize
- 6º MARFICI (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- 4º FICO (Argentina) - Best Animation & Best Soundtrack
- 4º Cubanima (Cuba) - Official competition
- 6º Al Extremo Cortos (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- 2º A-Tube (Italy) - Official competition
- 10º Cine a la Calle (Colombia) - Official competition
- Manlleu Short Film Festival (Spain) - Official competition
- Ocular Animat (Spain) - Official competition
- 7º Escobar de Película (Argentina) - Best Animation & Grand Prize Escobar de Película 2010
- 2º Mirada Oeste (Argentina) - Official competition
- 7º Tandil Cortos (Argentina) - Third Prize
- 6º Festival Internacional de Cine de Monterrey (Mexico) - Official competition
- 3º Maipú Cortos (Argentina) - Official competition
- Mirada en Cortos 4 (Argentina) - Best Animation
- I´ve Seen Films 2010 (Italy)- Official competition
- Cortala! 2010 (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- Pizza, Birra y Cortos 5 (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- San Pedro Cortos 2010 (Argentina) - First Prize
- XI Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (Argentina) - Honorable Mention
- 3º Festival Internacional de Cine de Gualeguaychú (Argentina) - Best Animation Direction
- Infinit International Film Fest (Uruguay) – Best Animation
- 7º Festival Internacional Cine/Corto Tapiales (Argentina) - Best Animation
- Festlatino Buenos Aires 2010 (Argentina) – Best Animation
- Dragon Award For New Talent (Sweden) – Second Runner Up
- 8º International Festival of Animation Arts Multivision (Russia) - Official competition
- Children´s Film Festival Seattle 2011 (USA) - Official competition
- Concurso Nacional de Cine y Video de Cipolletti (Argentina) – Best Animation
- Expotoons 2010 (Argentina) - Official competition
- Cineseptiembre (Mexico) - Official competition
- Animec (Ecuador) – Honorable Mention
- 7º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes del Cusco FENACO (Peru) - Official competition
- Clare Valley Film Festival 2011 (Australia) - Official selection
- 9º Festival Internacional de Cine Digital (Chile) - Official competition
- Citrus Cel Animation Film Festival (USA) - Official competition
- Cortoons 2011 (Italy) - Official competition
- 12th Amateur and Independent Cinema Festiwal KAN 2011 (Poland) - Official competition
- 1º Festival de Cine Independiente de Cosquín (Argentina) - Official competition
- XI Festival de Cine Lanzarote (Spain) - Official competition
- 2º Semana Internacional del Corto (Bolivia) - Best Animation
- Fondo Nacional de la Artes “Premio Alberto Fischerman” (Argentina) – Second Prize
- 18º Cinesul (Brazil) - Official competition
- 7º Fantaspoa (Brazil) - Official competition
- 8º Oberá en Cortos (Argentina) - Official competition
- Ojo al Piojo (Argentina) - Official competition
- XII Festival Fantosfreak (Spain) - Official competition
Co - Director´s biography:
Gervasio Rodriguez Traverso and Pablo A. Díaz started working as a team while studying Image & Sound Design at Buenos Aires University (UBA), where they took classes with Rodolfo Saenz Valiente, full professor and head of the Animation Department.
In 2003 they finished “SuperBot”, their first animated short film.
In 2004 they founded Trexel Animation, a studio dedicated to the production o

Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a ...
published: 08 Sep 2010
Author: soonaspossible
Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a baby calf is the song of chicken fried with batter,
the long red and white picnic tablecloth is finer than the finest lady’s legs, the finest thing there is to embark upon a heaping bowl of coleslaw,
shrimp from the gulf coast are delicious, gushing with wine as if feeling,
like honey mussels, in Redmond or Olympia, harvested by fishwives, in the seaweed,
and the glory of banjos in Baton Rouge, their juices course through them like
ageless autumn lemons,
like mom's fragrant pot pie, chocked full of juicy stew, widens the gullet,
and, baked, cries out blooming peach tree blossoms.
What would you say to some barbecue ribs, burning hot
grilled on a charcoal fire in June on the banks of a man made lake,
pines or cedar trees that sum up the dramatic atmosphere of a
damp sunset at Lake Lanier or Stone Mountain,
or to a clam chowder, whose name is inextricably related to Manhattan or
Rhode Island or New England?
No, you hunt quail and you grill it, just like you hear honky-tonk or stars and stripes
at the feet of Mount Rushmore, and fried catfish along the Chattahoochee
where it leaps into the sacred sizzling skillet, superbly fine
river fish, makes fishing boats rich while the sisters Lee,
as if in pain, sweat what's human and divine on the grand antique family fiddle.
Tremendous turkeys that smell like summer, almost human, autumn shades of
walnut or chestnut, I eat them everywhere, and in D.C. I kiss them,
like the vats where barley sighs like the prettiest girl in Jersey
raising her skirt underneath the lights of the big apple, same
as the roof off of a block party with streamers and flags where we drink in red plastic cups
a substantial whiskey and beer,
or the love mattress, upon which we set sail and sighing face each other and
the night’s tremendous oceans, into whose horrible darkness,
black and tenacious flows the bloody calla lily,
or the teardrop that falls in our moths as we joyfully sing.
Napa Valley wine is enormous and dark in the California sunset, and when
it's in your blood, nostalgia
and the apology to heroism sing in the wheels of spurs to
the beast’s hide, dancing to the fundamental tune of backwater rapids
against the frothy red glare.
Nicely aged bourbon bellows in its cellars like a great sacred cow,
and St. Louis will be golden, like a rib-eye on the grill, all over
the bloodied paths towards Oklahoma, autumn's
guitar will weep like a soldier's widow,
and we'll remember everything we didn’t do and could have and
should have and wanted to, like a madman
staring down a town's abandoned well,
watching, ear shattering, the engines of youth rev down dawn's
wide gust
crumbling like memories in the abyss.
The saddle glows all across the Midwest, mountain range to mountain range, booming like a great combine with its 20 foot span, booming
like a cow auctioneer or a righteous pastor or tornado season,
lasso raised up against the sky
on top of a guffaw, a hyuck or a yeehaw, splashed with sun and hard work, where manure perfumes dung heaps like a domestic god, with tremendous balls like a widow.
A mighty log cabin with its open yard, apple trees, front porch
scented with remote antiquity,
where the bootlegger and his still would sing, drop by drop, a sense of eternity into
the water, recalling old ancestors with its tremulous pendulum,
exists, same as in Madison as in Franklin or Fairview or Springfield,
although it’s the little town of Hodgenville Kentucky that most proudly proclaims the wooden troughs or pig iron pots, wide open spaces, the Appalachians, the original wild west, civil war and emancipation, in little log cabins,
from Tennessee to Ohio, who express it proudly in tremendous language, eating ears of pigs eating ears of corn.
Because, if it's necessary to stuff yourself with hot dogs in a Detroit Coney before dying,
on a rainy day, blessed with a strawberry milkshake from fresh upstate dairy, and smoke, bathing in conversation, friends and the munchies, launching yourself into terrible leaps and bounds, blubbering, savoring the booming chili in spoonfuls and fries,
it's also necessary to get your meat from the Kansas City stockyards in March, when the pigs
look like televangelists and the televangelists look like swine or hippopotamus,
and wash the food down with some fiery sips from a short glass,
yes... in Dallas or Fort Worth the corn tortillas look like the local ladies: wide white waists and sleepy half moon eyes, since, ticklish and cuddly,
they turn their faces, and let themselves be kissed, unendingly on either end.
And the chit'lins, swimming and searing in broth and tabasco, and the cornbread that moaned in broiling bacon fat, is blessed where thunder rolls in wide whips, along the Mississippi,between one drink and the next,
but it never surpasses a gamy partridge, savored in the dry underbrush of July,
in t

by Overture
music: Bless by KiraKira from her album Our Map to the Monster Olympics
An old...
published: 03 Mar 2010
Author: Overture
by Overture
music: Bless by KiraKira from her album Our Map to the Monster Olympics
An old man confronts his fears, traveling across a personal landscape to realize and accept his path.
☆Vimeo Award Nomination, Music Video category
Sapporo International Short Film Festival 2012
Salt Lake City Film Festival 2011
Citrus Cel Animation Film Festival 2011
International Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart 2011
Animated Dreams 2011
MECAL International Short Film Festival 2011
Krakow International Film Festival 2010
Melbourne International Animation Festival 2010
Vimeo Festival and Awards 2010
Pictoplasma 2010 Psychedelic Midnight Mix
Green Design Festival 2010
KLIK! Festival 2010
SPORE Incident 2010
Youtube results: